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March Week 1

Friday 4th March

It was great to see parents and carers back in school for parent consultations and as the term is progressing, we are seeing more events being re-introduced into the school calendar. Whole school assemblies have returned. We have had a programme of competitive matches, school visits and workshops, with more scheduled. In the next few weeks we are taking part the Dance Festival at the Artsdepot and the choir is being re-started ready for participation in the Music Festival. Despite small outbreaks of COVID, there is a feeling of optimism and a belief that despite setbacks, pupils are getting back on track with their learning and getting the all-round education that they deserve.

World Book Week


World Book Day is one of Livingstone's favourite events of the school year! This year the children celebrating reading by having different adults read to them in the afternoons; by swapping books with the covers hidden; and by buddy reading in different classes.

On Thursday, we had Author Meets Artist Day! Every class studied a famous author and artist, and created a piece of artwork inspired by both. The children really enjoyed being creative.

The combination of costumes and pyjamas gave us an opportunity not only to celebrate the importance of children’s literature but also raised money for the mental health charity ‘Place2be’ chosen by our school council as it focuses on mental health in schools. Thank you for all contributions, just under £120 was collected.

We'd like to say a huge thank you to all the children, staff and parents who made it a great success - and a special thank you to Miss Purse, Miss Smith, Mrs Segal and Mrs Armstrong for organising a great week.

Please remember to use your free book!

Parent Champions

This week we introduced our Livingstone Parents Champions during a special assembly.

Parent Champions are parents who help other parents.

Parent Champions are volunteers who talk to other parents about local services available to families. They especially reach out to families who might find it difficult to access these services.

We hope that everyone managed to get to meet our parent champions during parent consultations. We are very pleased to see them at work and hope that they add a new dimension to the support Livingstone offered our families.

This Friday we having our half termly meeting with the parent rep volunteers, they too are an invaluable service as they also provide a parent view. We are very fortunate to have a community of parents and carers who are willing to give up their time, every contribution is valued as it enhances the experiences of the pupils and builds towards good educational outcomes for all our children.

Look out for a coffee morning coming soon . . .

IMPACT Maths Meetings

This half term, parents/carers are being invited in for an hour-long Maths session, where you will have the opportunity to take part in activities with your child and their class teacher. Sessions will start at 9:00 am and end at 10:00 am - please see below the dates set for each year group.

We highly recommend that you join us for this session so you can…

  • see the variety of resources we use to support maths learning in school
  • experience maths activities that your child completes
  • work with your child
  • get ideas on how to support and encourage your child’s maths learning at home

Year 3: Thursday 10th March

Year 4: Tuesday 8th March

Year 5: Friday 11th March

Kingfisher 2 (Parents only workshop) : Monday 7th March


Thank you to all the parents that have already joined us so far. We hope you have found the sessions valuable and enjoyable.

As mentioned in your meetings, here is a link to the National Numeracy Challenge. It's a platform on which you can create a login to help develop your own understanding of maths. It consists of small maths quizzes and support with how to approach any of the mathematical concepts you were not confident with.

https://www.nationalnumeracy.org.uk/ challenge/

Also, here is a link to our website where you can find the White Rose calculation guidance documents, which can give you more of an understanding of the methods and approaches we use in school.

https://livingstoneprimaryschool.org/barnet/ primary/livingstone/site/pages/send/maths

Parent Governor Election

Over the last few weeks we have had resignations from Catherine Baker and Paren Shah, who have been part of a team of outstanding governors and have supported the school over many years. They both have children who have attended Livingstone and in the case of Catherine, she also attended as a child which makes her departure doubly sad. We are so grateful to them for their hard work, generosity and good humour. Everyone will miss them as governors, though on a positive note, we know they will always be friends of Livingstone.


The term of office of another Parent Governor has ended. It is therefore necessary to hold an election for a new governor. The following might help you decide if this role would interest you:

  • Becoming a governor is a very rewarding and worthwhile experience. Effective governors do not need educational expertise but do need to be committed to the school, willing to ask questions and offer appropriate challenge and support.
  • Governors are elected for a four-year term. They attend four Governing Body meetings a year, which are held in the evening, as well as termly committee meetings. The Governing Body makes decisions collectively.
  • The prime focus of the Governing Body is to develop the strategic direction of the school, be accountable to stakeholders and ensure that financial resources are spent appropriately. Governors need to work as an enthusiastic member of the team with the aim of raising and maintaining high educational standards for all children. Governors are asked to act always with integrity, honesty and objectivity in the best interests of the School.
  • All Governors are expected to read and understand straight forward budget reports and data information.
  • Training is available to develop and enhance knowledge and skills.
  • It is important to note that once elected, Parent Governors are a representative parent but not a delegate. This means they are not expected to report back to parents on any matters relating to the School or Governing Body without prior consent from the Governing Body.
  • If you would like to seek nomination as an elected Parent Governor, please collect a nomination form from the School Office. This form should be completed, with the accompanying personal statement of no more than 150 words, and returned to the Headteacher no later than 12 NOON on TUESDAY 8 MARCH 2022. The personal statement will only be used if more than one parent wishes to be considered for nomination; in which case, a ballot will be held.



We have been making pancakes in the Nursery this week! Here, Arshin is carefully adding water to his mixture. He stirs it carefully.


Jaxon really enjoyed making his pancake this week. He knew that eggs come from hens, milk from cows and flour from wheat! Jaxon flipped his pancake up high! Well done, Jaxon!

Kingfisher Nursery

Kingfisher Nursery have had another great week exploring our Farm theme!

This week we looked at crops and vegetables grown on a farm. We also used our Farm themed play table to learn about where different animals live on the farm.

For pancake day we enjoyed learning that a hen lays an egg and a cow makes milk! Children took it in turns to mix in the batter following visual and verbal instructions. We had a great time making the batter and trying pancakes!


Reception have had a fantastic week with lots of exciting World Book Day activities happening throughout the school. They enjoyed our Author Meets Artist focus, where they learnt about the artist Romero Britto and used his paintings to inspire their own pictures of characters from the Julia Donaldson's book Tiddler.

It was brilliant to see how much effort had gone in to their costumes on Thursday. Well done to our reception winners.

Thank you to Year 5 who came into reception for buddy reading. The children loved it!

This weeks achievement awards go to James for his fabulous book cover design that inspired others to do the activity and Alex who worked all day to finish his Britto/ Tiddler inspired art piece.

Year 1

This week in Maths, Year 1 have been busy counting in 2s and 5s as well as placing them in order by counting forwards and backwards. They have also been finding totals of pairs and groups of five.

The Yellow phonics group have begun exploring verbs in the story book 'Duckchick' whilst green group have almost completed all of their set 3 sounds!

We have completed our Geography unit on Oceans and Continents which was great fun! The children particularly enjoyed visiting the ICT suite and using Google Earth to explore our local area and the rest of the world. They all impressed us with their ability to zoom out and name the continents and oceans. Yvette found the Philippines and proudly told us "My mum comes from the Philippines, it's in Asia." Dexter found Africa, "Africa is here, all that green is forest and that's the desert". Liana, "I found England, it's where we live". Abdul, "Asia has Afghanistan, Pakistan and Russia". In the meantime, Isabelle had zoomed into street view... "Look! I found McDonalds!".

Thursday was an extra special treat as we had 'Author Meets Artist' day for World Book Day. The children all looked amazing and had fun learning the Poem 'If The World Was Crazy' by Shel Silverstein. This was followed by creating their own 'Bad Hair Day' art providing Shel Silverstein with some weird and wacky styles.

Next week, we will be visiting the ICT suite some more as we start our computing topic and learn how we can use ICT to share something by creating our own story book using Purple Mash. The children have brought home a laminated copy of their usernames and passwords for Office365/ Teams, Education City, Livingstone's VLE and Purple Mash (you could have a practice using Purple Mash over the weekend).

This weeks awards go to Jordan for his continued positive and hard working attitude to all our learning. Musa, who has been working hard both at school and at home, making huge progress in his Maths, Reading and writing. Abdul, who can recall a tremendous amount of information about the worlds Continents and Oceans.

