Livingstone Newsletter
May Week 2
70th Anniversary Tickets
Friday 10th May
Tickets for the morning and afternoon assemblies are running out but some are still available in the office and tickets are on sale for the evening event. Evening tickets can be purchased online via School Money under the 'clubs' tab or direct from the school office.
Don't forget this event is open to past pupils and friends of the school - so please spread the word!
The Family Picnic is taking place on the 70th Anniversary. Gates will open to families and carers at 11.45 and everyone is welcome to stay all afternoon and watch the whole school perform songs from every decade from the 1950s to present day.
Mixed League Football
Football season is over and we went out with a bang. Our mixed league team played their last game on Wednesday against Sacred Heart Primary School. The weather added to the children's high spirits and attitude going in to this game. Our mixed league team have come so far this year and made immense progress. Their talents on the pitch did not go unnoticed. We had two debuts starting (Arber and George) and everyone worked as a team just like how you see the professionals play. Our defence was unbreakable and Sacred Heart were unable to get past our players. The game was full of some incredible goals by Xander, Arbel and our debut player, George. We won 5-0! Our mixed league team have played many games this year and we are very proud of everyone who has been committed to the team and extra- curricular club.
Well done to Chloe, Sienna, Diya, Brychan, Dante, Xander, Arber, George and Arbel.
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
This week we have expanded our interest in minibeasts to include bees, ladybirds, ants and snails to name but a few. The children have been exploring the outdoor classroom and our pond area in search of mini life. The tadpoles continue to grow and our caterpillars have now entered their cocoons and we are eagerly anticipating the emergence of some beautiful butterflies!
Indoors we have been exploring sensory trays linked to the minibeasts, counting them, colouring them, making them out of play dough and other materials.
There are so many patterns and shapes to be observed in the natural world, please do continue to do this over the weekend while we are enjoying this lovely weather.
Reception have had a great week - especially enjoying our school trip to Lee Valley Animal Adventure Park. We got to feed animals and ask questions about the different things we saw including wallabies and meerkats. We have been busy learning our dance for the 70th anniversary celebrations and we are looking forward to performing it to parents/carers and families next Friday! Please can you be prepared with costumes - the children will come in wearing them on the day.
A reminder about school uniform in Reception:
White polo shirt, black jogging bottoms, royal blue sweatshirt, sensible black shoes /trainers with velcro straps (can be used daily or for PE) (no laces)
In warmer weather (optional) - grey shorts / blue and white check dress.
On Tuesdays and Fridays please ensure children are wearing PE kit / appropriate uniform and shoes
PE Kit: White t-shirt / polo, black jogging bottoms / plain royal blue PE shorts and black shoes/trainers (no laces)

Anoel - for taking part in discussions at carpet time and trying his best... well done!
Leo - for fantastic improvements in writing. Well done Leo!
Year 1
The spring weather finally arrived just in time for our trip to the woods. We looked very closely at the leaves to classify them as either deciduous or evergreen. Some of the children can even identify specific trees! Marina said “the sycamore leaf was even bigger than Niya’s head!”
We read and acted out The Balloon Tree in our English lessons and look forward to our writing next week. In Maths, we used practical resources to explore halves and quarters.
Next week we start Art and will be creating paper sculptures. Please can you bring in lots of newspapers for our class project of a giant spider!

Achievement awards this week go to Marina and Benji for their brilliant acting skills whilst roleplaying Princess Leora and the Evil Archduke. Well done you two!
Year 2
Goodbye and Good Luck!
Sadly, Miss Bennett's time at Livingstone has come to end. She is graduating from Hertfordshire University and will have her own class in September at Monkfrith School. Miss Bennett has made such an impression on Year 2 and we are very thankful for her hard work. We will miss you, Miss Bennett!
In Maths this week, Year 2 have worked on capacity and volume as they near the end of the measurement topic. They have read scales to measure, compare and order capacity/ volume and completed problems linked to capacity/volume involving the four operations.
In English, we have started reading our new text - the classic fairy tale 'The Three Little Pigs.' After recapping the story, we have used apostrophes in sentences to show what belonged to the three little pigs and to the wolf. In small groups, children have acted out the story following our whole class story map. Great acting Year 2!
In our afternoon lessons, Year 2 added the final details to their seaside collages using oil pastels, chalk, fine pens and charcoal to make parts of their collage stand out. They have come out beautifully and the children have worked really hard on them. We have then begun our new Science block on the topic of 'Plants' starting with a walk around the outside area of our school observing plants in their surroundings.
Homework: Pages 78 and 79. Page 80 is optional.
The first achievement award goes to Daisy being a good role model and showing kindness towards her peers. The second achievement award goes to Gino for participating well in lessons and then applying what he has learnt in his work.
KIngfisher 1
In English we continue to work on author study books. This week we are reading Draw Me a Star. The children actively participated retelling the story using props. We extended our activities to art where they decorated their own stars .
In Maths as part of our measurement topic children took park in practical activities involving compacity and weight.
This weeks award goes to Sergio for great improvement in maths.
Keep up the great work!
Year 3
In Maths this week, we have been working on capacity and volume. We have enjoyed some practical tasks filling containers with the correct amount of liquid and checking against the scales accurately to see if enough had been filled in. This has really helped us all in our reading of scales on different containers.
In English, we have started work on poems. We will be writing our own poems based on the beach including similes for description. We started using our senses to think of description for the beach and will be continuing with this next week.
In the afternoons, we have started a new RE topic 'inspirational people' and we have thought about who is inspirational to us and why. We then looked at the catholic church and the inspirational leaders within the church locally from priests to the pope globally.
Maths: Pg 78 & 79 mass and capacity
Punctuation: 28 & 29 direct speech

Our achievements this week go to Sienna Maloney for her excellent participation in RE lessons regarding inspirational people and to George for his excellent knowlegde of reading from scales in maths. Well done both of you!
Year 4
This week we have been rounding decimals, finding fractions as decimals and writing amounts of money using decimals in maths. In English, we have finished writing our monologues based on the book Journey by Aaron Becker. These have been absolutely incredible to read! In science we have dived into the digestive system which the children have truly loved recreating! Just look at their faces below
Times tables 5x and 10x stages 1, 2, 3 and 4 (due Monday)
Punctuation: Apostrophe Practice - pages 26 and 27
This week's achievement awards go to Kevin and Alex for the excellent monologue writing in English. Well done!
Year 5
This week in Maths, the children learned how to read, measure and draw angles using protractors; usually this is a difficult skill, but your children showed great understanding and confidence with it!
In English, they looked at the WAGOLL for writing a narrative based on The Highwayman.
In Art, they printed their own collagraphy backgrounds by making a collagraph plate. They then drew on top of this background to show what their vision of the future in 2074 is.
Homework due on Weds 15th May
Maths: pages 82 and 83 (statistics)
Punctuation: 26 and 27 (apostrophes)
This week's awards go to Charlotte for always being helpful and reliable, and to Lewis for excellent angle drawing in Maths - well done!
Year 6
Year 6 have had a great week as we’ve been revising content in preparation for SATs, next week while ensuring the classroom has remained a calm and fun environment. Year 6 are more than ready for the tests and will continue to impress us.
Please ensure that your child has a good night’s sleep and take up the free ‘Breakfast Club’ from Monday to Thursday at 8am. Yoga will then follow at 8:30am with Kate. Children can just come to the yoga if that is what they'd prefer (please wear blue PE shorts under skirts/dresses. Breakfast club for Year 6 will be in our Nightingales classroom within the main school so the children will need to come in through the office.
Please ensure that your child is in school on time as we will be starting the tests promptly at 9am each day.
On Thursday, once we have completed the last test, we will be going to Trent Park for the day to celebrate (weather permitting) so please send a packed lunch and water in with your child. Year 6 can wear their PE kit into school on Thursday. We will be back at school by 3:15pm to dismiss as normal.
Year 6's homework is to have a lovely relaxing weekend!

This week’s achievement awards go to Muhammad for his research into his chosen artist in Art, and Bianca for being a team player, always supporting her peers and being a helpful member of Year 6. Well done to you both!
Kingfisher 2
We hope you enjoyed the bank holiday weekend!
This week in Maths, we have started a new topic, ‘Fractions.’ The children have been identifying parts and wholes, looking at equal and unequal parts and recognising and finding given fractions.
In English, we have been using organisational devices, labelling and writing captions for a key diagram in our butterfly lifecycle explanation text. We found some interesting fun facts about butterflies and caterpillars and edited and published our work on the life cycle.
This week’s awards go to:
Dilan – For his recall of facts and independence whilst writing his explanation text, describing the stages of the butterfly lifecycle.
Deni – For working hard, making friends and always doing his best!
MAY 2024
Monday 13th:
- Year 6 SATs Week - free Breakfast Club from 8am in Nightingales and Yoga at 8:30am in Main Hall (Year 6 only)
Thursday 16th:
- Year 6 to Trent Park after SAT's
Friday 17th: 70th Anniversary Celebrations
- Nursery AM and KS2 70th Assembly Performances - 9am in Main Hall (Tickets)
- Whole School 70th Picnic and Assembly Performances from 11:40am on school field and all-weather pitch (No Tickets)
- Nursery PM, Rec and KS1 70th Assembly Performance - 2:30pm in Main Hall (Tickets)
- 70th Anniversary Party 7pm - 12am - over 18's only (Tickets available to purchase for £7 each on School Money or from the office.)
Monday 20th:
- Year 3 RE Trip to Enfield Mosque
Tuesday 21st:
- Year 3 Chickenshed Workshop - AM
- Choir Cluster Rehearsal at Danegrove School - PM
Thursday 23rd:
- Reception Hearing and Vision Testing - AM
Friday 24th:
- Year 5 visiting Victoria Park - AM
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates next term.