Pupil Newsletter
October Week 3
Friday 20th October
Welcome to the New Year
Welcome to a new school year! What makes a new school year so special is that we greet new students into nursery and into the Livingstone family, but we are also open to welcoming pupils in the other year groups. Every year, we get a chance to work with different teachers and learn new things. A new year gives us an opportunity to try new things that we hadn't had a chance to do the year before.
For everyone in Livingstone, we hope you enjoy this new academic year ahead of us!!!
Anastasia and Emily (Editors)

School Council Election
Congratulations to the pupils who have been elected as representatives of School Council for their class. School council is a job to speak on behalf of the students in their year group and share their ideas with the other members of the council.
Well done to the students who have been elected!
School Council
Year 1 Sonny and Lou
Year 2 Daisy and Leo
KF1 Daniel
Year 3 Orla and Zachary
Year 4 Daniella and Mikolaj
Year 5 Lukas and Nadine
Year 6 Emily and Sina
KF2 Calvin
By Grace Yr6! :)

Sports Council Election
Well done to the people who got elected to be this year's sports council! Sports council is a big responsibility: they are the people in charge of our equipment, the sports activities and the competitions that Livingstone enters. Not only do they do this, but they take on the challenge of encouraging children to try harder in sports. We have earned some fabulous new sports councils this year!
Year 6 - Sienna and Muhammad
Year 5 - Oliver and Charlotte
Year 4 - Zak and Elsie
Year 3 - George and Yvette
Year 2 - Diane and Ethan
Year 1 - Denat and Eva
Kingfisher - George
Congratulations to everyone who got elected and thank you for the teachers for being able to give this opportunity.
By Chloe Y6 =)

House Captains
On Tuesday 17th October, the teachers revealed the results from the voting and we all found out who our house captains are. Their job is to represent their house colours and show good sportsmanship, resilience, determination and to be good role models for the school. In addition to this, they encourage children to take interest in sports and especially on Sports Day they take time to plan this special day. The captains add up all the dojo points of their house colour( which are also the teams that they are in).
In Blue, congratulations to Anastasia, Jaime and Ruby, also to Sienna and Arbel in Red; don't forget Grace and Brychan for Green and to Josh and Leah in Yellow!
By Xander Y6

Bowling Festival
On Friday 13th of October, Kingfisher 2 went bowling and it was hosted at the Finchley Hollywood Bowl. We won but had started off a bit slow in the beginning of the tournament. We soon warmed up after a few bowling balls didn't even make it to the pins. Once all the kids warmed up, they were hitting several pins getting spares which are really good scores. Everybody enjoyed themselves and forgot it was a competition. When the points were added up at the end of bowling. We were all wondering why they didn't call out Livingstone. However, we didn't realise the reason why they didn't call out their name was because we had come first. Shocked and surprised as they were, they all jumped for joy in astonishment that they'd won twice in a row. Making Livingstone the unbeatable champions and then going to the district finals.
By Uzair Yr6

Black History Month
This month we have been celebrating black history month and people who have protested for civil rights such as Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and Mary Seacole. These people have changed the world immensely when it comes to black people and their rights. For example, Rosa Parks refused to sit on a bus when a white man wanted to sit where she was siting. This changed the world for everybody.
By Renuka and Zyan Y5
Cross Country
Livingstone sent a strong cross country squad to Copthall to participate in a race that was one and a half mile long. Our pupils were brave and determined to perform in a competition with more than 200 children, who were as quick as lightning. We are all proud of the racers in this and all the other schools that took part in Copthall. Thank you to Mrs Fairley and Mrs Barton for taking us to Copthall; most of all thank you to Copthall for letting us take part in this race on their school field.
Yr. 6 Girls - Chloe 6th and Arbel 11th
Yr. 6 Boys - Brychan 24th and Xander 20th
Yr. 5 Girls - Anastasia 2nd and Elia 5th
Yr. 5 Boys - Oliver 23rd and Ravi 25th
Yr. 4 Girls - Elsie 3rd and Anwen 23rd
Yr. 4 Boys - Steffi 26th and Ryan 30th
By Marwa Y6
The Library
At Livingstone school we are fortunate enough to have a library when other schools do not. It is located in the heart of our school where everyone can access it. It is perfect for all ages leading from nursery up to year 6. We have an excellent reading system where you can find the perfect reading age just for you. There are load of different categories you can read from e.g. science fiction, non- fiction, fiction etc. What is even better is that you can sit down on our snug sofas whilst reading your favourite book or magazine.
By Muthara and Nadine Y5

