Livingstone Newsletter
July Week 1
Livingstone Make Headlines
Friday 5th July
When some Year 5 and Year 6 pupils attended the Athletics For All Event, a few children and Mrs Church were interviewed by the organisers (London Marathon Group).
We are honoured to have been chosen to explain why P.E and School Sport is important and how giving children opportunities to participate in different sports is a valuable experience for them.
Click the link to read more.
Sports Leader & KS1 Festival
Last week, some children from KS1 took part in different sporting activities here at Livingstone with other children from Osidge Primary School. This event was run by our KS2 P.E Councillors and other sports leaders. The KS2 children worked incredibly hard to plan and deliver these activities which had an Olympic theme to it. KS1 children took part in relay races, volleyball, basketball, football and a fan favourite sport; dodgeball. Our P.E councillors and sports leaders impressed all the adults with their excellent communication skills speaking clearly and also being motivating towards our younger pupils showing great leadership.
Well done to Elsie, Zach, Oliver, Charlotte, Sienna, George, Muhammad, Uzair, Leah, Xander and Jaime.
Sports Day
Monday was Livingstone's Sports Day. An event the children (and adults) look forward to every year. To celebrate the Paris 2024 Olympics, we started Sports Day a little differently with a champions parade to celebrate the countries around the world and our four coloured houses. Sports Day is a great day for children to show off their team spirit, have resilience and have a little competitiveness. The children were incredibly behaved and seemed to have a enjoyable day.
The overall winners for KS1 were the red team and the overall winners for KS2 were the blue team.
Well done to all children!
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
This week Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery have grabbed their buckets and spades and pretended to go the seaside, and what a great time we had! We have learnt about all the different things you can see and do at the seaside. The amazing animals that you may see if you look carefully under the sea or in rock pools on the beach. Equally important, we have learnt how to stay safe while having fun.
They have produced some beautiful art work and enjoyed a range of fiction and non-fiction texts., including 'Hooray for fish' and 'Mr Seahorse.'
This weeks phonics sounds have been: 'y' for yak and 'w' for watch.
Reception have had a great week. We have been preparing for our Graduation assembly - discussing how much we have learnt in the past and what we would like to do in the future. We have been learning lines (which have been given in the book bags), preparing songs and dances and practicing our 'big' voices. We look forward to performing to you all on the following dates:
Tuesday 16th July at 2.30pm and Thursday 18th July at 9am
More information to follow next week.

To all of Reception for working hard on learning lines, singing songs and dances for the show!
Year 1
This week was assessment week in Year 1; the children showed their teachers how much they have progressed this year. We are so proud of them.
Last week we had an exciting trip to Pickled Pepper Bookshop to meet the author and illustrator of There’s a Tiger on the Train. The children loved acting out the story with Mariesa and drawing the front cover with Rebecca. They even got to take home a signed copy of their very own book. In Maths, we have continued our work on time. Please continue to practise telling the time to o’clock and half with your children; you can use the clocks that the children made in school. We finished our unit of RE by singing songs and listening to the story of Noah and the flood. Then we began to focus on the changing of seasons from Spring to Summer in our Science lessons. Let’s hope the sunshine lasts!

The first achievement awards this week goes to Evan for his excellent work with telling the time and discussing the seasons. The second achievement award goes to Mason for the progress he continues to make in his reading. Keep up the great work boys!
Year 2
Year 2 have been learning about positional language and directions in Maths. We have followed different directions learning how to move clockwise and anti-clockwise. Along with moving objects in different turns (full turn, half a turn, a quarter turn and a three-quarter turn). Year 2 wrote fabulous letters inspired by 'Class Three All At Sea' using informal language and conjunctions. The children have loved our D.T topic this term. We used our cutting skills to make smoothies which the children got to enjoy outside.
Pages 114 and 115. 116 is optional.

This week's achievements go to Cody for his hard work in Maths using positional language and Matias for his enthusiasm and positive attitude in all our lessons.
Kingfisher 1
What a busy week we have had in KF1 this week. In English we were pirate themed, reading pirate stories. The children were roleplaying and dressing up as pirates wearing hats and jewellery. Oh, what fun we had!
In Maths we were learning all about position and direction. The children enjoyed using Beebots and programmed them to reach different destinations on our map. Reception used remote control cars and moved them forward, backwards and left and right.
We ended the week with mindfulness. The children relaxed and concentrated on their senses.
This week's award goes to King for participating in all activities and following instructions.
Well done!
Year 3
It has been 'Assessment Week' for Year 3 this week, and they have all worked very hard on these! The children also displayed such positive attitudes in Sports Day and were very supportive of one another. In Maths, we continued our work on digital time, both the 12-hour clock with AM and PM, and the 24-hour clock. We also learned about time conversions and years, months and days. In English, we have been preparing our fact-files about either water dragon, fire dragon or fairy tale dragon. In the afternoons, we finished our Geography unit on 'Hills and Mountains' by learning about the physical and human geography of mountains, and we have also begun our new Art unit focused on 'Drawing'.
Maths: pages 104 and 105
English (reading): pages 56 and 57.
The first achievement award goes to Liana for always trying her best and being such a great role model to others.
The second achievement award goes to Oliver for making great progress in reading comprehension
Year 4
This week in Maths we have been revising previous topics and completing our end of year assessment. The children have all made progress and should be proud of the achievements, we certainly are! In the afternoons, we have been exploring digital literacy in computing looking at how to stay safe online and maintain a digital balanced diet using the digital 5-a-day.
Maths - pages 118, 119, 122, 123, 125 and 126

This week's achievement awards go to Ryann and Stefi for their excellent work in Maths. Well done! :)
Year 5
This week, the children completed their end-of-year assessments and showed how much progress they've made this year - they should be very proud of themselves!
In Maths, they converted different measurements and learned about volume.
In English, they wrote their final piece: a vlog as Alex, a character in our whole-class text. They enjoyed going 10 years into the future and imagining what Alex's life is like.
In RE, they looked at global issues and how different religions may respond.
Homework due on Weds 10th July
Maths: pages 118, 119, 121 and 122
This week's awards go to Olivia and Zyan for their fantastic vlog writing as Alex from Pig Heart Boy. Well done!
Year 6
Year 6 have been busy rehearsing for the 'Lion King', this week. Please encourage your child to practise their lines as from Monday our rehearsals will be script free.
During swimming, the progress the children made was very impressive. I hope they continue swimming to build upon this.
In Art, the children have been thinking about their memories of Livingstone which they will be able to recreate in their box; it will, hopefully, be a lovely keepsake.
CGP Homework pages
Maths: Arithmetic - pages 42 and 43
English: SPaG - pages 16 and 17

This week’s achievement awards go to Bianca and Chloe for knowing all their lines so have been able to focus on their acting. Well done to you both!
Kingfisher 2
What a great sports day we had on Monday! All the children did their best, participated with enthusiasm and had a good time! George was also fab at being part of the team who helped out at the KS1 event in the morning, as our sports council representative!!
In maths we have continued the topic ‘Statistics’ where the boys have been drawing and interpreting different types of data in block diagrams, tables and pictograms. They have also become very confident using tally charts.
This week in our Kingfisher 2 english sessions we have been focussing mainly on grammar and sentence structure.
This week’s award goes to:
Dilan – for his improvement in phonics and his great attitude to work of late.
Well done!

JULY 2024
Monday 8th:
- Year 6 Roady Safety Workshop - all day
Friday 12th:
- Year 5 and Year 6 RSE
- Meet the Teacher Rec - Year 5
- Years 5 and 6 Football Festival
- Yoga Club - Family Session
- Activity Clubs finish for Summer Term
- PTA Family Camp Night
Tuesday 16th:
- Year 6, 5 and 4 Summer Show, The Lion King to Parents/ Carers - 9:00am in Main Hall (tickets only)
- Reception Graduation Show to Parents/Carers - 2:30pm in the Main Hall
Wednesday 17th:
- Summer Book Giveaway in KS2 playground - 3:00pm
Thursday 18th:
- Reception Graduation Show to Parents/Carers - 9am in the Main Hall
- Reception Family Picnic, Victoria Park with Parents/Carers - 12pm (weather permitting)
- Year 6, 5 and 4 Summer Show, The Lion King to Parents/ Carers - 6:00pm in Main Hall (tickets only)
Friday 19th:
- PTA Golden Time Summer Party for Children - PM
Monday 22nd:
- International Dance Day for Whole School - all Day
- Year 6 Leavers Prom 5:45 - 8:30pm
Tuesday 23rd:
- Year 6 Leavers Assembly 9am in Main Hall
- End of Term - school finishes at 2pm (no Cabin Club)
Wednesday 24th:
School Holidays Thursday 25th July - Friday 30th August 2024
Monday 2nd:
- INSET DAY - school closed to pupils
Tuesday 3rd:
- Start of Autumn Term (Years 1-6)
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates next term.