Livingstone Newsletter
Week 2 January 2024
Happy New Year!
Friday 12th January
Welcome back everyone to the start of a new Spring Term. We hope everyone had a good holiday and are now back rested for an action packed term.
We are happy to announce that Ms Kwan is back from her maternity leave and this half term she will working with Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6.
We also have a new member of staff, Abi Pomphrey who is completing an apprenticeship in Early Years. She is in Nursery working closely with Ms Papas and Mrs Babayan to ensure the best possible start for our Nursery pupils.
Mrs Kelly is now running the front office with the help of Mrs Barton and Mrs Vann. Mrs Kelly will still be administering the extended services with Mrs Armstrong and Mrs Church taking over the day to day running of CABIN Club. Mrs Hunter, Mrs Reynolds, Mrs Craddock, Mr Thomas and our cover TAs will continue running Breakfast Club and the Activity Clubs as before.

Early Years Active Bags
Physical development at Livingstone is really important to us and we want to ensure that children are given opportunities to be physically active. Our active fit bags are designed to increase activity at home while having fun. Nursery and Reception will have 3 bags each. Children will take it turns taking the bag home for the weekend to enjoy. Children will return the bag no later than Wednesday. Inside the bag, you will find:
•Resource cards to explain a range of activities which are designed to develop fine/gross motor skills and fundamental movement skills. The resource cards also have an element of challenge at the end.
• The equipment itself. It is important that all the equipment is returned for others to use. Children should be encouraged to use the' Pack Me Up' tick list.
•An activity diary that allows pupils and family members the opportunity to provide feedback on the games they have played and what they have enjoyed.
Reception have already started using the bags and Nursery will start using them now too.
If you any questions, please contact the office where your message will be passed on to Miss Fairley or you can speak directly to Miss Purse or Miss Papas. Thank you!

Important Attendance Information
It is important that students attend school consistently. Missing classes can impact their academic progress and social development, therefore term-time holidays will not be authorised. Pupils who miss school by extending the school holidays or take their children out of school without permission are likely to be issued with a fine (Fixed Penalty Notice).
Please note - permission for leave during term time must be requested from Mrs Phelan in writing or by email.
Open communication is encouraged, and we are here to address any concerns or queries you may have. Please help us and your child by reinforcing the importance of regular attendance and good punctuality.

Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
Happy New Year and welcome back! What a fantastic start to the New Year we have had! All children have returned to school enthusiastically and have settled quickly back to our routines.
This month we will be focusing on traditional tales and this week we focused on the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood'. We read many different versions of the story and discussed 'stranger danger'. The children created a map of the route Little Red Riding hood followed through the woods and practised numbers tracing numbers up to 5. They used their cutting and sticking skills to create lovely artwork too!
In Mainstream Nursery, we have changed the day of the book change to a Friday, so we would like to remind you not to bring book bags on Monday, but on Friday instead. Have a great weekend!
Reception have had a great first week back. We have been observing the weather very carefully and looking at the changes that the new season has made to the world around us. We went on a cold walk to the woods to search for signs of Winter, have been making beautiful transient winter trees and getting back in to our phonics learning.
Well done Reception for a fantastic first week of the term!

Rose - for some fantastic independent writing
Levi - for great effort in phonics lessons this week
Year 1
Happy New Year! Year 1 enjoyed our first week back at school. We are focusing on place value in Maths with numbers up to 20. Please practise counting out loud with your children at home. Perhaps they can tell you how many tens and how many ones are in numbers from 10 to 20 (e.g. 15 has 1 ten and 5 ones). We have new groups for phonics and the pupils are continuing to learn their Set 2 and 3 sounds. In our English lessons, the pupils wrote about their new year’s resolutions.
Please continue to practice their two Read Write Inc. books at home for 10 minutes every day.
Our favourite part of this week was our painting topic in Art. The children know all about primary and secondary colours. They painted in the style of Jasper Johns. We also had a go at printing with Lego bricks. Well done on a fabulous start to the new year!
Our first achievement award this week goes to Evan for his excellent listening and printing in our art lesson. Our second achievement award goes to Tameem for challenging himself in all areas of the curriculum. Well done you two!
Year 2
Year 2 have had a great first week back. We have finished learning about shapes in Maths. We sorted 3D shapes based on their properties and created patterns using 2D and 3D shapes. We are now moving on to multiplication.
In English, we have read different poems about happiness and looked at the features of a free verse poem.
For the next two weeks, we will be learning about Living Things and their Habitats in Science. We have classified whether objects are alive, used to be alive and has never been alive. We discussed what habitat means and identified different habitats and microhabitats.
Maths- Read page 32. Complete pages 33 and 34. Page 35 is an extension task if you can complete it.
This week's awards go to Toby for his excellent scientific vocabulary and Ali for his brilliant maths work identifying shapes.
Kingfisher 1
Happy New Year to you all we hope you all had a restful break.
It was lovely having the children back at school this week. We have enjoyed hearing all their holiday news.
We have started our new topic in English Fairy tales, we will be looking at different Fairy tales all this term.
This week we have started with Jack and the Beanstalk. The children have really enjoyed listening to the story and singing along to songs. The children used different resources to retell the story including colourful semantics, RWI strategies and roleplay .
In Maths we have been comparing numbers with the help of Charlie the crocodile who always eats the bigger number. The children used Numicon and Dienes to add two sets of sums together to compare the answers.
This weeks achievement award goes to Arthur for working hard and having a positive week.
Well done Arthur!
Year 3
We have had a fantastic first week back to school in Year 3. In Maths, we have been learning about dividing by 4 and dividing by 8, the 2x, 4x and 8x table and multiples of 10.
In English, we have started our new writing unit focused on writing instructions on how to make an Ancient Egyptian mummy! We've looked at a WAGOLL (What A Good One Looks Like) and started to look at some of the features such as technical vocabulary.
In the afternoons, we have started our History unit on Ancient Egypt and so far we have organised a timeline and learned about artefacts and pyramids.
Homework (due in Wednesday 17th January)
Maths: pages 30, 31 and 32. Look at page 29 for extra information.
Times tables focus: 4x table

The first achievement award goes to Tiannah for always trying her best in every lesson and showing excellent behaviour.
The second goes to Zachariah for his hard work across all subjects and being such a kind learning partner.
Year 4
Year 4 have had an excellent first week back and have picked up where they left off last term! In Maths, we have been learning about factor pairs, and multiplying by 10 and 100. In English, we have started reading our new book the Iron Man by Ted Hughes. In geography, we have been exploring the structure of the earth, how volcanoes are formed, the features of the them and the different types. The topic has blown their minds and captivated their attentions!
Maths: Factor pairs and multiplying by 10 and 100 (pages 44 to 47)
TTRS: 11s

This weeks achievement award goes to Ryan and Daniella for the excellent work on volcanoes. Well done! :)
Year 5
Happy New Year! The children have settled back in nicely this week.
In Maths, they've been learning two methods for multiplication: the area model and the column method.
In English, they're enjoying our two new texts: Beowulf and Kensuke's Kingdom. This half term, we're focusing on Beowulf by writing a descriptive story. They read the book, did drama activities about it to show their understanding, and then analysed the WAGOLL.
In RE, they learned about Buddhist beliefs on living a good life, karma and reincarnation, and compared these with Christian beliefs on judgement, Heaven and Hell. They impressed Mr T and I with their thoughtful ideas and understanding.
Maths: pages 45 and 46 (multiplication)
Reading: pages 34, 35, 36 and 37 (It's Today question set 1)
This week's awards go to Lukas for his enthusiasm and inference about Kensuke's Kingdom, and to Gino for his RE work on karma and reincarnation - well done, boys!
Year 6
A great start back for Year 6, the children were straight back into routine and impressing us with what they remembered from last term.
In Maths, the new topic is algebra which is a tricky concept but Year 6 have understood it quickly and in English, our book for the next couple of weeks is 'Rose Blanche' which is set during WWII - as this is our History topic. The children will be writing a narrative based on this book.
CGP Homework pages
English - SPaG - pages 20 and 21
Maths - Targeted Question book - pages 38 and 39

This week's achievement awards go to Uzair for his resilience and independence during problem solving in Maths and Cairo, for his focus and hard work during lessons. Well done!
Kingfisher 2
We hope everyone has had a lovely break and happy new year!
As always, we got straight back into the work, adding and subtracting across 10 and applying our knowledge of number bonds to tackle addition and subtraction calculations.
We are about to embark on our new English topic for the half term (story writing) and had lots of holiday news to share with our friends.
What a great week back!
Please bring in your homework, reading books and diaries every Thursday so they can be changed. Many thanks.

This week’s awards go to:
Calvin – for writing the beginning of his story with independence, organising his own ideas and developing his storyline.
Dilan – for his impressive ability to recognise number bonds and use them when adding and subtracting.

John King Cup
Straight back to school and straight in to football! On Tuesday, we played against St.Mary's and St.John's CE school in the John King Cup competition. Even with a two week break and the cold weather, our girls were phenomenal. It was a brilliant game to watch to see how well the girls work as a team. Amazing goals were scored by Arbel, Chloe, Leah and Elsie. The game ended with a 7-0 win to Livingstone!
Well done to Arbel, Diya, Chloe, Sienna, Jaime, Anastasia, Leah, Elsie and Fatemah.

Football Competition
We led a girls' team to compete in the Borough Tournament at Mill Hill Power league, showcasing an exceptional performance and remaining unbeaten throughout the group stage. With victories over Akiva, Danegrove, and Brunswick Park Schools, our team demonstrated skill and determination. Arbel was incredible with her goal scoring and dominating the play.
Advancing to the Semi-Finals, we faced off against All Saints in a game where we exhibited complete dominance. Despite hitting the bar and the post twice, regrettably, we couldn't convert these opportunities into goals. The match ultimately progressed to penalties, and despite our best efforts, we were knocked out. Elsie, who is in Yr 4, scored the most amazing penalty that Gareth Southgate would have been impressed with.
This experience, though disappointing, serves as a valuable learning opportunity for our girls. It will undoubtedly contribute to their growth and resilience for future matches.

Dr. Bike - Free Bicycle Safety Checks
Due to the success of the Dr Bikes in December in Barnet’s car parks, particularly among parents/carers and children, there has been demand to continue these into the new year. We can therefore announce we will continue to run these through January, February and March at the following locations/dates/times on a rotating basis each month:
10/01/2024, 07/02/2024, 06/03/2024
Lodge Lane Car Park - 4pm to 7pm
Yellow chevrons immediately to the right of the entrance to the Car Park (opposite NL Auction Rooms N12 8JH)
17/01/2024, 14/02/2024, 13/03/2024
Middlesex University - 4pm to 7pm
Pavement on The Burroughs outside Middlesex University opposite Babington Rd NW4 4BT
24/01/2024, 21/02/2024, 20/03/2024
Temple Fortune - 4pm to 7pm
By Bike racks outside entrance to M&S Food Hall at 820 Finchley Road, NW11 6XL
31/01/2024, 28/02/2024, 27/03/2024
Stapylton Rd Car Park - 4pm to 7pm
Area immediately to the right of carpark entrance (EN5 4LR)
The free Dr Bike sessions will be run by qualified bicycle mechanics. Members of the public can take along their bicycles to have a free, full safety check, which includes the condition of tyres, rims, gears, brake function and tyre pressure and adjustments can be made if required, all for free - adult and child bicycles.

Universal Free School Meals - Letter from The Mayor of London

Non Stop Action February Half Term Camp 2024
Non Stop Action are looking forward to February Camp 2024!
We are running Multi Sports at Moss Hall Junior School (N3 1NR) and Football and Dance at Millbrook park school (NW7 1JF)!
We will be running for 1 week in February half term, from Monday 12th February - Friday 16th February. Bookings made before Saturday 27th January will automatically get our Early Bird discounts applied, you can also save money by booking week blocks - book from as little as £27.50 for a day, or £109 for a week!
Head to our website to book now: https://

Wednesday 17th:
- Creative Curriculum Day - please wear correct PE Kits
Thursday 18th:
- Netball - Livingstone vs St. Catherines 3:30pm (parents/ carers welcome to watch)
- Year 5 PGL Meeting for Parent/Carers in Year 6 classroom 3:15pm
Monday 22nd:
- Year 3 Mr Egypt Workshop
Tuesday 23rd:
- KF2 Boccia Competition - PM
Thursday 24th:
- Netball - Livingstone vs Christ Church 3:30pm (parents/ carers welcome to watch)
Friday 25th:
- Mixed League Football - Livingstone vs Foulds 3:30pm (parents/carers welcome to watch)
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates