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April Week 3

Friday 21st April

Welcome back to a new action-packed Summer term. Diary dates are on the back of the newsletter but please check as changes may be made and new dates added.

Please ensure that pupils come in correct uniform. We have a summer uniform which is on our website and in photograph form around the school and please ensure that your child comes in the correct PE kit of white t-shirt and blue shorts.

Thank you to everyone who bought a ‘Bargain Book’ on the last day of term- we raised £15 to go towards the ‘Reading Nest ‘.

Congratulations to the following children for demonstrating our British Value 'Rule of Law' and earning themselves our special British Values badges.Y1- Maisie, 2E- Gabriella, 2G- Jacob, 3R- Felix, 3BP- Kiera, Y4-Mohammed, Y5-Bradniel, Y6-Sophie.

At Livingstone we love dogs, but we would appreciate if parents/carers, keep their dogs at home when they come to collect their children as some pupils are frightened of them at the school gate. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

We have Parent School Dinner Taster-Days on Monday 15th May to Thursday 18th  May, to  showcase the dinners provided by our new suppliers ISS. Jo Varney and Tracy Tate, our fabulous cooks will be preparing 20 extra meals on each day and parents can sign up to eat with their child. The cost for a main-meal and desert is £2.25. Please download and complete the slip at the bottom and return it to the office with payment by Friday 28th April. Places are limited!

Livingstone Achievement Awards










Katerina for beautiful writing on  spring animals Zuhaib for great listening  on the carpet.

Maisie and Zain for their self-portraits.

Nathan for interesting similies in his English work.

Elana for place-value and solving money problems.

Tyler for fantastic similies in his sentences.

Alan for his money work in Maths

Ellie for  her positive attitude to learning fractions

Samira for her dictionary work.

Ryley for adding and subtraction of fractions.

Jack Cuggy reading ‘The Butterfly Lion’ and explaining why he enjoyed it.

Sophia, for amazing descriptive sentences.

Shyam for excellent conversion problem solving.

Terri-Ann for brilliant work on Roman Numerals

Bradley for work on Angles and positive attitude

Elijah for excellent maths sequencing.

Lily B for excellent on ‘ Good night Mr Tom’

Danny for great work on sequences.

Congratulations for getting Bronze Award for completing their sticker charts.

Uvrasi, Baheer, Chimika, Artin, Aarish, Tommy O’R and Illias

Silver –Danny, Kelsey, Chelson, CJ, Phoebe and Sammie

Diary Dates

Dates - April


Year Group/s

Approx. Cost


Tuesday 18th

Return Easter Holidays




Wednesday 19th





Thursday 20th

Basketball Tournament




Friday 21st





Monday 24th

KS2 SATs Practice









Wednesday 26th





Thursday 27th


1 & 2



Friday 28th

Parent Rep Meeting









Dates – May





Monday 1st

May Day Bank Holiday – School Closed




Tuesday 2nd

KS1 SATs Practice




Wednesday 3rd





Thursday 4th

Year 1 Assembly





Football Match  - Away




Friday 6th

Tag Rugby Tournament




Monday 8th

KS2 SATs  Reading




Tuesday 9th

KS2 Spelling and Grammar




Wednesday 10th

KS2 Maths




Thursday 11th

KS2 Maths




Monday 15th

Parent School Dinner Taster Days




Tuesday 16th

Visit from Dutch Students




Friday 19th

Non-Uniform Day




Monday 22nd

Year 6 Cycle Training-All week




Friday 26th

Camp Night





Half Term 29th May- 2nd June – School Closed




Dates June





Monday 5th





Tuesday 6th

Sports Day (Subject to weather conditions)

KS1 and KS2



Thursday 8th

Sports Day Reserve

KS1 and KS2



Saturday 10th

Summer Fair




Monday 12th

Phonics Screening Check Week









Tuesday 13th

International Dance Day




Thursday 15th

International Dance Day




Friday 16th

Livingstone Football Tournament





Father’s Day Stall




Tuesday 20th

Parent Meeting – New Reception Pupils




Friday 23rd

PTA Camp Night




Monday 26th

Cultural Day Picnic




Friday 30th

INSET- School Closed









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