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Livingstone Newsletter

January Week 3

Arbor - Arbor Parent Protal and App!

Friday 24th January

You should have received your invite to login to the Arbor Parent Portal and App. If you have not received an invite this will mean that we do not have the correct email address for you, please contact the school office to check this so we can make sure you are sent the invite.

It is very important that all primary guardians are accessing Arbor.

Reminder - Parent Consultations will be open for booking on Arbor from 17:30 today.


Parent / Guardian Consultations

Parent Consultations are coming up, please make sure you book a time slot on Arbor Parent Portal to see your child's class teacher. You will see that on Arbor the Parent Consultations are referred to as Guardian Consultations

Consultations for each class will take place across two dates with the option to book a 10-minute time slot either during the school day or an evening. Times slots are offered on a first come first serve basis. The dates and times for each class are as follows:


  • Tuesday 11th February 15:15 - 18:30
  • Thursday 13th February 08:50 - 11:30


  • Tuesday 11th February 15:30 - 18:30
  • Thursday 13th February 13:00 - 15:00

Years 1 and 2:

  • Tuesday 11th February 15:30 - 18:30
  • Wednesday 12th February 09:00 - 11:30

Year 3:

  • Tuesday 4th February 15:15 - 18:30
  • Wednesday 12th February 13:00 - 15:00

Year 4

  • Tuesday 11th February 15:00 - 18:30
  • Wednesday 12th February 13:00 - 15:00

Years 5 and 6

  • Tuesday 11th February 15:30 - 18:30
  • Wednesday 12th February 13:00 - 15:00

Guitar Assembly

On Thursday, we enjoyed a rock-themed assembly led by guitar teacher Edward Partridge. The Year 5 and 6 pupils wowed us with incredible performances of classics like Pink Floyd’s 'Another Brick in the Wall' and Michael Jackson’s 'Billie Jean'.

The assembly was made even more special by the fantastic contributions of Skye, Ryan D, Junior, Alex, Elia, Lewis, Elon, Ryan, and Zyan. Their enthusiasm and confidence lit up the stage—well done to all of them!

A big thank you to Edward and our performers for making this event such a memorable celebration of music!


PTA Comedy Night - Thursday 30th January


Tickets are selling fast but still available on School Money under the 'Clubs' tab for purchase at £15 per ticket. You will not want to miss out so be quick to avoid disappointment. Over 18s only.

Join us for a night of laughter!


Times Tables Rock Stars Battle of the Bands

Battle of the bands is back! Please encourage your child to play as much Times Tables Rock Stars as they can to help their class to victory.

The battles begin Friday 24th January and results are on Friday 31st January.

  • Year 3 vs Year 4
  • Year 5 vs Year 6

Game on!


Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery

This week, we have continued to dive into the whimsical world of 'The Gingerbread Man'. The children have brought the story to life by role-playing the characters, baking delicious gingerbread muffins and biscuits, and creating beautiful artwork inspired by the theme. The children were little scientists as well, testing which materials can float and sink, making predictions and recording their observations.

In addition to our gingerbread adventures, we've been working on important mathematical skills, such as subitising up to 3 and counting beyond 5 as well as talking about shape.

We are happy to see the progress our children are making in becoming more independent. They've been practicing zipping up their coats and putting on their hats and gloves with little to no adult support. Please continue to encourage them to be more independent at home as well.


Reception have continued to enjoy learning about buses this week. The ‘Naughty Bus’ has been up to mischief, making mess in the classroom with help from the children! We have also enjoyed making a bus stop, buses and oyster cards which the children can use in their play next week. We were sad not to make our bus trip on Wednesday, but we will reschedule it for another day in the near future. Have a great weekend.

Year 1

Geography is one of Year 1’s favourite subjects; they are so excited to learn all about the 7 continents and 5 oceans in the world. We were impressed that many of the pupils already knew how to find the continents and oceans on maps and globes, so thank you to those who are enjoying the Brainboosters homework!

In Maths, we used practical resources to order and compare numbers. We are getting even better at using the vocabulary less than, equal to or greater than. After reading Monkey Puzzle in our English lessons, the pupils wrote riddles to describe their own animals. We are so proud of their progress in their writing. Keep it up, Year 1!

Please look in the reading diaries to see what sounds to practise and Read Write Inc books to read at home.


Achievement awards this week go to Mohammadamin and Mayia for their brilliant work in Geography putting together the jigsaw puzzle of the 7 continents and 5 oceans.

Year 2

In Maths, we looked at finding change and answering word problems involving money. In English, our writing has been inspired by the story, 'The Sound of Silence'. We have used colourful semantics to construct sentences linked to the story focused on nouns, adjectives and verbs. Year 2 have thoroughly enjoyed Computing. They have used the iPads for creative computing where they have created self-portraits, informative posters and retold using stories using animations which links to last term's topic all about coding.


Reading- pages 43-45

Maths- pages 48 and 49. 50 is optional.

This week's awards go to Kai for his excellent knowledge in Science linked to Living Things and their Habitats and Asiya for using a range of word classes in her writing.

Kingfisher 1

This week in maths we have been learning all about doubles, children used ten frames and placed counters to make a range of different number doubles. The children did a fantastic job and had a great understanding of doubles.

In English we read Goldilocks and the three bears. The children role played the story and even made their own porridge which was just right. The children built sentences using colourful semantics and fred talked and read sentences.


This weeks award goes to Sergio for his improved writing and good participation in lessons.

Well done Sergio!

Year 3

Year 3 completed their Forces and Magnets unit in science with an investigation into which surfaces have the most friction. In Maths we are extending our knowledge of times tables facts to numbers 10 times bigger and are now exploring dividing a 2-digit number by 1-digit.

Next week we will be begin learning about Ancient Egypt and are excited to discover amazing facts with Mr Egypt next week Tuesday 28th January.

