Livingstone Newsletter
July Week 3

Thursday 20th July
Goodbye and good luck for the future to our wonderful Year 6. They are an amazingly talented group of children who have exceeded all expectations in everything that they have done during their time at Livingstone. We look forward to hearing all about their upcoming achievements and successes.
Also, well done to all our pupils who took part in the assemblies and shows, especially Year 6 who took lead in the end of year school production, School of Rock. Thank you to the staff for their hard work and to all the parents/carers for supporting their children.
We are also saying goodbye to some staff members - Ms MacIntyre and to Mrs Peyre. The impact that they have both made on the education of our Kingfisher pupils has been notable and they will be missed as valuable members of Kingfisher and the whole teaching team.
Everyone has made an amazing contribution to Livingstone, and we are looking forward to hearing what happens next in their lives after Livingstone.
We are also wishing Mrs Sampson and Mrs James best wishes in their new roles within the school after nearly 30 years of incredible service in our EYFS at Livingstone. They have set the standard in Nursery and many of our pupils have begun their educational journey with these two dedicated and hardworking practitioners.
Thank You From Staff Team!
The staff team at Livingstone would like to thank everyone for their generous gifts and kind words.
We hope everyone has a wonderful and restful summer holiday.
Welcome back on Tuesday 5th September when school re- opens at 8.40am for Years 1-6. (Breakfast and CABIN Club open as normal)
We will also start to welcome back our continuous EYFS pupils from Monday 11th September (please see the diary dates above for more info).

A Sensational Year of Sporting Achievement - 144 medals Won!
Livingstone Primary and Nursery School, a fully inclusive one- form entry school have achieved a remarkable number of sporting successes this year.
Beginning with their best-ever result in the cross-country event, with two pupils going on to participate in the London Youth Games, the pupils of Livingstone School went on to claim victory in the Tag Rugby and Netball Leagues, beating 34 other schools to the Netball crown and remaining undefeated throughout the tournament.
These successes were followed up by victories for the athletics and football teams, both of which exceeded all expectations. The 40-strong athletics team won both the Track and Field prizes in the small schools category, an unprecedented achievement for the school. The girls’ football team emerged victorious in no fewer than three competitions: the Central Cup, the John King Cup, and Powerleague. Winning Powerleague earned them the right to represent Barnet at the London Youth Games, where they achieved an incredible third-place finish, winning a bronze medal.
These achievements represent a triumph for the whole school; every single one of the current Year 6 has had a share in Livingstone’s sporting success. They are also a testimony to the value of PE funding, which has enabled the school to invest in outstanding coaches and amazing sporting facilities to help realise the potential of all of its pupils. Above all, it is a result of the school’s participatory ethos, which ensures that all pupils participate in sporting activities. Dance, gymnastics, yoga, dodgeball and boccia are on offer in addition to the sports already mentioned, and every year the school hosts a football tournament for pupils who love the game but have not had the chance to represent their school at competitive level. It is for this commitment to inclusion and achievement that Livingstone has once again achieved Gold in the School Games Mark.


Over the last couple of years, it has been very difficult to maintain our good attendance. This year our overall attendance is 94.51% which is below the expected minimum.
Thank you to everyone who makes the effort to be in school on time, every day and make their education count. We would like to congratulate the following pupils for their excellent attendance this year.
100% attendance for the whole year (NO days off!)
Year 6 - Alex
Year 6 – Katerina
Year 4 – Nadine
Year 4 – Lukas
Year 3 – Alya
Year 3 – Holly
Year 1 - Nora
We hope you all enjoy spending your reward voucher!
98 % or 99% for the whole year
Year 6 – Kaitlin, Catherine, Hattie, Zuhaib, Matteo, Aidan, Leo, Albion and Lois
Year 5 – Arber, Jaime, Dante, Sophia, Bianca, Josh, Brychan, George, Anastasia, Sina, Rehan, Ruby and Xander
Year 4 –Sotirio, Lewis and Renu
Year 3 – Amelia, Eva, Sufyan, Anwen, Taha, Daniella, Scarlett and Skye
Year 2 – Milo, Renee, Ryan, Zachariah and Sienna Madle
Year 1 -Cody Phoebe and Tobias
Reception – Benji, George and Bobby
100% for Summer Term
Year 6 – Kaitlin, Hattie, Matteo, Katerina, Orpita, Evie, Alex, Aidan, Leo, Freddie, Jaydon and Albion
Year 5 – Jaime, Dante, Sophia, Josh, George, Ruby, Calvin, Xander, Arbel
Year 4 – Ravi, Sotirio, Sonny, Albeiro, Evgenia, Nadine, Lukas, Olivia and Sheena
Year 3 – Holly, Alya, Dotty, Anwen, Taha, Daniella, Scarlett, Skye, Amelia, and Kevin.
Year 2 – Milo, Renee, Orla, Zachariah, Sienna Madle and Lola
Year 1 -Nora, Liam, Billy, Diane, Cody, Gino, Leo, Phoebe, Tobias, Jonathan and Rosie
Reception – Benji, George, Naz, Ben and Stylianos
We understand there has been a lot of family time to catch up on due to the disruptions we faced but now is the time to knuckle down and make sure all our pupils are here for every possible moment of their education. Obviously, children will have some absences due to illness, this is unavoidable. However, we ask that you make sure you are aware of the term dates for next academic year and arrange holidays and family occasions during the 13 weeks of school closure.
With that in mind, please remember that we will not authorise any leave during term times unless there are very exceptional circumstances and fines will be issued for unauthorised absence.
We look forward to the start of a new term with new experiences, new challenges and to working together to give our children the opportunities to reach their full potential.
Before and After School Clubs

Please see the information below on the new fees for our wraparound childcare service and extra-curricular activity clubs from September 2023. You will see there has been a slight increase in cost.
Also attached is our timetable of clubs for Autumn 1. Please note, Spanish Club will not run for the first half of the term.
Activity Clubs for Years 1 - 6 will be online for booking from Tuesday 5th September and start the week beginning Monday 11th September.
You have also been sent this information via email.
In September, when dropping off to Breakfast Club and collecting from Cabin Club please ring the doorbell for attention, a member of staff will greet you at the door for the handover of your child.
Places where kids eat for free this Summer

Monday 4th:
- INSET DAY - school closed to pupils
Tuesday 5th:
- Years 1 - 6 (including KF Years 1 - 6) pupils return to school
- Breakfast and Cabin Club open
- Activity Clubs go online for booking from 8am
Monday 11th:
- Nursery Group 1 (current pupils) return to school
- KF Nursery Stay and Play Day for pupils and parents (individual start dates by arrangement)
- Reception Group 1 (current Nursery pupils) start day - morning only for 1 week
- KF Reception (current KF Nursery pupils) start day - morning only for 1 week
- Activity Clubs begin for Autumn 1
Thursday 14th:
- Year 2 Great Fire of London Workshop
- Year 6 School Journey to PGL meeting for parents and pupils - 3:15pm
Monday 18th:
- Reception Group 2 (new pupils) start day - morning only for 1 week
- Reception Group 1 (current Nursery pupils) full day