Livingstone Newsletter
October Week 1
Friday 6th October
Parent/Carer Consultations
Parent/Carer Consultations are next week for Nursery, Reception and Years 1 - 5 (Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th October).
As Year 6 will be on School Journey to the Isle of Wight next week, their Parent Consultations will take place on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th October.
Parents/carers of all year groups would have received a form link via text message to book a time with their child's class teachers. If you haven't booked yet, please do so as soon as possible.
We have included the booking form links below for classes where time slots are still available. If you do not see your child's class, then this means there are no more time slots and you will need to speak to the class teacher directly.
Free School Lunches
School lunches are not only free for children in Reception and KS1, but they are also now free for pupils in KS2!
It's not too late for your child to start having a healthy and hot school meal, in fact we encourage it especially as the colder months are upon us. You save money too!
Contact the school office if you would like your child to start having a school lunch after October half term.
PTA Comedy Night - Thursday 19th October 2023 @7pm

Tickets are selling out fast for our comedy night fundraiser but it's not too late to book your seats!
The night features our host, Joe Bor (Milo's Dad in Year 3), the hilarious talents of Iain Sterling and Glenn Moore (both seasoned performers from Live at the Apollo) and a drinks bar.
Visit School Money to book your tickets. Be quick and book now to avoid disappointment.
Join us for a night of laughter!

This week our whole school attendance was 97%, an improvement on last week.... Keep up the good work!
Mrs Barton and Mr Madle
Parent Champions Coffee Morning

Join us next Friday for our October coffee morning at 9am (coffee, tea and biscuits provided).
Parent Champions are parents -just like you- who are here to help you find information about local services, libraries and half term activities for your children in our local area.
We will have guest speakers from BICS (Barnet Integrated Clinical Services) who will discuss strategies to cope with mental health issues of adults or children as well as give useful self-care tips.
School Council and PE Council Elections

Voting took place yesterday to elect this year's School and PE Councillors. Every pupil from Year 1 to Year 6 placed their votes in the ballot box. Counting has commenced and results will be announced in the last week before half term.
Ms Knappett

On Tuesday we will be saying goodbye to Ms Knappett for six months whilst she goes on an exciting adventure exploring India with her family.
We wish her safe travels and an amazing time and look forward to hearing all about her journey when she gets back.
Ms Knappett has been working in Nursery this term and her cover will be confirmed next week.
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
Another busy week in Nursery and KF Nursery!
Our core book this week has been Eric Carle's 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?'. The children enjoyed singing the Brown Bear song and were brilliant at remembering all the animals of the book. We have also been looking at Autumn as a season and all the changes in nature around us. Luckily, due to the warm weather this week, the children have enjoyed our outdoor area for creative play, reading and artwork.
A big thank you to our Year 4 buddies, Elsie, Anwen and Daniella, who volunteer to read and play with us during their lunch break.
This week, Reception have been creating self-portraits using paint and have created a beautiful display of 'ourselves'! We have been continuing our learning in phonics and writing - please use the name cards to practice at home too!
We love 'big PE' and have been using our new outside equipment too to develop our physical and gross motor skills. Please support and encourage your child to practise putting on socks/shoes/ jumpers and zips so that they are independent!
Year 1
In Year 1 this week we have continued our exploration of everyday materials. We classified the objects based on their properties: dull, shiny, transparent, opaque, hard and soft. We focused on ordinal numbers in Math; the children are able to use the words first, second, third and last in context. We continue to expand our knowledge of set 2 sounds in phonics, and the children are getting better at 'hold and build a sentence.' We also had our first mystery reader this week!
Please note the change in date to our trip to Central London and Alexandra Palace. It is now on Friday 20th October.
Year 1 Mystery Reader
Achievement awards this week go to Niya for her excellent blending with special friends and to Frankie for his positive attitude in phonics, excellent reading and spelling. Keep up the hard work you two!
Year 2
Year 2 have finished learning about place value in Maths. We have counted in steps of 2, 5 and 10. The children did a fantastic job recalling these.
In English, we retold the story 'A Squash and a Squeeze'. Everyone has written brilliant stories using adjectives and conjunctions. Well done, Year 2!
In Art, we created tiles with house features using all of the techniques we have learnt. We have a lot of talented artists! For our foundation subjects, we have now moved onto Computing where we are learning about algorithms.
Please only complete the pages written here. Thank you.
Maths- pages 13, 14 and 15

This week's achievements go to Rosie for her fabulous story language and Liam for his excellent place value work in Maths.
Kingfisher 1
We have had a busy week in KF1.
In Maths the children have been learning how to subtract using Numicon and number lines.
In English we have introduced our new topic involving instructions. We are reading our new book Oliver's Fruit Salad. The children have been selecting different fruits and naming them.
Some children used colourful semantics and symbols to retell the story.

This week's award goes to Daniel for his great reading and sentence building using colourful semantics and RWI build a sentence strategies.
Well done Daniel!
Year 3
This week, Year 3 have been exploring more about the Stone Age in our History lessons. We have really enjoyed looking at the different materials used during the stone age to make weapons for hunting and have explored how these materials became more advanced into the bronze age and iron age.
In Maths, we have been continuing with pace value and starting to add 1s and 10s to three digit numbers. We are continuing to draw these to help us with our calculations.
For English, we have started work on simile poems about the tin forest as we will be working towards writing our own poem in the next week.
Homework - Maths
Pg 7, 8,9,10,11
Our first award goes to Samyar for his excellent attitude and huge progress made towards his reading. Keep up the daily reading!
The second award goes to Milo for always being so polite and respectful towards adults and his peers in class.
Year 4
This week in Year 4, we've been diving into Roman Numerals and starting to round to the nearest 10 in maths. In English, we finally wrapped up 'Into the Forest', a book the children really enjoyed, and we're now getting into rewriting the second half of the story.
In D&T, we've finished up our moving monsters and the children are excited to take them home. Don't forget to ask them about levers and linkages, they are very knowledgeable.
Maths: 12 times tables
Reading: Pages 4 to 9

The week's achievement awards go to Mikolaj for his positive attitude to learning, and to Nathaniel for always trying his best and contributing to class discussions.
Year 5
Year 5 had a wonderful trip to the River Lea yesterday where they impressed us with their knowledge about rivers.
In Maths, we've been rounding and beginning column addition.
In English, we started our unit on descriptive writing by watching Evol, a short film about a feather collector hunting a mythical phoenix.
Maths: pages 14 and 15 (addition and subtraction)
Reading: pages 10, 11, 12 and 13 (Winter Olympics)
This week's awards go to Lewis for getting more work done in lessons and for being helpful, and to Ravi for his enthusiasm about the River Lea and his fantastic questions - well done, boys!
Year 6
A busy week for Year 6 as they have finished publishing their Victorian writing in English and in Maths they have covered prime numbers, squared and cubed numbers and division.
In Science, the children created their own classification graphs to classify plants and have been watching the mould grow on the bread in their experiment; they have been amazed at the different colours the mould has presented.
There is no homework this week due to PGL.
PGL Messages
- Children are to arrive at 9:45am (no earlier) and come to the classroom as normal through the KS2 playground. You are welcome to wait in the playground with their luggage or out by the coach when it arrives.
- Parents (not the children) must give Mrs Armstrong any medication required. Please ensure it is clearly labelled with your child's name.
- Your child must have a packed lunch for Monday which they will eat while travelling.
- Your child must wear their Livingstone fleece or coat over their own clothes for travelling on Monday. Please don't pack it.
- No more than £20 spending money which your child is responsible to look after.
- No electrical devices other than a camera if wanted - your child will be responsible for it and remember the charger, if required.
- You will receive a daily text and photos will be uploaded to our Twitter.
Those not going to PGL come into school at the usual time and either go into KF2 as normal or Year 5.

This week's achievement awards go to Sophia and Emily for their impressive long writes - they used fantastic language to create a Victorian atmosphere. Well done!
Kingfisher 2
KF2 have been representing, ordering and comparing numbers in Maths this week. Some of the children have worked with numbers up to 1000 and we have practised counting up in different multiples.
Having planned their ideas for their pen pal letters, this week the children have written, edited and published their final letters in best. We included information about our likes and dislikes as well as asking questions and thinking about a closing statement.

This week, the achievement awards go to:
Andreas – For working hard with his phonics and counting well in 10’s.
Jacob – For working hard and contributing to whole class discussions.

Tuesday 10th:
- Nursery Parent/Carer Consultations 8:45 - 11:00am
- Reception Parent/Carer Consultations 1:00 - 3:00pm
- Nursery, Reception, Years 1 -5 Parent/Carer Consultations 4:00 - 6:30pm
Wednesday 11th:
- Years 1 and 2 Parent/Carer Consultations 9:00 - 11:00am
- Years 3, 4 and 5 Parent/Carer Consultations 1:00 - 3:00pm
- Mixed League Football vs Trent 3:30 pm (HOME)
Friday 13th:
- Parent Champion Coffee Morning 9am in The Cabin
- Bowling Festival for KF pupils invited to represent the school - AM
Monday 16th:
- Black History Week
- Year 3 Stone Age Trip to Waltham Abbey Gardens
- Activity Clubs go online for Autumn 2 - Booking will be available from 5:45pm
Tuesday 17th:
- KS2 Cross Country Competition at Copthall - PM
Wednesday 18th:
- Year 6 Parent/Carer Consultations 1:00 - 3:00pm
Thursday 19th:
- Years 1-4 Gymnastics Competition, Hendon - PM (pupils to be confirmed)
- Year 6 Parent/Carer Consultations 3:30 - 6:30pm
- PTA Comedy Night - Thursday 19th October 2023 @7pm (Adults only)
Friday 20th:
- Year 4 Harvest Festival Assembly - Year 4 parents/carers welcome
- Year 1 Mini-bus Trip to Central London - cost £2.00, please pay via School Money
- Activity Clubs finish for Autumn 1
- School finishes for Half Term - school ends normal time and Cabin club is open
HALF TERM: Monday 23rd - 27th October 2023
Pupils return to school Monday 30th October 2023
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24