In prepartaion for the Year 3 and 4 Recorder concert on February 7th, the children will be taking their recorders home to practice. Please ensure tha they have there recorders packed and ready on friday for their lesson.


Maths: pages 48 - 49 (optional pages for fun Math Learning page 50)

CGP Punctuation: page 32 -33 Paragraphs

This week Ali received his achievement award for showing respect in class and around school. Phoebe, Filip and Gino have also earned achievement awards this week for being resilient, reflective learners. This has led to increased .

Year 4

This week in Year 4, the children have been learning short division in Maths and in English, they have completed their diary entry as Hogarth from the 'Iron Man' by Ted Hughes. We have been extremely impressed by the characterisation they have used in their writing and I'm sure they will be eager to share them with you during Parents Evening.

Year 4 have also completed the 'Electricity' topic in Science which leads into our next topic in Design and Technology where they will be making a torch.

Please remember that our trip to the Natural History Museum is on Tuesday 28th January. We will be leaving school promptly so ensure your child is in school by 8:40am. We won't be back until approximately 4pm but we will keep you updated via text. Your child will need a packed lunch and a drink, to wear full school uniform with comfortable shoes and a coat.


Maths - pages 51 and 52

Reading - pages 32 and 33

Times Table Rockstars - 4 times table

This week's achievement awards go to Oliver for his focus in all lessons and Renee for being a fantastic role model. Well done to you both!

Year 5

This week in Maths, the children were fantastic at solving word problems using their multiplication and division methods. They also learned how to write remainders as fractions.

In English, they wrote their narratives based on Beowulf (the Viking warrior).

They've been historians in the afternoon, learning about the Viking invasion of England in 793 AD and how they went on to settle here, battling the Anglo-Saxons.

Audience tickets for the All Under One Sky gala at the Royal Albert Hall go on sale at 10am on Monday 27th January. You should have received an email from the office with all the booking information earlier this week. We'd love to have as many parents there as possible to watch!

Homework due by Weds 29th Jan

Maths: pages 51 and 52 (multiplication and division)

Reading: pages 42, 43 and 44 (Julius Caesar)


Mikolaj for always being focused and ready to learn, and to Ryann for her excellent problem-solving in Maths. Well done!

Year 6

This week in Year 6, the children have been exploring scale factors in maths. In English, they’ve been working hard on their third-person narrative recounts, using the poignant book Rose Blanche by Roberto Innocenti and Ian McEwan as their inspiration. The quality of their writing has been incredible—powerful, emotive, and captivating. The children should be very proud of their achievements. In history, we’ve wrapped up our fascinating World War II topic, which had us all fully engaged. We are now delving into our new science topic: Light.


Maths: Scale Factors (pages 36 and 37)

SPaG: Punctuating Speech (pages 56 and 57)


This week's achievement awards go to Elijah for his excellent WW2 facts, and to Albeiro for his brilliant independent writing. Well done!

Kingfisher 2

In English this week we have introduced the fairy tale 'Hansel and Gretel'. We enjoyed designing our own forest and gingerbread house and wrote some excellent descriptions.

In Maths, we have been looking at subtraction. We have worked extremely hard with our formal methods and even looked at exchanging!

We tried our best and really enjoyed our Boccia trip.


This week's award goes to Mario for his excellent attitude towards his Maths work. Well done Mario!


Boccia Competition

Children competed in a Boccia competition on Tuesday 21st January with 21 other schools from Barnet. They played 6 games showing great sportsmanship and skill in rolling the ball close to the target. The children represented our school fantastically and we only narrowly missed out on reaching the semi-final. Well done to Dilan, Daniel, Deni and Andreas!

Monday Football Match

Some children competed in a mixed league football match for the Central Cup against All Saints. They have been training hard at the after-school football club, giving it their all to improve their skills. The match started off evenly, with Sotirio making some great attempts to score early on. Despite taking the lead, the team continued to persevere and put in their best effort. Even though we lost in the end, we’re still incredibly proud of their determination and teamwork. Well done to Edward, Anwen, Kevin, Sotirio, Oliver, Stefi, Skye, Albeiro and Elsie.


Half Term Art Sessions





Tuesday 28th:

  • Year 3 Mr Egypt Workshop
  • Year 4 Trip to Natural History Museum

Thursday 30th:

  • PTA Comedy Night - tickets £15 each and available on School Money.....selling fast, don't miss out!


  • Monday 3rd:
  • Year 3 begin Swimming for two weeks

Tuesday 4th:

  • Year 3 Parent Consultations 3:15 - 6:30pm (please book via Arbor)

Wednesday 5th:

  • Y5/6 Netball Match vs St. Catherines, 3:30pm

Thursday 6th:

  • Year 1 Geography Workshop
  • School Council Cinema Night (EYFS, 1:30 - 3:00pm / KS1 and KS2, 2:30 - 4:15pm)

Friday 7th:

  • Years 3/4 Recorder Concert in Main Hall, 2:30pm

Tuesday 11th:

  • Nursery Parent Consultations 3:15 - 6:30pm
  • Year 4 Parent Consultations 3:00 - 6:30pm
  • Rec and Years 1, 2, 5 and 6 Parent Consultations 3:30 - 6:30pm

Wednesday 12th:

  • Years 1 and 2 Parent Consultations, 9:00 - 11:30am (please book via Arbor)
  • Years 2, 4, 5 and 6 Parent Consultations, 1:00 - 3:00pm (please book via Arbor)

Thursday 13th:

  • Nursery Parent Consultations, 8:50 - 11:30am (please book via Arbor)
  • Reception Parent Consultations, 1:00 - 3:00pm (please book via Arbor)

Use this link to visit our School Calendar 24/25 for further dates next term.

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