Pupil Newsletter No.2
Friday 15th December
I would not normally write in the Pupil Newsletter but as you will all be aware the school has had an Ofsted inspection this week. The inspection process is an extremely demanding one, and I would like to send my heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in helping us present the school to the inspectors in such a positive light. The whole school community was involved in this effort, from staff and governors to parents and pupils, and all have played their part in what will, we hope, be a very successful outcome. Due to the school holiday we will not hear from the inspectors until January. As soon as we know we will share the news with everyone.
Mrs Phelan

Activity Clubs
Activity Clubs for Spring Term 1 will be on School Money for booking from next Monday 18th December at 5:45pm.
Clubs for Spring 1 will start the week beginning Monday 8th January 2024 (first week back after the Christmas break).
The timetable of clubs will remain the same, however Yoga Club will only be available for Years 2 - 6. The complexity of the new term's yoga is more suitable for slightly older pupils and will provide more challenge in the activities in order for the children to progress. In the meantime, CABIN is available for the Year 1 pupils.

It's a Miracle
Year 3, supported by KS1, will be performing a Christmas nativity show, which will be carried out on the last week of term. One of our Livingstone traditions is that every year, the Yr3 children perform a Christmas spectacle and this year's performance will be called "It's a Miracle".
Parents, carers and pupils in all years will get the opportunity to observe and enjoy this upcoming play. Perseveringly, everybody involved in this year's show has been working extremely hard to learn their lines and roles. Not only is there acting involved, but the children will be singing Christmas songs and dance well- choreographed routines. We are all really looking forward to see what they have come up with and know that they will blow us away.
We hope to see you there!!!
Emily Yr6 :)
Choir at the Spires
Our Choir went to the Spires to sing and raise money for Noah's Ark, the children that sang were from Year 4 up to Year 5.
Everyone who went to the Spires had a good time singing Christmas carols for the public. They sang 5 songs in total. They were Jingle Bell Rock, Oh Holy Night, Oh little town of Bethlehem, We three kings and deck the halls. The talented Year 4 brought recorders and they blew the audience away. Whilst singing, they raised money for charity as their voices were beautiful.
by Muthara

Chicken Shed Presents
Chicken Shed is a theatre group which is made up of kids and adults of all ages. We put on shows that entertain our audience and give them a completely new experience. Usually we have two shows a year, a Christmas show and a summer show. You can buy tickets at Chicken shed home for £12 . Chicken shed is a space to be yourself and have great opportunities like being in shows and plays . At Chicken shed you can make friends and have fun. As well as our shows in summer and winter, we do classes in the summer holidays all day called Summer Shed. The show is called The Toy Makers Child and is about a child that gets lost with a robot made by a 3D printer called Pin0chi).
You can see Renu and Sonny from Year 5 in this wonderful extravaganza! You can buy tickets here.
By Renu

Recorder Assembly
Yr3 and Yr4 had an amazing recorder assembly on Friday. They smashed it, and they only started playing in September! Year 4 played We Three Kings, World in Union, Green Sleeves and Deck the Halls. At the end, they finished with Jingle Bells all together. They were taught by a lovely man called Mark, who sung along with them and played the guitar.
by Grace
Impact Parents Meetings
Throughout the last couple of weeks, Impact meetings for every year (ranging from reception to year 6) have been going on inside the school.
Parents and carers of the children in the school attended the meeting where they got to learn about their child's curriculum with their child. The teachers took the parents/carers through what the children would do during the school day: spelling, comprehension, accelerated reader test, and more. We had a record number of parents attend so thank you to all of those that that came and those that had to take time off work.
The children as well as the teacher, got to tell their parents of what they have been doing. After the meeting had ended, the parents/carer should've got a feedback sheet where they filled questions in based on how they think the meeting went and other relevant questions.
by Nadine and Zainab

Our very own MC Grammar is going on tour!

