Livingstone Newsletter
June Week 1
Friday 7th June
Parent Representative Meeting 24.5.24
- Giovanna Phelan – Head teacher
- Sid Visuanathan – Reception
- Jackie Scott – Year 1
- Laura Blackaller – Year 2
- Charlotte Gosling – Year 3
- Melanie Gosling – Year 4
- Kate Figgis – Year 5
- Lina Cavozzi – Year 6
- Shelly Farmer – Year 6 and Kingfisher 2
- Austin Scott
Q1. When is Sports Day?
A1. Sports day is on Monday 1st July with a reserve date of Monday 15th July in case of bad weather. Times will be confirmed in the newsletter. Please use the link in the newsletter for school dates.
Q2. Some parents in Year 2 feel that their class is always the last ones out at the end of the day .
A2. The headteacher will speak to Ms Fairley and see what can be done to speed up the departure.
Q3. You may have noticed that we have some new apparatus in the playground. We have a new mini MUGA, fitness boards and table tennis tables on order.
A3. These are products that have been made possible with contributions raised by our PTA.
Q4. There have been concerns regarding the safety of pupils crossing in front of the school entrance.
A4. The school are doing their best to police road safety outside the school. While it may not be possible to eliminate all risk, we are doing our best to prevent accidents from happening including calling in the Health and Safety (SHaW) to guide us in making improvements.
This is our last meeting before the end of the school year.
We would like to thank Lina Cavozzi and Shelley Farmer, our Year 6 Reps, for all their hard work over the years as parent representatives.
Boulogne -sur -Mer, France
On behalf of all the children, Mrs Phelan would like to give a special thank you to Ms Papas for organising one of the best ever trips to France and to Mrs Cockburn for helping with the organisation. Ms Nicholson and Mr Sudbury were fantastic drivers and every member of staff helped to make the trip an amazing experience for everyone.
Parent Champions Coffee Morning with a Guest Speaker
Father's Day
The PTA have created Bumper Chocolate Boxes that can be pre-ordered for Father's Day. These are gift wrapped boxes for Dad's to share with the family.
Each box costs £5, if you would like to order one, please place your order on School Money by Wednesday 12th June and they will be made ready for collection on Thursday or Friday.
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
We had a fantastic first week full of enthusiasm and great learning! Our core book this week has been ‘The train ride’, so the children have been role playing getting on and off the train, travelling to the seaside and even Spain and Greece by different modes of transport. We have also been exploring different forces ; magnetic, pushing, pulling and rolling due to gravity. The lovely warm weather has allowed the children to spend time in the outdoor area doing shadow drawing and exploring colour mixing using trains.
Phonics: This week we have been learning the sounds /e/ (like elephant) and /f/ (like flower).
Reception have had a great week! We started the week looking at how our beans have grown. A big thank you to Orla for looking after our class bean over half term. We were amazed at how tall it grew!
The children have been reading 'Elmer' and doing lots of different elephant themed activities. They have especially enjoyed sculpting elephants with modelling clay. We have talked about how important our differences are and how we are all unique and special in so many ways.
We are looking forward to having Miss Purse back next week, who will now be Mrs Mills!
Have a great weekend.

Muhammadamin - for being a model pupil and always trying his best!
Safiya - for amazing progress with her writing!
Year 1
Welcome back to our last term in Year 1! We began studying The Gingerbread Man in our English lessons. The children acted out the story with excellent expression and remembered the repeated refrains. We started to write the beginning of the story using our story maps, and Mrs. Hunter and I were really impressed with their progress!
In Maths, we are comparing 2-digit numbers as well as finding one more and one less than a given number. Our afternoon sessions were very busy with Computing. The children used Purple Mash to create their own stories using animation, sound recording and drawing tools. Have a look at their saved work on Purple Mash under the Year 1 file.
Next week is our Phonics Screening Check, so please make sure you continue to practise your Set 2 and 3 sounds and read your Read Write Inc books for at least 10 minutes everyday.
Achievement awards this week go to Tameem and Arshin for their incredible animated Gingerbread Man story. Well done you two!
Year 2
Year 2 have had a great first week back. In Science, we finished learning about plants, including seed dispersal. We undertook an experiment allowing us to observe the impact which different conditions (water, sunlight or temperature) have on a plant’s growth. In Maths, we are learning about time. We have been reading analogue clocks, writing the time and drawing the time to show o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.In English, we read ‘Class Three all at Sea’ and this has inspired our writing to create our own pirate to describe.
Pages 97 and 98. 99 is optional.
Also, please continue to read real life clocks at home as this is the best way to practice :)

This week's achievements go to Matias for his excellent work in Maths and being able to tell the time and Arianna.O for her hard work and efforts in English.
Kingfisher 1
We have had a very busy first week in KF1. It was lovely hearing all the children's half term news. In Maths we have been working on addition including one more and one less.
In English we have been reading The Tiger who Came to Tea. The children loved this story. We used colourful semantics and sequencing pictures to retell the story. We even had our very own tea party and had a tiger come to tea!
We had a Chicken shed workshop this week where the children engaged in numerous activities encouraging them to have their own voice and understand different emotions. We are looking forward to next week's session.
What fun we had on our trip to Aldenham country park. The children got to explore the farm and had great time in the adventure playground.
The achievement award goes to all of KF1 for working so hard this week and their brilliant behaviour on our trip.
Well done KF1
Year 3
This week we have started our new science unit on light. We really enjoyed investigating how reflective light is on different surfaces. We found that light is more reflective on shiny and smooth surfaces. In English we have started working on the book the me a dragon. We have been describing different dragons and their settings focusing on fronted adverbials within our descriptive sentences.
In Maths we have working on money and finding change from a given amount. We are becoming more familiar with our coins and notes and using this knowledge to help within word problems.
Maths - pages 93 - 95
English reading - pages 46 - 49

