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Livingstone Newsletter

September Week 2

Friday 13th September

Welcome back everyone and thank you to the PTA for starting the year with a wonderful Family Camp Night.

Thank you to Mrs Craddock and Mrs Church for organising this popular event. Despite setbacks due to the weather, many families participated in all the activities

We would also like to thank Diane, Mr Sudbury and Mr Madle and all of the parents/carers who volunteered with all the activities to make it a special event.

PTA Online Meeting

We will be holding our Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 8pm on Wednesday 18th Sept.

This meeting will take place online via zoom. A link will be sent by text next week.

Healthy Eating - Fruit Snacks


Every child from Nursery to Year 2 is provided with a daily fruit snack for free and in order to ensure that this continues into Years, 3, 4, 5 and 6, the school is buying extra fruit which will be provided to all the children at a subsidised price.

If your child is in Key stage 2 and you would like them to have fruit every day, we are asking for a payment of £6.00 per term or £18 for the whole year which can be paid via School Money

We are also asking that no sweets, chocolates, nuts, crisps, and cakes are brought into school for snack times.

Thank you!


Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery

We would like to welcome our new and old children to our Nursery School. We have been very excited to see how well everyone is settling in. This week we have been having working on getting to know each other and our new friends, we have been reading exciting stories about starting school and the importance of rules. We have also been discussing about our local area, the woods, what animals live there and which animals are nocturnal.

We are looking forward to welcoming new friends in the following weeks and having lots of fun.


Welcome to Reception! We have had a great first 2 weeks settling into our new classroom and new school for some. We have been working hard to build a familiar routine, getting to know new faces and names and enjoying activities. We are looking forward to building up to a full day new.

Year 1

Year 1 had a great week! In our maths lessons we enjoyed making number lines out of numicon and toys, counting out loud to 20, and sorting objects in different ways.

We have started phonics in our small groups. Please look in their bookbags and ensure they read to you for 10 minutes every day. The children should read their book bag book as well as the paper book that they are reading in phonics lessons. You can also see the weekly sounds they are learning in their reading diaries; please sign the reading diary once a week. The library book is for the adults to read to their children.

In the afternoon, we began our Geography topic on the United Kingdom. Ask your children if they can name the four countries of the United Kingdom. Some of them even know the capital cities!

Achievement awards this week go to Ben and Vinny for their excellent work in maths. Well done you two!

Year 2

Year 2 have had a fantastic start back at school. In Maths, we have been recognising the place value in two-digit numbers. We have practised drawing our tens and ones and writing the numbers in numerals and words. In English, we have been completing Read Write Inc comprehensions. We have been learning about materials in Science. Children have a good understanding of different materials and their properties. We have also explored the suitability of different materials for different objects.

Homework. Please only complete these pages.

Maths- pages 4 and 5. 6 is optional.

Reading- page 6.


This week's achievements go to Lou for her hard work and always asking questions to find out more and Tameem for his excellent work ethic and good behaviour for learning. Well done!

Kingfisher 1

All Kingfisher 1 children have settled well into their routine including our new reception children. Well done!

In maths we have been learning about one more than any number to 10 and all pupils enjoyed the practical activities. In English we continued with the topic 'All about me' and the children explored the story ' The new pet'. They used their phonological knowledge to match initial sounds to the corresponding words and progressed to blending words.



Our reward this week goes to Finley for his excellent work in maths.

Year 3

Year 3 have been super stars in their learning and have been busy investigating, asking questions and making connections.

In Maths, we have been learning about place value and different ways of representing numbers up to 100 using concrete resources, drawings and numerals. We are also learning our 3 times tables.

We have been enjoying reading the beginning of our new book: The Bear and The Piano, in English. Using drama techniques, we explored how the main character was feeling at different points in the story and offer them advice on how to solve an important dilemma.

In Science we are learning about the important functions of the skeleton. We planned an investigation and made predictions about the relationship between a person’s height and the length of their bones.

Homework pages:

Maths practice Journal pages 3 -5

CGP Punctuation Book- pages 4 and 5

Year 3 Achievement Certificates this week go to:

Gino – For be a helpful table partner and always being a positive team worker.

Rosie – For showing that she can independently use all of the tools from her learning and classroom environment in her English writing.

Congratulations Gino and Rosie!

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4! The children have had a great start to Year 4 and we are enjoying getting to know them. In English, the children have been practicing grammar and handwriting. In Maths, the first topic is place value and we have been pleased by how much they have retained from their previous learning.

In Science, our first topic is Sound; the children have been learning what causes sound and how we hear it.

Meet the Teacher for Year 4 is on Monday 16th September, in the Y4 classroom, at 8:50am. I hope to see you then.

Homework pages

Please only complete the pages below.

EnglishPunctuation – pages 4 and 5

Maths pages 4 and 5 (page 6 is optional)


This week's achievement awards go to Orla for working hard, and Dexter for being an excellent role model. Well done to you both!

Year 5

This week, the children learned about place value in numbers up to 1,000,000 by reading, writing and representing large numbers.

In English, we focused on handwriting and using basic sentence punctuation accurately, ready for when we start our first writing unit next week.

In the afternoons, they've been scientists studying materials and their properties. We focused on insulators and 'conducted' a virtual experiment.

Homework due by Weds 18th Sept

Maths: pages 4 and 5 (place value)

Punctuation: pages 4 and 5 (capital letters, full stops and question marks)

This week's awards go to Elsie for her focus during all lessons, and to Lukas for his excellent subject knowledge in Science. Well done, both of you!

Year 6

This week in year 6, the children have been learning about, recognising, comparing, ordering and rounding numbers to 10,000,000 in Maths. In English, we have been practising handwriting, identifying subject and verbs and how we can vary the position of a subordinating clause. In History, we have been delving into the world of the Victorians and have so far explored the key events, differences between the rich and poor and evaluated primary sources about the workhouses.

Homework: Due in on Tuesday 17th September

Maths: Place value and rounding (pages 6 and 7)

SPaG: Capital letters, full stops, questions marks and exclamation marks (pages 36 and 37)


This week's achievement awards go to Sheena for her positive attitude to learning, and to Ravi for his hard work and effort with his handwriting. Well done!

Kingfisher 2

Kingfisher 2 have a had a wonderful start to the new year and have settled well into our new routines and classroom.

In English this week, we enjoyed posting letters to our families to support our writing topic of letters. We have enjoyed sharing photos of our families and talking about them with our friends.

In Maths, we have been reading and writing numbers and counting on and back from different numbers. Well done Kingfisher 2. Keep up the good work!


This week the award goes to Arthur for chivalrous behaviour and lovely manners. Well done Arthur!




Monday 16th:

  • Year 4 Meet the Teacher meeting for parents/carers, 8:50 - 9:15am

Tuesday 17th:

  • Year 3 Meet the Teacher meeting for parents/carers, 8:50 - 9:15am
  • Year 2 Great Fire of London Workshop (cost £5 via School Money)
  • Year 1 Local Area Walk - PM

Tuesday 24th:

  • Year 6 Shakespeare Workshop

Thursday 26th:

  • KF1 Shopping Trip to Sainsburys - AM


Tuesday 1st:

  • Year 5 Trip to River Lea (cost £9.50 - payment and consent via School Money)

Monday 7th:

  • INSET Day - School closed to pupils

Tuesday 8th:

  • KS2 Cross Country Competition (small group of pupils)

Wednesday 9th:

  • Flu Nasal Spray for Rec - Y6 pupils
  • KS1 Parent Consultations - AM (more information to follow)
  • KS2 Parent Consultations - PM (more information to follow)

Thursday 10th:

  • Nursery and Reception Parent Consultations - Afternoon and Evening (more information to follow)
  • KS1 and KS2 Parent Consultations - Evening (more information to follow)

Friday 11th:

  • Parent Champion Coffee Morning, 9-10 am in The Cabin - All parents/carers invited

Use this link to visit our School Calendar 24/25 for further dates this term.

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