Tech-free Christmas

KFN Coffee Morning
At Cabin, parents showed up to meet up to have coffee morning to celebrate the achievements of their children. They drank coffee, were able to have a chat and had the opportunity to use communication cards to support language development. The event was arranged by Miss Nicholson and it was extremely successful. At around 10am parents start to leave and just like that, coffee morning was over.
by Ryan and Lukas

Year 2 Singing Assembly
Y2 had recently performed the songs that they learnt from the Barnet Arts Education Trust in front of the school, teachers and parents. The songs where, 'Flying Round', 'Together wherever we go', 'Thank you for being my friend' and 'The same moon'. The children really enjoyed this and Billy, from Y2 said that he had a great time. I think that they did really well singing these songs and even did sign language for one of them. Overall, I think they were brilliant and all of them tried there very hardest. Well done Y2!
by Jaime

Christmas Fair
On the first of December, the Christmas fair commenced; it was filled with wonders. It began at about two thirty and the students who stayed after school know that it ended at four thirty pm. There were many thrills and a few Year 1 students commented that their favourite one was the Candy Cane Lane and the Christmas Stockings. Inside the stockings were sweets and surprises, whilst the Candy Cane Lane, as you might have guessed, was flooded with candy canes and were delivered in a Christmas cart. Children had the opportunity to design their unique gingerbread men and were given it at the end of school. During school time, the classes went to the hall that was closer to the office in twos and had a jovial experience. There were also glitter tattoos and teddy companions- cats, bears, dogs, pigs, elephants, Peppa Pig, your choice! Another lovely gift that the Christmas fair has to offer were miniature spheres, which also held sweets and pocket-sized toys inside.
Generously, the choir offered to perform the Christmas songs and melodies that they have learnt so far. They definitely blew us away! They had a fair quantity of songs to perform: Holy Night, Jingle Bell Rock and Little Town of Bethlehem. They sang in harmony and in time with the rhythm- it was a performance that we will never forget. Their words echoed through the school. Mrs Margetts seems to have taught them well for she was their music teacher and, on a different day, she took some of them to perform elsewhere. The hall flooded with swarms of curious parents, eager to peruse their children. Students, as well as parents, came to see. The staff watched too and Mrs Cavozzi recorded the talented choir. After they finished, everyone was in a hustle and bustle to enjoy the festivities.
Throughout the entire day, they had put up a massive dome-like bouncy castle. After school, we had to pay £1 to jump up and down on it.
As well as the main raffle tickets, there were also raffle tickets up on the steps and a few more where the fair was being held. Since it was getting rather late, the school sold a variety of drinks and desserts: wine, water, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, cookies and cakes. They had also some popcorn, which was sold throughout the day too. In a smaller room, there were games that were free, and you would earn a sticker of your choice! The prices of everything were from 50p, up to 3 pounds. Near the end, Mrs Phelan chose students to take out a raffle without looking; this was the main raffle and the lucky people who won had massive prizes. The people who won were Roman in reception-staff hamper, 1st place, Angi in nursery-drinks hamper, 2nd place and Andreas in year 3- toy hamper, 3rd place. After this, everyone slowly started to head for the exit.
One thing is for sure, this was an experience that was unforgettable!!!
Anastasia Yr6 =)
Nursery and Reception Songs
On the 11th and 12th, Nursery and Reception performed a couple of Christmas songs to the school and some parents. Thank you to all the parents who came and watched their children sing. If you didn't see the performance here are the songs they sang; Jingle Bells, Feliz Navidad, We Wish you a Merry Christmas and Twinkle Twinkle Christmas Star. Also, thank you to all the teachers who taught the children the songs- you done a great job. Well done nursery and reception!
By Mya
Father Christmas
ather Christmas came to Livingstone this week has been an amazing experience for all of the Livingstone pupils. This year, the room that he was in, was decorated with candy canes and elf accessories that hung on the wall. Whilst they waited to see him, they got to write their own Christmas list and also got to colour in festive drawings. When they got to meet Father Christmas, everyone had their own photo taken and also got given a mystery gift! Thanks Santa.
By Chloe Y6

