Livingstone Newsletter
November Week 2
Friday 15th November
Remembrance Day Parade
We would like to thank Charlotte M, Leah, Renee, Ben, Thomas and Leona who came with their families to represent Livingstone School in the wreath laying ceremony at the East Barnet War Memorial. There were many people at the service with links to Livingstone including staff Mrs Cavozzi and Mrs James.
We would also like to say thank you to everyone who bought poppies and contributed to the collection. We were so overwhelmed with the demand, that next year we will ask for more to be sent to the school for the pupils to buy.
IMPACT Workshops
It is always wonderful to see so many parents and carers coming to our IMPACT Workshops. The turnout was exceptional and we hope that you gained a clear insight into the approaches to learning in every class. We have two more next week and after that we will collate the feedback sheets so that we can address your questions at the next workshops.
School Council
The School Councillors had their first meeting with Mrs Phelan this week. The pupils came up with lots of fantastic ideas as it was the first meeting. More information to follow in the pupil newsletter.
Children in Need
Thank you to every who sent in donations for the PTA Gift Stall and for sending in a contribution for Children in Need. Together a generous amount was raised:
Nur £7.19 Rec £39.31 Yr1 £35.21 Yr2 £30.71 Yr3 £45.87 Yr4 £27.08 Yr5 £36.08
Yr6 £17.73 KF £13.17
Congratulations to Year 3 for topping the leader board for donations!
Non-uniform Dates and Information
PTA Comedy Night - Thursday 30th January
We are looking forward to welcoming back our comedy host for the evening, Joe Bor (Milo's Dad in Year 4) and can't wait for the hilarious talents of Esther Manito (Live at the Apollo) and Hal Cruttenden (Mock the Week).
Tickets are available on School Money under the 'Clubs' tab for purchase at £15 per ticket. You will not want to miss out so be quick to avoid disappointment. Over 18s only
Join us for a night of laughter!
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
This week we continue to look up to the sky as the children become more familiar with our core text, 'Whatever Next.' The children have taken their own imaginary journeys into space, thinking about what they would need (other than their teddy). They have observed the moon and made pictures using their fine motor skills.
They have explored space-themed sensory trays and made rockets with 2D shapes as well as some which could definitely fly to the moon. Some more excellent firework pictures have been created using lots of different materials, chalks, pastels, paints and playdough.
The children have thought about things that are high and what could be higher and ordered them.
Please Return!
Please can all families check for any ReadWriteInc Blending books and return them to your child's class teacher or the office. We are missing many blending books from the sets and ask that you return them weekly on your child's book bag day. Check cupboards, book boxes and shelves and return as soon as possible. Thank you!
Reception have had a great week collecting sticks! We have been reading 'Stanley's Stick' and learning actions for new vocabulary. See if your children can show you the actions to remember our words 'tall, grand, tiny, wonky, unusual, hurl'
We read the story on our adventure to the woods and again with Diane in the pond area. We have been using collected sticks to use our imagination just like Stanley and pretend that sticks are many other things.
This week we have learned about 2D shapes circle, triangle and square and have been spotting them all around. We have also been using 3D shapes to draw around and make shape pictures.
Thank you to so many parents who came to the phonics IMPACT meeting, please continue to use the reading materials given to you each week and remember to bring them back on Wednesdays.

Achievement awards go to Carter for his effort and enthusiasm in phonics lessons and Elodie for her intricate drawings which she is beginning to label and write about!
Year 1
Thank you to all of the grandparents who came to Year 1 and told us about their childhoods. The children asked interesting questions and learnt so much about what life was like when their grandparents were young. In our Maths lessons we explored subtraction word problems and consolidated our knowledge of number bonds to 10. We are working hard on our handwriting and have learnt how to form all of the around letters (c a o d g q). The children are enjoying phonics and blending longer words. Thank you to everyone who came for the Impact session on Monday; we appreciate all of your feedback and are so happy you found the session helpful. We look forward to science next week where we will be finding out about the changing of Autumn to Winter.
Achievement awards go to Anoel and Xheida for their positive attitudes during phonics. Well done for trying your best!
Year 2
In Maths, we have been using concrete resources and pictorial representations to draw exchanging when the ones we are taking away is greater than the ones in first number e.g. 23 - 9. The children have worked really hard on exchanging one ten for ten ones and drawing this to work out their answer. In English, children have written sentences using adjectives and conjunctions lined to the story, 'A Squash and Squeeze'. In Science, we made our own paper using recycled paper and created a poster about why recycling is important. We are now learning about the polar regions in Geography. Also, thank you to everyone who attended the Impact session. The PowerPoint will be sent out next week.
Maths-29 and 30. 31 is optional.
Reading- 20 and 21.

This week's awards go to Ben for his excellent knowledge about the polar regions and Isaac for his hard work in maths using pictorial representations.
Kingfisher 1
This week in English the children enjoyed the story "We're Going on a Bear Hunt". The children enjoyed sensory role play and experimented with a range of different sensory activities used colourful semantics to retell the story.
In Maths we were working on one less. The children used a range of activities to disguise one less.
The children enjoyed our cinema trip and were very well behaved. We are very proud of them.

This weeks award goes to Levi for active participation in maths one more and one less.
Well done!!
Year 3
This week in English, we have broadening our vocabulary and working on extending our sentences with subordinate conjunctions. Parents/Carers will find out more about how we have been improving our writing in our upcoming Impact Meeting. We are working hard in Maths and applying our knowledge of number bonds and place value to add and subtract accurately.
Christmas Production
Please log in to Year 3 homepage on the VLE, go to the files tab to access the lyrics. Unfortunately, we cannot upload the sound track but if you search Lights, Camera action on Google or YouTube you should be able to find the tracks.
Collins Comprehension: Pages 16 and 17
Practise your lines at home with your family members. Begin to try and learn your lines by heart.
Parents/Carers could you please check and SIGN your child’s Reading Record each week. Many thanks.
There is no Maths homework book this week. Please continue to practise your 3 times tables on TTRS.

