Livingstone Newsletter 12
Week 2 December
Parent Champions Coffee Morning
Friday 8th December
This morning we held the last Parent Champion coffee morning of the year. Thank you to all the parents who came for a coffee and a chat.
We are looking forward to seeing you again on Friday January 12th.

Christmas Party and Fair
The Christmas Fair kicked off the end of year Christmas celebrations but there is more to come before we finish on Thursday 21st December.
Thank you for the incredible generosity from everyone involved. We managed to raise just over £4,000 at the Fair and we still have lots of raffle prizes in the Chocolate and Bottle Tombolas.
All of next week you can still take part, but this time you have an increased chance of winning as we are giving away 5 tickets for £1. Send your money in an envelope marked Bottle or Chocolate Tombola with your child. Your child will get to pick the tickets and if they win a prize/s, the items will be bagged up ready for collection at home time. Prizes won by pupils who travel home independently will have the prizes deposited at the office and parents/carers can collect from there.
Pupils who attend CABIN club can take home their prizes when they are collected from the CABIN.
Next Tuesday Santa is coming to visit and we are going to have singing performances from Nursery and Reception. The week after, we are having Christmas Dinner, the Christmas Show with Years 1, 2 and 3, as well as a Christmas Assembly at St James's on the morning of last day of term.
Poppy Appeal
We have received notification from the Royal British Legion that we have raised £239.47 during the Poppy Appeal. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the appeal and thank you again to the Daisy, Holly, Sophia and Ruby for representing Livingstone School at the wreath laying ceremony.

KS1 Sports Festival
On Wednesday, some children from KS1 attended a sports festival. They took part in a carousel where they moved around different stations taking part in lots of activities. The children learnt some new parachute games, took part in a kurling competition, played target games and more! The children came back with lots of smiles and had fun getting involved with sport.
IMPACT Workshops
Thank you to all our families who attended the Reading workshops. We had a record number of families in each session. We realise that many parents have taken the time off work, so thank you for attending.
Thank you for your continuous support and we are glad that both adults and children benefitted greatly from these workshops

Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
As we approach winter and Christmas we have been exploring both themes. Our key text has been 'The Snowman', a classic text which has captured the imagination of all the children. The children have enjoyed talking about the images and creating their own ideas for what the characters might say, as it is a book without words.
They have explored ice and snow and made their own snow people using a variety of materials. Discussions about the animals that are associated with Christmas and winter.
We have also been getting active with the Burpee Bears. Ask the children and they may show you some moves.
Please sign up as a 'Mystery Reader' in Nursery! Every Friday at 2:45pm, a different adult can join us on a reading adventure! You can choose any book you like; you can dress up if you wish and share your love of books whilst reading to the class. The book can be in English or any other language you speak.
There will be a meeting for parents/carers Friday 12th January at 9am to discuss Fit Bags which is an initiative we use in Early Years to promote physical activity.
Please make sure children come in Christmas jumpers or nice outfits on Tuesday and Wednesday for our Christmas songs assembly.
Reception have been working very hard to learn their songs for the EYFS Christmas show next week. We hope to see you all there on either Tuesday at 9am, Thursday at 2.45pm or both!
Please remember that children can come in wearing a special Christmas outfit / jumper on these days for the performances.

Anoel and Riley - for fantastic progress with writing their names. Well done!
Year 1
What an exciting week we’ve had in Year 1! We showed our parents what brilliant readers we are in our phonics impact session on Monday. Then on Tuesday, off we travelled to The Young V&A. The children were great ambassadors of the school; they were curious, polite and active learners. We also finished our R.E. topic of Festivals of Light. Please ask your children all about the traditions of Christmas, Divali and Hanukkah. I wonder how they are similar . . . Next week we will move on to Design Technology. Please can you bring in cardboard on Monday for our project (any size will do).
Achievement awards this week go to Eva and Asiya for their enthusiasm for our RE and History topics.
Year 2
In Maths, we have been learning about 2D shapes. We have discussed their properties and lines of symmetry. In English, we have been learning about conjunctions where we have identified them in sentences and written our own examples. This will help us to retell the story, 'Lost and Found'.
We have been learning about different religious beliefs and creation stories in R.E.
Please remember to go on the VLE to find our Christmas songs to practise for the show.
Also, thank you to everyone who attended the reading impact session.
Reading- Read page 11 (Anansi and the Turtle) and complete pages 14, 15 & 16.
This week's awards go to Arianna.O and Ali for their hard work in Maths describing 2D shapes. Well done, you two!
Kingfisher 1
We have had a very busy week in Kingfisher 1. In Maths were have been learning time to the hour and half past. Children were very engaged using clocks to tell the time . The children have been sequencing morning and night routines. Some children can confidently recall the days of week, months of year and seasons.
In English we started our new story The selfish crocodile. The children enjoyed retelling the main events through roleplay.

This week's award goes to Sergio for his great work telling the time in maths.
Year 3
This week in Year 3, we have completed some assessments and tried our best with these. In Maths, we have learnt about equal groups and in English we have learnt about fronted adverbials and using them in our narrative about Varjak Paw. We have been working very hard in our rehearsals for our Christmas show in the afternoons!
Homework English (Reading): Pages 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21.
Please also continue practising your lines and WHEN to say them as the show is very, very soon!

The first achievement award goes to Lola for trying her best with fronted adverbials and handwriting. The second award goes to George for his fantastic dancing and kindness to others.
Year 4
This week in Year 4, we have been completing our end of term assessments. The children have applied themselves incredibly well and should be proud of their hard work this term - Mrs Craddock and I certainly are. In Science, we have been exploring states of matter, their particle properties and how processes such as melting and freezing can changes states.
TTRS: 9s
Punctuation: Direct Speech (pages 28 to 31)
This week's achievement awards go to Christina for her positive attitude and hard work with reading, and to Ryan for challenging himself in all subjects.
Year 5
The children had a brilliant last week at swimming. Next week we'll be back on our usual timetable, finishing our units on persuasive writing and fractions being enjoying some fun festive activities.
In the afternoons, the children have loved our unit on self- portraits and mixed-media. They studied the artist Chila Kumari Singh Burman before planning and creating their own mixed- media portraits, meaning they used more that one material in their work. See some examples below!
Punctuation: pages 24 and 25 (apostrophes)

This week's awards go to Elijah and Medina for their excellent progress in reading - well done!
Year 6
Year 6 have had a very busy week! The children have completed assessments and have made us immensely proud with the progress they have made; completed their last long write for this term; and completed their art project using all the techniques they have been exploring. Their finished pieces depict a message that they want to convey to the world and they were very meaningful in their choices.
Thank you to the parents who came to the Reading Impact meeting. I hope you found it useful and if you do have any further questions, please, come and ask.
CGP Homework Pages
Homework needs to be returned to school by the following Tuesday.
English - SPaG (Targeted Question Book ) - pages 27, 28 and 29.
Maths - Arithmetic - pages 15, 16 and 17.

This week's achievement awards go to the whole of Year 6 for all of their hard work!
Kingfisher 2
This week in Maths we explored 3D shapes, counting faces and edges, and developed effective counting strategies. We also identified 2D shapes that formed the faces of 3D shapes and discussed the difference between a face and a curved surface.
In English, our focus was on instructional texts. We kicked off with a 'cold task' - writing instructions on getting dressed and explored features like time connectives and bossy verbs.
This week's achievement awards go to Calvin for being independent and using his initiative when working, and to Andreas for his fab set of instructions about getting dressed and working hard on his handwriting.

RECEPTION- Sid Visvanathan and Megan Atkinson
YEAR 1- Austin Scott
YEAR 2- Laura Blackaller
YEAR 5- Kate Figgis
YEAR 6- Lina Cavozzi
YEAR 6 AND KF2 – Shelley Farmer
YEAR 1- Jackie Scott
YEAR 4- Melissa Gosling
YEAR 3- Charlotte Gosling
The school is looking into a way to help parents remember what time slot they have booked for their parent consultations. We have looked into this and for future parent consultation bookings you will now be able to get a confirmation of bookings by selecting the option at the end of the form to request a return email.
Some parents have said that they didn’t like their school photos this year. However, some parents said they did. We have tried different companies and had different photographers, even from the same company. This is the same company the school used last year with good results. The school will try to get best value and request the previous photographer for next year.
A note to all year 3 parents to say that the scripts were put in the children’s bags on the same day. Most information is sent online but please check your children’s school bag as children often bring things home in their bags such as their reading books.
For parents asking about future school trips. A general guide to trips can be found in the school handbook or in the calendar linked to the school newsletter. We try to give as much notice as possible, but we do get opportunities to do things with the pupils at very short notice as well.
Year 5 French trip will be in May 2024. The cost will be around £100.00. The school are just finalising the details and will let parents know all the details soon but the intention is to go to Boulogne.
The school are rotating the times year 4 and 5 have their dinner so year 5 are not always last. The new free school meals menu for all the pupils is taking a while to perfect so please bear with us.
The pick-up point for after school rugby and football clubs, are the Key Stage 2 playground. However, if your child is taking longer to get changed, you can walk round to see where they are.
The VLE offers alternatives to the old Mathletics scheme, for those that are looking to do more Maths work online. The pupils have passwords or speak to the class teacher.

Tuesday 12th:
- Nursery/Reception Christmas Songs - performance to parents/ carers 9:00am
- Visit by Santa
Wednesday 13th:
- Football - Livingstone Girls vs St. Catherines, 3:30pm
- Thursday 14th:
- KF2 Shopping Trip - AM
- Nursery/Reception Christmas Songs - performance to parents/ carers 2:45pm
Friday 15th:
- Year 3 and KS1 Dress Rehearsal for Christmas Show - performance to parents/carers with babies/small children (tickets only)
- Pupil Newsletter
Monday 18th:
- Year 3 and KS1 Christmas Show 1:30pm - performance to parent/carers (tickets only)
Tuesday 19th:
- Christmas Jumper Day - all pupils can wear one if they would like to
- Year 3 and KS1 Christmas Show 9am - performance to parents/carers (tickets only)
- Reception Trip to the Arts Depot- AM
- Christmas Lunch - please inform the office if your child is usually a packed lunch but would like a Christmas dinner
- Class Christmas Parties - PM
Thursday 21st:
- Christmas Assembly at St James's Church -Reception to Year 6 - All visitors welcome.
- End of Term - School closes at 2pm (NO CABIN CLUB)
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates including Christmas dates.