Year 5 Swimming
Year 5 have lately been going swimming at the New Barnet leisure centre, which is in Victoria Park. So far, they have learnt different types of swimming strokes: breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly and front stroke. All of this is thanks to their swimming teachers. They all had lots of fun and always came back with smiles on their faces. In total, there were three teachers for three different groups to help improve their abilities to swim.
Elia Y5

KS1 Sports Christmas Festival
KS1 recently went on a trip to Stone X Stadium and played many activities: speed stack, kurling, throwing beanbags at target games and more! The children went in minibus with Mr Thomas and Miss Hunter accompanying them. Abid and Tameem said that they had a lot of fun and wish that they could go there again. We are all very thankful that Livingstone takes us children to places like Stone X Stadium; we can enjoy ourselves and experience things in the outside world. Livingstone encourages children to do sports that we didn't know we were good at. Finally, I'd like to thank the adults that went with KS1 and to the people who thought of the idea to take the children to this Stadium as it was obvious all the children.
by Marwa
Girls Football vs Monken Hadley
On the 30th of November, the Livingstone girls football team played Monken Hadley. They played incredibly well and won 7-0. The people that scored were Elsie (4 goals scored), Arbel (2 goals scored) and Chloe (1 goal scored), but everybody played exceptional well. All praise to the Livingstone girls football team!
By Brychan :)

Year 3 and 4 Dodgeball
On the 24th of November 2023, a group of children from Year 3 and 4 joined forces and took part in a dodgeball tournament.
They battled other schools from around the area. In total, they played 11 games, winning 9 games and sadly losing 2 but it is still an amazing accomplishment for them, and we are very proud of them as a school.
Well done to Edward, Nathaniel, Xhizela, Eva, Samyar, Orla, Sienna Maloney and Zachias
by Nadine

Netball vs St Andrews
In November, Livingstone Primary School played St Andrews and played extremely well in their second netball match this season. Amazingly, we won 8-3. Skillfully, Joshua scored 3 goals, Dante scored 2 goals, Diya scored 2 and Sienna scored 1. Sadly, one of our goals were disallowed due to the defenders not being in the box but they were still victorious. Well done Livingstone!
by Uzair

Mixed Football team vs St Andrews
On 23rd November the Livingstone mixed football team faced St Andrews primary school on their third match. Unfortunately, the final result was 2-0 to our opposition. However, everyone on the team played amazingly and we are impressed with how well we played. Well done to all of the children who participated in this exciting game.
by Xander

Merry Christmas by Zyan
Here's what we've been doing in the last two weeks.
- Christmas Fair
- Y4 and Y5 carol singing
- Santa photos
- Yr1, Yr2 and Yr 3 Christmas Nativity
- Nursery and Reception Songs
And next week...
- School Christmas Lunch
- More Yr1, Yr2 and Yr 3 Christmas Nativity plays
- Christmas parties
- Christmas jumper day
- Joint service at St James Church at 10am
That's it for Christmas events this term and again Merry Christmas and happy new year to all our Livingstone pupils and parents.
Merry Christmas and happy new year! We Hope you'll have a wonderful holiday this month.

Monday 18th:
- Year 3 and KS1 Christmas Show 1:30pm - performance to parent/carers (tickets only)
Tuesday 19th:
- Christmas Jumper Day - all pupils can wear one if they would like to and make a cash donation to Save the Children
- Year 3 and KS1 Christmas Show 9am - performance to parents/carers (tickets only)
- Reception Trip to the Arts Depot- AM
- Christmas Lunch - please inform the office if your child is usually a packed lunch but would like a Christmas dinner.
- Class Christmas Parties - PM
Thursday 21st:
- Christmas Assembly at St James's Church -Reception to Year 6 - all visitors welcome. 10am start at the Church but if you would like to walk with us from school at around 9:15am, you are welcome to help.
- End of Term - School closes at 2pm (NO CABIN CLUB)
Monday 8th:
- Welcome back! Pupils return for start of Spring 1
- Activity Clubs begin for Spring 1
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates next term.