Livingstone Newsletter
December 2023 Week 1

Christmas Party and Fair
Friday 1st December
Christmas has officially begun at Livingstone this week!
All the children have had a wonderful time bouncing away on the Disco Dome, decorating Gingerbread and visiting all the lovely festive stalls at the Kids Christmas Party.
Wow, The Christmas Fair was busy! It was fantastic to see so many of our families come along. As well as the activities mentioned above, our school choir sang beautifully to everyone, we also had our popular German Sausage BBQ, Tombola and Raffle to name a few.
Thank you to Mrs Cavozzi and Diane for making sure today was fun, organised and smooth running. Also, thank you to the parent/carer volunteers who gave up some of their time to help set up/clear up and work on the stalls. Not forgetting all our families, thank you for the generous donations and contributions.
More photos and information on how much we raised will be included in next week's newsletter.
We have lots more to look forward to this month - Santa is flying in on his sleigh on Tuesday 12th December. In the last week of term Year 3 and KS1 will perform their Christmas show and we can all wear our favourite Christmas jumper for Christmas lunch!

IMPACT Workshops - sign up to support your child!
Thank you to all our families who attended the Years 3, 4 and 5 Reading workshops this week. We had over 20 families in each session and in Year 3's session we had 26 adults working with their children. We realise that many parents have taken the time off work, so thank you for attending.
Next week, we look forward to our Reception, Years 1, 2 and 6 families coming in to support us and their child/children to see how the school teaches reading.
It is important that someone from your family attends as it boosts your child’s confidence and reinforces a positive attitude towards learning. It can be Mum, Dad, Carers, a Grandparent, an Auntie or Uncle, older brother or sister... but someone please!
If you haven't already, click the date for your child's class and respond to the form, stating who will be attending to support your child.
Rec - Wednesday 6th December at 9:00am - 9:45am
Yr1 - Monday 4th December at 9:00am - 9.45am
Yr2 - Tuesday 5th December at 9:00am- 9.45am
Yr6 - Friday 8th December at 9:00am- 9.45am
Thank you for your continuous support and we look forward to seeing you there!
Parent Champions
The whole school and our Parent Champions would like to congratulate Rosa Attille and her team for winning the North- West Royal Television Society award for Best Pre-school Childrens Programme - JoJo and Gran Gran Special, It's Time to Visit St. Lucia.
Rosa has been one of our guest speakers at our Parent Champion meetings and we look forward to seeing her again soon.
To find out more about our Parent Champions meetings, come along to one of the meetings. Meetings are held every second Friday of the month. Our next meeting will be on Friday 8th December 2023 at 9am in The Cabin.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Here's a clip of the wonderful JoJo and Gran Gran Special!
Election for One Parent Governor
We are holding a Parent Governor election. The following might help you decide if this role would interest you. Becoming a governor is a very rewarding and worthwhile experience. Effective governors do not need educational expertise but do need to be committed to the school, willing to ask questions and offer appropriate challenge and support.
- Governors are elected for a four-year term. They attend four Governing Body meetings a year, which are held in the evening, as well as termly committee meetings. The Governing Body makes decisions collectively.
- The prime focus of the Governing Body is to develop the strategic direction of the school, be accountable to stakeholders and ensure that financial resources are spent appropriately. Governors need to work as an enthusiastic member of the team with the aim of raising and maintaining high educational standards for all children. Governors are asked to act always with integrity, honesty and objectivity in the best interests of the School.
- All Governors are expected to read and understand straight forward budget reports and data information.
- Training is available to develop and enhance knowledge and skills.
- It is important to note that once elected, Parent Governors are a representative parent but not a delegate. This means they are not expected to report back to parents on any matters relating to the School or Governing Body without prior consent from the Governing Body.
If you would like to put yourself forward as an elected Parent Governor, please collect a nomination form from the school Office. This form should be completed, with AN accompanying personal statement of no more than 150 words and returned to the Headteacher no later than 12 NOON on Friday 8th December. The personal statement will only be used if more than two parents wish to be considered for nomination; in which case, a ballot will be held.
Mrs G Phelan

Dr Bike
Barnet Council’s Parking team has arranged free Dr Bike sessions run by qualified bicycle mechanics in December.
Members of the public can take along their bicycles to have a free, full safety check, which includes the condition of tyres, rims, gears, brake function and tyre pressure and adjustments can be made if required.
The sessions will take place on the following dates between 9am and 3pm.
Lodge Lane Car Park, North Finchley, N12 - 02/12/2023
Watling Avenue Car Park, Burnt Oak, HA8 - 03/12/2023
Stapylton Car Park, Barnet, EN5 - 09/12/2023
Marsh Drive Car Park, West Hendon, NW7 - 10/12/2023
Watling Avenue Car Park, Burnt Oak, HA8 - 16/12/2023
Lodge Lane Car Park, North Finchley, N12 - 17/12/2023
Marsh Drive Car Park, West Hendon, NW7 - 23/12/2023
Stapylton Car Park, Barnet, EN5 - 30/12/2023
Both adult and child bicycles can have the free safety check.

Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
Another fabulous week in Nursery and KFN! This week, we have been looking at the book 'A Handful of Buttons' learning about different types of families as well as making sense of our own family story. The children created lovely artwork representing their family members using buttons and practised counting as well as comparing sizes of different buttons.
Because last week the children started to really notice the difference in the trees, we have continued with our autumnal theme and made leaf soups as well as biodegradable confetti using dried up leaves. We also looked at the book 'The Leaf Thief' which is all about how the wind helps the trees shed their leaves in autumn.
Reception have had a great week finishing up their learning about 'The Gruffalo'. They have started to notice the changes in the weather now that it is getting colder. There have been lots of discussions about Winter, December and the exciting things it brings! We ended the week with a fun time at the Christmas Fair, the perfect way to start the new month!

All of Reception for their fantastic effort and behaviour this week!
Year 1
This week Year 1 learnt about celebrations in R.E. We discussed our favourite celebrations and found out they all had some similarities: special food, decorations and close family and friends. We then moved on to religious celebrations. First, we learnt about Hannukah. On Friday, Yashvi’s Dad came to talk to us about Divali. Next week we will learn about Christmas. I wonder what they all have in common?
In Maths, we continued to explore 3D shapes and expanded our knowledge to include cones, cubes and pyramids. See if your child can describe the 3D shapes in the photos as well as around your house. How many faces does it have? What are the shape of the faces?
In phonics, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Feshias and I are all impressed with the progress the children are making with their reading and sentence writing. We look forward to seeing you on Monday for our IMPACT session.
Achievement awards this week go to Sonny and Xander for their excellent work on 3D shapes!
Year 2
In Maths, we are learning about shapes. Year 2 went on a shape hunt to find 2D shapes in real objects. We also described the properties of 2D shapes.
In English, we read 'Lost and Found' and we have written different sentence types. Along with focusing on past tense verbs.
We had a great afternoon on Thursday looking at videos of Scientist in Antarctica and learning about what they are studying. We have also been learning R.E exploring different beliefs.
Please make sure you log in to the VLE where you can access the Christmas songs for the show.
Maths- Pages 26 and 27. Page 28 is optional.

This week's awards go to Billy for his exceptional knowledge in Geography and Jack for his great work recognising 2D shapes.
Kingfisher 1
This week in Maths we were learning all about fractions that two halves make a whole.
In English the children all enjoy our new story " If I had a Dragon". Some children used colourful semantics to retell the story. The children labelled different parts of the dragon's body.

This week's achievement award goes to Ruvin for his excellent work in Maths.
Year 3
This week in English Year 3 have been learning about direct speech and have learned a little song to help us remember the punctuation used when writing direct speech. We have completed our second paragraph of our long write about 'Varjak Paw' using direct speech between two characters. We also created a role on the wall describing Varjak's feelings when he escaped in preparation for our work on our final paragraph.
In Maths, we have been using our addition and subtraction knowledge and focusing on estimating. We used multiples of 10 and 100 to support us with our estimating and we worked really well with this.
We have been continuing our work with the Christmas show learning the songs and with the stage now up things are starting to feel very real! Please continue to support your child with learning their lines we really appreciate this.
Maths pages 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 (some calculations will have exchanging and children may need to draw these)

This week our first award goes to Sam for excellent participation in lessons and really trying hard in his work.
The second award goes to Yvette for her English work using perfectly punctuated direct speech in her second paragraph for her narrative
Year 4
This week in Year 4, we have been multiplying by 1 and 0 and dividing by 1 and itself. The children have applied themselves brilliantly. In English, we have been writing descriptive sentences about our chosen setting and character for our narrative recount of a Greek myth. In the afternoons, we have continued our art topic where we have created wax resist pieces based on our mix media composition.
Maths: Area (pages 27 to 29)

This week's achievement awards go to Junior for his excellent descriptive sentences, and to Leon for challenging himself in maths this term.
Year 5
Year 5 have had a brilliant week with their swimming lessons - the instructors said they're one of the most well-behaved and skilled classes they've ever taught! The children are swimming next week too, so please ensure they bring in what they need every day.
In Maths, we worked on ordering and comparing fractions.
In Art, the children enjoyed making poem portraits of themselves using continuous line drawings and carbon paper.
Maths: pages 34 and 35 (ordering and comparing fractions)
Reading: pages 46, 47, 50 and 51 (Fairtrade Bananas set 2)
This week, the award goes to all of them for excellent swimming - well done!
Year 6
This week, the children have continued to consolidate fractions in Maths. In English, they have planned their diary entry ready for writing.
In Art, the children designed their own Mayan 'way' depicting their personalities and have looked at the Chiaroscuro technique before looking at street art and next week, they will create their own piece of art using all the techniques they have learnt.
CGP Homework
English - Reading - pages 24 and 25
Maths - Targeted Question Book - pages 20 and 21
This week's achievement awards go to Sienna and Leah for always working hard, having positive attitudes and being great role models. Well done!
Kingfisher 2
This week the boys have worked really hard to complete their assessments.
In Maths, we have also been using mirror lines to explore vertical lines of symmetry and tried hard to draw them on various 2D shapes.
We also thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas party today and got into the Christmas spirit!!

This week, the achievement awards go to:
George and Dilan – For trying hard and successfully completing their homework each week. Keep it up!
Girls League
The cold doesn't bother us! Yesterday, we played Monken Hadley in our girl's league. Despite the conditions, the girls gave it their best (which they do every week) and played an incredible game of football. Everyone who attends football club has improved over this Autumn term and it is amazing to see how well they play as a team. It was a great match with brilliant defending and Elsie scored a magnificent 4 goals and Arbel and Chloe scored one each which ended the game 6-0 to Livingstone!
Well done to Leah, Sienna, Diya, Anastasia, Anastasia, Elsie, Arbel, Jaime, Chloe and Fatemah.

Monday 4th:
- Year 1 IMPACT Meeting for Parents/Carers 9am
- Year 5 Swimming - all week
Tuesday 5th:
- Year 2 IMPACT Meeting for Parents/Carers 9am
Wednesday 6th:
- Reception IMPACT Meeting and Fitbag Meeting for Parents/ Carers 9am
- Choir singing at Barnet Spires - PM
- Years 1/2 Christmas Sports Festival at Stone X Stadium - PM (small group of pupils)
Thursday 7th:
- Guitar Performance in Assembly, 2:45pm - parents/carers of pupils performing to watch.
Friday 8th:
- Year 6 IMPACT Meeting for Parents/Carers 9am
- Years 3 and 4 Recorder Assembly for Parents/Carers 2:30pm
Tuesday 12th:
- Nursery/Reception Christmas Songs - performance to parents/ carers 9:00am
Wednesday 13th:
- Football - Livingstone Girls vs St. Catherines, 3:30pm
Thursday 14th:
- KF2 Shopping Trip, 9:00am
- Nursery/Reception Christmas Songs - performance to parents/ carers 14:45pm
Friday 15th:
- Years 1, 2 and 3 Dress Rehearsal for Christmas Show
- Pupil Newsletter
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates including Christmas dates.