Forest School
We are very lucky at Livingstone to have our Kingfisher, lots of fun subjects and wonderful teachers and teaching assistants, but we have also got a forest school!
In our forest area we have a toddler group for young children from babies - 3 year olds. Our Pastoral Manager, Diane and Mrs Blackaller kindly set up this wonderful group so that younger children on a Thursday from 9:00 am to 11:00 am can enjoy this experience. As well as the toddler group, the pupils at Livingstone get to come into the pond area for forest school with Diane and have lots of fun making things like hedgehog houses, dens, and leaf piles! After these special sessions, we make sure the whole area is clean and tidy for the little ones when they come and visit us! The pond area is very enjoyable and we hope to see even more toddlers coming this year!
By Jaime Y6

The Year 5 Trip to Lee Valley
Year 5 went on a trip to Lee Valley. When they got there, they tried to find a variety of different features. Once they had lunch, they used binoculars to find birds. But everyone, even the public, wanted to catch a glimpse of the almighty Bittern. After that, they got to use their binoculars on a tower. They also got to go in a room with lots of fun activities. They finished up afterwards. Everyone agreed they had an amazing time! Thanks to Mrs Cockburn and Mr Thomas for taking Year 5 to Lee Valley.
By Ryan and Lukas Y5
Year 6 PGL Trip
From the 9th of October to the 13th, Year 6 were staying at PGL/ Little Canada. There are many activities to do: abseiling, dragon boating, Jacob's ladder, rock climbing, trapeze, zip lining and many more things. Also, many people faced their fear of heights on the giant swing, abseiling and Jacob's ladder. We must thank the teachers who organized and took us to PGL despite not seeing their families for 5 days. We all had immense fun at PGL.
By Brychan Y6
Year 3 Stone Age Trip
Year 3 have been learning about the Stone Age in History. To enrich and enhance this experience they went on a school trip this week. They had a 'fantastic' time and brilliant weather. The Year 3's learnt how to build and light a fire, listened to a very knowledgeable teacher and even had a go at creating some Stone Age art.
They are all very grateful that the wonderful adults took them.
By Mya Yr6
Year 4 Harvest Festival
We were treated to an excellent harvest festival today by Yr4. Every harvest, we donate food to those less fortunate than us followed by a show presented by Year 4. One of our Livingstone traditions is to sing a harvest song with a twist and this year's twist was to sing it with a backtrack of Mama Mia. Year 4 has also wowed us by performing a song with their recorders after practising for a while. Well done Year 4.
Happy Harvest to all!!!
By Emily Yr6 :)
Gymnastics Festival
On Thursday, there was a special event, which was a gymnastic festival between other schools. The pupils, who attended this event, had a great experience and came back with smiles on their faces. The students who went took part in many activities: dancing, jumps, rolls, cartwheels, splits and much more. The children, who participated were Matias, Leo, Mollie, Billy, Yvette, Renee, Abdul, Liana, Zak, Junior, Amelia and Ryann.
By Elia and Zainab Y5

HALF TERM: Monday 23rd - 27th October 2023
Pupils return to school Monday 30th October 2023
Monday 30th:
- Activity Clubs begin for Autumn 2 (except Netball, this begins next Tues 7th Nov)
- Year 3 begin Swimming for 2 weeks
Tuesday 31st:
- PTA Spooky Party for Nursery, Reception and KS1 1:30 - 2:45pm
- PTA Spooky Party for KS2 3:00 - 3:15pm
- NO Netball Club
November 2023
Wednesday 1st:
- KF Boccia Competition - PM
- JCoSS Students visiting Reception
Thursday 2nd:
- Individual Photo Day
- Kingfisher Coffee Morning for Parents/Carers with guest speaker, Speech Therapist Lisa Kalmek - 11am in The Cabin
Monday 6th:
- Year 6 TFL Workshop - PM
Tuesday 7th:
- Year 2 Infant Music Festival
Wednesday 8th:
- Mixed League Football Match vs Trent (HOME) 3:30pm
Thursday 9th:
- Girls Football Match vs Alma (HOME) 3:30pm
Friday 10th:
- Parent Champion Coffee morning in The Cabin
- Rec - Year 6 Flu Nasal Spray
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates