We are a small and friendly one-form entry school in New Barnet set in extensive grounds with spacious classrooms and excellent outdoor facilities on the edge of Hadley Wood.
At Livingstone, we are one big family because although it is a school, it’s also a community where we feel secure, valued and grateful for the time we have or will spend there. We all contribute to this as the teachers are kind and dedicated, planning enjoyable, creative lessons while the children do their best to listen and learn. The minute you step through the doors of the school, you feel loved and in the right place, that is why new students or visitors are warmly welcomed with open arms.
In addition to the friendly ethos, there are many other reasons why Livingstone is so special. The Kingfisher provision (Autism Resource Provision) caters for a range of children with autism providing individual learning programmes in the provision and supporting them in the mainstream classes both with teaching support and by “buddying” them up with other pupils in their year group. Livingstone is also very multicultural and celebrates the ethnic diversity of its pupils. New arrivals, are soon assimilated into their new classes with plenty of friends willing to help them find their feet.
Learning is fun at Livingstone. On Wednesdays, all children experience the “Creative Curriculum” with specialist teachers offering a selection of physical and artistic activities including a range of sports, dance, drama and various arts and crafts. Children have many opportunities to get involved in after-school clubs for football, netball, athletics, yoga and dance. Many pupils also get the chance to represent the school in a variety of competitive sporting events including the Borough Athletics Meeting at Copthall Stadium and Barnet Dance Festival at the Artsdepot. In addition we have a before-school Breakfast Club and after-school Cabin Club to help working families with extra childcare provision.
Both children and staff love working together at Livingstone, it is truly an inclusive school and in the words of one Y6 pupil, “Livingstone is special, it will always welcome you with a smile and a few caring words!”
By Year 6

Contact Details
Livingstone Primary and Nursery School
Baring Road
New Barnet
For all contact requirements contact the school office email: office@livingstone.barnetmail.net
Office Telephone: 0208 449 2592
School Day: School gates are open at 8:40am. All children must be in school by 8:50am. School closes at 3:15pm (pupils are in school for 32hours per week).
Extended services: 8:00am - 8:40am Breakfast Club, 3:15-5:45pm Cabin Club Number: 07960263145
Email: office@livingstone.barnetmail.net
Head Teacher: Giovanna Phelan
Head of SEND: Anna Ferdenzi
SENCo: Lisa Nicholson/Anna Ferdenzi
School Business Manager: Sarah Kelly
Site Manager: Stuart Sudbury
Chairman of the Govenors: Clive Partridge