Livingstone Newsletter
February Week 3
Friday 23rd February
Cinema Night Reminder
On Tuesday 27th February 2024, we will be holding a ‘Cinema Night’ in the school hall.
We are asking for a voluntary donation of £2 for refreshments (popcorn and a drink) and the cinema experience. This will go towards the charities, ‘Cherry Lodge Cancer Care’ and ‘RSPCA – Southridge’.
Please pay the £2 via School Money.
There will be opportunities to spend money on other items if your child wishes to bring a small amount of additional money.
Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 will watch ‘Ice Age’ (PG).
Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 will watch ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever’ (6+)
They will watch the film at the following timings:
Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3: 1:30pm – 3:00pm
Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6: 3:15pm – 4:30pm
Permission forms for Years 4-6 will be sent out after half- term.
Rec - Year 5 Maths Impact Workshops and Year 6 SATs Meeting for Parents and Carers

Due to parental demand and the success of the English impact meetings, we would like to invite you to come and support your child/children to see how the school teaches Maths. We know it can be difficult for working parents to attend, however it is important that someone from your family attends as it boosts your child’s confidence and reinforces a positive attitude towards learning. This can be Mum, Dad, a Grandparent, an Aunt or Uncle, older brother or sister... but someone please!
The sessions will take place at 9 am for an hour. Please use the form links below to inform us someone will be attending the meeting for your child's year group.
Reception Math IMPACT Workshop - Wednesday 13th March 2024
Year 1 Maths IMPACT Workshop - Monday 11th March 2024
Year 2 Maths IMPACT Workshop - Tuesday 12th March 2024
Year 3 Maths IMPACT Workshop - Wednesday 20th March 2024
Year 4 Maths IMAPCT Workshop - Thursday 14th March 2024
Year 5 Maths IMPACT Workshop - Friday 15th March 2024
Year 6 parents/carers will be having a SATs meeting instead. Please use the following link to inform us if you will be attending.
Thank you to everyone who attended the PTA zoom meeting on Wednesday 21st February.
Lina Cavozzi, the chairperson, welcomed everyone and explained role of PTA.
A new committee was elected for this academic year: -
Chairperson – Lina Cavozzi
Co-Chairperson – Georgina Mace
Co-Treasurer- Becky McMahon
Co-Treasurer- Diana Burgess
Co-Treasurer- Anita Craddock
Secretary- Maria Stephens
Mel was thanked for the tremendous work she put in as co- chairperson. She has been a very supportive member of the PTA, along with every member of her family
Lina summarised her report for the academic year and listed all the events that had taken place in the year 2022 to 2023.
Events - Spooky Adventure, Pop Up Football Stall, Christmas Fair, Spring Craft Fair, Mother's Day Stall, Glow in Dark Disco, Father's Day Stall, Summer Fair and Family Camp
Purchases - Playground Equipment and Easter Treats for the Children
The treasurers and headteacher gave a breakdown of expenses and profit made from each event and the cost of purchases.
Takings amounted to £15,901.59
Expenses amounted to £5790.54
Profit amounted to £10111.05
This was added to the PTA account and we now have £30438.17.
A vote was taken and it was agreed that money from the PTA would be spent on a new multi-games area in the KS1 playground and an electronic fitness board at a cost of £14,590 and £3750.
The events taking place this half term are Mother’s Day Stall and a Spring Ball (Glow in the Dark Party).
There will be a meeting in preparation for events. Date to be decided in due course.

This week's attendance was nearly 98%.
Well done to Year 1, every child was here every day!
Livingstone School 70th Anniversary
Please put a note in your calendars. We will be celebrating 70 years of outstanding education at Livingstone on Friday 17th May, followed by a social event for over 18s in the evening. Please inform past parents/carers/pupils and friends of Livingstone and ask them to contact the school if they would like to join us for the celebrations. More information to follow.....
Chicken Shed 50th Anniversary

As part of Chickenshed's 50 year celebrations they are embarking on a new heritage project, Echoes, to retell the stories of those who have contributed to Chickenshed’s past and present. If you attended Livingstone School or know someone who attended Livingstone School and took part in the performance of Anansi at the Royal Albert Hall, Chickenshed would like to hear from you.
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
Welcome back Nursery and KF Nursery! Once again, we had a very busy week! We have continued to read stories about Lunar New Year and Shrove Tuesday. We made our own pancakes using play dough and discussed about our favourite toppings. We acted out the story of 'The Great Race' using masks of the 12 animals that tool part.
We performed science experiments with 'dancing noodles', 'dancing rice' and 'dancing corn' and observed closely as they danced in the glass jars. All children watched with excitement to see what happened to the ingredients when we mixed bicarbonate of soda and vinegar!
We have continued compare length and capacity, using vocabulary like short, shorter, shortest, long, longer, longest, empty, half-full and full.
Reminder about Fitbags: They go out on Friday and need to be returned by the following Wednesday. Also, please make sure you check that all equipment is in the bag before handing it in. There is a checklist you can use in the folder provided.
This week in reception class, we have started learning about the people that help us. We have been learning about the police and have enjoyed our role play police station. We have looked at police patterns, made police vehicles and learnt lots of new vocabulary. We have read fiction and non-fiction books including 'Cops and Robbers' by Janet and Allan Ahlberg which inspired us in our PE sessions too.

Adam - for taking part in carpet time, answering and asking some great questions
Eden - for always being a kind and helpful member of reception
Year 1
Year 1 are having a great start to the second half of our Spring Term. They are budding geologists and can name and find the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the world on a map. As well, the children can tell you about some of the physical and human features in these continents. We look forward to our workshop next week by Freshwater Theatre Company where we can deepen our knowledge even further.
In Maths, we continue to explore subtraction. The children are great problem solvers and are learning how to find the difference between two numbers.
We are enjoying reading and writing based on Where the Wild Things Are in English and continue to learn our Set 3 sounds in our phonics lessons.

Achievement awards this week go to Laiba and Sienna for their excellent work in Geography this week. Well done you two!
Year 2
We have had an exciting week back in Year 2. We visited the Transport Museum on Tuesday as part of our History topic learning about transport. The children were in awe of all the old vehicles and enjoyed taking part in the workshop where we got to go on the trams and trolleybuses. This has helped us with our learning in school where we have compared vehicles from the past to the present day.
In Maths, we are now learning about fractions. We have identified halves and quarters along with finding fractions of amounts. We have been using the sharing method and the bar method to find 1/2 and 1/4 of a given number.
In English, we wrote a recount about our trip and we read 'Mrs Armitage on Wheels' which will inspire our writing for the next two weeks.
Maths- Read page 86. Complete pages 87 and 88. 89 is an extension.
This week's awards go to Liam for his super efforts across all subjects this week and having a positive attitude in all lessons. Along with Ethan.B for his great enthusiasm in History and contributing his ideas.
Kingfisher 1
We hope you all had a lovely half term. We have had a very busy week. In maths we have been learning about time. Some children did practical activities including the days of week and introduced time . The children experimented with their own clocks moving the small hand to make different o'clock times. Some children were comparing intervals of time, seasons, months and days of week.
In English we have been reading Handas surprise. The children matched different fruits to the animals and retold the story using colourful semantics. The children even role- played being Handa and held a basket on their heads. You can listen to the story with your children in the video above.

This week awards goes to all of KF1 for a great week.
Year 3
The children have had such a fantastic first week back after half term. They have blown me away with their hard work and enthusiasm. In Maths, we have been learning to divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with exchanging.
We have also been looking at remainders. In English, we have begun our new writing unit on Roald Dahl’s book called ‘The Twits’.
Next week, we will be writing a description of Mr Twit and his garden, so we have been revising expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and building our vocabulary.
The children have really enjoyed our new Art & Design unit, where we have been learning how to join 2D shapes to make 3D structures in order to make an abstract sculpture.
Mrs Speed
Maths (Multiplication and Division B): pages 45, 46, 47 and 48
Times Tables: 3x and 4x table with the corresponding division facts.
The first achievement award goes to Oliver for showing enthusiasm in all lessons and working hard on his presentation.
The second achievement award goes to Michelle who has had such a fantastic first week at Livingstone.
Year 4
Year 4 have had an excellent first week back and have picked up from where they left off. In Maths, we have been focusing on finding the perimeter of rectilinear shapes. In English, we are exploring poetry and the children have just finished writing their first one - I'm not a volcano. Ask them all about it! In the afternoons, we have been finishing off our torches in D&T which the children have absolutely loved.
TTRS - 9s
Spelling / Handwriting - Focus on the letter sizes eg. t (sky letter) a (grass letter) g (root letter)
Maths - Length and perimeter pages 55, 56, 57

