Livingstone Newsletter
October Week 2
Friday 13th October

Year 6 School Journey to the PGL, Isle of Wight
Today we welcome back our Year 6 pupils who went on their residential trip to PGL in the Isle of Wight. They set off for their school journey on Monday morning and travelled by coach to Portsmouth to catch a ferry over to Fishbourne where they not long after arrived at PGL for a week to remember. It was full of fun and amazing day activities such as Abseiling, Sensory Trail, Giant Swing, Zip Wire, Buggy Building, Jacobs Ladder and Keelboat Sailing to name a few. At night they sang their hearts out around the Campfire, danced their socks off in the Disco and sneaked around SAS style for Ambush.
Parents/carers, we hope you enjoy listening to your children when they get home about the memories they have made and the new skills they have developed over the course of the week.... it's a worthwhile trip!
Thank you to Ms Breen, Mrs Armstrong, Mrs Church and Mr Madle who we are certain have had just as much fun as the children but are probably feeling a lot more tired. A weekend of rest will be enjoyed by them all!
Please see below in our Year 6 section of the Newsletter for some incredible photos!

After School Activity Clubs

Activity Clubs for Autumn 2 (after half term) will be online and available to book next week, from Monday 16th October.
At the request of parents/carers via the Parent Representatives, we will be trialling a different time of the day when the clubs will go live for booking. Instead of being available from 8:00am, they will be available from 6:00pm.
Spanish with Miss Papas on Monday's is back on the timetable of clubs and will be open to Years 3-6 for booking.
Clubs for Autumn 2 will begin Monday 30th October, except Netball, this will begin the week after (7/11/23) due to the Spooky Parties taking place.
PTA Comedy Night - Thursday 19th October 2023 @7pmm
Apologies for the last-minute change but regrettably, comedian Iain Stirling, who we had previously booked unfortunately has withdrawn from our comedy event due to unforeseen circumstances. There is a replacement for him with another regular from 'Live at the Appollo'.... we will reveal who our 'mystery comedian' is on the night!
Remember - we are fundraising for Livingstone PTA and charity Spread your Wings UK for children with Angelman Syndrome.
We have 10 tickets left as they have been selling out fast. It's not too late to book your seats!
Visit School Money to book your tickets. Be quick and book now to avoid disappointment.
Join us for a night of laughter and cash only bar!

Harvest Festival

On Friday 20th October, Year 4 will be leading our Harvest Assembly at 9am.
Harvest Festival is a time of year to celebrate when crops have been gathered from the field and to reflect and show gratitude for the food that we have.
At school we always celebrate the festival during an assembly performed by the children as well as collect/donate food for those in need in our local community.
On this day, please send your child in to school with donations of non-perishable food (food with a long shelf life) such as tins and packets to bring into assembly.

PTA Spooky Party

We are having a Spooky Party on Tuesday 31st October 2023 for pupils in Nursery - Year 6.
Children in Nursery, Reception and KS1 will have their party 1:30-2:45pm and children in KS2 will have their party after school till 4:15pm.
If you would like your child to take part, click the relevant link below for further information. Please consent and make a payment of £3.50 via School Money. Children can also bring some spending money on the day in a named envelope/purse.
For Year 5 and 6 pupils - If we do not have parental permission already for your child to walk home alone and you would like your child to at 4:15pm on this day then please email the school office.

This week our whole school attendance was 97% again which is good, but we'd love to make it higher! Keep up the good work!
Mrs Barton and Mr Madle
Parent Champion Coffee Morning

Today was our first Parent Champions coffee morning for this academic year and we were so pleased to see so many of you there! We had an engaging chat with our guest speakers from BICS about mental health, and we also shared updated information about the local family events and services for the upcoming half-term and the next term.
Next coffee morning will be held on Friday 10th November 2023.
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
Another very busy week in Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery! October is the month we celebrate Black History and this week we have been reading the book 'Handa's Surprise', which takes place in the African savannah. The children have had the chance to see, smell, feel and taste all the fruit in Handa's basket and create lovely artwork around it. Some of us also made some marvellous African necklaces using pasta, cheerios and beads. Amazing work!
A fantastic week of learning in Reception. We have continued our learning about Autumn, going on a fresh walk and watching conkers drop from the trees!
Every child should now have a reading record and Set 1 speeds sounds book. Please use it for 5 minutes daily to recap the sounds and handwriting phrase. Support your children to write their name and recognise the sounds too.
This week the sounds we have learnt are: p, g, o, c
Year 1
What an exciting week in Year 1! We conducted our first science experiment where the children investigated which everyday materials float. We then started our Art topic by exploring lines. The children learnt about the artist Bridget Riley and created our own inspired class collage out of individual oil pastel drawings of horizontal, vertical, broken, wavy, diagonal and cross-hatched lines. We are learning about part-whole models in maths; the children are learning how the parts make up the whole. Our three phonics groups are working hard on set 2 sounds and writing more detailed sentences. Please continue daily reading practise as well as the weekly maths homework (only the pages assigned). Well done Year 1.
Achievement awards this week go to Benji and Ben for their excellent line drawings!
Year 2
Our new Maths topic is addition and subtraction. We have recalled our number bonds to 10 and 20. We have been learning that addition is commutative and we have wrote the inverse operations for addition.
In English, we looked at the book 'The Sound of Silence' which is available on Storyline Online. We enjoyed watching the video and wrote great sentences about what Yoshio heard whilst exploring Tokyo.
We have had a great week coding in our Computing lessons in our foundation subject. We have been programming codes to create algorithms to make objects/pictures move. Well done, Year 2! Here is a link to online resources we used in class if you would like to practise at home. and Scratch
Reading- Please reread Birthday Party on pages 1 and 2. Read and complete pages 3 and 4.

