Livingstone Newsletter
September Week 2
Friday 15th September
Exciting Announcement! We're hosting a comedy night fundraiser for over 18's only, featuring our host of the night, Joe Bor (Milo's Dad in Year 3) and the hilarious talents of Iain Sterling and Nathan Caton, both seasoned performers from Live at the Apollo.
Scan the QR code from the poster below or visit School Money to book your tickets. Be quick to avoid disappointment.
Join us for a night of laughter!


This week we are pleased to have reached 98% attendance. That means that there has been lots of learning going on. This is a great start to the new school year.
Above 96% attendance ensures the best possible outcomes for your child/ren because it ensures continuity and consistency in learning.
Mrs Barton and Mr Madle
Charity Walk in aid of Alzheimer’s Society

Join us at Autumn Gardens and Anastasia Lodge in making a difference for those affected by dementia! We would like to invite you to join us for a special event coming up on Saturday 7 October 2023.
Our team at Autumn Gardens and Anastasia Lodge are strolling 4km between our care homes in Winchmore Hill and Southgate to raise funds for the Alzheimer's Society. We held this same charity event in 2019 and we managed to raise an incredible £8000!
The walk will be starting at Anastasia Lodge at 1.30pm and finishing at Autumn Gardens at around 3.00pm* where there will be celebrations, speeches, refreshments and delicious cakes. The address of the start point is Anastasia Lodge, 10-14 Arundel Gardens, Winchmore Hill, London N21 3AE. The address of the end point is Autumn Gardens, 73 Trent Gardens, Southgate, London N14 4QB.
Join us and walk with us for this amazing cause! You can sign up to join us HERE and donate HERE.

Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
Welcome to all our old and new pupils!
This week, the children have started to settle in and are getting to know each other as well as the new teaching teams. They have been very busy playing, making constructions, reading stories, role-playing and creating birthday cakes for our September birthday boys and girls.
It has been a great start of the school year, and we are looking forward to growing and learning together.
The children have settled so well this week! They have been exploring their new classroom, learning rules and routines and enjoying every moment. They have all done extremely well with eating school lunches and they have all impressed Ms Purse, Ms Edwards and Mrs Reynolds! We are looking forward to having them for the full day next week.
Year 1
Mrs Segal and Mrs. Hunter were treated to another fantastic week in Year 1.
We are learning about where we live in our Geography lessons. Please ask your children to name the four countries in the United Kingdom. Challenge them by asking them to find the UK on a map, and even spot the capital cities! Next week we will be going on a local walk to find physical and human geographical features.
We continue to work on place value and sorting in Maths, so please do pages 4 and 5 in their maths practice journal. We have started learning new sounds in our phonics lessons and one of our best-loved times of the school day is when Mrs. Hunter or Mrs. Segal reads us the 'star of the day's favourite story. We look forward to seeing you at Read with Me on Monday.
Our first achievement award this week goes to Lou for her excellent number line she created out of numicon and unifix cubes. Our second achievement award goes to Naz for her abounding enthusiasm for all aspects of Year 1. Keep up this positive behaviour for learning.
Year 2
Year 2 have been focusing on place value in Maths. We have represented 2-digit numbers in different ways by making, drawing and partitioning them.
In English, we have worked on punctuating sentences focusing on capital letters and full stops.
The children have been very enthusiastic in History as we have been learning about the Great Fire of London. They have shown a fantastic interest and on Thursday we took part in an interactive drama workshop where we travelled back to 1666 to learn lots of important facts.

This week's awards go to Filip for his outstanding knowledge about the Great Fire of London and Mollie for her secure knowledge in Maths all about place value.
Kingfisher 1
This week we welcomed our Reception children, there was a lot of excitement in class about meeting new friends.
In Maths this week the children counted with Dienes.
In English we continued working on our 'all about me' topic.
The children enjoyed the 'New Pet' story and were engaged in talking about their favourite pets.

This week's achievement award goes to all our reception children for a great first week at school.
Year 3
We have had another fantastic week in Year 3!
In Maths, we have been partitioning 2-digit numbers and learning about number lines to 100.
We have been exploring the features of a setting description and using adjectives to describe 'The Tin Forest' in English.
For Science, we have been learning all about the human skeleton and the different types of skeletons: endoskeleton, exoskeleton and hydro-static!
In PSHE, we discussed how we can support our mental health and wellbeing.

The first achievement award in Year 3 goes to Lacey. She has challenged herself and worked so hard this week! Well done. The second achievement award goes to Eli for his excellent work in PSHE and his great behaviour in all lessons.
Year 4
This week, we've have looked at numbers up to 1,000 in Maths and explored our new book 'Into the Forest' by Anthony Browne, focusing on inferences, predictions and emotive language. In Science, we have investigated sound absorbing materials and how pitch can be changed and how it differs to the amplitude.

