Livingstone Newsletter
September Week 1

Friday 8th September
Welcome Back!
We look forward to another promising year at Livingstone and would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone returning to school and to our new pupils.
Over the next couple of weeks more children will be joining our Nursery and Reception class from families who are new to the school. We welcome them into the Livingstone family and look forward to working in partnership towards educational success!
Next week we will be adding a link to an Annual Calendar which will set out dates throughout the year. This will enable parents/ carers to plan ahead where possible.
Mobiles and Smart Watches

As you may be aware the government is trying to limit the access of children to websites and social media platforms that are not age appropriate. Please make sure that your child is not accessing these at home, especially when they are travelling unaccompanied to and from school.
If you feel that it is essential that they have a phone and/or watch, be aware that these are carried at their own risk. Pupils will not be permitted to use them or wear them in the classroom.
We are now entering a post-lock down era and we are looking forward to more stability throughout the year. The expectation is that attendance and punctuality return to standards pre-covid and that holidays are not taken during term time. Above 96% attendance ensures the best possible outcomes for your child/ ren because it ensures continuity and consistency in learning.
- Absences will be authorised for days of genuine illness only.
- No holidays are permitted in term time.
- Unauthorised days off will incur fines.
If your child is unable to attend due to illness, please inform the school by 9am on the first day of absence.
Correct Uniform

We are delighted to see that the majority of pupils have come into school wearing the correct uniform. However, after the first PE lessons we have noticed that pupils have come in wearing different coloured shorts, trainers and girls have come in long and short leggings.
Leggings do not form part of the main uniform or the PE kit and should not be worn. Parents who would like to include leg coverings should provide long white socks or grey school tights.
PE kit consists of Royal Blue Shorts or Black Jogging Bottoms. These items can be worn by girls and boys and are available for sale at Smith's, our uniform shop (with the logo) and at most suppliers (without the logo).
Trainers should be black, and pupils should be able to tie their laces if they wear lace-ups.
Finally, apart from small studs, no jewellery should be worn in school and hair ties should be uniform blue.

Year 1
Year 1 have made an excellent start to the academic year. They have settled quickly, explored their new classroom and started their learning journey. We enjoyed subitising in maths. Mrs. Hunter hid the numicon pieces in foil and the children subitised (knew the numbers straight away without counting). They also sorted objects based on size, shape or colour. We will send home Read Write Inc books starting next week as well as a library book. Well done on a fabulous week, Year 1!
The first achievement award this week goes to Denat for being a kind and helpful friend. The second achievement award goes to Laiba for her excellent spelling in phonics lessons.
Year 2
We have had a great first week getting to know each other and settling in. Miss Gordon and I have been so impressed with everyone's attitude and behaviour towards learning.
We have started to look at place value in maths and writing numbers up to 100. We have also recapped some phonics which they have done brilliantly with.
Well done, Year 2!

This week's awards go to Tiyah for her super positive attitude towards school and Alex for being a great role model for his peers.
Kingfisher 1
We have had a lovely first week in KF1 and are very happy to welcome the children back to school. Everyone has settled back into their routines with smiles on their faces.
This week in maths we have been comparing numbers using our favourite character Charlie the Crocodile.
In English we have been learning ' All about me'. Children drew self-portraits of themselves.

This week's achievement award goes to all in KF1 for settling so nicely.
Year 3
Year 3
Year 3 have had a brilliant first week back to school! We have started to read our first class book 'The Tin Forest' and we are really enjoying it. In maths we have recapped our knowledge on place vale of two-digit numbers and Mrs Church and I were exceptionally impressed with the pupil's knowledge. It's been a great first week back to school, well done Year 3!

This week our first achievement award goes to Deni for his hard work during our maths lessons.
The second award goes to Liana for her excellent attitude towards her work in our first week back to school!
Year 4
Year 4 have had a brilliant first week and have settled well. It's been lovely spending time getting to know them and Mrs Craddock and I look forward to what the rest of the year has to hold.
This week, we have started our science topic all about sound, exploring how sounds are creating, how they travel and how we hear them.
This week's achievement award goes to the whole of Year 4 for their positive start to the year. Well done :)
Year 5
It was a great first week back for Year 5. The children already seem settled and ready to work. Mr Thomas and I are looking forward to getting to know them better.
This week, they completed their base-line assessments and had a circle time about mental health and the importance of looking after their mind as they would their body.

This week's award goes to the whole class for their first week - well done!
Year 6
Year 6 have had a fantastic first week and myself and Mrs Armstrong have been impressed with their maturity and positive attitudes towards their learning. We look forward to getting to know them further and we have a great year ahead.
This week, Year 6 have completed their baseline assessments and begun History. Our first topic is the Victorians and the children are very excited to learn about how they impacted our lives today. They have already had some 'Wow' moments and I'm sure there will be more.
Next week, on Thursday 14th at 3:15pm, there will be a PGL meeting in Year 6 for pupils who are going and their parents. Today, they will be bringing home a medical form, behaviour contract and a packing list. Please return the completed medical form and behaviour contract as soon as possible.