Year 2

What a full week it has been in Year 2! We finished writing our recounts about Mrs Armitage on Wheels using 'amazing adjectives', 'cool conjunctions', suffix words and commas for listing all the unusual things Mrs Armitage added to her bike!

For our Geography topic, we did a local walk to New Barnet station and the children did a tally chart of the different modes of transport they spotted on the way. We saw lots of cars, vans, motorbikes, buses, trucks and overground trains going to London and Welwyn Garden City. We were very excited when a kind TFL employee gave us tube and overground maps for everyone to take home and explore the London train network further!

In Maths, we have been looking at fractions of numbers and we have been using the bar model and dienes to show halves, quarters and thirds practically and the awesome 'monkey bar' method to show our fractions pictorially.

On Thursday, children came in dressed up as their favourite book character or in their cosy PJs. We were very impressed by the effort they all made to come in a costume and we would like to thank you very much for helping them make that day special. Our theme this year was 'Author meets Artist' and our talented author Lupita Nyong'o met the Dutch impressionist artist Vincent Van Gogh. Sulwe, the book's main character who was the 'colour of midnight', sat staring out her window at a 'Starry Night' inspired by Van Gogh thinking that 'Beauty comes from your mind and your heart. It's from how you see yourself, not how other see you. Brightness comes from within.'

Well done for all your hard work this week Year 2!

This week's achievement award goes to Daniella for her unique retelling of Mrs Armitage on wheels!

It also goes to Soroiyan for the great interest she has shown in our Geography topic and her valuable contributions in our lessons!

Kingfisher 1

It has been a week of special days, with both Shrove Tuesday and World Book Day in the same week, excitement levels were high among pupils and staff!

We always celebrate books in Kingfisher 1, but this week we celebrated just that little bit more. All the children looked fantastic and had a great time completing the author meets artist activities.

We also found time for some more work on stories from other cultures in English, we began looking at 'Handa's Hen' and we will continue into next week.

Maths was all about addition and all the children worked very hard. Well done everyone!

This week the achievement award goes to Georgie for her excellent reading and writing, well done!

Year 3

We have now finished our topic of money in maths and we are now learning about statistics focusing on reading, drawing and interpreting different tables and charts.

In English, we have been learning about using fronted adverbials to describe a setting and using conjunctions to extend our sentences. This will help us when it comes to writing our diary entry about 'Gregory Cool.'

Year 3 have been very enthusiastic in our history lessons and have loved learning about Ancient Egypt. We have looked at pyramids to understand their importance and why the River Nile was important to how Ancient Egyptians lived.

Also, I must congratulate the children on their wonderful their costumes for World Book Day. They looked fabulous!

CGP Books

Maths- pages 54-55

English- pages 22-23

This week's awards go to Abdullah for his improvements in writing and challenging himself to include a range of grammar and Albeiro for his fantastic efforts in History and great discussions about Ancient Egypt.

Year 4

This week in year 4, we have continued our learning on fractions exploring fractions greater than 1 and counting in fractions. They have continued to work incredibly hard applying their times table knowledge to support them.

In English, we have continued to prepare for our descriptive recount of Pompeii by looking at a range of grammatical features to engage the reader. The use of powerful and sophisticated vocabulary has blown us all away.

In the afternoon, we are now looking at applying our technical knowledge of circuit and switches learnt in science to create a torch in D&T. The children are excited to get underway with making and evaluating their products.

This week's achievement award goes to Cairo and Joshua for their positive and hard- working attitude. Well done!

Year 5

This week, Year 5 have been continuing with fractions by finding fractions of amounts and multiplying fractions by whole numbers. They've done very well!

In English, they've been working on Kensuke's Kingdom. They'll be writing letters as the main character, Michael. They read a WAGOLL letter and practised using the perfect tense and subordinating conjunctions to help their writing flow and make sense.

Science has been their favourite this week, as we've continued with our work on Earth and Space. They learned about the solar system, the phases of the moon and why we have day and night.

From next week until the end of June, we have a trainee teacher working with us in Year 5 - Mrs Horsewood. I'll still be teaching alongside her and taking out small groups. I'm sure the children will be as respectful and hard-working as they always are!

CGP Books

Maths: pages 32-33 (multiplying with fractions)

English: pages 80-81 (suffixes)

This week's awards go to Zuhaib for solving difficult fraction problems in Maths and to Alex for his Matisse artwork for World Book Day, which was inspired by Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Year 6

In Maths, the children have been continuing with our ratio topic which will no doubt make them in to budding chefs as they impress you with their scaling up and down in recipes.

In English, the children have been completing their non-chronological reports based upon a WWII topic of their choice. It is fantastic to see them independently including certain grammar that they've been learning as they become increasingly confident in including them.

We have been continuing our Evolution Science topic. The children have learnt about Charles Darwin's finches and the Peppered Moth which featured in a book we read 'Moth' by Isabel Thomas. Next week, we are beginning D&T and the children will be making their own soup.

This week's achievement awards go to Ben and Jamie for their fantastic World Book Day art where they combined Shakespeare and Roy Lichtenstein's pop art style.

Kingfisher 2

This week our new text is 'The Smeds and The Smoos'. The children continued with the idea of space to write their own adventure stories. Discussing ideas such as when in space what do we expect to see? What fantasy character do we imagine we may see? Mario enjoyed using a recording card to tell his story and he found listening to his own voice very amusing!

Continuing with Statistics in Maths, the children did a survey collecting data from their mainstream class peers. Using this data they created their own tally charts and used cubes/blocks to make a block graph.

To celebrate 'Pancake Day', the boys even decorated faces on their pancakes using various fruit. Yummy!

This week, the achievement award goes to Mario. He has really impressed the adults by telling the story of an astronaut who went to the moon, threw a party with a robot and ate macaroni cheese and pizza!

Great imagination Mario!



This week in Maths we have been learning about Statistics. We enjoyed collecting data using tally charts and converting it into bar charts using our computers. We also loved having some of our parents join us in the classroom to see what we do in our classroom.

In English, we have written our dinosaur adventure stories. We made sure to include lots of action to make them really exciting!


This week's award goes to Rehan for a wonderful dinosaur adventure story. Well done Rehan!

Diary Dates

March 2022

Monday 7th:

KF2 IMPACT Maths meeting for parents/ carers 9:00 - 10:00 am

Tuesday 8th:

Year 4 IMPACT Maths meeting for parents/ carers 9:00 - 10:00 am

Years 5/6 Girls football match vs Trent - 3.30 pm (Home)

Wednesday 9th:

Year 6 Dance Festival at Arts Depot

Thursday 10th:

Year 3 IMPACT Maths meeting for parents/ carers 9:00 - 10:00 am

Year 5/6 football match vs Cromer Road - 3.30 pm (Home)

Friday 11th:

Year 5 IMPACT Maths meeting for parents/ carers 9:00 - 10:00 am

PTA Spring Craft 'n' Creation Fun Day

Monday 14th:

INSET Day - School closed

Wednesday 16th:

Year 5/6 Girls football match vs Sacred Heart - 3.30 pm (Home)

Thursday 17th:

Year 5/6 football match vs St. Johns N20 - 3.30 pm (Home)

Friday 18th:

The Runny Red Nose Race for Red Nose Day

Monday 21st:

Down Syndrome Awareness Day

Wednesday 23rd:

Year 1/2 trip to Pickled Pepper Books

Year 5/6 Boys football match vs Sacred Heart - 3.30 pm (Home)

Thursday 24th:

PTA Mothers Day Afternoon Tea - 2 pm

Friday 25th:

PTA Mothers Day Stall - All Day

Monday 28th:

Autism Awareness Week

Activity Clubs for Summer 1 go online for booking

Thursday 31st:

Activity Clubs finish for Spring 2

Year 5 Easter Assembly

April 2022

Friday 1st:

End of Term, school finishes at 2 pm - No Cabin Club or Yoga Club

EASTER HOLS Monday 4th April - Monday 18th April 2022

Tuesday 19th:

Summer 1 term begins - Pupils Return

No Activity Clubs this week

Year 6 SAT's Practice Week

Monday 25th:

Activity Clubs begin for Summer 1

More dates will follow...

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