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In Geography, pupils develop their knowledge of different places, people, cultures, natural environments and human settlements. Pupils are encouraged to explore their topics through real-life experience, research and discussion, and through ongoing activities such as map-reading and field work. The children regularly take part in organised educational visits to help develop their geographical understanding of their local area, the UK and the wider world. 

Click here for the National Curriculum for Geography: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-curriculum-in-england-geography-programmes-of-study 

Geography at Livingstone:

In the Early Years Foundation Stage and Year 1, children engage in weekly Forest School activities using our own pond and wildlife area as well as visiting the local parks and woodlands.  Year 2 learn all about Transport within our local area; explore the extreme environments of the Polar Regions; and, in summer, enjoy a wonderful day at the seaside learning all about the coastal environment.  In Year 3, focus turns to the Hilly and Mountainous areas of the UK and beyond; and this theme extends in Year 4 to the exciting topic of Earthquakes and Volcanoes - always a favourite!  In Year 5, children learn all about Rivers and Water Systems and, in Year 6, attention turns to South America and the Rainforest.  Geographical skills including map-reading, field work skills and independent research develops as the children progress in their Geographical studies.

Livingstone has been awarded both the Bronze and the Silver 'Primary Geography Quality Mark' through the Geographical Association which demonstrates our commitment to the teaching and learning of Geography across the whole school.

Curriculum Overview




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