The first award is for Jordan for his excellent maths work on money this week and the second award is for Michelle for her brilliant descriptive sentences about the ice dragon using subordinate conjunctions.
Year 4
This week in Maths, we have been looking at how to convert from analogue to 12-hour and 24-hour digital times. In English, we have started exploring persuasive adverts through role play. Turns out the children can be very persuasive! In D&T, we have finally created our dips which the children absolutely loved. We definitely have some talented chefs in year 4, I hope you enjoyed them as much as we did.
Recap all times tables on TTRS
Maths: Time - pages 104 and 105
Reading: The Suitcase Kid - Question set 2 - pages 50 and 51
This week's achievement awards go to Holly and Lukas for demonstrating excellent cooking techniques and health and safety. Well done!
Year 5
In Maths, the children have been adding and subtracting decimals. In English, they explored the character of Cameron from our whole-class text 'Pig Heart Boy' (by Malorie Blackman) and analysed an argument. They also enjoyed taking part in debates. In computing, they learned about being a good online friend and about online consent.
Yesterday, the children had a wonderful time in Boulogne- Sur-Mer - they really impressed us with their enthusiasm to speak French. The children at school also had a lovely time 'working' in the Early Years classes for the day.
Homework due Weds 12th June
Maths: pages 104 - 105 (decimals)
Punctuation: pages 20 - 21 (brackets)

This week's awards go to Sotirio for his excellent French speaking yesterday, and to Oliver for his lovely handwriting and presentation - well done, boys!
Year 6
This week, Year 6 have been designing a theme park and carefully using their budget to make it cost effective in Maths. The children have also begun to think about their transition to Year 7, in regards to setting themselves targets that they’d like to achieve and reflecting on their time at Livingstone. They have also begun to learn the songs and dances for our show ‘The Lion King’. Auditions will begin on Wednesday so the children have parts of the script to rehearse in preparation for this.
In Science, they have been looking at the heart and how a healthy diet and exercise will help them live longer and healthier lives.
This afternoon, Year 6 took part in a Barnet sports transition festival with Monkfrith where they represented Livingstone with their usual positive attitudes.
Swimming begins on Monday 17th June for 2 weeks. There are still some permissions outstanding. The children need a swimming hat and googles - it is a requirement of the leisure centre.
Next week, Year 6 have two trips:
Tuesday 11th June – The Neasden Mandir – please send in your child with a packed lunch and drinks. They can also bring £5 spending money. Full school uniform to be worn. Not PE kits.
Friday 14th June– Chessington – please ensure your child is in school by 7:45am as we are leaving at 8am and aim to be back for 4:30pm. Your child can wear their own clothes with appropriate footwear but need their school jumper or fleece. They will need a packed lunch and plenty of drinks. Please look at the weather forecast and send in the appropriate clothes i.e. raincoat or sunhat and sun cream. Spending money is also allowed.
Please ensure you have given permission and made payments for these trips on School Money.
This week’s achievement awards go to George for his Science work on the heart, and Grace for being a good role model and always working hard. Well done to you both!
Kingfisher 2
In Maths, KF2 have been practising telling the time on analogue clocks. We have focussed mainly on reading the time past the hour but some pupils had a go at telling the time to 5-minute intervals and drawing on the clock hands.
Our new English topic is writing real-life recounts. As a cold task, the children wrote about their previous day at school, before we focussed on the key features of recount writing, including adding the suffix ‘ed’ to make past tense verbs.
The children are very much looking forward to their trip to Paradise Wildlife Park (Hertfordshire Zoo) on Monday and need to remember to bring a packed lunch, please.

Congratulations to Calvin for his amazing acrostic ‘Butterfly’ poem.
Scooters & Bikes Left in School
Please make sure that all scooters and bikes are taken home every day. We don't want the school to be a target of crime as these can be very expensive. I have removed several scooters to keep these safe so please come and see me If you have lost one.
Please also remember that scooting and riding bikes in school is not allowed on the school grounds.
Thank you for your co-operation

Barnet Medieval Festival
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JUNE 2024
Monday 10th:
- KF2 Trip to Hertfordshire Zoo (cost £16, please pay and give permission via School Money)
Tuesday 11th:
- Year 6 Trip to Neasden Mandir (cost £4, please pay and give permission via School Money)
- New Reception Class Intake Meeting for Parents/Carers at 9am in Main Hall
Wednesday 12th:
- Tag Rugby Final - Orion vs Livingstone 3:30pm (Cancelled)
Thursday 13th:
- PTA Father's Day Stall
- KS1 Sports Festival at Burnt Oak Leisure Centre
- Kingfisher Workshop with Chickenshed
Friday 14th:
- Year 4 Camp Night - 5:30pm
- Year 6 Trip to Chessington World of Adventures - All day (cost £18, please pay and give permission via School Money together with £10 for Kew Gardens trip in July)
Monday 17th:
- Choir Music Festival at The Arts Depot - AM till late evening.
- Year 6 begin Swimming for 2 Weeks
Wednesday 19th:
- Years 5 and 6 Athletics at Lee Valley (small group of pupils)
Thursday 20th:
- Year 3 Trip to Alexandra Palace
Friday 21st:
- Year 5 Trip to Knebworth House (cost £12)
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates next term.