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Livingstone Newsletter

October Week 1


Friday 4th October

Parent/Carer Consultations for all year groups will take place on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th October 2024 as follows:

Wednesday 9th:

KS1 Parent/Carer Consultations - 9:00 - 11:30am

KS2 Parent/Carer Consultations - 12:30 - 3:00pm

Thursday 10th:

Nursery Parent/Carer Consultations - 9:00am - 12:00pm / 4:30 - 6:30pm

Reception Parent/Carer Consultations - 12:30 - 3:00pm / 4:30 - 6:30pm

KS1 and KS2 Parent/Carer Consultations - 4:00 - 6:30pm

Parents/Carers of all year groups have received a form link via text message to book a consultation time with their child's class teachers. Please book, if you haven't already.

Parents/Carers of Kingfisher pupils, please use the form links to book a consultation with your child's mainstream class teacher. If you would like to arrange a consultation with your child's Kingfisher teacher, please speak with them directly.

Healthy Eating


Please do not include nuts, sweets and chocolates in packed lunches and as snacks. Crisps, cakes and biscuits are permitted in packed lunches in small quantities.

Fruit is available for every pupil in school and if you know your child eats it every day, we welcome a contribution of £6.00 per term via School Money which works out to less than 10p per day.

Some pupils have been coming in with flavoured water and although this may encourage them to drink more, this is not recommended for their teeth and makes them less likely to ever want to drink water which is 100% healthy for them. Water only please.

Times Tables Rock Stars

Times Tables Rock Stars Battle of the Bands is back!

Our first battles are:

Year 3 vs Year 4

Year 5 vs Year 6

The children have one week to play as much TTRS as they can at home to gain points for their class. Please encourage them to play as much as possible. Winners will be announced next week. Good luck and game on!

Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery


As we get deeper into Autumn, so we get deeper into our core book, Brown Bear, Brown Bear. The children are now very familiar with the colours and the animals from the story and can retell it using pictures and props. Alongside it we have enjoyed other seasonal stories and activities.

We have been exploring our senses, creating beautiful art 2D and 3D.

We have been doing lots of singing, learning nursery rhymes off by heart, and we have been learning a new song about conkers.


We have had a great week in Reception learning about each other, our homes and our families. We have been sharing our family pictures and discussing how we are the same and how we are different. We looked at Barnet on the map and found Livingstone school... some children were even able to share their route and give directions using the interactive maps!

Thank you for collecting signs of Autumn - we have an amazing display that we use for a variety of things including imaginative play, the outside area, pattern making, counting and even singing! We welcome any more photos and objects to add to our classroom.

We are working hard to develop our gross and fine motor skills in a range of activities such as 'Big PE'. We are really improving each week and working on dressing independently (socks, shoes, jumpers, coats etc.) Please practice at home too!

The children are doing brilliantly in phonics. This week the sounds we have learned are: p, g, o and c. Use the green set 1 sounds books given in the bookbag this week to practice sounds up to 'c'. Please record any other reading you do in the reading record.

We are looking forward to seeing you all for parents consultations on Thursday to discuss how your child is settling in to Reception and answer any questions.

Year 1

After learning all about texture and lines, Year 1 created brilliant observational art with Autumnal objects.

We are now moving onto science and learning how to classify everyday materials.

In our Maths lessons we explored ordinal numbers.

We continue to learn Set 2 sounds in our phonics lessons, and we can see a big improvement in their handwriting and early sentence structure.

We are enjoying listening to stories all about London and are excited for our trip on Monday 14th October. Well done on a great week!


Achievement awards this week go to Eleanor and Leslie for their brilliant observational drawings!

Year 2

In Maths, we have represented numbers on a number line and estimated where numbers should go. We have finished learning about place value and we have started learning about addition and subtraction. We used concrete resources to investigate number bonds to 10 and used this knowledge to list number bonds to 20. In English, we are continuing to complete Read Write Inc Comprehension. We started Art this week and our topic is sculptures. We have explored how clay can be sculpted and we made a pinch pot. Year 2 are very creative! Year 2 are also very musical. We are taking part in the Infant Barnet Music Festival where we get to perform a range of songs with other schools. We have just started to learn the songs and the children sound pitch perfect already. Below is a link with the password to practise at home.

https://beatrust.org.uk/schools/festivals/imf/practise-at- home/ password: Beegu!


Maths- 10 and 11. 12 is optional.

Reading- 10 and 11.

This week's awards go to Niya for her brilliant participation in English and reading comprehension and Sienna for her excellent effort in English and trying hard with her handwriting.

Kingfisher 1

This week we were learning all about doubles . The children used a range of practical resources to show doubles numbers to 10. The children used ladybirds and painted dots to show double means the same number again. The older children used visual resources to participate counting in 2's.

