Livingstone Newsletter
May Week 1
70th Anniversary Tickets!
Friday 3rd May
Tickets for the morning and afternoon assemblies are still available in the office and tickets are on sale for the evening event. Evening tickets can be purchased online via School Money under the 'club' tab or direct from the school office.
Don't forget this event is open to past pupils and friends of the school - so please spread the word!
The Family Picnic is taking place on the 70th Anniversary. Gates will open to families and carers at 11.45 and everyone is welcome to stay all afternoon and watch the whole school perform songs from every decade from the 1950s to present day.
Parent Champions Coffee Morning - 10th May in The Cabin
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
A fantastic week full of learning and fun! This week, we have been reading different rhyming books about frogs, including 'Oi Frog' and 'The Frog Who Lost His Croak'. We have practised doing frog jumps and counting to 5 and beyond and explored the life cycle of frogs. We have been observing our own tadpoles who are growing very fast. Some of them are growing back legs and turning into froglets! The children also created lovely artwork around frogs and their habitats as well as frog headbands .
We hope you enjoy the Bank Holiday!
Talking Homework: Go for a walk around our local lake in Hadley Wood, Jack's Lake, and observe the animals that live in and around that habitat. What can they see? Discuss and take pictures to share with us next week.
Reception have had a great week learning about the life cycle of frogs. We have learnt new vocabulary and lots of facts after reading non-fiction books about the different stages. We have watched our own tadpoles very carefully, looking for the changes thay have happened. Some of our tadpoles are now growing legs and spending time out of the water... soon to be froglets! We have enjoyed rhyming words after reading the story Oi Frog and have been focusing on teen numbers. What a busy week!

Isabelle for being an independent and resilient learner
Ben for being a fabulous performer
Year 1
We have identified the parts of a plant this week in science lessons and explained their functions. We look forward to drier weather next week so that we can explore evergreen and deciduous trees as well as wildflowers in the woods. This week in maths we learnt about sharing an amount and finding half of a shape. After reading Look Up! we pretended to be aspiring astronauts in English and created flyers for upcoming meteor showers. We are nearing the end of Set 3 in our phonics lessons, so please continue to review all of the set 1, 2 and 3 sounds in their sound books as well read their Read Write Inc books.
Please remember to give permission for our trip to Pickled Pepper Bookshop on the 24th June. The trip is free, but if you would like a signed copy of the book, There’s a Tiger on the Train, please pay £8 online. Have a lovely weekend.
Achievement awards this week go to Yashvi and Esmae for their excellent arithmetic skills this week! Well done you two!
Year 2
In Maths, we have continued to read scales to measure, order and compare mass. We have also had one lesson on capacity and using measuring cylinders/jugs to measure volume. In English, we retold the narrative The Rise and Fall of Claude the Magnificent. The children wrote incredible pieces using adjectives, conjunctions, possessive apostrophes and commas for a list. Brilliant writing, Year 2!
The children have loved our art topic. We have created collages inspired by Romare Bearden. We created our own textured paint and used this to create a collage inspired by the seaside. The children also used extra medias to add more detail. They are fabulous.
Pages 75 and 76. 77 is an extension.
This weeks awards go to Jonathan for his creative expression creating a beautiful collage and Filip for his lovely story telling language in English.
Kingfisher 1
This week in English we were reading The Mixed-up Chameleon. Children enjoyed retelling the story and also learned about chameleon's superpowers to change colour while adapting to their environment.
In Maths we started our topic on measurement. This week was length. Children experimented with standard and nonstandard measurement.

This week's award goes to King for matching numeral to corresponding number of objects.
well done King!
Year 3
This week in Year 3, in Maths, we have been continuing our learning on mass and capacity by measuring mass in kilograms and grams, looking at equivalent masses, comparing masses and adding and subtracting masses. In English, we have completed our 'long write' which was a diary entry in the role of Gregory Cool. The children did a great job with this. In Science, we continued our learning on how water is transported through plants. We also learnt about the life cycle of a flowering plants. In PSHE, we learnt about risks and how to assess if something is a 'positive' risk or a 'negative' risk and what to do in risky situations. We have also had a great time preparing our dance for Livingstone's 70th Anniversary!
English (Reading): pages 38 and 39.
Maths: pages 75 and 76.
Times Tables Focus: 8x table
The first achievement award goes to Renee for her fantastic diary entry in English and always being a great role model.
The second achievement award goes to Samyar for his excellent participation in PSHE and hard work in Science.
Year 4
This week in Year 4, we have been partitioning, comparing and ordering decimals in maths. In English, we have been using our senses to describe our setting. We have now finished learning about how the Romans influenced modern day Britain and have picked back our animals including humans science unit where we will be exploring the digestive system and food chains.
TTRS - 6s, 7s, 8s and 9s
Maths: Decimals - pages 87, 88, 90 and 91

This week's achievement awards go to Soroiyan for her excellent questions in history and to Ryann for her brilliant work with decimals in maths. Well done!
Year 5
In Maths, the children learned to identify and compare angles, and began learning how to read and measure angles using a protractor - we will continue this next week.
In English, they wrote their romantic letters based on The Highwayman poem.
In Art, they studied retrofuturism and the Space Race. Next week they'll be designing and creating a final piece around the theme of space.
Homework due Weds 8th May
Maths: pages 87 and 88
Punctuation: pages 18 and 19
This week's awards go to Sheena for always working hard and being ready to learn, and to Renu for their excellent art work on testing different drawing techniques - well done!
Year 6
This week, Year 6 have had practice SATs so they know exactly what to expect on the week of SATs which begins on Monday 13th May. The children have been amazing, and have shown great resilience and determination. We have a final week of revision and then the fun can begin.
On SATs week (Monday 13th - Thursday 16th), the children are invited in to school for free breakfast club from 8am and then Kate has kindly offered to do yoga with them from 8:30am in the main hall. We hope you will take up this offer so that Year 6 are in school early to relax and ready to begin each day.
Next week, Tuesday and Thursday, are the last early morning challenge clubs if your child attends, so please use this resource while it is still available.
As well as practice SATs and revision, Year 6 have also started Art and are studying various artists before becoming the artist themselves and composing their own.
CGP Homework pages
English: SPaG – pages 19, 68, 69, 70 and 71.
Maths: Arithmetic – pages 32, 44 and 47.

This week’s achievement reward goes to the whole of Year 6 for showing such determination and resilience during practice SATs, Tag Rugby and football. Go Year 6!!
Kingfisher 2
This week in Kingfisher 2 we have been extending sentences about the butterfly lifecycle, using a range of conjunctions. We have begun to write our non-narrative text, including an introduction and writing the key steps of the butterfly cycle in chronological order.
In maths we have been practising counting in 2s for 2 times tables, using visuals to help recall doubling facts and multiplying/ dividing a two digit by a 1 digit with no remainders or exchanges.
This week’s award goes to:
Jacob – for his work on changing statements about the butterfly life cycle from past tense to present tense.
Well done!
Tag Rugby League
Children from Years 5 and 6 have worked tirelessly all year round with Mr Boucon. We would like to say thank you to all the children who have turned up every Monday to learn, improve and work as a team.
Even though the tag rugby league was a short season, it has been phenomenal. Our team, just like last year, exceeded all expectations. In our recent match against Trent, our players showed incredible skill and teamwork. Though the game was close initially, our players never gave up. Their determination paid off securing us a well-deserved victory.
This is very special to us at Livingstone as this is the second time in a row that we have won within the tag rugby league. This has never happened. History has been made yet again! This is a huge accomplishment and it is one for our hall of fame.
Well done to Arbel, Chloe, Sienna, Brychan, Eren, Anastasia, Zaniab, Charlotte, Nadine and Xander.
John King Semi-Final
Our girls team played their last football match of the year on Thursday against St.Johns N20. This was one of our hardest games of the year as our team had some amazing chances that just sadly couldn't get past the opposition's goalie. It was a battle on the pitch and the game ended 1-0 to St.Johns.
In any sport you play, there will be occasions where things don't go to plan. However, even though we did lose, our girls never gave up. They banded together as a team until the final whistle. Yes, it was a technical loss but their team spirit, skillful talents and work ethic will always make them winners in our eyes. We will always be proud of how well they play but also how they conduct themselves personally on the pitch. To reach the semi-finals is a remarkable achievement in itself, and it is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our players and coaches. While the result may not have been in our favor this time, let us not forget the countless victories our girls have achieved along the way. Livingstone Lionesses forever!
MAY 2024
Friday 3rd:
- Class Photo Day
- Year 1 Trip to the Woods - PM
- Year 5 Secondary Transfer Meeting for Parents/Carers 3:00-3:20pm
Monday 6th:
- Bank Holiday - school closed
Tuesday 7th:
- Reception Trip to Lee Valley Farm - Cost £9, please give permission and make payment via School Money
Wednesday 8th:
- Mixed League Football Match - Livingstone vs Sacred Heart
Friday 10th:
- KS2 Athletics Competition at Copthall, Stone X Stadium
Monday 13th:
- Year 6 SAT's Week - free Breakfast Club from 8am in The Cabin and Yoga at 8:30am in Main Hall (Year 6 only)
Thursday 16th:
- Year 6 to Trent Park after SAT's
Friday 17th: 70th Anniversary Celebrations
- Nursery AM and KS2 70th Assembly Performances - 9am in Main Hall (Tickets)
- Whole School 70th Picnic and Assembly Performances from 11:40am on school field and all-weather pitch (No Tickets)
- Nursery PM, Rec and KS1 70th Assembly Performance - 2pm in Main Hall (Tickets)
70th Anniversary Party 7pm - 12am - over 18's only (Tickets available to purchase for £7 each on School Money or from the office.)
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates next term.