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September Week 1

Friday 7th September

We look forward to another promising year at Livingstone and would like to extend a warm welcome to our new families and new members of staff; Ms Lax (Yr 1) and Miss Grant (Yr 2). Mr Madle is working at Monkfrith for 2 days a week whilst they recruit a new Deputy.

Over the next couple of weeks more children will be joining Nursery and Reception class from families who are new to the school. We welcome them into the Livingstone family and look forward to working in partnership on the path to educational success!

'Read with me'

'Read with me’ sessions are starting next week in the library. This is an opportunity for parents / carers to come into the library to read with their child from 8:50am to 9:10am. We would like to reassure parents that children without a family member will be supported by a member of staff - Rec-Wed/ Yr 2-Thurs/ Yr 1-Fri

All children need to have a PE kit in school at all times

All children need to have a PE kit in school at all times.  Year 1 and Year 2 should come dressed in their PE kit ready to do PE every Wednesday for Creative Curriculum.

Swimming takes place every Friday.   Year 4 will be the first class to go swimming.  Please make sure pupils have their costume, hat and towel.

Under the National Child Measurement Programme, levels of obesity across England are too high and levels of fitness too low.  In response to this we are pleased to continue with Workout Wednesdays and Fitness Fridays.  We are a Healthy Eating school and as such we need to make sure that our children have a healthy diet. This year we are asking that for your child’s birthday, you bring healthier options. Instead of chocolates, cakes and sweets you could bring stickers, balloons or pencils.

Health and Safety

It is extremely important that all parents provide us with any changes to contact details as soon as possible. Any changes to addresses and telephone numbers should be given to the office in case of an emergency. Please let us know if your child has any medical conditions and ensure that the appropriate medicines (e.g. asthma pumps) are sent into school. All medication should be given to the office named and with clear instructions. If your child has a severe medical condition please speak to the office staff.

Attendance and Punctuality

School begins at 8.50am and ends at 3.15pm. Please be punctual and please telephone if your child is away from school or write a note if you know in advance. It is most important to let the school know if another adult is collecting your child. Please remember that it is not permitted to take pupils out of school for holidays.

Extended Services

Breakfast Club starts at 8am and costs £2.50 per session

The Cabin Club is 3.15-5.45 at a cost of £7.00 per session

Activity Clubs start Monday 10th Sept. There is a £3.50 fee per session. There are no charges for the Challenge Club.

Dinner Money should be paid in advance.

£2.35 per day

£11.75 per week

£68.15  this half-term

Notice must be given to the office before children change between packed lunches and school dinners.  Children in Reception and KS1 are entitled to a free meal. Reception have milk and fruit every day, KS1 get a fruit/raisins snack and older pupils have access to a tuck shop which sells healthy snacks at morning break for 20p.

Parent Teachers Association (PTA)

We have an active PTA which meets on a regular basis.  We are always pleased to see new members.  We also have Parent Representatives Meetings for every class.  If you are interested in representing the parents’ view of your child’s class, come along to the CABIN at 9am on Friday 21st September. 

Diary Dates



Year Group/s

Comments & Approx. Cost

Monday 10th

English Challenge Clubs begin for Autumn 1

2 - 6

3.15 – 4.15pm

Tuesday 11th

Activity Clubs begin for Autumn 1

1 - 6

3.15 – 4.15pm


Parent/Carer Curriculum Meeting – 9am and 3.15pm

2 - 6

Year 1  on Wednesday  12th

Thursday 13th

Maths Challenge Clubs begin for Autumn 1

2 - 6

3.15 – 4.15pm

Thursday 20th  

School Council Elections

Rec - 6



Year 6 PGL School Journey Meeting for Parents/Carers – 3.15pm


Held in Y6 Classroom

Oct Monday 1st

INSET DAY – School Closed

Nur - 6


Tuesday 2nd

Impact Meetings for Parents/Carers begin this week

1 - 6

Times and Dates TBC

Monday 15th

Black History Week

Nur - 6



Activity Club Bookings available online for Autumn 2 Term – 8am

1 - 6

First come first served basis

Tuesday 16th

Parent Consultation Meetings – 4.30 – 6.30pm

1 - 6


Wednesday 17th

Parent Consultation Meetings – 9 – 11.30am




Parent Consultation Meetings – 1.30 – 3.30pm

4 + 5


Thursday 18th

Kingfisher Coffee Morning for Parents – 9am




Shakespeare Workshop – 1 – 3pm



Friday 19th

Year 4F Harvest Assembly – 9am    Donations of Non-perishable Food


Parents Welcome


HALF TERM - Monday 22nd – Friday 26th October


Pupils return on Monday 29th October

Monday 29th




Tuesday 30th

Activity Clubs begin for Autumn 2

1 – 6

3.15 – 4.15pm

Monday 5th

English Challenge Clubs begin for Autumn 2

2 - 6

3.15 – 4.15pm

Wednesday 7th

Young Mathematician Competition at Explore Learning – 12 – 2pm


x 4 Pupils

Thursday 8th

Remembrance Assembly

Nur - 6


Monday 12th

Friendship Week

Nur - 6


Tuesday 13th

Impact Meeting for Reception Parents – 9.30am




Impact Meeting for Reception Parents – 3.30pm



Thursday 22nd

Year 2 Class Assembly


Year 2 Parents/Carers Welcome

Monday 26th

INSET DAY – School Closed

Nur - 6


Dec Monday 10th

Read With Me Assembly – 2.45pm

Rec - 6

Parents/Carers Welcome

Tuesday 11th

Songs from Nursery and Reception – Time to be confirmed

Nur + Rec

Parents/Carers Welcome

Friday 14th

Activity Clubs finish for Autumn 2

1 - 6


Monday 17th

KS1 Christmas Show Dress Rehearsal to School

1 - 3

Parents/Carers welcome with Babies/Small Children

Tuesday 18th

Christmas Show Performance to Parents/Carers – 1.45pm

1 - 3

Tickets Only

Thursday 20th

Christmas Show Performance to Parents/Carers – 9am

1 - 3

Tickets Only

Friday 21st

End of Term Church Service

Rec - 6



END of TERM School finishes at 2pm – NO CABIN CLUB

Nur – 6

Pupils return on Monday 7th January

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