In English we are reading Oliver's fruit salad and the children participated in role play activities retelling the story and answering some reasoning questions eg: where do fruits grow?. The children used colourful semantic to build simple sentences.


This week's award goes to Finley for his brilliant counting skills.

Year 3

In Maths we have been recapping our number bond facts and using these to mentally add and subtract 3-digit numbers.

We have started our new book in English and are excited about exploring setting descriptions. On Tuesday 8th October, Year 3 will be going outside on a Senses Walk as part of their English learning. Please ensure that your children are wearing the appropriate clothing, e.g. raincoats and waterproof footwear (wellies). Many Thanks.


Next week Friday, Year 3 will be going to their Stone Age Discovery Trip. Please ensure that your children are wearing the appropriate clothing, e.g. raincoats and waterproof footwear, as many of the activities planned will take place outdoors


Maths Practice Journal – pages 14 and 15

For deepening learning and understanding there is the optional Talk it Out Activity on page 12.

Collins Reading Comprehension- pages 6 to 9

TTRS: Please practise 3 times tables.

Year 3 Achievement Certificates this week go to:

Phoebe – For being a co-operative learner.

Ethan B – For challenging himself to develop is reasoning explanations in Maths,


Year 4

Year 4 have had a really good week. They've completed their first long write and we have been so impressed with their outcomes. In Maths, the children have looked at Roman numerals, negative numbers and are now rounding. We have enjoyed watching the creativity that the children have displayed in D&T, creating their designs; they have had to rely on their determination and resilience to put their levers and linkages together for their moving parts.

Year 4 are leading the Harvest assembly on Wednesday 16th at 9am so they may be bringing home lines to learn from Tuesday.

Next week is Parent Consultations and I am looking forward to meeting you.

Can the children be in school for 8:40 everyday so they can get logged into TTR and get practising. Thank you!

Homework Pages

Maths: pages 13 and 14 (page 15 is optional)

English : Punctuation - pages 8 and 9

And daily reading and Times Table Rockstars at home, please!

This week's achievement awards go to Sienna Madle and Zachias for their perseverance and independence during D&T. Well done to you both!

Year 5

This week in Maths, the children have been practising column addition and subtraction, using bar modelling to help them understand.

In English, they drafted, edited and published their narrative writing based on 'Leina and the Lord of the Toadstools'. For their first piece in Y5, they all did an amazing job!

In Geography, they learned about how land around rivers is used and how it's changed over time; learned about 6-figure grid references using Digimaps; and enjoyed our fieldwork at the River Lea on Tuesday.

Homework due by Weds 9th

Maths: 14-15 (addition and subtraction)

Punctuation: pages 14-15 (commas after fronted adverbials)


This week's awards go to Anwen for her fabulous narrative writing, and to Taha for his focus and effort in lessons - especially Maths. Well done, you two!

Year 6

This week in Year 6, we completed our narrative recounts of "The Island" In Maths, we explored different strategies for multiplication and learned about prime numbers.

In Science, we continued our study of living things and their habitats, conducting an observational experiment to understand the growth of mould and the conditions that promote it.


Maths: Pages 10 and 15

SPaG: Pages 48 and 49

This week's achievement awards go to Medina for her excellent writing, and to Olivia for being kind and caring. Well done!

Kingfisher 2

In English this week we have been working hard to practise our writing skills. We have written an Autumn description using our different senses and used the visit to the pond area as our inspiration.

In Maths, we have been learning about different methods to help us to add. We have been adding three one-digit numbers together and have been practising adding multiples of ten.


This week's award goes to Enzo for fantastic independent writing about Autumn. Well done Enzo!


Spooky Party


Letters with more info to follow next week.....




Monday 7th:

  • INSET Day - School closed to pupils
  • Battle of the Bands begin (see below for more info)

Tuesday 8th:

  • KS2 Cross Country Competition (small group of pupils)
  • Year 3 Senses Walk in the Woods - AM

Wednesday 9th:

  • Flu Nasal Spray for Rec - Y6 pupils
  • KS1 Parent Consultations - AM
  • KS2 Parent Consultations - PM

Thursday 10th:

  • Nursery and Reception Parent Consultations
  • KS1 and KS2 Parent Consultations - Evening

Friday 11th:

  • Parent Champion Coffee Morning 9-10 am in The Cabin - All parents/carers invited
  • Year 3 Stoneage Trip to Lee Valley - All day

Monday 14th:

  • Year 4 Swimming begins for two weeks.

Tuesday 15th:

  • KF2 Bowling Trip - PM (more info to follow)

Wednesday 16th:

  • Year 4 Harvest Festival Assembly - 9am (Year 4 Parents/ Carers invited to watch)

Thursday 17th:

  • Nursery - Year 6 Individual School Photographs

Friday 18th:

  • PTA Spooky Party (more info to follow)

Use this link to visit our School Calendar 24/25 for further dates this term.

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