Livingstone Newsletter
January Week 3
Friday 19th January
Parents and Carers are welcome to join us at the front of school 3pm on Monday 22nd January when we will finally be able to share the outcome of our Ofsted Inspection.
Wraparound Childcare Survey for Parents/Carers
The Local Authority are conducting a survey to help them understand the supply and demand for wraparound childcare within Barnet and are inviting parent/carers to respond using the link below. The survey will be live for 2 weeks, closing on Friday the 26th of January 2024.

Overall attendance for the Autumn term was 96%.
In the last few weeks of the Autumn term our attendance started to fall due to illness.
At this time of year there are lots of coughs, colds and viruses and it can be difficult to know if you should send your child to school or keep them at home. If you are unsure, check out the NHS website 'Is my child too ill for School?' or contact school for advice. If your child is unwell whilst at school, we will contact you.
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
This week nursery have been very busy with all things winter and a wide range of activities relating to our book of the week: The Gingerbread Man. The children have been inspired to produce some lovely art work combining their drawing, colouring, cutting and sticking skills. They have counted and explored shapes as they designed their own gingerbread people.
Best of all of course was exploring weight and capacity whilst making and baking their own, and then decorating and eating them!
Reception have had a very busy week learning about Antarctica and penguins. We were inspired by our story 'Lost and Found' where we learnt that penguins come from the south pole. We have been learning about what the continent of Antarctica is like and also lots of facts about different penguins. Did you know that emperor penguins can grow to be up to 1.3m tall?! We have been measuring ourselves to see how we compare...
For phonics, we have sent some groups home with 'green' words and blending books to practice reading daily. Please support your child to point to each sound and 'sweep' underneath, blending and reading the word.

Orla - for always listening, engaging and being an enthusiastic learner
Samuel - for sharing his knowledge so confidently at carpet time
Year 1
In Maths, Year 1 continue to focus on place value with numbers to 20. Perhaps you can ask your children what is one more or one less than a given number within 20. We are getting really speedy with our Set 2 and 3 sounds in phonics and more fluent reading our books each week. In English lessons we enjoyed designing and writing about our own aliens after reading Aliens Love Underpants.
We finished our Art topic this week by painting Clarice Cliff inspired plates. Mrs. Hunter has displayed our work in the Art room for the whole school to admire! We started our science topic on ‘animals including humans’ by identifying our body parts. The pupils had a great time tracing their peers and working cooperatively to label the parts of the body. We also discussed what we do with our eyes, nose, mouth, ears and hands. Next week we will be going on a sensory hunt in the woods, so please bring in wellies on Monday.
Achievement awards this week go to George and Yashvi for their brilliant descriptions of their aliens. Well done you two!
Year 2
Year 2 have worked really hard this week learning about multiplication. We have discussed what this means. We are focusing on our 2, 5 and 10 times table where we have drawn arrays to work out the answer and write the repeated addition sentence to match.
The children wrote lovely poems in English about Happiness. They came up with brilliant ideas uses their senses to describe what makes them happy. We are now reading 'Handa's Surprise'.
We have finished learning about Living Things and their Habitats in Science and we are now learning about Creative Computing. We are using technology to present data and create posters.
Homework- Reading
Pages 17 and 18 only.
This week's achievements go to Ethan. M for his first week at Livingstone and for his positive attitude and to Ahmet for his great English and reading work.
Kingfisher 1
We have had a busy week in KF1 this week. In Maths the children have been counting in 2s,5s and 10s using Numicon.
In English, we started our new story Little Red Riding Hood. The children had great fun role playing the story, listening to songs and using different resources to retell the story.

