Livingstone Newsletter
July Week 2
Friday 12th July
Thank you to all parents and carers for your help and understanding after the recent police incident in our area.
We appreciate how quickly you responded to the situation. Your prompt response has helped us manage the situation and keep everyone secure.
Staffing Changes 24-25
We are excited to welcome Mrs. Theodossiou to our team next year as the Year 3 Teacher. Additionally, we are pleased to introduce our new Teaching Assistants: Mrs Vrantny, Miss Chysostomou, Ms Cybulska, and Ms Sehgal.
We extend our best wishes to Mrs. Snell, Mrs. Margetts, and Mrs. Speed, who are all expecting new additions to their families in the Autumn Term.
With sadness, we bid farewell to three incredibly valuable members of our staff and wish them all the happiness for their retirements. Mrs. Barton has had many memorable years at Livingstone. She has been part of our school since 1968, first as a student and then as a staff member since 1996. During her time with us she has been one of the school’s first point of contact for many members of staff, pupils and their families. She has worked hard monitoring and managing attendance, answered millions of phone calls and provided a wide range of brilliant first aid to a great number of pupils. We also say goodbye to Mrs. Hunter, who is moving to be closer to her grandchildren. As an experienced and dedicated Teaching Assistant of 27 years, she has consistently gone above and beyond to care for children before and after school. Lastly, we say farewell to Val, who is also relocating. Val joined our school for a summer job, and 27 years later, she has continued to ensure the cleanliness of our school is maintained to the highest for all our pupils.
We thank all three for their outstanding service and dedication to our school.
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
Ahoy, Mateys! Continuing with our seaside topic, this week we also had a visit by some greedy pirates in Nursery! Our little explorers have embarked on a thrilling voyage filled with treasure hunts, crafts, and swashbuckling stories. The children have been looking at maps trying to find 'the X' that marks the spot and discover hidden treasures.
This week, we completed our Set 1 phonics sounds with the sounds 'z' for zip, and 'x' for exercise. Anchors aweigh!
Thank you to all parents and carers who joined us for our last 'Read With Me' and 'Mystery Reader' today and your amazing support throughout this year! We appreciate your sharing the love for reading with your children, please keep it up over the summer holidays!
Reception have had a great week this week. We have spent time in our Year 1 classroom with our teachers asking fantastic questions and showing great listening skills. We have also been trying really hard in our graduation show practice singing our songs about people who help us and a tiny caterpillar. On Thursday this no so tiny, and very wriggly caterpillar came to say hello in the outside area so we sung it our song and recapped lots of our previous learning! We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Tuesday and Thursday for our performances!

King - for taking part in routines and activities in Reception class
Lavinia - for always following instructions and trying her best! Well done!
Year 1
Year 1 were an absolute pleasure to take to Bekonscot Model Village! They listened carefully during our workshop, explored the model village with curiosity and imagination and were so appreciative to all of the adults for taking us on this adventure. We wrote all about our trip in our English lessons this week. We learnt about capacity and volume in maths and we finished our Science unit on the changing of the seasons.

The achievement award this week goes to all of Year 1 for their exemplary behaviour at Bekonscot Model Village. They were an absolute pleasure!
Year 2
We made it to the seaside! Year 2 have loved Geography this term and loved it even more as we got to visit Shoeburyness. It was a great trip to end the year with. This week we have been doing our end of year tests and everyone has worked incredibly hard. Miss Gordon and I our very proud! We have also been learning about special places in R.E and how you can worship at home too.

This week's certificates go to Sami and Arianna.O for their excellent input in R.E and for acting as teachers :)
KIngfisher 1
In English we continued our pirate topic and the children engaged in exploring different stories about pirates.
In maths we learned about money and the children actively participated in our shop activities and learned to recognise coins and add for paying for items.
The children participated in a skipping challenge and were all very motivated.
This weeks awards goes to Stylianos for his independent work in counting coins activity.
Year 3
This week we have continued with our observational drawings in art and have been really enjoying it. We have created different textures using rubbings from various objects in the class and then using these rubbings to create our own flower collage. It was so interesting to see how the rubbings formed the different parts of the flowers. We then started to look at flowers behind magnifying glasses and drew exactly what we could see being very precise in our observational drawings.
In English this week, we have continued to write our own fact files about our dragons focusing on the dragons appearance, habitat and diet. Next week, we look forward to writing this up as our final published work for Y3 and drawing our own dragons
Maths - Angles Pages 110, 111, 112
English - apostrophes for possession Pages 20 & 21

The first award goes to Lola for her accuracy and precision during her observational drawings on her flowers.
The second award goes to Zachariah for his hard work and positive attitude towards all his work. Well done!
Year 4
This week in Year 4, we've been learning about online safety and how to maintain a healthy digital balance for our bodies and minds. Additionally, we've explored coding with MIT's Scratch. The children have been experimenting and debugging their code to create quizzes on various topics. With each iteration, their codes have become more sophisticated as they continually challenge themselves.
Reading: Say No to Bullying - 42, 43, 44 and 45
This week's achievement awards go to Ryan for his positive attitude to learning, and to Xhizela for being a kind and caring friend. Well done :)
Year 5
This week, the children have looked at volume and imperial measurements in Maths. We have finished our writing units, so the focus has been on Science, where they started learning about the human life cycle and the changes their bodies go through to prepare them for adulthood.
Maths: pages 125 and 126

This week’s awards go to Elia for her excellent dancing for the KS2 show, and to Sonny for his progress in reading. Well done!
Year 6
It has been a busy week for Year 6. The show is almost ready - the children have been working very hard and look forward to their parents and carers coming to watch.
There is a Google form to apply for tickets. We can only accommodate certain numbers in the hall at each performance so please do fill it in with your preference for tickets.
We had a fantastic day at Kew Gardens with beautiful weather and the children really experienced the heat and humidity of the Amazon Rainforest.
This week's achievement awards go to Dante for his knowing his lines for the show and Diya for getting into her character and portraying it so well. Well done to you both!
KIngfisher 2
Continuing with statistics this week, KF2 did a survey about people's favourite pets. Having asked a number of adults around the school and collected the votes in a tally chart, they then used their findings to create a block diagram and interpreted the data.
This week in English we focused on finding and using Homophones. The boys wrote some interesting sentences, using both homophones as a challenge. 'My son's hair is like a yellow sun.'
Congratulations Andreas and Mario for the achievement awards this week.
Both boys have been working hard in class, demonstrating a great working attitude.
PTA Golden Time Summer Party
Livingstone will be celebrating the end of this school year with a 'Summer Themed Party'. There will be lots of fun activities and subject to the weather, pupils will be able to go into paddling pools, play with water pistols and bubbles.
This will be a Non-Uniform Day.
You can also send your child/ren in with a swimming costume or shorts and T-shirt to wear in one of the paddling pools. They will also need a towel and a change of clothes. Please send these items in a named bag.
Pupils will be given a lolly or ice cream and there will be a pocket money stall if they would like to bring in some spending money.
The cost of this event is £3.00 per child. Payment and consent will be requested via school money from Monday onwards.
Parent Champions Coffee Morning
Today was our last Parent Champion coffee morning for this academic year. It was so lovely to see such a great turnout of parents and carers and have a chat about what is happening in the local area.
We are renewing our date for the 11th October with more amazing workshops, speakers and information sharing.

JULY 2024
Tuesday 16th:
- Year 6, 5 and 4 Summer Show, The Lion King to Parents/ Carers - 9:00am in Main Hall (tickets only)
- Reception Graduation Show to Parents/Carers - 2:20pm in the Main Hall
Wednesday 17th:
- Summer Book Giveaway in KS2 playground - 3:00pm
Thursday 18th:
- Reception Graduation Show to Parents/Carers - 9am in the Main Hall
- KF2 trip to Lewis of London Ice Cream Farm - AM
- Reception Family Picnic, Victoria Park with Parents/Carers - 12pm (weather permitting)
- Year 6, 5 and 4 Summer Show, The Lion King to Parents/ Carers - 6:30pm in Main Hall (tickets only)
Friday 19th:
- PTA Golden Time Summer Party for Children - PM
Monday 22nd:
- International Dance Day for Whole School - all Day
- Year 6 Leavers Prom 5:45 - 8:30pm
Tuesday 23rd:
- Year 6 Leavers Assembly 9am in Main Hall
- End of Term - school finishes at 2pm (no Cabin Club)
Wednesday 24th:
School Holidays Thursday 25th July - Friday 30th August 2024
Monday 2nd:
- INSET DAY - school closed to pupils
Tuesday 3rd:
- Start of Autumn Term (Years 1-6)
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates next term.