July Week 1
7th July 2023
PTA Summer Party and BBQ
The Summer Fair was another successful event made possible by a dedicated group of PTA members who worked tirelessly to ensure the children had the best possible experience.
Thank you to everyone who donated, as the generosity was overwhelming and very much appreciated by anyone who won a prize. The performance of the choir was outstanding and Edward Partridge and Mrs Margetts were star turns! Despite the threat of rain, the barbecue was unaffected, the bouncy castles were used to full capacity and the Karaoke was brilliant. All in all, the event was a tremendous success and we raised just under £3,000.
Roll up, roll up...Get your preloved uniform from Mr Sudbury
Mr Sudbury will be holding a uniform sale of very good condition, preloved school wear on Monday 10th July at 8:50am on the grass area by the school office.
See you there!

Sports Day
Sports Day made its annual return on Monday with KS1 races in the morning and KS2 races in the afternoon. The children were very excited and rearing to go.
In the morning, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 took part in three races: the classic egg and spoon which proved extra tricky thanks to the windy breeze, an obstacle race modelling different skills and a sprint relay. KS1 were full of cheer and demonstrated excellent sporting attitudes. Each colour team was allocated points depending on their position in each race. With a 20 point lead, the winners of KS1 were the Yellow Team!
It was KS2 turn in the afternoon and unfortunately, the weather wasn't on our side so we had to make a quick change to the programme. Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 took part in an obstacle race, a sprint relay and following KS1 steps, an egg and spoon race! Again, the children demonstrated our school values of resilience, determination and cooperation. Each coloured team performed well and the scores were super close between 1st and 2nd place.
In 4th place was the green team, in 3rd place was the red team and with a point difference, in 2nd place was the blue team. Yellow won again!
Thank you to everyone who came to watch and a thank you to our P.E councillors to helped throughout the day.
Also, we have to mention the nursery sprint race which was full of 'ooooo' and 'awwww' moments. Well done, Nursery!
Football Final
From the start of the football season back in the Autumn Term, it all came to end on Wednesday. It has been an unbelievable year of Sport and we are proud of everyone who has attended football club.
The John King Cup Final was a long time coming and the girls football team haven't complained once. They have attended every practice with a smile and a desire to do their best. We have never had a year quite like it where a team has not just won one event but multiple!
On Wednesday, we played against Foulds again. Everyone is in agreement when we say the quality of football was exceptional. Both teams were very deserving of winning.
The girls battled it out for 40 minutes with great chances made on both teams. We have never seen Geethesri, our goalkeeper, move so much! She made some incredible saves with our defensive line working together and ensuring our forward players had the chance to score. After 40 minutes, it was still 0-0 which meant we had to go to extra time.
Everyone on the sideline held their breath as it was announced that it was time for....a penalty shootout! There were a few nerves, but the courage of our players was stronger.
Each team took 7 penalties! It was tense, and it could have gone either way but it overwhelmingly resulted in us winning 4-3!
The pitch was invaded by Livingstone supporters, and we were flooded with emotions.
It will be a memory that we will treasure forever!
Well done to: Diya, Lois, Geethesri, Catherine, Katerina, Hattie, Chloe, Arbel and Kaitlin.
A special shout out must be made for our coaches, Mr Madle and Mr Thomas who have guided our girls throughout their football journey.
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
We have been enjoying our mini-beast topic this week and had lots of fun decorating biscuits with our favourite mini-beasts on top.
We are so proud of Reception for their wonderful performances of their Graduation. They have worked so hard and it was lovely to show you just a snippet of the things we have learnt this year.
Thank you for coming to watch!

All of Reception for being superstars!
Year 1
This week in Year 1 we have learnt to tell the time. We know that the big hand is the minute hand and the little hand is the hour hand. Please practise telling the time at home using the language o'clock and half-past.
We have completed our writing on The Balloon Tree where the children learnt how to use talk for writing to help them retell the beginning of the story.
In our afternoon lessons we are deepening our knowledge and skills on computing as we create digital pictures with text and movement.
We also went on a local area walk to demonstrate what we've learnt about road safety. Remember always to 'Stop, Think, Look and Listen' before you cross the road with an adult.
The first achievement award goes to Gino for his improvement in his story writing.
The second achievement award goes to Mollie for her boundless enthusiasm for and excellent academic achievement in all the subjects across the curriculum.
Year 2
Year 2 have been learning fractions in Maths. We have recognised unit and non-unit fractions and looked at halves and two-quarters.
We had a great morning taking part in Sports Day and we event wrote a recount about it.
R.E has been our foundation subject this week. We have discussed special places and looked at some places of worship.

This week's achievements goes to Musa for his good R.E work and helping Miss Fairley and Zachariah for his excellent subject knowledge in R.E.
Kingfisher 1
This week in Maths the children have been sorting cubes and other objects into equal groups of 2's.
In English, our new topic is Pirates, and they enjoyed reading the story Pirate Pete as well as roleplaying the characters from the story.
We had a wonderful time at Aldenham Country Park on Thursday, we got to see many of the farm animals, sit on the farm tractor and very much loved having a go on the bouncy castle.
This week's achievement award goes to all of the KF1 children for having a fabulous week.
Year 3
Year 3 have been getting very practical this week! In maths we have created our own 3d shapes using straws and blue tac, which we really enjoyed. We have been learning about the properties of 3d shapes.
IN D&T, we have designed and made our own bags. We all worked so hard with our sewing, which at times was very difficult but we have all created our own practical bag. We made the bags using a running stitch or a blanket stitch and decorated them, stitching on the handles also. We have really enjoyed and worked so hard at our D&T this week, well done year 3!
Our first achievement goes to Alya for her hard work and determination to complete her bag to the best of her ability.
The second achievement goes to Lukas for his perseverance and attention to detail during our D&T lessons.
Year 4
This week in Year 4, we have been completing our end of year assessments. The children have all done exceptionally well and should be proud of their hard work and achievements this year, Mrs Craddock and I certainly are!
In Art, we have been designing and crafting our clay pots using the pinch pot method which has captivated the children's interest. We look forward to decorating them next week!

This week's achievement award goes to the whole of Year 4 for their excellent work and attitude whilst completing assessments. Well done!
Year 5
The children did fantastically well in their end-of-year assessments - what a great way to finish our Maths and English units!
They wrote, edited and published their final piece of writing in Year 5: a vlog based on the book 'Pig Heart Boy'.
In the afternoons, they were scientists learning about how some animals go through complete or incomplete metamorphosis. They compared the life cycles of different amphibians, mammals and insects. We also looked at our geranium cuttings to see if they had asexually reproduced; 60% of them did! The children planted them in the school garden today.
Reminder: on Monday 17th July, the children need to be at school at 6PM for the evening performance of School Of Rock.
CGP Books
Maths: pages 62 - 63 (time and measurement problems)
English: pages 60-61 (apostrophe practice)
This week's awards go to Diya and Cairo for their progress in their assessments. Well done!
Year 6
Another full packed week for Year 6. Show rehearsals continue, secondary school transition days and our trip to Kew Gardens. The children represented Livingstone beautifully and they had an amazing time. The Tree Top Walk was an experience to remember and treasure.
Please send the children's costumes in school on Monday, in a named bag. The letter for tickets should have come home on Wednesday, please return asap so Year 6 can have priority as we have a limited amount of seats and the tickets need to be distributed to Year 4 and 5 also.
Please check the diary dates above for the key Year 6 events over the next 2 weeks.
Mrs Armstrong and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support this year. Your children have made us very proud, and we look forward to hearing about their next chapters.
Ms Breen
This week's achievement award goes to every member of our fabulous Year 6. You make us proud everyday and you have all excelled this year!
Kingfisher 2
After a successful sports day on Monday, the boys have been working hard on their assessments this week and to celebrate the end of a fantastic year together, we all enjoyed an ice-cream treat at Lewis of London Ice Cream Farm earlier today. Delicious and well deserved!!!
Thank you to our KF2 parents for all your support over the year! We have loved teaching your children and are very proud of their achievements!

Congratulations to..
Nathan - for his enthusiastic singing in the show practises.
Jack – for being a kind friend to Calvin on the minibus.
Parent Champions including Parent Reps

Our last coffee morning for this academic year will be on Friday 14th July at 9am in The Cabin. You are all welcome to join for tea, coffee, cake and a chat.
Ros is an experienced and creative TV professional with experience in children's animation, factual entertainment and quiz and game shows. She will be there to talk to parents about TV content.
In addition to this, please use this opportunity to let our team know if there is any specific workshop you would be interested in for the next academic year and we will do our best to make it happen (e.g. money saving tips, children & adult mental health, parenting classes, etc.)

Summer Reading Challenge
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OGI Sporting Competition sponsored by Non-Stop Action
Non Stop Action is sponsoring this amazing community event at Saracens stadium in May 2024.
OGI, a non-profit making organisation are running a 3-day sporting competition to encourage young people between the ages of 9-21, regardless of their sporting or athletic abilities, to participate and socialise.
The next games are scheduled to take place over the last bank holiday weekend of May in 2024. Anyone who is interested in taking part or who would like further information, should contact Cos Economides or Marco Carnevale at or visit our website

JULY 2023
Monday 10th:
- Kingfisher Music Assembly 9:30am - parents/carers of children performing welcome
- Year 4 Creative Writing workshop at East Barnet School
- KS1 Sports Festival for selected pupils
Wednesday 12th:
- International Dance Day - children to wear their PE kits to school
Thursday 13th:
- Year 6 'School of Rock' Show with Years 4 and 5 to rest of the school
- Football Festival for Selected Pupils
- Meet the Teacher Part 1
Friday 14th:
- Parent Champions Coffee Morning at 9 am in the Cabin including Parent Rep Meeting
- Year 5 and 6 Sex and Relationship Workshops
- Year 6 'School of Rock' Show to Parents/Carers 1:45 - 3:00 PM
- Meet the Teacher Part 2
- After School Activity Clubs finish for the term.
- Pupil reports going home to parents/carers
Monday 17th:
- Year 6 'School of Rock' Show to Parents/Carers 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Wednesday 19th:
- Reception Picnic at Tudor Park - 11:30am - 2:30pm (parents/ carers welcome to join)
- Sports Assembly - 2:30pm (parents/carers of pupils representing school sports teams this year to join)
- Year 6 Prom Night - 6:30-8:45 PM
Thursday 20th:
- Year 6 Leaving Assembly 9am - Year 6 Parents/Carers to attend
- END OF TERM - School closes at 2pm (No Cabin Club)