This week's award goes to Daniel for his lovely writing and use of inverted commas.
Year 3
This week Year 3 have been working really hard in maths learning how to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. First, we learnt this practically using a place value grid and tens and ones counters and then we started to draw this ourselves. Well done Y3 for your hard work, you all got this and did so well!
In English, we are preparing to write a set of instructions about how to make a mummy, we've looked at the features of instructions writing and the language features. Hopefully our workshop on Monday with Mr Egypt will help us out a little with this!
In the afternoons, we have started our new science topic forces. We have been exploring different magnets and learning about the two poles within magnets how they can attract and repel against each other. We've really enjoyed this and look forward to learning and investigating more next week.
English punctuation - pages 12, 13, 14, 15
This week's achievement awards go to Deni for his hard work in everything he does and to Zachias for his great Maths work multiplying 2 digits by 1 digit.
Year 4
This week in Maths we have been exploring related facts to solve more complex multiplication and division questions. In English, we have been looking at a range of grammatical features that we will be included in our diary entry next week. In the afternoons, we have continued to immerse ourselves in the world of volcanoes. This week we looked at the impact on society and the environment as well digital mapping. This was followed by our trip on Thursday to the NHM where we had an excellent time finding out even more about volcanoes! The children were brilliant and did themselves and Livingstone proud.
TTRS: 3's
Grammar and Punctuation: Commas after fronted adverbials and comma practice (p 14-17)
This week's achievement award goes to Sufyan for his excellent behaviour and attitude at the NHM, and to Taha for his hard-working and positive attitude to learning.
Year 5
This week, the children have been learning how to multiply and divide larger numbers. It hasn't always been easy, but they've persevered and the repetition and practise is paying off!
In English, they practised punctuating direct speech and using hyphens in adjectives.
In the afternoons, they had Computing, where they learned about distinguishing between real and fake news and created their own video game based on Beowulf.
Maths: pages 48 and 49 (multiplication and division)
Punctuation: pages 30 and 31 (punctuating speech)
This week's awards go to Sonny for excellent work on direct speech, and to Anastasia for good Maths work on division - well done, you two!
Year 6
This week, Year 6 enjoyed the trip to the RAF Museum; there was so much to see and an interactive workshop where the children wrote some code for a programme to test their reflexes to see if they could become pilots. The children represented Livingstone beautifully and a majority of them said they would like to go back with their family.
In Maths, the children have continued to work on algebra and in English, they are ready to now begin their long write. In History, they have looked at the damage to London during the Blitz, the protective measures that were used and evacuation.
CGP Homework pages
English - Reading - pages 30, 31, 32 and 33
Maths - Arithmetic - pages 45 and 46

This week's achievement award goes to the whole of Year 6 for their exemplary behaviour on Tuesday.
Kingfisher 2
Over this week in Maths, we have continued working on addition and subtraction, adding numbers using objects and formal written methods and subtracting two 2-digit numbers together.
We have also been learning about methods to subtract which cross over 10.
Still on the theme of Goldilocks, the children have been using story props to rein-act the traditional tale, asking questions to the characters in the hot seat and thinking about how the characters might be feeling.
The children used thought bubbles to identify the characters thoughts.
They did a really good job!
Well done to:
George - For responding well to adult encouragement and trying hard to participate in activities even when he finds the situation challenging.
Andreas - For being amazing at retelling the story of Goldilocks and practically acting it all out by himself!

Livingstone and St. Catherines, faced off in an exciting match on Thursday. Both teams were determined to give their best, showcasing their budding netball skills. From the first whistle, Livingstone dominated the court, showcasing impressive teamwork and coordination. However, netball is a game of twists and turns. Our children played brilliantly but the game ended 3-2 to St.Catherines. Two games left! Come on, Livingstone! Well done to Emily, Diya, Bianca, Sophia, Josh, Chloe and Sienna

New Fair Play Inclusive Playground in Victoria Park E-Invite

TCS Saturday Football at Livingstone

Barracudas School Holiday Childcare

Monday 22nd:
- Year 3 Mr Egypt Workshop - permission needed via School Money, Cost £11.00
Tuesday 23rd:
- KF2 Boccia Competition - PM
Wednesday 24th:
- Creative Curriculum Day - full school PE Kit must be worn
Thursday 24th:
- Netball - Livingstone vs Christ Church 3:30pm (parents/ carers welcome to watch)
Friday 25th:
- Mixed League Football - Livingstone vs Foulds 3:30pm (parents/carers welcome to watch)
Monday 28th:
- Year 4 Swimming begins at New Barnet Leisure Centre for two weeks - permission needed
Wednesday 31st:
- Parent Rep Meeting at 9am
- Creative Curriculum Day - full school PE kit must be worn
Thursday 1st:
- Reception and Year 6 Height and Weight Measurement
- Safer Internet Day
Friday 2nd:
- Pupil Newsletter
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates.