Livingstone Newsletter
June Week 2
Friday 14th June
Father's Day
We had a brilliant Father’s Day stall this year, filled with wonderful gifts and excitement. The children eagerly chose presents for their fathers, and we hope all the dads enjoy the thoughtful gifts their children have selected. The stall was a great success, bringing smiles to many faces. A special thank you goes out to Lina, Georgina, Kate, Zahra, Mahbobi and Charlotte for their hard work and dedication in organising the event.
Parent Champions Coffee Morning
Today we had another successful workshop organised by the Livingstone Parent Champions team. Thank you to Jayne Abbot, from Barnet 'Resilient Schools' for coming to Livingstone to speak to our parents and carers ang give them parenting tips on building resilience, using praise and tackling challenging behaviour.
Our last coffee morning will take place on Friday 12th July. Please join us for a coffee and a chat!
Child Safety
If your child is in Year 4, Year 3, Year 2, or Year 1, please make sure that they are inside the school grounds or at the KS2 gate in the mornings. Please ensure your child is accompanied by an adult until they are safely in their classroom. Older siblings should not be responsible for looking after younger siblings. Thank you for your cooperation.
Sports Day
Sports Day is Monday 1st July with a back up date of the 15th July, weather permitting.
The order of events on either day are:.
Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 will be in the morning from 9am to 11am.
Years 4, 5, and 6 will be in the afternoon from 1:30pm to 3pm.
Children who attend nursery in the morning will take part in one running race at 9am and children who attend in the afternoon will have their race at 1:30pm.
You are welcome to come along and support.
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
This week Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery have been on the farm. This topic has enthralled the children, they have learnt lots about the animals and machines that make a farm work. They have been enjoying farm based role play and developing their language and vocabulary. They have been counting, describing and comparing the animals and making artistic representations of them.
We have learnt about cows and how milk and other dairy products such as ice-cream are made as we look forward to next weeks exciting outing. Please make sure you have given permission.
This week the new phonic sounds were: 'l' the long leg and 'h' for horse.
Reception have continued their activities about Elmer, and have been making and creating colourful patchwork elephants. We have been learning about types of elephants and where they are found in the world. We are becoming skilled in PE with our movements, some children can even climb to the top of the rope!
Thank you to our Mystery Reader Rose's mum who read us a few stories this week... if you would like to sign up before the school year ends please let us know!

Orla and Julia - role model pupils who always try their best!
Year 1
Another fantastic week in Year 1! We completed the Phonics Screening Check and are so proud of the progress and achievements of our pupils. Please continue to read the two Read Write Inc. Book Bag books at home for 10 minutes every day. Now that your children can decode, it’s important we work on their fluency and comprehension.
In Maths, the children have been exploring money. We can now recognize different notes and coins. I wonder if you can show them some of the change you have at home. Perhaps you can show them money from different countries.
Our afternoons were busy with Design and Technology. We learnt all about where fruit comes from and why it is an important part of a healthy diet. We also practiced the skills of washing, grating, peeling, squeezing and slicing. I hope you enjoy their carefully designed fruit salads!

Achievement awards this week go to Denat and Bobby for their unique and delicious fruit salads. Well done boys!
Year 2
In Maths, we are continuing to learn about time. We have been reading analogue clocks and finding duration of time. In English, children described their pirates showing off their creative writing. We have also looked at the features of informal letters as this is our next writing genre. Our foundation subject for the next two weeks is Geography where we are learning about the seaside. We have looked at maps to locate seaside towns and discussed physical and human features.
Please continue to tell the time at home to the nearest 15 minutes (o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to).
The White Rose homework will be revision this week.
Complete pages 52 and 53. 54 is optional.

This week's achievements go to Arthur for his excellent efforts in our foundation subjects and Ali for his great work telling the time in Maths.
Kingfisher 1
In English we read Mog the forgetful cat. The children role played the story and pretended to feed Mog a boiled egg.
In Maths we were using a number line to subtract and add . The younger children were finding out how many different ways of making number 8 using numicon.
The children enjoyed the Chicken shed work shop and participated in interactive activities.