This week's awards go to Cody for his excellent effort in Maths this week and Phoebe for her fantastic ideas when creating sentences.
Kingfisher 1
We have had lots of fun in KF1 this week. In Maths we have been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. The children have been working hard making repeated patterns.
In English, continuing our topic on the book 'Oliver's Fruit Salad' and following instructions the children had great fun making and eating their very own fruit salad.

This week's award goes to Stylianos for his phonics blending.
Well done Stylianos, keep up the great work!
Year 3
This week in Year 3, we have been adding 3-digit numbers using dienes and the pictorial method. Next week, we will move on to column addition.
In English, we have been learning about similes and the children have written some very creative sentences.
We have finished our Stone Age to Iron Age topic by comparing how different aspects of life changed throughout the eras.
In PSHE, we have been learning about peer pressure and strategies to manage this.
Reminder - we have our Stoneage Trip on Monday. Children will need a packed lunch and a coat/jacket suitable for the forecasted weather on the day.
Homework - Punctuation pages 4,5,6 and7
The first achievement award goes to Isabelle for her excellent insightful comments during PSHE lessons and mature attitude.
The second achievement award goes to Sienna Maloney for her fantastic, creative similes and her positive attitude to learning at all times.
Year 4
This week in Year 4, we have been looking at rounding any given number (up to 10,000) to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000. The children have done brilliantly and worked systematically to solve these problems. In English, we have been exploring how to create suspense in our writing by looking at a range of sentence types by Alan Peat and we also created our own direct speech for our chosen characters.
Maths: pages 13 to 15 (Roman Numerals & Rounding)
Times Tables: 12s (on TTRS)

This week's achievement award goes to Daniella for her perseverance in Maths, and to Georgie for her positive and hardworking attitude. Well done! :)
Year 5
This week, Year 5 have really enjoyed our DT unit on frame structures. They analysed five famous bridges and how they've been strengthened, and then used computer-aided design software - Tinkercad - to design their own bridge ready to construct next week.
In Maths, they continued using column methods to add and subtract, and in English they learned and practised descriptive devices: Alan Peat sentences, complex sentences and personification.
Maths: pages 17, 18 and 19 (addition and subtraction)
Reading: pages 10, 11, 14 and 15 (Winter Olympics set 2)
This week's awards go to Oliver for his personification work in English, and to Zofia for her progress with times tables - well done!
Year 6
What a week Year 6 have had at PGL! They have all had so many personal achievements and accomplishments. We are so proud of them, and we have all enjoyed spending time with them outside of school.
This week’s achievement awards go to Miss Breen, Mr Madle, Mrs Armstrong and Mrs Church for surviving!
Kingfisher 2
In Kingfisher 2 this week, we delved into Maths using Numicon to find number bonds to 10 and fact families up to 20. Our English lessons were filled with spooky delights, from performing Halloween poetry, to practicing rhyming words and using onomatopoeia to describe eerie sounds.
Today, as part of the Pentathlon, a small number of children showcased fantastic behaviour, determination and skill while competing in ten-pin bowling against other Barnet schools at the Hollywood Bowl. Their success brought immense pride and joy!
Well done guys!
Well done to…
Mario – For his positive attitude to working and impressive spelling test results!
Pre-loved Jumpers and Cardigans

We have so many school jumpers and cardigans wanting new owners. They are preloved and in great condition. Please come and find me if you need any uniform.
Mr Sudbury
Taekwondo - Skye and Ryan Year 4
We love hearing about and sharing our pupil's achievements outside of school and it is lovely to know that Skye and Ryan in Year 4 are excelling in their Taekwondo classes. This week they have both achieved their yellow belts with green stripe. To gain their new belts they have to demonstrate that could confidently perform all the techniques they have be taught since gaining their previous belt.
The boys have been practising the martial art for two years, starting as a white belt and moving through the required training with sheer determination and commitment.
Well done boys, we look forward to hearing about your next belt. Keep up the good work!

Monday 16th:
- Black History Week
- Year 3 Stone Age Trip to Waltham Abbey Gardens
- Activity Clubs go online for Autumn 2 - Booking will be available from 6:00pm
Tuesday 17th:
- KS2 Cross Country Competition at Copthall - PM (12 pupils)
Wednesday 18th:
- Year 6 Parent/Carer Consultations 1:00 - 3:00pm
Thursday 19th:
- Years 2-4 Gymnastics Festival, Hendon - PM (12 pupils)
- Year 6 Parent/Carer Consultations 3:30 - 6:30pm
- PTA Comedy Night - Thursday 19th October 2023 @7pm (Adults only)
Friday 20th:
- Year 4 Harvest Festival Assembly - Year 4 parents/carers to watch
- All year groups - please send in donations of non-perishable items for our local food bank.
- Year 1 Mini-bus Trip to Central London - cost £2.00, please pay via School Money
- Pupil Newsletter
- Activity Clubs finish for Autumn 1
- School finishes for Half Term - school ends normal time and Cabin club is open
HALF TERM: Monday 23rd - 27th October 2023
Pupils return to school Monday 30th October 2023
Monday 30th:
- Activity Clubs begin for Autumn 2 (except Netball, this begins next Tues 7th Nov)
Tuesday 31st:
- PTA Spooky Party for Nursery, Reception and KS1 1:30 - 2:45pm
- PTA Spooky Party for KS2 3:00 - 3:15pm
- NO Netball Club
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates