Meet the Governors

Clive Partridge, Chair of Governors
I graduated in 1981 from Cambridge University with 1st class honours in Computer Science and Engineering. Following a long career with an Enfield based technology company where I spent more than 20 years as a board member, I am now retired.
I have been Chair of Governors at Livingstone for over twenty years, having become a governor when my son attended Livingstone many years ago - and he is now one of the school's music teachers.
I am a passionate believer in Livingstone's work to deliver high-quality education with a broad curriculum in a safe and supportive environment for children from all backgrounds across our community.
I chair the Personnel Committee and am a member of the Finance and Premises Committee. I am also Chair of trustees at EdAct, a multi-academy school trust based in Edmonton.
Giovanna Phelan, Head Teacher
I have been Headteacher of Livingstone School since 2011. Before taking up this post, I worked as a class teacher in a school for children with moderate learning difficulties, a Special Educational Needs Coordinator, and a Deputy Headteacher and Inclusion Manager at various schools in Barnet.
I have a BA (Hons) Degree in English and French and a PGCE in Primary Education. I also have a Diploma in Special Education (Distinction) awarded in 2004, and I completed the NPQH in 2008.
My vision is of a fully inclusive school which meets the needs of the whole learning community and drives up standards for pupils of all abilities.
I am a member of the Personnel Committee, the Curriculum Committee, the Welfare Committee and the Finance and Premises Committee.

Rob Madle, Co-opted Governor
I am the Deputy Headteacher at Livingstone. I have a KS2/3 Teaching Degree with a specialism in English. I have been teaching since 2000 and have been at Livingstone since 2006. In that time I have taught in KS1 and KS2 but I am most likely to be found in Year 6.
I am committed to valuing each child’s qualities, experiences and culture and to setting high standards in helping each child reaching their own potential. I seek to meet the needs of all children and draw on a variety of approaches, trying to be as creative as possible to ensure the best outcomes for all. I am a firm believer in the need to inspire in children the love of learning and provide them with a rich range of experiences and opportunities. I have always prioritised the need to see children as distinct individuals with their own strengths and capabilities who learn and develop at different rates and in varying ways.
I am a member of the Curriculum Committee, the Welfare Committee and the Finance and Premises Committee.
Sally Gentle, Vice-Chair
I have been a governor at Livingstone since 2005, starting as a parent governor.
I believe that Livingstone is a wonderful school and using my commitment, enthusiasm, tenacity and analytical mind I want to help to shape the management of the school so that every child can achieve their potential and be excited about the possibilities that are available to them.
I am a member of the Welfare Committee, the Curriculum Committee and the Personnel Committee.

Lee Shea, Co-opted Governor
I am an Operational Manager with London Underground, with whom I have been for the past twenty years, although I originally studied Mechanical Engineering within the Aerospace Industry by way of an apprenticeship. I believe that by working within these two very different industries I have been able to gain extensive and valuable expertise on a wealth of topics that can be transposed to the benefit of our school.
I live in East Barnet and have been a governor at Livingstone for over 10 years, firstly as a parent from when my son attended Livingstone, and now currently as a Co-opted Governor.
I am the Chair of the Finance and Premises Committee, and also sit on the Personnel, Welfare and Curriculum Committees. I am also the designated Governor for Safeguarding, as well as taking responsibility for both Special Educational Needs and Health and Safety.
Oliver Scott, Parent Governor
I am a financial services accountant, managing the global treasury and regulatory functions of a large trading company.
I have been a parent governor since January 2023 and have two sons at the school. I am passionate about ensuring the children at Livingstone have the opportunities and support needed to help them raise their aspirations and fulfill their potential and am keen to help however I can to allow the staff at Livingstone to continue the amazing work they are doing and to help ensure the school remains a place where children are excited to attend.
I am a member of the Finance and Curriculum Committees, taking particular responsibility for modern foreign languages (MFL).
Stefan Bach, Parent Governor
As the dad of two kids at Livingstone, I've seen the exceptional environment this school provides. I want to give something back to the school and have been a parent governor since January 2022.
In my day job, I work as a Software Engineer; so I'm always happy to have a deeper look at IT topics. Outside work, I've been a “resident director” of an estate with 280 flats for over a decade, which involves quite a bit of looking at budgets and scrutinising accounts. And besides all the technical bits, I am passionate about giving all children equal opportunities, no matter their background.
Joanna Chadwick, Local Authority Governor
Hello, my name is Jo Chadwick. I am a local resident and passionate about supporting my local school that has been going from strength to strength in these tumultuous times in education!
I am an Assistant Head at a large Haringey Secondary school. I am in charge of KS3 so do all the transition work from primary to secondary school. I am also a designated safeguarding lead, so have the remit of keeping students safe.
I was appointed governor in 2017 and enjoy working with all the members of the community to support the progress and development of our wonderful school.
I am a member of the Curriculum Committee.
Maria Stephens, Staff Governor
I am a Level 3 Teaching Assistant and Assistant Site Manager at the school. I have worked at the school for 27 years under three separate Headteachers. My son attended the school so I have had a connection with the school for 33 years.
Over the years, I have seen the expansion of the school premises and the development of the Kingfisher Provision. I started off as a mealtime supervisor when my son attended the school. Then I became a teaching assistant. I have had experience of working in every single year group. I now work in the Kingfisher provision.
I also have vast experience of covering the main office and the medical room as well as being a prominent member of the PTA.
I am currently on the Welfare, Curriculum and Finance and Premises Committees.

Chris Ward, Co-opted Governor
I have two children, a daughter and a son who have has successfully transitioned from Livingstone to secondary school. They have each greatly benefited from their Livingstone experiences, growing in confidence both academically and socially.
I was initially appointed a parent governor in 2009 and I am pleased to contribute towards ensuring the ethos of achievement and personal development continues to be at the heart of our whole school approach. Every Livingstone child has their own individual experience but they are all given the opportunities they need to reach their potential.
My involvement with the school has enabled me to see the school from many different angles and I know that it is filled in every area with enthusiastic, committed staff and happy children.
I am currently working as a school teacher in another local primary school. My previous career experience includes time as a local government greenspaces park keeper and as an industrial relations officer.
I am now the Chair of the Curriculum Committee and a member of the Welfare Committee and the Personnel Committee. My curriculum links are particularly in P.E., art and design and technology.
Ada Shum, Parent Governor
I work in Data and Product Management.
Outside of work, I have 2 kids who both go to this school, and absolutely love it.
Being a full time working mum, I often miss out on helping at Parents Teachers Association (PTA) events. Being a governor is my way to "do my bit" for the pupils, staff and community.
My area of focus include General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), Music and Maths. I am the Chair for the Welfare Committee, and also part of Finance & Premises Committee.
Sarah Rose Fletcher, Parent Governor
My daughter attends Livingstone and I have two older teenage boys. I started my career in education over 23 years ago, working as a TA in a special needs school in Haringey and have worked in various capacities in education ever since and spent time working for Barnet Youth Offending Team as a youth mentor before becoming a teacher 10 years ago.
I am currently a specialist teacher (Head of Early Years and Outdoor Education) at SWERRL- Strengthening Well-being Emotional Health Relationships and Readiness for Learning (Formally Behaviour Support Service) for the London borough of Enfield. I have specialist knowledge in attachment, trauma, inclusion and early year's education and hope to bring my expertise to our already wonderful primary school. I am passionate about being a champion for Livingstone School and doing my bit to continue to see the children thrive.
I am a member of the Curriculum and Welfare Committees.
Emma Breen, Co-opted Governor
I have been a member of the Livingstone community for over 26 years starting as a parent when my children attended Livingstone then as a Mealtime Supervisor once my daughter started Reception in 2001. Over the years, I have progressed through many roles: a mealtime supervisor, a teaching assistant and now a teacher and I am currently in my 3rd year of teaching Year 6. I am also History subject co-ordinator, and I am proud of the curriculum I have helped put in place to ensure full coverage of a knowledge and key skills-based History curriculum. Livingstone is a special school where children flourish through the support of the dedicated staff.
I am a member of the Curriculum, Welfare and Finance and premises Committees,

Megan Atkinson, Parent Governor
Hello, my name is Megan and I have a son who is in Year 1 at Livingstone, he first started in the nursery. My son has already had many learning experiences at Livingstone and he is growing in confidence both academically and socially.
I was appointed as parent governor in December 2023 and I am pleased to contribute towards ensuring the ethos of achievement and personal development continues to be at the heart of the whole school approach.
I believe all children at Livingstone deserve the right to discover their full potential through individual experiences in education and extra curriculum activities.
My involvement with the school started as class representative and this has enabled me to see the school from many different angles and I know that it is filled in every area with enthusiastic, committed staff and happy children. I look forward to learning more in my new role as parent governor.
My background is in teaching and I have been teaching for over 10 years. My degree and specialism is in Early Years and I have experience in leading creative subjects such as Music, Art and Design and Technology as well as phonics, early reading and PSHE.