This weeks award goes to Ben for his brilliant calculation in maths
Year 3
This week in Maths, Year 3 have begun our new unit on ‘time’. We have learnt about Roman Numerals to 12 and telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes. In English, we have been describing the ice dragon from our book ‘Tell Me a Dragon’ by using fronted adverbial, powerful vocabulary and similes. In the afternoons, we continued our learning in Science on ‘light’ by thinking about the dangers of the sun, how shadows are formed and why they change in size.
English (reading): page 50-51
Maths (money): page 97-98

This week’s achievement award goes to Sienna Madle for trying her best in Maths and being a supportive learning partner.
The second achievement award goes to Zachary for his fantastic effort and presentation in all lessons.
Year 4
This week in maths, we have been looking at the properties of triangles and quadrilaterals. In English, we have started writing our persuasive adverts for Rambashi's Grill from Phillip Pullman's book 'The Firework-Maker's Daughter'. In science, we have been exploring living things and their habitats looking at the seven life processes and how to classify livings things.
The MTC is complete! Well done to everyone for your hard work on times tables this year. Be proud of your achievements!
Maths: Shape - pages 111 and 112
Reading: Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods - QS1 pages 18 and 19

This week's achievements awards go to Taha for his excellent independent work, and to Junior for his hard work learning his times tables. Well done!
Year 5
This week in Maths, the children learned written and mental methods for adding and subtracting decimals (which they did very well!) In English, they learned about using subordinating conjunctions and relative clauses to make a balanced argument more detailed. In History, they started their learning on the Tudors - particularly Queen Elizabeth I, who was the last Tudor monarch.
Homework due on Weds 19th June
Maths: pages 107 and 108 (decimals)
Punctuation: pages 22 and 23 (dashes)

This week's awards go to Nadine for fantastic grammar work for her balanced argument, and to Sheena for excellent effort in all lessons this week - well done, girls!
Year 6
This has certainly been a busy week in Year 6 with auditions, and our trips to the Neasden Mandir and Chessington! Decisions have yet to be made by the directors so the children will find out their roles in the show asap.
On Monday, 17th June, Year 6 are beginning their swimming block for 2 weeks. Please sign the Google form to give permission if you haven’t already. The children have to have a pair of goggles and a swimming hat to take part – it is a requirement of the swimming pool.
All the dates for the upcoming Year 6 events have been added to the calendar (link above) so please check those.
CGP Homework
Maths – Targeted Question Book – pages 30 and 31
English – SPaG – pages 14 and 15
This week's achievement award goes to the staff for surviving two trips in one week! Well done to them!
Kingfisher 2
What a great start to the week! The children enjoyed a fabulous trip to Paradise Wildlife Park (Hertfordshire Zoo) on Monday and there was so much to see and do.
They had fun on the Rex Express, saw some interesting animals (including a sun bear and a very large snake) and visited the playground as well as braving the Jurassic dinosaur park!!!
The children have begun to sequence the events of the day in preparation for writing a recount about their day next week!
The boys have continued to practise reading and writing ‘Time’ in our maths sessions and are getting very confident using the analogue clock.
We had our final ‘Chickenshed’ workshop yesterday and will be visiting the theatre very soon to see how all our work on this project has come together!
Well done to George for telling the time with confidence and for his impromptu speech, thanking Tom and the team from Chickenshed for all their hard work.
It’s lovely that you try to make people feel special and appreciated!
JUNE 2024
Monday 17th:
- Choir Music Festival at The Arts Depot - AM till late evening.
- Nursery and KF Nursery AM Trip to Lewis London Ice Cream Farm - cost £7, please pay and give consent via School Money
- Year 6 begin Swimming for 2 Weeks (please make sure you have given permission using the Year 6 Permission Form Link
Wednesday 19th:
- Years 5 and 6 Athletics at Lee Valley (small group of pupils)
Tuesday 25th:
- Whole School Photograph for 70th Anniversary
- Kingfisher visiting Chickenshed Theatre
Thursday 27th:
- Rock Guitar Assembly at 2:30pm (parents/carers of pupils having lessons welcome to watch)
Friday 28th:
- INSET Day - School Closed to Pupils
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates next term.