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Livingstone Newsletter

June Week 1

Friday 9th June

Barnet Medieval Festival 2023

If you have some free time this weekend maybe you could pop along to the Barnet Medieval Festival which is holding its annual event to commemorate the Battle of Barnet.

"Barnet Medieval Festival is dedicated to engaging people in the history of the Battle of Barnet and its significance within the Wars of the Roses. Fought on 14th April 1471, the Battle of Barnet saw Edward IV lead his Yorkist army to victory against the Lancastrian forces led by the Earl of Warwick." ( https:// barnetmedievalfestival.org/)

There will be Medieval stalls, community stalls, and food stalls.

Key Times for Saturday and Sunday:

12:00pm Re-enactment of the second Battle of St Albans

12:30pm Equestrian display

1:30pm Fashion Show

2:00pm Archery demonstration

2:30pm Firepower display with cannon & guns

3:30pm Equestrian display

4:00pm Re-enactment of the Battle of Barnet


Children's Summer Party and Family Summer BBQ

Dear Parent(s)/Carer(s),

The Livingstone Summer Party is taking place on Friday 30th June 2023.

It will be held in the hall from 1.45pm until 3.00pm.

There will be a charge of £5.00 which will include: Music, Drinks Station, Games, 3 Bouncy Castles and an ice lolly to cool them down.

Spending money

Please place this in a named purse/envelope ON THE DAY OF THE SUMMER PARTY.

Children will be able to spend their money on:

Glitter Tattoos / Glow in the dark tattoos

Face Glitter

Stick on Tattoos



Pocket money stall and many more

Prices range from 50p to £3.00.


Children can come to school dressed in their own clothes.


Livingstone’s Summer BBQ in the KS1 play area. There will be stalls, a bar serving beer, cocktails and prosecco and music followed by Karaoke.

Parents / Carers will pick up Children at 3.15pm and can enter Summer BBQ via the car park entrance. There will be a £1 entrance charge for adults.

The choir will be performing at 3.30pm.

Payments for The Summer Party can be made via School Money. Please have payments in by Thursday 29th June.

See you there!

The PTA Team


Non-Uniform Days

In order to ensure that we have a wide variety of prizes, we are asking for your donations to be guided by these suggestions.

Please feel free to donate anything that you feel could be used to fund-raise for the school as all donations are appreciated by the PTA.

Friday 16th June

Rec & Nur -Chocolate

Yr1 and Yr2 -Sweets

Yr3 and Yr4 - Chocolate

Yr5 and Yr6 - Sweets

Friday 23rd June

Rec & Nur -New Children’s Gifts and Toys for Tombola

Yr1 and Yr2 - New Adult Gifts and Toys for Tombola

Yr3 and Yr4 - New Children’s Gifts and Toys

Yr5 and Yr6 - New Adult Gifts and Toys for Tombola

Thursday 29th June

Rec & Nur - Toys and Cakes

Yr1 and Yr2 - Toys and Cakes

Yr3 and Yr4 - Toys and Cakes

Yr5 and Yr6 -Toys and Cakes

Thank you for your support in doing this for us, as all funds raised will be reinvested in improving the school for your child/ren


Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery

This week in Nursery we continued with our sea creature theme and started a new one about farm animals. The children have enjoyed learning the names of a variety of sea creatures and farm animals over the last couple of weeks as well as investigating their descriptive features.

Ellis is delighted that his Coronation seeds have started to grow. He has been looking after them really well and we can see why he is feeling incredibly proud.



Reception have had a great week getting back to phonics, writing and learning in the classroom. The children thoroughly enjoyed their creative computing activity morning where they worked together to make electronic posters about themselves. They are also learning to type their names using a keyboard!

A reminder that all children need to have named water bottles in school each day. Now that the weather is getting warmer, children should also bring in named sunhats and need suncream applied each day. Thank you.


This weeks awards go to our new classmates!

Well done Sonny and Abid for making such a great start to reception class.

Year 1

We are excited to begin our last half-term in Year 1. We are focusing on partitioning numbers to 100 into tens and ones. Please continue to consolidate place value with their maths homework this week. In English, we are responding to the fantastic story, Look Up! In phonics we are reviewing all of our Set 2 and 3 sounds in preparation for the screening test next week. We are studying Queen Elizabeth II in History and the pupils have really enjoyed learning about the royal family. You can use the brain boosters to create your own family tree if you wish as well.

Achievement awards this week go to Ethan and Filip for their brilliant letters they wrote to Rocket in our English lessons. Well done!

Year 2

This week we have been reading the book 'Class Three all at Sea'. Th children role-played and acted out scenes from the book and practised expanded noun phrases to describe characters.

In Maths, we are continuing our revision of 2D and 3D shapes and number bonds to 10, 20 and 100.

We have also started our new topic in Design & Technology and the children had the chance to taste different fruit and express their opinion about the taste and smell. They also practised to cut, peel and thread fruit and vegetables using a knife, a peeler and a skewer.

It has been great fun!

Homework: Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling book p. 18-19 and 22-23

This week's achievement awards go to Gia Khang and Renee for their great inference skills in Reading Comprehension.

Kingfisher 1

This week we have been very busy in Kingfisher 1. In Maths we have returned to the topic of place value to develop a deeper understanding of number and the number system. Children have been counting, ordering, comparing and representing numbers in a variety of ways.

In English we begin our second author study with 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' by Judith Kerr. We had great fun reading and acting out the story. The children did excellent writing and retelling.

This week's achievement award goes to Sergio for his excellent effort in all subjects, well done!

Year 3

This week we have started a new book in English 'Tell Me a Dragon'. We will be using this book to write a narrative based on a snowy setting. We have been focusing on new vocabulary to describe the dragon and the setting. On Tuesday, we enjoyed a visit from Chicken shed theatre company. This was one of three workshops they are going to be doing with us which was really enjoyable. In Science, we have started our new unit based on light. With the sun now shining, we will be investigating shadows with the sunlight at different times of the days.

CGP Homework

Maths - pg 52 & 53 time problems

English - pg 44 & 45 sentence practice

Our first achievements this week goes to Holly for her fantastic vocabulary and use of subordinate clauses within sentences to describe a snowy setting.

The second achievement goes to Ryan for his excellent attitude towards all lessons and always pushing himself to do the best he can.

Year 4

We have had a busy first week back! This week in Maths, we have started looking at angles and shape. In English, we have been identifying the features used in a persuasive letter, and in Science we have been exploring living things and their habitats. Additionally this week, we have taken part in two workshops. The first workshop held by Britain's Got Talent semi-finalist (Chickenshed) and the second was a computing workshop where we explored stop animation!


Maths: Comparing angles - pages 54 and 55

SPaG: Exclamation mark - page 39

We will be starting the MTC next week so please continuing recapping all times tables facts :)

This week's achievement awards go to Evgenia and Medina for taking great pride in the presentation of their work. Well done!

Year 5

It's been a great first week back for Year 5.

In Maths, the children have learned how to add and subtract decimals and persevered to solve some difficult problems.

In English, we recapped our whole-class text, 'Pig Heart Boy', and started learning about balanced arguments. The children enjoyed debating questions, either being 'for', 'against' or the jury.

We are historians in the afternoons, learning all about The Tudors and the Elizabethan Age from 1485 -1603. The children looked at the Tudor family tree and learned all six Tudor monarchs in chronological order, learned about famous explorers (like Sir Frances Drake) and compared crime and punishment in the Elizabethan Age to today.

Reminder: We have our trip to Knebworth House on Thursday. Please pay and give permission if you haven't done so already via School Money.

CGP Books:

Maths: pages 42-43 (ordering and comparing decimals)

English: pages 48-49 (commas for extra information)


This week's awards go to Uzair for remembering so much about The Tudors, and to Chloe for challenging herself more in Maths.

Year 6

It has been a buy week for Year 6. The children had a great time at Chessington and represented Livingstone impeccably. We have been finishing our Geography topic 'South America and the Amazon Rainforest', starting our transition activities to prepare them for their next chapter in Year 7 and auditions for our show 'The School of Rock'.

Next week, we are beginning Science and will be looking at 'Animals including Humans'.

CGP Homework

English: pages 74 and 75

Maths: pages 78 and 79


This week's achievement award go to Nate for his fantastic geography work this week.

Kingfisher 2

KF2 have had a good week back after the half term break. They have been learning about recounts in English and identifying their key features, such as past tense. The boys also enjoyed talking and writing about the best day of their holiday.

In Maths, the boys have been working on telling the time past the hour. They have been reading analogue clocks and drawing the hands to make specific times.


This week’s KF2 achievement awards, go to George and Calvin.

George wrote a fab recount of his favourite day in the half term and impressed us when telling the time in 5-minute intervals. He has also been working with more independence.

Calvin worked really well with using tense correctly and did a good job with the challenge of using irregular past tense. He always tries to achieve his best work.



June 2023

Monday 12th:

  • Year 1 Phonics Screening begins

Tuesday 13th:

  • Tag Rugby Fixture Final 2:30 - 4:00pm

Friday 16th:

  • Father's Day Stall
  • Non-uniform Day (read further down for required donations)
  • Years 5 and 6 Road Safety Workshop
  • Selected KS1 Sports Festival at Burnt Oak Leisure Centre
  • Girls Football Final vs Foulds at 3:30pm (HOME)

Monday 19th:

  • Choir to Arts Depot for Barnet Music Festival

Tuesday 20th:

  • Years 3 and 4 Chickenshed Workshop

Friday 23rd:

  • Non-uniform Day (read further down for required donations)
  • Selected KS2 Athletic Competition
  • Year 4 Camp Evening

Monday 26th:

  • INSET Day - school closed to pupils

Thursday 29th:

  • Non-uniform Day (read further down for required donations)

Friday 30th:

  • Summer Party and Family BBQ (see below for non-uniform days and more info)
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