This week's achievement award goes to Christina for her excellent work in Maths and Junior for his brilliant explanation in Maths. Well done :)
Year 5
This week in Maths, the pupils impressed us with their place value knowledge and were able to read numbers up to one million.
In English, we started studying fairy-tales written from villains' points-of-view, including the Wicked Stepmother from Cinderella and the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk. They learned about portraying an innocent character by writing excuses using exaggeration and innocent language.
In Science, they did a virtual experiment about thermal insulators to see which insulator would be the best for the lining of a lunchbox: wool, bubble wrap, polystyrene, cotton or shredded paper. They recorded results in a table and then presented them as a line graph so they could make conclusions.
This week's achievement awards go to Renuka for always putting in 100% effort, and to Sotirio for his beautiful presentation. Well done, you two!
Year 6
It has been a very busy week for Year 6. They have begun to think about their ideas for their first long write which is a Victorian narrative. The grammar they've looked at so far is fronted adverbials, conjunctions and how they can incorporate their senses within their writing. We have also begun our class book 'Cogheart" by Peter Bunzil which is set in Victorian England.
In History, the children have been looking at the different inventions that the Victorians created and how they have evolved for modern day society.
This week, Year 6 also got to watch and be involved in a production of 'Macbeth'. The children were incredibly enthusiastic, and I can see we have some budding actors amongst us.
Every week, Year 6 will be bringing home homework in the form of CGP books. They will have allocated pages to complete. Please only do these pages as it is consolidating the learning they have completed during the week, so we use it as assessment to see if the topic needs to be covered further.
CGP pages this week.
Reading: pages 4-9 - Working in the Warehouse
Maths: pages 6 and 7
This week's achievement awards go to Brychan for sharing his extensive knowledge about the Victorians with us and Grace for always being focused and completing her work to a high standard. Well done!
Kingfisher 2
Over this week we have been working hard on place value and started reading a new text ‘Wild’ by Emily Hughes.
The children have been exploring the front cover and the first part of the story, making predictions and inferences about the characters.
They did a great job using thought bubbles to express the characters feelings.

Congratulations to..
Calvin – For his lovely sentence describing what makes him happy! ‘I am happy when I go to VUE big screen entertainment because I get lost in a great story.’
Jacob – For impressing us with his knowledge of the spring migration of the North American salmon! Fantastic!
Non-Stop Action - Half Term Camp

Monday 18th:
- Reception Group 2 (pupils new to Livingstone) morning and lunch only for one week. Finish 1pm
- Reception Group 1 full day. Finish 3:10pm
Tuesday 19th:
- Years 5 and 6 'Meet the Teacher' meeting for parents/carers - 8:50am - venue tbc
Wednesday 20th:
- Years 1 and 2 'Meet the Teacher' meeting for parents/carers - 8:50am in classroom
Thursday 21st:
- Years 3 and 4 'Meet the Teacher' meeting for parents/carers - 8:50am - venue tbc
- Choir Club begins - 2:45 - 3:20pm
Monday 25th:
- Pupil Voice Week
- Reception Group 2 full day. Finish 3:10pm
Wednesday 27th:
- Reception 'Meet the Teacher' meeting for parents/carers - 8:50am in classroom
Monday 2nd:
- INSET Day - school closed to pupils
Tuesday 10th:
- Nursery Parent Consultations 8:45 - 11:00am
- Reception Parent Consultations 1:00 - 3:00pm
- Nursery, Reception, KS1 and Years 3-5 Parent Consultations 4:00 - 6:30pm
Wednesday 11th:
- Years 1 and 2 Parent Consultations 9:00 - 11:00am
- Years 3, 4 and 5 Parent Consultations 1:00 - 3:00pm
Friday 13th:
- Parent Champion Coffee Morning 9am in Cabin
Monday 16th:
- Black History Week
- Activity Clubs go online for Autumn 2 Booking from 8am
Wednesday 18th:
- Year 6 Parent Consultations 1:00 - 3:00pm
Thursday 19th:
- Year 6 Parent Consultations 3:30 - 6:30pm
Friday 20th:
- Year 4 Harvest Festival Assembly - Year 4 parents/carers welcome
- Activity Clubs finish for Autumn 1
- School finishes for Half Term - school ends normal time and Cabin club is open
HALF TERM: Monday 23rd - 27th October 2023
Pupils return to school Monday 30th October 2023
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24