This week's achievement awards go to Dante, for his hard work and focus and Diya, for being a positive role model. Well done to you both!
Kingfisher 2
It's been a great start to the Autumn term for KF2. The boys have been busy learning about each other, writing about their summer break and have settled into this new academic year with lots of smiles.

This week's achievement awards go to Dilan and Andreas for their fantastic first week in KF2!
Birthday Sweets and Cakes

Please do not send in sweets or cakes as they will no longer be given out in the classroom.
We will make sure that the birthday is acknowledged but treats will be handed back to the parents/carers.
Thank you.
'Show and Tell' Items

We love sharing good news but please do not bring toys into school for 'Show and Tell'. We would like to limit the sharing to achievements or experiences as bringing in toys can cause difficulties for families to manage and can impact on the emotions of the pupils.
Choir Club

This academic year we are inviting pupils from KS2 to join the choir and will be holding weekly practice every Thursday at the end of the school day between 2:45 - 3:20 pm, starting Thursday 21st September 2023.
Parents/carers from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be sent a form link next week via text. If your child would like to be part of the choir, please respond to the form.
To join the school choir, you must love singing and be committed to attending our weekly sessions for practice with Mrs Margetts.
Being part of the choir will provide lots of opportunities to perform in front of audiences.
There are only 30 places available so please submit your form quickly to avoid disappointment. Please do so by Thursday 14th September 2023.
If you respond after the first 30 places have been taken, then unfortunately your child will not be able to join. Once all responses have been collected you will be informed if your child has secured a place or not.
'Read with Me' Sessions

Our 'Read with Me' sessions will begin again next week in the library from 8:50 - 9:00am for Kingfisher and Years 1 and 2 (see below for your child's allocated day).
Nursery and Reception's session will begin once they have been settled in.
It would be wonderful if parents/carers joined us and their child for 10 minutes to share a story.
Mondays - Year 1
Tuesdays - Year 2
Wednesdays - Reception
Thursdays - Kingfisher
Fridays AM and PM - Nursery

Monday 11th:
- Nursery Group (current pupils) return to school
- KF Nursery Stay and Play Day for pupils and parents (individual start dates by arrangement)
- Reception Group 1 (pupils who attended Livingstone Nursery) - morning and lunch only for one week. Finish 1pm
- KF Reception start day - morning only for one week. Finish 12:15pm
- Activity Clubs begin for Autumn 1
Tuesday 12th:
- Year 6 Shakespeare Workshop - cost to be confirmed
Thursday 14th:
- Year 2 Great Fire of London Workshop - cost £4 via School Money
- Year 6 School Journey to PGL meeting for parents and pupils - 3:15pm
Monday 18th:
- Reception Group 2 (pupils new to Livingstone) morning and lunch only for one week. Finish 1pm
- Reception Group 1 full day. Finish 3:10pm
Tuesday 19th:
- Years 5 and 6 'Meet the Teacher' meeting for parents/carers - 8:50am - venue tbc
Wednesday 20th:
- Years 1 and 2 'Meet the Teacher' meeting for parents/carers - 8:50am in classroom
Thursday 21st:
- Years 3 and 4 'Meet the Teacher' meeting for parents/carers - 8:50am - venue tbc
Monday 25th:
- Pupil Voice Week
- Reception Group 2 full day. Finish 3:10pm
Monday 2nd:
- INSET Day - school closed to pupils
Tuesday 10th:
- Nursery Parent Consultations 8:45 - 11:00am
- Reception Parent Consultations 1:00 - 3:00pm
- Nursery, Reception, KS1 and Years 3-5 Parent Consultations 4:00 - 6:30pm
Wednesday 11th:
- Years 1 and 2 Parent Consultations 9:00 - 11:00am
- Years 3, 4 and 5 Parent Consultations 1:00 - 3:00pm
Friday 13th:
- Parent Champion Coffee Morning 9am in Cabin
- Year 6 return from School Journey
Monday 16th:
- Black History Week
- Activity Clubs go online for Autumn 2 Booking from 8am
Wednesday 18th:
- Year 6 Parent Consultations 1:00 - 3:00pm
Thursday 19th:
- Year 6 Parent Consultations 3:30 - 6:30pm
Friday 20th:
- Year 4 Harvest Festival Assembly - Year 4 parents/carers welcome
- Activity Clubs finish for Autumn 1
- School finishes for Half Term - school ends normal time and Cabin club is open
HALF TERM: Monday 23rd - 27th October 2023
Pupils return to school Monday 30th October 2023