Livingstone Newsletter
December Week 1

Friday 6th December
Girls Football Match
On Thursday, our girls football team played their second match, this time competing in the Central League, with determination and enthusiasm. Everyone at the club has been training hard, and their dedication truly paid off on the field. Despite the challenging weather, the girls stayed focused and refused to let it affect their performance. They played in perfect sync, showcasing teamwork and exceptional coordination throughout the match. It was a fantastic game that ended with a 6-0 victory, with goals scored by Elsie, Anwen, Dotty and Anastasia. The girls also demonstrated excellent sportsmanship towards the opposing team. Well done to Xhizela, Dotty, Anwen, Anastasia, Elia, Muthara, Nadine, Elsie and Medina.
Sports Festival
Last week, selected children from Key stage 2 attended the inclusive BBN1 sports day at Hendon Leisure Centre. Our children took part in a variety of activities and put their all into everything they attempted. We rotated around all of the activities in the hall and the dance studio. We were impressed by their skills, perseverance and incredible behaviour. Some of the activities they enjoyed were cricket, dancing, cup stacking, rowing and golf to name but a few! A wonderful day was had by all and well done to all the children who participated.
Welcome Mr Fisher
We can now confirm that Mr Fisher will be joining as a new member of staff. Some of you will be familiar with him as he used to work for Non Stop Action and worked as one of our coaches on Creative Curriculum Day. Mr Fisher will be based in Year 4 in the morning and in different classes in the afternoons, including Kingfisher in the New Year.
PTA Comedy Night - Thursday 30th January
Tickets are still available on School Money under the 'Clubs' tab for purchase at £15 per ticket. You will not want to miss out so be quick to avoid disappointment. Over 18s only
Join us for a night of laughter!
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
We are into December and Christmas has arrived in our Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery classrooms! The Grotto has arrived and the elves have been busy decorating trees and making toys. The focus this week is 'The Snowman' a beautiful picture book, an animated story, which has inspired many of our activities this week.
The children have been fascinated learning about and playing with toys from the Artic and Antarctic polar regions. We've tried our best to keep the polar bears and penguins separate.
We have been practising our Christmas songs for our special show in the last week and the children are sounding better each day, they are learning words and actions as well as some jingling of bells.
Reception class have had a brilliant week reading the story of 'The Gruffalo’s Child' and had so much fun watching the show at the ArtsDepot too! We had our first school trip and got to travel on the minibus. Mrs Mills was so proud of how well behaved the children were and how nicely they sat and engaged with the show.
Christmas has also arrived at the classroom; this week we have decorated the classroom with trees and enjoyed dressing up and role play. We will continue to learn about celebrations and how people celebrate differently. We have been working hard to learn Christmas songs for our performances and are excited to have an audience soon!
Year 1
This week we began our Religious Education topic of celebrations. We learnt all about the traditions of Christmas and Hanukkah. We completed our maths and phonics assessments and are really proud of the progress the children are making. At the end of the week, Year 1 were treated to the authors and illustrators of Year 3. Year 3 read their published letters to us based on the story 'The Day the Crayons Quit'. The letters really made us laugh! Then we enjoyed using crayons to draw with our Year 3 buddies.

The first achievement award goes to Levi for participating enthusiastically in our R.E. lessons. The second award goes to Ellis for his brilliant singing in preparation for our upcoming Christmas show. Well done you two!
Year 2
In Maths, we have been learning about 2D shapes and identifying vertical lines of symmetry. In English, we read 'Lost and Found' and we have been writing sentences using adjectives and conjunctions linked to this story. In R.E, we have been learning about different beliefs and creation stories. On Friday, we had our R.E trip to the Synagogue. The children were very respectful inside. They enjoyed looking around and learning from Mrs Segal who showed us around.
If you haven't yet brought in your show costume, please bring it on Monday. If you need help organising a costume, please talk to Miss Fairley. Thank you!
Maths- What we have been learning doesn't exactly match all the pages in the book. Please only complete pages 36 and 40 (questions 4 and 5).
Reading- pages 26 and 27.
This week's awards go to Benji for his excellent English work where he has written a variety of sentence types and Esmae for her contributions to whole class discussions and always putting her hand up.
Kingfisher 1
This weeks in Maths we are learning all about subtraction, using pictures objects and part whole model.
In English children enjoyed our story 'If I had a Dragon'. The children participated in role play activities and took turn in answering questions "what would I do if I had a dragon?"
This weeks award goes to Finley for his great improvement with his letter formation.
Well done Finley!

Year 3
In Year 3 we like to keep busy. This week we have been working hard showing how much they have learned in their assessments. In between all of this, we have been singing and dancing in preparation for our Christmas Production as well as singing carols at the Spires which will take place next week on December 11th.
This week's highlight has been sharing our letters from our published Year 3 Book: The Day the Pencil (and other items from the pencil case) Quit with Year 1.
Maths - pages 33 and 34
Although it is optional, I would strongly recommend that you challenge yourself by also completing the real world maths task on page 35.
Rehearsing - Practise all of the songs and dances for the Christmas show.
This week, the following children have been recognised for the following:
Sami - Nessy Certificate of Achievement for accuracy
Matias - Showing improved behaviour and focus in Yoga.
Arianna C - Showing more independence and confidence in her learning.
Alex - Showing kindness to others.
Kingfisher 1
This weeks in Maths we are learning all about subtraction, using pictures objects and part whole model.
In English children enjoyed our story 'If I had a Dragon'. The children participated in role play activities and took turn in answering questions "what would I do if I had a dragon?"

This weeks award goes to Finley for his great improvement with his letter formation.
Well done Finley!
Year 3
In Year 3 we like to keep busy. This week we have been working hard showing how much they have learned in their assessments. In between all of this, we have been singing and dancing in preparation for our Christmas Production as well as singing carols at the Spires which will take place next week on December 11th.
This week's highlight has been sharing our letters from our published Year 3 Book: The Day the Pencil (and other items from the pencil case) Quit with Year 1.
Maths - pages 33 and 34
Although it is optional, I would strongly recommend that you challenge yourself by also completing the real world maths task on page 35.
Rehearsing - Practise all of the songs and dances for the Christmas show.
This week, the following children have been recognised for the following:
Sami - Nessy Certificate of Achievement for accuracy
Matias - Showing improved behaviour and focus in Yoga.
Arianna C - Showing more independence and confidence in her learning.
Alex - Showing kindness to others.
Year 4
Year 4 have been continuing with multiplication and division in Maths, and in English the children have been practising expanded noun phrases, direct speech and using appropriate language to set the scene for their Greek myth.
In Art, their masterpieces are complete and they should be extremely proud of how they applied their learning to their final piece.
This week, Year 4 have welcomed Mr Fisher to the team and the children have been very welcoming.
English: Punctuation- pages 24 and 25
Maths: pages 37 and 38
This week's achievement awards go to Gia Khang and Dilan for their fantastic Art this week. Well done to you both!
Year 5
This week the children showed how much progress they've made since September by smashing their assessments.
In Maths, they learned how to add and subtract proper fractions and mixed numbers.
In Art, they planned and created their own mixed-media self- portraits; Mr T and I were very impressed by their creativity and self-expression.
Reminder: swimming continues next week so please continue to send your child in with their costume, towel, underwear, goggles and swimming hats - thank you!
Homework due by Weds 11th Dec
Maths: pages 37 and 38 (fractions A)
Reading: pages 39 - 41 (City Jungle challenges 1, 2 and 3)
This week's awards go to Sufyan for his detailed explanations and answers, and to Eva for her work on fractions. Well done!
Year 6
This week in Year 6, we have been completing our end-of- term assessments. The children have worked exceptionally hard, demonstrating remarkable resilience and determination. They have all made fantastic progress this term and should be proud of their achievements – Mrs Armstrong and I certainly are! In the afternoons, we have started our art topic, which focuses on developing our drawing skills, using Mayan art as a source of inspiration.
Maths: Adding and subtracting fractions – pages 20 and 21
Reading: Lasers – Question Set 2, pages 44 and 45

This week's achievement awards go to Eren for his positive attitude to learning this week, and to Leah for her excellent progress in maths this term.
Kingfisher 2
This week the children have all been working very hard to show what they have learnt so far this year in their assessments. We are very proud of their positive attitudes and progress.
In Maths, we have been learning about the concept of fractions - how to write them and what they look like.
In English, we have finished our Superhero comics and added speech bubbles to them.
This week's award goes to Mario for an excellent attitude when completing his assessments. Well done Mario!
Monday 9th:
- Year 5 swimming all week
Tuesday 10th:
- Santa Visit - cost £5 via School Money
Wednesday 11th:
- Year 3 Singing at The Spires, High Barnet 2pm
Thursday 12th:
- Year 3 and KS1 Christmas Show DRESS REHEARSAL to Parents/Carers with babies and/or young children. 10:30am.
- Y5/6 Netball Match - Underhill vs Livingstone, 3:30pm. Away.
Friday 13th:
- Children's Christmas Activity Day and Mini Fair
- PTA Christmas Fair 3pm onwards
- No Yoga Club
- Activity Clubs finish for Autumn Term (Breakfast and Cabin Club open)
Monday 16th:
- Year 3 and KS1 Christmas Show to Parents/Carers 1:30pm (tickets only)
- Activity Clubs for Spring 1 go online for booking at 5:30pm
Tuesday 17th:
- Year 3 and KS1 Christmas Show to Parents/Carers 9:00am (tickets only)
- Nursery and Reception Christmas Songs to Parents/Carers 2:30pm
Wednesday 18th:
- Nursery and Reception Christmas Songs to Parents/Carers 9:00am
Thursday 19th:
- Christmas Jumper Day (please donate £1 to Save the Children charity)
- Christmas Dinner Day (if your child is packed lunch and they would like a Xmas dinner, please contact the school office)
Friday 20th:
- School Carol Service at St. James Church, New Barnet, 9:30 - 11:30am
- End of term - school finishes at 2pm (No Cabin Club)
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates next term.