Pupil Premium
Attainment and progress of Pupil Premium Pupils
Pupil Premium Grant
The Pupil Premium Grant was introduced in April 2011 to provide targeted funding to support specific groups of children to reach their full potential. The Pupil Premium Grant, which is additional to main school funding, is allocated to schools to support the learning of these children. This includes pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years, have been adopted, have a "Special Guardianship" or have been ‘looked after’ by the Local Authority continuously for more than six months.
At Livingstone Primary and Nursery School we aim to ensure that when our children leave they
- reach their academic potential through quality teaching and targeted interventions
- enjoy and succeed in academic, sporting and creative activities by experiencing enrichment activities
- understand and demonstrate the school’s values and British Values by being able to build positive relationships and by demonstrating tolerant, kind and respectful behaviour
- have a high level of self-esteem and self-confidence in their own abilities
Pupil Premium Grant
The Pupil Premium Grant is used to make a contribution to the cost of a range of intervention and support programmes. This targeted support ensures that Pupil Premium children make the best possible progress.
Pupil Premium Grant children are a very high priority and they are monitored termly with the Senior Leadership Team, Class Teachers and the Governing Body. The actual cost of delivering high quality learning: additional teacher and teaching assistant support led interventions to enable children to reach their potential, costs significantly more than the Pupil Premium Grant provided.
The Pupil Premium Grant feeds into the school’s budget and is not ring fenced for individual children. The school considers how to allocate the Pupil Premium Grant to different interventions and projects on a termly basis, following rigorous data analysis and careful consideration of the needs of the children within this group. It is used to raise the attainment of Pupil Premium Grant pupils of all abilities and to close or narrow the gap between low attainers and their peers.
At Livingstone we understand that some eligible children have barriers to learning and for some eligible children these may be: Additional Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND); varying starting points in Nursery and Reception classes; high mobility; English as an additional language and new to English; a high number of boys and a higher than national average deprivation indicator.
We seek to overcome these barriers by providing targeted interventions, funded by the Pupil Premium Grant, and by tracking children’s progress at termly Pupil Progress Meetings. This enables us to measure the impact of the funding we receive and to target interventions for different groups of children in order to provide the greatest impact on attainment. We ensure that every Pupil Premium Grant pupil accesses additional support according to their individual needs.
For more details on the Pupil Premium Grant please visit http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/pupilsupport/premium