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January Week 2

Friday 15th January

Another school week is coming to an end today, which makes it two weeks under lockdown. I am happy to report that everyone has settled well and the technological problems with the VLE that we initially had have now been resolved.

We have had very positive feedback about the home learning programme, however we know that we still have some families finding it difficult at times to manage the balance of working from home as well as supporting their child/ren. Therefore, if you are experiencing difficulties please speak to the class teachers and they will try to help manage your circumstances.

Laptops are still available for siblings that are sharing, we are able to offer learning packs and materials and we still have school places for pupils of Key Workers.

Although we have implemented a structured timetable, we know that sometimes it is not always possible to maintain the strict timings especially if you are working with very young children, trying to manage more than one sibling and/or working from home so please speak to the class teacher and explain your circumstances. It is very important that work gets completed and posted online for teachers to evaluate, however if you need to adapt the schedule and your child/ren need to do the work at different times let their teachers know. They may not always be able to provide feedback on that work but they will be able to move on to the next lesson with confidence that the work has been done by everyone in the class.

Finally, I would like to say thank you again to our team of amazing staff who are working tirelessly to ensure everything possible is being done for your child/ren's education to continue in lockdown. Every member of staff - teachers, TAs, office staff, site manager, catering and cleaners are getting on with the work knowing how important it is to keep everything on track in school and for the pupils at home. Kingfisher staff are all working exceptionally hard getting the pupils back into routines and making sure that their learning is on track. Bringing all the pupils back, trying to maintain COVID safety standards has been a challenge but they have done an incredible job, so please join me in saying an extra big thank you to them as they deserve the change of title from key workers to 'star' workers'

Life Skills Day - Wednesday 20th January

On Wednesday 20th January we will be having a themed ‘Life Skills Day’ for pupils. Practical activities will be set to help develop their skills in a fun way as well as give them a bit of a break from their computer screens. Everything they will need to carry out the activities will be regular items you have in your home. For example, there will be a ‘create a fun looking sandwich’ activity so please make sure you have food ready to be created into an interesting looking lunch.

Zoom Meetings

Your regular class teachers will be busy preparing for the rest of the week which means pupils will have different teachers leading the zoom meetings. Kingfisher pupils that are not in school should join the meeting for their year groups. There is a morning zoom at your usual time explaining the day and an afternoon one to celebrate achievements, details of these are set out below. We look forward to hearing about the fun you have had completing the challenges.

Finally, remember on Thursday we will be back to the normal zoom meetings and learning timetables.

Please remember, the following zoom meeting details are for Wednesday 20th January only

  Pupils should use their usual zoom links for the rest of the week.

Nursery Zoom Details

9:30am meeting with Mr Madle

https://zoom.us/j/95471482068? pwd=Vk8rZm9MVHZuOEFFbUFpTFQ2bnNidz09

Meeting ID: 954 7148 2068

Passcode: AGYWu2

1:00pm meeting with Diane

https://zoom.us/j/96703373758? pwd=Nmp5TE9IMjFnbVZEMUgvTENqdmlxUT09

Meeting ID: 967 0337 3758

Passcode: Gwux99

Reception Zoom Details

Reception: 9:50 and 2:40 with Mrs Phelan

https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79465366035? pwd=TFZDK051aXhMWEozUlNLL3AyeVZHUT09

Meeting ID: 794 6536 6035

Passcode: sfR5UR

Year 1 Zoom Details

Year 1: 9:20am and 2:50pm with Miss Papas

https://zoom.us/j/3602413323? pwd=TUNhU1pPNVZXaXB6T2YyRXpmUG1Gdz09

Meeting ID: 360 241 3323

Passcode: happydays

Year 2 Zoom Details

Year 2: 9:30am and 1:20pm with Mrs Kwan

https://zoom.us/j/93664733987? pwd=VjZVUjZtMnVVSFB3UnVuOHY5T2F1Zz09

Meeting ID: 936 6473 3987

Passcode: year2

Year 3 Zoom Details

Year 3: 9:00am and 1:10pm with Mr Madle

https://us04web.zoom.us/j/71885889040? pwd=OEhGMTgvQW1qVHN4VUtoTDhQVkJqdz09

Meeting ID: 718 8588 9040

Passcode: YR3

Year 4 Zoom Details

Year 4: 9:10am and 1:20pm with Mrs Phelan

https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79465366035? pwd=TFZDK051aXhMWEozUlNLL3AyeVZHUT09

Meeting ID: 794 6536 6035

Passcode: sfR5UR

Year 5 Zoom Details

Year 5: 8:50am and 1:00pm with Miss Papas

https://zoom.us/j/3602413323? pwd=TUNhU1pPNVZXaXB6T2YyRXpmUG1Gdz09

Meeting ID: 360 241 3323

Passcode: happydays

Year 6 Zoom Details

Year 6: 8:50am and 1:00pm with Mrs Kwan

https://zoom.us/j/91080679297? pwd=Y1ZnRVBnb1NUYVcwdjNSZCtJUis5dz09

Meeting ID: 910 8067 9297

Passcode: year6

Work Showcase

Year 1 Science - Exploring the Senses



Nursery Places- Contact the Office

With the original lockdown only expected to last 2 weeks, we have prioritised places for our Key Worker and Vulnerable pupils in Nursery. However, now that the lockdown is expected to continue for longer due to government and local authority advice, we are going to re-open Nursery places to all families.

We understand if parents/carers choose not to send their child/ren to the nursery class and we are supportive of this , as it would assist us to reduce the number of contacts that all of us have with people in other households and would be in line with arrangements in place for the rest of the school.

Please also note that, for operational reasons due to the coronavirus, the school may have to temporarily reduce the number of places available in the school nursery. During any such period of temporary reduction in numbers, we will offer as many places as our risk assessment has established it is safe to. Parents who would like to continue to send their child to nursery will be offered places on the following priority basis, up to the maximum number of places that we can safely provide:

  1. Those children who meet the Government’s vulnerable criteria
  2. Children whose parent/carer meets the Governments critical worker criteria
  3. Children who do not meet the vulnerable or critical worker criteria

Our school risk assessment will be reviewed on a regular basis, in line with Government’s COVID-19 guidelines and our ability to safely offer places and we will make more places available to those parents who require a place when our risk assessment indicates it is safe to do so.

Please respond to message asap by phoning or emailing the office. We need to have either a 'yes' or 'no' answer to ensure that places are distributed fairly. if you respond 'yes' you will be contacted directly.

Please do not send your child into Nursery without pre-arranging a return date with us.

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