Livingstone Pupil Newsletter!
December Week 2
Friday 13th December
Christmas Nativity 'Lights, Camel, Action!'
It is that time of the year again when the Christmas bells are ringing!!! This year Year 1,2 and 3 will be performing a breath-taking performance based on the story of Christmas but with a little bit of Livingstone pizzazz.
Year 1 and 2 have the special job of singing and dancing in the show while the stars of the show -Year 3- have the job of singing,dancing and speaking/performing.
They have been working and rehearsing the show non stop making sure that they do the best they can. Even though the children have the main part,the teachers have been working just as hard to put the show together and help the children rehearse.
The children will be performing all their hard work to parents and carers on December 16th at 1:30pm and December 17th at 9:30am.
Good luck year 3,2 and 1!! I hope you enjoy the show!
Nadine :)
Year 3 visit The Spires
Year 3 went to The Spires in High Barnet, to sing a collection of songs. People who walked by dropped money and all of it collected will go to charity [a bit like Pudsey day]. They sang songs like: It was on a Starry Night, Jingle Bells, Rudolph, Camel Funk Disco Star and Spread The Word. If you were in The Spires, on the 11th of December doing any Christmas shopping you might have lucky enough because you might of heard some sweet singing or maybe you donated some money for charity! We must say a BIG thank you the Year 3 teacher and Teacher Assistants who are Mrs Theodossiou, Mrs Church and Ms Burnett!
By Holly Y5
Nursery and Reception Carols
Next week, Nursery and Reception are going to be preforming Christmas Carols at Livingstone. they will be preforming Feliz Navidad, I Wish you a Merry Christmas, Jingle bells and Twinkle Twinkle Xmas Star. Everyone (including parents) will come to watch this amazing show of Christmas carols.
by Lukas Scott

Amelia and Jonathan visit Parliament
On Wednesday evening Jonathan and Amelia went to Parliament. They had a wonderful ceremony where we heard important people in Parliament such as the speaker who can give MPs a good telling off, which can be even worse than your mums and dads! WOW! And Hannukah isn't only just about lighting candles (we do this because it is a celebration of light like Divali) it can also be about sugary delicious donuts. Guess how many Jonathan ate...three donuts! Also if you're wondering who is in the photo with Amelia and Jonathan it's Lord Mann who organised the event and is quite important. Anyway, we got to see a debate in the House of Lords, then we walked around but soon it was getting late, so they headed out. And it was a very interesting trip.
By Amelia.
Daisy from Year 2 in Aladdin
Daisy from Year 2 is performing in the pantomime Alladin at the Wyllyotts Theatre. Well done Daisy, we are super proud of you! Get your tickets at

International Superstar Ruby Grant Visits
On the 6.12.24, Ruby Grant, who is a professional football player, came and visited us. Amazingly she has played 22 matches, and she has scored twice! Ruby Grant is an English professional footballer who plays for Hacken and the England under-23s. She has represented since under-17 youth level. Ruby used to go Livingstone and played for our girls team and mixed team! She joined in Year 3 and before she even joined she was in the Arsenal academy. Shes an amazing girl who tries her best at everything. Ruby was our best player and key source when she was in the school:). She was kind enough to make us an edit of her on Youtube and will always be a vision of perfection!
Muthara ;}
Year 1 Foundation Subjects
Here's a question for you
What does Hanukah, Diwali and Christmas have in common?
Well the answer is DUN DUN DUN... they're all festivals of light!
That is what year 1 has been learning for the last week or so. They have all learnt so much. They learnt the traditions of each festival and what religion it comes from e.g Hanukah comes from the religion Judaism. They also learnt how special it could be to someone from that religion. A year 1 parent came in and told year 1 all about Diwali and how they celebrate it in England and India.
by Anwen
This Week's Homework is...
Yr 1 - English - Continue to read for 10 minutes every day. Practise the sounds in your child's reading diary. Brainboosters are due in on Monday.
Yr 2 - Reading: pages 28, 29 and 30 and Maths: pages 35, 37 and 39.
Yr 3 - Maths: pages 36- 37
Yr 4 - Maths: pages 40 and 41 and Reading: pages 26 and 27. Brainboosters are due in on Monday.
Yr 5 - Maths: pages 40 - 41 (fractions A) and Punctuation: pages 28 - 29 (apostrophes)
Yr 6 - Arithmetic: pages 24 and 25 (adding decimals) and SPaG: pages 60 and 61 (semi -colon)
Santa came to Town
‘Santa Claus is coming to town!’ That’s how the song goes, right? But instead, we have been singing ‘Santa Claus is coming to school!’ And not just any school. Livingstone school! This year, we have had Santa to come all the way from the North Pole and hand out a few presents to this school’s children! Yup, every single one! Since there’s no other way of seeing him, the children went inside his Grotto. The very same grotto that he lives in, in fact! They even saw Santa’s little helpers, the Elves! They saw where they lived, slept and ready to go to work. I'm sure they had a fantastic meeting with Santa and let's say thank you to Santa himself for giving up his time to meet us. A massive thank you to Mr Sudbury for creating something absolutely magical and to our two elves, Kate and Laura for braving the cold and helping Santa.
by Elia
Year 5 Swimming
For the past two weeks, Year 5 have been going swimming at the Barnet leisure centre. They have been learning back stroke, front stroke and more. Although the weather hasn't been the best as they walk there, I think we can all say that they had a great time. We all need to say a big thank you to: Mrs Cockburn, Mr T and all our swimming instructors as they went out of their way to make sure were safe in the water.
By Dotty

Year 2 visited the Synagogue
On Friday, 6th of December, Yr 2 visited the Woodside Park Synagogue. A Synagogue is a Jewish place of worship. They used the minibus in the morning to get there. They met a Rabbi who is a person qualified to act as a spiritual leader and religious teacher of a Jewish community. He and Mrs Segal pointed out and explained different items in the Synagogue. The children were respectful and engaged as they asked very good questions. It was a very successful trip.
Thank you to everyone who made this trip possible!
by Lukas (Yr5)

Girls Football vs All Saints
On the 5th of December, our girls football team played All Saints, a local school. Our team played exceptionally well, bringing the game to an end with a score of 6-0 - what a win! To show our kindness, we were changing our layout, and, at one point, even playing with 3 players on pitch! Thank you to our goal-scorers: Elsie, Anwen, Dotty and Anastasia for helping us achieve this amazing feat, and congratulations to all the other players: Medina, Nadine, Muthara and Xhizlela. You all did a spectacular job!
By Charlotte

Reception go to the Arts Depot
On Thursday, 5.12.24, Reception were lucky enough to go to the Arts Depot. They travelled by minibuses. They watched The Gruffalo Child, How LUCKY! Amazingly, they also got to sit on reclining chairs. The show contained many songs, dances and many more. The children thought some of the parts were so funny. They enjoyed the trip so much and had so much fun. Thank you to all the staffs who make all of this fun happen.
FUN FACT: It has been 20 years since The Gruffalo Child first came out!
By Zainab (Y6)
KF2 Sports Event
KF2 had a fun event where they did a variety of different things.The things they done were: golf, speed stacking, bowling, dancing and football.The people that went were: Dylan who was great at the speed stacking, Daniel who was great at the golf and Mario and Andreas who was great at the bowling. It was at Hendon Leisure Center. In the end, everyone had an amazing time. Thank you to evryone who took them there and the staff who provided the activities.
Ryan :)
Year 3 and 4 visit Chicken Shed
On the 26th of November, Year 3 and 4 visited Chickenshed, to see their Christmas show called Pan (a retelling of Peter Pan), this was a 50th anniversary special where the public had the opportunity to vote for a play that Chickenshed have previously done and the play that had the most votes was Peter Pan! They thoroughly enjoyed it and it was 2 hours long as well as a 15-minute interval. The cast of Pan is made up of four-character groups: Tink's, Storytellers, Lost ones and The Pirates. Pan was directed by Louise Perry and Michael Bossisse; both have been members of Chickenshed for a long time. There were 5 , green, purple, yellow and red. We also had two Y6s that performed in it (Renu and Sonny), Sonny in Green rota Lost Ones and Renu in Blue rota Storytellers! Y3 and 4 had an amazing time and were engaged the whole time. Pan also included signing (British Sign Language) for those who can not hear as well as others and for the whole community to enjoy! There are many songs that are featured in Pan: Fight,Food Fight, Anywhere You Like and many more!
Renu : )
We are very proud of Renu and Sonny for all of their wonderful performances at Chicken Shed.

Mixed Football at Powerleague
In November, Year 5 and 6 went to Powerleague. It was a 30- minute trip there and Mr Thomas and Mr Madle. They played four matches and won two of them. In one of the matches a goal was scored by Albeiro scoring a rebound off the shot that was taken by Sotirio. They played amazingly well throughout all the matches and should be proud of themselves. Good job to Mr Madle and Mr Thomas for taking them there and to everyone who played there: Albeiro, Oliver, Sotirio, Kevin, Skye, Stefi, Edward, Nathaniel, Elsie and Anwen.

Monday 16th:
- Year 3 and KS1 Christmas Show to Parents/Carers 1:30pm (tickets only)
- Santa's Grotto 3:30pm - 5:00pm - all families welcome to come along and visit. £5 per child.
- Activity Clubs for Spring 1 go online for booking at 5:30pm
Tuesday 17th:
- Year 3 and KS1 Christmas Show to Parents/Carers 9:00am (tickets only)
- Nursery and Reception Christmas Songs to Parents/Carers 2:30pm
Wednesday 18th:
- Nursery and Reception Christmas Songs to Parents/Carers 9:00am
Thursday 19th:
- Christmas Jumper Day
- Christmas Dinner Day
Friday 20th:
- School Carol Service at St. James Church, New Barnet, 9:30 - 11:30am. Parent/Carers welcome to join us
- End of term - school finishes at 2pm (No Cabin Club)
Monday 6th:
- Children return to school
- Activity Clubs begin for Spring 1 (6 weeks)
Friday 10th:
- Parent Champion Coffee Morning in the Cabin, 9-10am - all welcome
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates next term.