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Contact Us

Office Telephone: 0208 449 2592

Extended services 3:15-5:45pm:  07960263145

Email: office@livingstone.barnetmail.net

Head Teacher: Giovanna Phelan

SENCos: Lisa Nicholson/Anna Ferdenzi

School Secretary: Sue Baldwin

Site Manager: Stuart Sudbury

Chairman of the Govenors: Clive Partridge

3 key words reference: https://what3words.com/silk.ocean.courier

Queries from parents and other members of the public can be directed to the school secretary or the headteacher.


Online Enquiries

If you have a particular compliment or concern you would like to draw our attention to, please feel free to do so via our feedback form below.

If you would like to request a paper copy of information on our school website, please do not hesitate to send us an email or give Mrs Baldwin a call.


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