Mollie- For being a self-improver by using what she learns from mistakes to be successful in her learning and personal growth.
Sami & Filip – For showing patience and perseverance in a stressful situation
Year 4
It has been a busy and productive week in Year 4. In Maths, the children have finished learning about area and are moving on to multiplication and division. In English, they have been completing research about an Ancient Greek god to begin writing their fact files.
In History, the children have finished their learning about Ancient Greece and were fascinated with how the Olympics began. Next week, we begin Art and have noticed that we have many artists within the class so we are looking forward to seeing their creativity.
We have also been navigating Teams so hopefully the children will be able to use it more confidently, and upload or complete any Brain Boosters homework on there, if they wish.
On Tuesday, 19th November, there is English Impact session for Year 4 from 9am. I hope to see you there.
Maths – pages 27 and 28
English – Comprehension – pages 20 and 21
Please continue to read and write in your child’s reading diary, and complete TTR practice, daily. Thank you.

This week's achievement awards go to Liana for working hard in Maths and doing well in her times tables, and Jordan for his detailed and well thought out plan for his fact file in English. Well done!
Year 5
This week, the children learned how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 using place value grids to support them.
In English, they practised using commas and apostrophes correctly as well learned that relative clauses add more information about a noun.
In Science, they conducted observations about separating mixtures and tried to get dirty water as clean as possible, which they enjoyed.
This is a gentle reminder to please complete the Royal Albert Hall form by Monday 18th November (if you haven't done so already). Also, the resources from today's impact session will be emailed out next week.
Maths: pages 27 and 28 (multiplication and division A)
Reading: pages 20 and 21 (The Lion and the Unicorn)
This week's awards go to Scarlett for her Maths work on multiples of 10, 100 and 1000 and to Stefi for his work on relative clauses. Well done, you two!
Year 6
This week in Year 6, we have been focusing on simplifying and finding equivalent fractions in maths. In English, we've been learning to use various grammatical features to construct a balanced argument on whether Year 6 students should be allowed to attend PGL. In science, we investigated how different battery voltages affect various components in a circuit.
Reading: Complete "Waste Warriors" question set 2 (pages 14 & 15)
Maths: Simplifying fractions (page 18)
Arithmetic: Adding fractions (page 35)

This week’s achievement awards go to Zyan for his great work with relative clauses, and to Nadine for her excellent arithmetic work.
Kingfisher 2
This week in Maths we have continued our topic of multiplication. We have been looking at arrays, repeated addition and commutativity (how multiplication can be solved starting with either number).
In English, we have designed super villains and created wanted posters to catch them. We used adjectives to describe them and our imagination to think of their wicked crimes!
This week's award goes to Dilan for excellent multiplication work. Well done Dilan!
Netball Competition
Our school netball team had an incredible day at a recent competition. They played four games in the group stage, winning two and drawing two. The team played with great spirit and showed fantastic respect to the student umpires, even when following their instructions was a bit challenging. Their hard work earned them a place in the semi-final, which was a close match. Although they didn’t make it to the final, they gave it their all and stayed positive. The final game was a nail-biter to decide 3rd place, going into extra time with the "first goal wins" rule. Anwen scored the winning goal, securing us a brilliant 3rd place finish! Congratulations to Lukas, Anwen, Nadine, Anastasia, Muthara, Elsie, Medine and Albeiro. What a fantastic achievement!

Girls Central Cup
Our girls' football team has been training hard, and last week they proudly participated in a competition where they earned bronze medals! On Thursday, we had our first official game of the season. The team showed fantastic teamwork and impressive skill throughout the game. Despite conceding a few goals, their determination never wavered. Although we finished with a 3-0 loss, the girls held their heads high and played with great spirit. We’re still in the mixed league, and there are plenty more matches to look forward to. Well done to, Medina, Anwen, Muthara, Anastasia, Nadine, Elia, Elsie, Dotty and Daniella.
Non-Stop Action
Lost Property
Lots are pupils lose items of clothing, and it is difficult to return them if they are unnamed. There are some items which may be taken home by accident especially if they are identical in appearance.
Elsie lost her coat a couple of weeks ago and we were hoping to find it in school. Please check if your child has picked it up and taken it home by mistake.
Thank you
Monday 18th:
- Year 3 IMPACT Meeting for Parents/Carers, 8:50 - 9:20am
- Flu Nasal Spray for pupils who were absent on previous date, 9:00am
- KF2 Cinema Trip - AM
Tuesday 19th:
- Year 4 IMPACT Meeting for Parents/Carers, 8:50 - 9:20am
- Reception and Year 6 Height and Weight Checks, 9:30am
Thursday 21st:
- Non-uniform Day for unopened bottles contributions
- Year 2 Singing Assembly, 9:00am (parents/carers of Year 2 welcome to watch)
Friday 22nd:
- Year 5/6 Mixed Football Team Tournament - AM
Tuesday 26th:
- Years 3 and 4 Trip to Chickenshed Theatre - PM
- Individual Photos for pupils who were absent on previous date
Thursday 28th:
- Non-uniform Day for chocolate contributions
- KF2 Sports Festival - PM
- Girls Football Match vs Sacred Heart, 3:30pm
Friday 29th:
INSET Day - school closed to pupils
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates next term.
We now have some of the Christmas dates included.