This week's achievement awards go to Scarlett and Georgie for their excellent handwriting. Well done :)
Year 5
In Maths, the children have been learning about decimals and fractions. They learned about place value of tenths, hundredths and thousandths, rounding, ordering and comparing.
In English, they wrote their Viking non-chronological reports. Mr T and I learned a lot after reading them, and the children enjoyed organising the text on the page.
In Science, they learned about how our solar system has eight planets that orbit around the Sun. Their enthusiasm has been fantastic to see!
For Monday's trip, the children need a packed lunch. They can bring up to £5.00 spending money (which they will be responsible for - adults will not be carrying their money.)
Maths: pages 65 and 66 (decimals and percentages)
Punctuation: pages 8 and 9 (commas in lists)
This week's awards go to Nadine for gaining more confidence in Maths and English, and to Albeiro for making fantastic links in reading - well done!
Year 6
Year 6 have had a busy week. In English, the children have been practising formal language, passive voice and appropriate fronted adverbials in preparation for their non- chronological report about their chosen WWII topic. In Maths, Year 6 have moved on to co-ordinates, translation and reflection. The year is going fast and there aren't many weeks left until it's SATs week. Please check the school calendar for the date of the SATs meeting.
In Science, our topic is Evolution where the children have been learning about inherited and acquired traits, evolution over time and Charles Darwin's finches.
CGP Homework
Maths: Targeted Question Book - pages 76 and 77
English: SPaG - pages 30 and 31
This week's achievement awards go to Xander for his Science Evolution work and Bianca for her excellent contribution in discussions. Well done!
Kingfisher 2
This week in Kingfisher 2 we have working on measurement in maths. The children have been measuring in centimetres and metres.
In English they have been working with contracted forms and homophones.
Today they all enjoyed their big apparatus, PE lesson.
This weeks awards go to:
Calvin for his independent work with contracted forms.
Andreas for the progress he has made with his speech therapy.
Non-Stop Action Easter Camp 2024
Non Stop Action are looking forward to Easter Camp 2024!
We are running Multi Sports at Moss Hall Junior School (N3 1NR) and Football and Dance at Millbrook Park School (NW7 1JF).
We will be running for 2 weeks in the Easter Break, from Tuesday 2nd April - Friday 12th April.
Bookings made before Saturday 16th March will automatically get our Early Bird discounts applied, you can also save money by booking week blocks - book from as little as £27.50 for a day, or £109 for a week!
Head to our website to book now: https://

St Andrews Open Evening for Secondary Transition

Monday 26th:
- Year 5 trip to The Science Museum
Tuesday 27th:
- Rec, Years 1, 2 and 3 Cinema Night, 1:30 - 3:00pm
- Years 4, 5 and 6 Cinema Night, 3:15 - 4:30pm
Wednesday 28th:
- Mixed League Football Match - Livingstone vs Northside 3:30pm
Thursday 29th:
- Year 6 Kinder Workshop - AM
- Year 1 Geography Workshop - PM
- Netball Match - Underhill vs Livingstone
MARCH 2024
Monday 4th:
- Years 3/4 Mixed League Football at Power League - AM (group to be confirmed)
- Wednesday 6th March:
- Year 6 Dance Festival at the Arts Depot
Thursday 7th:
- WORLD BOOK DAY 2024 - everyone can dress up in book character costumes or pyjamas
Friday 8th:
- Mother's Day Stall - All children can bring spending money to buy a gift
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates.