Livingstone Newsletter
January Week 2
We are moving from Integris to Arbor!
Friday 17th January
Our Management Information System (MIS) has changed from Integris to Arbor. This is where we will now hold all our pupils, parents/guardians, and staff information.
As soon as you receive a notification email, please login to the new Parent App and Portal to see and update your child’s information. We recommend you do this as soon as possible because from Friday 24th January you will able to start booking consultation meetings with your child’s teacher.
Once the first stage is complete, we will move on to the next stage enabling you to get live updates and make payments or bookings but first we need to make the transition from School Money and Teachers2Parents (T2P) over to Arbor. We will let you know when this part of the move will happen.

PTA Comedy Night - Thursday 30th January
Tickets are selling fast but still available on School Money under the 'Clubs' tab for purchase at £15 per ticket. You will not want to miss out so be quick to avoid disappointment. Over 18s only.
Join us for a night of laughter!
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
This week Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery have been enjoying the second traditional tale this half term, The Gingerbread Man.
We have been exploring lots of sensory play with a baking theme, the children have been using all their senses.
They have been retelling the story in many different ways, using props, sound buttons and pictures to deepen their understanding and having lots of fun!
Reception have had such a busy week on the Naughty Bus! They have really enjoyed our key text and explored a range of activities to develop their understanding and learning. We have painted and labelled buses, asked and answered questions about the story and buses and even made our own virtual reality bus in the classroom this week! The children have been looking at maps and routes and are very excited to be going on a double decker bus next Wednesday. We are getting the bus all the way to Enfield before spotting some other buses and making the journey back.
We're really looking forward to extending the learning about our story and can't wait to see what other amazing routes we can go down. Beep, beep!
Year 1
We had a fantastic time on our trip to the Young V&A on Monday. The pupils were excellent ambassadors for Livingstone School; they listened carefully to instructions and explored the museum with great enthusiasm. We wrote all about our favourite parts of the trip in our English lessons. In Maths, we continued with place value and partitioned numbers 11 – 20 into tens and ones using the CPA method. In our afternoon lessons we completed our Art topic painting plates inspired by Clarice Cliff. We are excellent decoders in Phonics and are quickly learning Set 2 and 3 sounds. Please continue to read daily for 10 minutes to improve fluency.
Achievement awards this week go to Xheida for her excellent effort in extra phonics lessons and to Orla for her enthusiasm in all subjects. Great work you two!
Year 2
Year 2 have been counting pounds and pence in Maths. We have made different amounts and compared amounts of money. In English, children wrote informative fact files about Polar Animals using a range of punctuation. As part of our Science unit, we went to the woods to explore our local habitat and identified different microhabitats where we can find animals. In Computing, our topic is about creative computing where we use technology to create different resources. We used Purple Mash to create pictograms and bar graphs and we will be continuing this next week.
Maths-45 and 46.
Reading-41 and 42.

This week's achievements go to Frankie for his excellent efforts in our reading comprehension lessons and Naz for her fantastic Maths work focused on money.
Kingfisher 1
We have had a busy week in Kingfisher. In Maths we have been working on 1 more and 1 less. The children used a range of resources to build numbers to 10 and 20. Reception were working on one-to-one correspondence and were subitising numbers 1 to 5.
In English we continued our traditional story theme. This week we were reading Little red riding hood. All children enjoyed the story through reading, role play. we used colourful semantic to build simple sentences retelling the main events of the story.

This weeks award goes to Nikki for her good progress in phonics.
Well done Nikki!
Year 3
Year 3 keep showing increased independence and maturity this week. It has been amazing! Our budding chefs enjoyed making their original sandwich ideas and testing their products. In science, they have been thinking about the everyday uses of magnets, their properties and sorting materials into magnetic and non-magnetic groups. In Maths they have been building on the times table knowledge and applying it to knowing how to multiply a 2-digit number by 1 digit. We have been this using dienes and drawing it pictorially to help us understand what is happening to our tens and ones when we are multplying.
Maths: pages 45 -46 (page 47 is optional)
Comprehension: pages 18 and 19
Achievements this week go to Liam and Mollie. They have been challenging themselves in their learning by being effective participators and using reflective thinking in their responses to scientific enquiries. Sami also receives an achievement certificate for his 'can do' attitude, always trying and never ever giving up.
Year 4
Year 4 have had another busy week. In Maths, they have started division and have been recapping previous learning from Year 3 before we begin the formal method of division. In English, the children have been formulating many different sentence types to ensure their diary entry is as interesting as possible.
Year 4 have finished learning about volcanoes in Geography and are ready to link their learning to our Natural History Museum trip on the 28th January. We are now learning about Electricity in Science.
English: Punctuation - pages 26 and 27
Maths: pages 48 and 49
Times tables - 4 times table
We are trying a new way of ensuring children are practising their times tables outside of school - I can not emphasise enough how time table knowledge underpins their learning in Maths and the lack of this knowledge can greatly impede their progress. A paper copy of the times table we are learning will come home and needs to be in on Wednesday along with the other homework. Thank you for your support.

This week's achievement awards go to Eli for his sentence work in English and Andreas for his knowledge and work in Science. Well done to you both!
Year 5
This week, the children learned how to multiply using the column method and how to divide using the bus stop method - they were very confident with this!
In English, they learned the following grammar in preparation for their story-writing next week: semi-colons, hyphens, direct speech and show not tell.
In Computing, they enjoyed creating their own games based on Beowulf, as well as creating blog posts about e-safety.
Reminder: please encourage your child to read the song words at home.
Homework due by Weds 22nd Jan
Maths: pages 48 and 49 (multiplication and division)
Punctuation: pages 30 and 31 (punctuating speech)

This week's awards go to Amelia for being a helpful member of the class, and to Ryann for her excellent work on direct speech - well done, girls!
Year 6
Year 6 enjoyed their trip to the RAF Museum in Hendon, linking in nicely to our topic on World War II. It was interesting to see some of the aircrafts that were used during WWII and the children enjoyed a computer programming workshop that helped them understand some of the skills needed by pilots.
Homework details to follow
Kingfisher 2
In Maths this week we have been practising our skills in addition. We have looked at counting on and the formal methods.
In English we have continued looking at 'Little Red Riding Hood.' We used our plans to type our own retellings of the story. We worked hard on our independent skills and produced great stories.

This week's award goes to Daniel for trying hard to include descriptions in his writing. Well done Daniel!
Monday 20th:
- Y5/6 Mixed League Football Match vs All Saints, 3:30pm
Tuesday 21st:
- Year 6 Kinder Workshop
- KF2 Boccia Competition - PM
Wednesday 22nd:
- Reception Bus Trip to Enfield
Thursday 23rd:
- Guitar Assembly 2:30pm in Main Hall (parents/carers of pupils learning guitar are welcome to join us)
- Mixed Football Match vs Christchurch, 3:30pm
Friday 24th:
- Guardian Consultation Meetings available for booking on Arbor Parent Portal
- Girls Football Match vs Scared Heart
- Y3-6 Times Tables Rockstars Battle of the Bands begin for 1 week
Tuesday 28th:
- Year 3 Mr Egypt Workshop
- Year 4 Trip to Natural History Museum
Thursday 30th:
- PTA Comedy Night - tickets £15 each and available on School Money.....selling fast, don't miss out!
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 24/25 for further dates next term.