Livingstone Newsletter
March Week 1
Friday 8th March
World Book Day 2024!
We were in awe of some the incredible costumes that the pupils wore yesterday to celebrate Book Day, however this was just the finale to many activities happening to celebrate our love of books. We had a Mystery Book Swap, Buddy Reading between the Key Stages and Performance Poetry Recitals, including one by Year 1 at our costume themed assembly. They performed Alligator Pie with actions to a very receptive audience and set the standard for all the classes. Every teacher and teaching assistant worked very hard to ensure that all the children enjoyed this special event and we thank them for effort they put in, day after day, to ensure that these special occasions inspire the children's learning.
We must give an extra special thank you to Mrs Cockburn for her super effort in making Book Week memorable. Her passion for English and books was reflected in this event and in the standards of English throughout the school!
Rec - Year 5 Maths Impact Workshops and Year 6 SATs Meeting for Parents and Carers

It's not too late to sign-up and support your child/children to see how the school teaches Maths. We know it can be difficult for working parents to attend, however it is important that someone from your family attends as it boosts your child’s confidence and reinforces a positive attitude towards learning. This can be Mum, Dad, a Grandparent, an Aunt or Uncle, older brother or sister... but someone please!
The sessions will take place at 9 am for an hour. Please use the form links below to inform us someone will be attending the meeting for your child's year group.
Reception Math IMPACT Workshop - Wednesday 13th March 2024
Year 1 Maths IMPACT Workshop - Monday 11th March 2024
Year 2 Maths IMPACT Workshop - Tuesday 12th March 2024
Year 3 Maths IMPACT Workshop - Wednesday 20th March 2024
Year 4 Maths IMAPCT Workshop - Thursday 14th March 2024
Year 5 Maths IMPACT Workshop - Friday 15th March 2024
Year 6 parents/carers will be having a SATs meeting instead. Please use the following link to inform us if you will be attending.
Dance Festival
The children have been preparing for months ahead of the annual Barnet Dance Festival where they get to perform and showcase their amazing talents. Children from Year 6 have worked closely with Hannah (one of our sports coaches) too perfect a dance routine. This year's dance linked to 'The Lion King'. The dance festival is one of the events in the calendar that we look forward to every year as the children always put on a show stopping performance and this year was no different. From the costumes, to hair and make-up and, of course, their brilliant dancing ability, it was a truly magical moment where everything came together and the children represented our school proudly. Well done, Year 6 and thank you to all of the adults who helped.
Travelling Safe to school

Mr Sudbury wanted to say how impressed he is with the bike and scooter riders travelling to school safely. Wearing your Helmets is very important! Well done.
Don't forget we have lockers in the bike shed to store your bike and scooter accessories.
Please make sure you walk in your bikes and scooters when you enter the school grounds. No scooting and riding are allowed.
Keep safe on the roads and pathways.
Be safe be seen!
Please remember there should be no dogs in school!
Red Nose Day Comedy Show
After the amazing success of our Comedy Night, we have decided to host another event for the pupils in support of Comic Relief.
Pupils are being asked to prepare a joke and audition it in front of the class. The best jokes will be filmed and shown or performed live in a special assembly on Friday. Please send a £1 donation for the pupils to enter a joke and to watch the show.
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
This week was full of learning and fun! A massive thank you to everyone for making World Book day so special with the children's lovely costumes. They were very excited to come dressed up as their favourite book characters! Nursery children had the opportunity to read books with buddies from Year 1 and Year 3.
We spoke about Mother's Day, made cards and visited the Mother's Day stall. We also looked at various people in our community who help us. More specifically, we pretended to be vets, doctors and paramedics. We read lots of stories about emergency services and spoke about how to look after our pets in the Veterinary Surgery we set up.
Next week, we will be making some emergency vehicles, so we kindly ask you to bring in cardboard boxes and kitchen roll tubes.
Reception have had a busy week with buddy reading, world book day and continuing conversations about people that help us. We have been making special cards for the people who help us at home and talking about why we love them!

Samuel - for brilliant improvements in writing
Eleanor - for being a fantastic independent learner
Year 1
Year 1 were brilliant poets this week in our English lessons. We performed Alligator Pie with gusto at the World Book Day assembly in front of the whole school. We also wrote brilliant spring poems . . . perhaps they will magically bring in the warmer weather!
In Maths, we continued to focus on place value with numbers up to 50. Have a go at asking your children to give you the number that is one more or one less than the number you tell them.
Our afternoon lessons were very exciting as well, as we learnt several computing skills on Purple Mash. We can compose music and save our pieces on 2Beat and 2Explore. We can also ‘paint’ using 2Paint a picture in the style of the artists we've learnt about this year (Jasper Johns, Clarice Cliffs. The children’s passwords are on the back of their reading diaries. Have a go!

Achievement awards this week go to Bobby and Tameem for their beautiful and playful spring poetry.
Year 2
We have finished learning about fractions in Maths. We have worked incredibly hard to understand how to find a fraction of an amount. This week we have also recognised unit and non-unit fractions, counting in fractions and finding whole amounts.
In English, we created a fictional narrative about a personal experience linking to 'Mrs Armitage on Wheels'. We used a range of punctuation, adjectives and conjunctions to describe what happened to her. Myself, Miss Gordon and Miss Bennett enjoyed reading their story telling language.
For our transport topic in Geography, we created a tally chart to record all the different vehicles we saw around New Barnet. We created a map of our local area and identified which areas are rural, urban and suburban.
Also, we can't forget to give a shout out to all the wonderful costumes for World Book Day. Year 2 looked fabulous!
Maths- pages 90, 91 and 92.
This week's awards go to Daniel for his excellent contribution in our Geography lessons learning about transport and Filip for using a range of grammar in English to write his narrative.
Kingfisher 1
We have had a busy week in Kingfisher 1. In Maths we have been learning all about subtractions, some children have been using part whole method. Reception built different ways of making 10 using Numicon.
In English the children listened to Handa's Noisy Night. The children enjoyed finding out information about different animals in Africa, especially the pangolin and bush babies.
The Children had great fun dressing up in their book day costumes. They all looked fabulous!
This weeks award goes to Leslie for always following instructions and being very polite to others.
Year 3
This week in Year 3, we have continued our topic on 'measurement' in Maths by focusing on equivalent lengths and different units of measurement. In English, we have begun our new writing unit (still based on 'The Twits') focused on writing a narrative. The children will be designing, planning and writing their own trick in the style of Roald Dahl. In the afternoon lessons, we have started our new DT topic all about shell structures. The children have investigated different types of shell structure, practised strengthening techniques and designed, made and evaluated their own shell structures.
Maths: Length and perimeter, pages 58 and 59
English (reading): Build Your Own Solar System, pages 28, 29, 30 and 31
This first achievement award goes to Orla for challenging herself in all lessons and working extremely hard. Well done!
The second achievement award goes to Milo for always working so hard in all lessons and being kind to others
Year 4
This week, we have started learning about fractions in Maths, and in English, we have been writing our second poems about volcanoes as different objects. In art, we have been applying the skills and knowledge learnt from our previous lessons to create our final compositions. We have also loved buddy reading and World Book Day this week!
Maths: Fractions pages 62 and 63
Reading: Read pages 28 and 29. Then complete question set 1 only on pages 30 and 31
This week's achievement awards go to Alex and Kevin for their excellent work with partitioning mixed number fractions. Well done! :)
Year 5
This week, the children learned about perimeter in Maths.
In English, they practised using subordinating conjunctions, semi-colons and the perfect tenses. They planned their letter as Michael from our whole-class book, Kensuke's Kingdom.
In DT, they designed circuit-powered race cars for a teachers' race, which they'll be building next week using pulleys; they're very enthusiastic about it!
Maths: pages 72 and 73 (perimeter)
Reading: pages 32 and 33 (Helicopters question set 2)
This week's awards go to Ryan for fantastic problem-solving in Maths, and to Charlotte for always being responsible, sensible, reliable and helpful!
Year 6
What a week Year 6 have had. In Maths, the children have been building upon previous learning of perimeter and area, and in English, they have been looking at the features o a letter before they write a letter in character as Olive or Esther from our class book 'Letters from a Lighthouse'.
In Design and Technology, the children have learnt about the seasons, about British grown fruit and vegetables and why they are available to buy all year round. Next week, they will be planning their own seasonal recipes to make vegetable soup.
It is important to mention how proud the children made us at the Dance Festival. They behaved impeccably and preformed an outstanding dance while looking amazing. Then the very next day, they arrived in school in some absolutely outstanding costumes. They really made such an effort and looked amazing!
CGP Homework Pages
Maths: Targeted Question book - pages 58 and 59
English: Targeted Reading - pages 48 and 49
This week's achievement award goes to our fabulous dancers!
Kingfisher 2
This week, we continued to explore the characters in the text ‘Voices in the Park’ and wrote character descriptions using expanded noun phrases for our favourite character.
We moved on to measuring mass, capacity and temperature in our maths sessions and the children did a great job reading the scales, with different intervals.
Yesterday, we enjoyed a great World Book Day assembly and had fun dressing in our character costumes, even if the big Jurassic park dinosaur sitting at the work table was a tad distracting!!! 😊

This week’s achievement awards go to:
Dilan – for his improvement in independent writing and spelling.
Mario – for his work on measuring mass.
Trainee Teachers from Middlesex University
We are currently very lucky to be hosting trainee teachers from Middlesex University. Ms Bennet is in Year 2 working with Ms Fairley. Another trainee, Ms Noble will be joining Ms Purse next week and she will be working with the pupils in Reception Class. As part of their training, they will also be working with the pupils from Kingfisher.

Years 3 and 4 Football
Children were selected to represent the school in an eventful competition, showcasing their budding talent and teamwork on the field. With determination and enthusiasm, they secured victories in two thrilling matches and drew two matches. Despite losing one game, the children represented our school proudly and we were impressed with the team's performance.
Well done to Dotty, Kevin, Skye, Leon, Stefi, Elsie, Anwen, George and Ellis.
Easter Camp - Mother Nature Science

MARCH 2024
Monday 11th:
- Science Week
- Year 1 Maths IMPACT Meeting for Parents/Carers 9am in the classroom
- Girls Football Match- Cromer Road vs Livingstone. AWAY.
Tuesday 12th:
- Year 2 Maths IMPACT Meeting for Parents/Carers 9am in the Dining Hall
Wednesday 13th:
- Reception Maths IMPACT Meeting for Parents/Carers 9am in the Dining Hall
- Girls Football Match - Livingstone vs Trent 3:30pm
Thursday 14th:
- Year 4 Maths IMPACT Meeting for Parents/Carers 9am in the Dining Hall
- KFN Coffee and Chat 11:00am - 1:00pm
- London Fire Brigade visiting Nursery and Reception
- Bluebirds Trip to Crews Hill Soft Play - PM (cost £2:00, please give permission and pay via School Money)
Friday 15th:
- Red Nose Day (Comic Relief)
- Parent Champions Coffee Morning 9am in The Cabin
- Year 5 Maths IMPACT Meeting for Parents/Carers 9am in the Dining Hall
- KS1 Sports Festival at Ark Pioneer - PM (group to be confirmed)
Monday 18th:
- Neurodiversity Celebration Week
Wednesday 20th:
- Year 3 Maths IMPACT Meeting for Parents/Carers 9am in the Dining Hall
- KS2 Cross Country Competition at Oakhill Park (runners to be confirmed), 11:30 - 15:00pm
Thursday 21st:
- Year 6 SATs Meeting for Parent/Carers 9am
- KF1 and 2 Bowling Trip to Hollywood Bowl (cost £7:00, please give permission and pay via School Money)
- Girls Football Match - Livingstone vs Monkfrith 3:30pm
Friday 22nd
- Netball Tournament at Copthall School -AM
- PTA Glow in the Dark Party - PM (more info to follow)
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates.