Kingfisher ARP and Mainstream SEND
Kingfisher 1 pupils exploring Position, Directon and Movement using Beebots.

A pupil from the mainstream competing in the Barnet Panathlon event.
Our Vision
At Livingstone we aim to deliver a high quality education for all our pupils. We are fortunate to have a team which is dedicated to ensuring that pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) receive the very best support to achieve their potential. We have many teachers with specialist skills and experience. All staff keep up to date with current methods of teaching and resources.
We ensure that our mainstream SEND pupils fully participate in all curriculum and extra curriculum of school life.
At Livingstone we have an additional resourced provision for children with autism, we call it Kingfisher. Kingfisher includes an assessment provision for pre-school children aged 3 and above, with on-going diagnosis of ASD. Our Kingfisher Nursery forms part of Early Years Foundation Stage and provides placements for 12 children.
Our Kingfisher Resourced Provision provides for a small number of children with a diagnosis of Autism from nursery to year 6. The children have access to a specialist setting with highly qualified and experienced staff. They have access to appropriate mainstream classes in line with their individual abilities and needs.
The children have access to a softplay room, sensory room and their own playground all designed to meet their needs.
Contact our SENCos, Mrs Ferdenzi or Miss Nicholson, through the school office email -
The Local Offer
The Local offer gives children and young people with special educational needs, disabilities and their families, information about what support services the local authority expects will be available in their local area.