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Pupil Newsletter


Goodbye Year 6

Friday 19th July

The time has come for Yr6 to say farewell to Livingstone; the years have flown by - it feels like yesterday since we joined Livingstone as the youngest and now we leave as the oldest. Despite going through highs and lows we've still, after 8 years, have managed to maintain our friendships. As the start of a new adventure comes, overwhelming emotions crowd our minds: sadness, curiosity, excitement and fear of what is to come, but Livingstone will always be a part of us even when we begin our new journey through secondary school.

I would like to thank all of the teachers who have helped us along the way and who have made our last few weeks very memorable with several trips and activities such as the Lion King show, prom, Chessington and PGL.

Emily Yr6 :)


Year 6 Lion King

Without doubt, Year six are thrilled to be doing their year six show, although it means that it's almost time for them to leave Livingstone. It's easy to understand why someone might be excited (or nervous). The lights, the eyes, all on you! Although being the spotlight of a show isn't everyone's cup of tea, the thrill of performing in front of an audience is certainly something you'll remember later on in our lives. That's why each year the year sixes host a show for the parents- to remember Livingstone, the school that gave us our start, when we move on to do amazing new things! They'll be doing Lion King, which is a movie that involves comedy and drama with memorable characters. The event is being hosted in the main hall and those who aren't interested in any of the actual acting will be helping with the props, costumes and will still be part of the dances. We are grateful to the staff for spending time and effort to make the special effects. Enthusiastically, the year sixes who were interested in certain characters could audition for parts, so all the roles have been given to people based on their talent.

We hope that the year six show is a complete success!!!

by Anastasia


Staff Leavers

Livingstone School is a wonderful school were pupils can enjoy themselves. There is a certain reason why us children enjoy it and that is because of the many teachers that work here. We are very sad this year to say goodbye to Mrs Hunter, Mrs Barton and Mrs Whitehead (aka Val).

Mrs Hunter is a lovely teaching assistant who helps out the most she possibly can; she has been at Livingstone for 27 years and helps run Breakfast club and Cabin Club whilst also working in Year 1 and on duty for KS1 at playtimes. Mrs Hunter has not only helped me but many other children throughout their times at our school.

Mrs Barton works in the office and in the medical room and I somehow always end up in the medical room, so Mrs Barton helps when I am injured or in pain. She makes school so much more special for us and we are all sad to say goodbye to her. She came as a student in 1966 and became a teacher here in 1996.

Mrs Whitehead came to school 27 years ago for a summer job and then stayed. She is a very dedicated person who has been with us for a long time. Most definitely, we are grateful to her.

Thank you to Mrs Hunter, Mrs Barton and Mrs Whitehead for all of their amazing help you have given us at Livingstone, and everyone will really miss you both when you are not here anymore.

These teachers are a very important part in our school, and I do not have a clue how we are going to cope without them!

By Jaime, Y6 :)

Livingstone Achieves Platinum

We have been awarded the Platinum for outstanding PE! Well done to Miss Fairley, Mrs. Church, Mr. Thomas, and all the other staff who have taken our children to or coached them in sports. This is an incredible achievement as only 5 other primary schools in Barnet have been awarded this.


Rock Assembly

On Thursday, 27th of June, 10 amazing students from 5 and 6 performed the guitar which they been preparing for 4 months. The 10 guitarists include Leah, Zofia, Medina, Zainab, Zyan, Ryan, Elia, Lewis, Elon and last but not least Ruby. There were 3 songs that was performed in the assembly. Leah, Zofia and Medina performed a song called Ain't No Sunshine. Zainab, Zyan, Ryan, Elia, Lewis and Elon performed a song called Helicopter. Finally, Ruby performed a song which many of us will probably know called Bad Blood by Taylor Swift because she is a real swiftie!

By Zainab


Music Festival

Our choir had a blast at the Music Festival at the Arts Depot. They sung A Thousand Years by Christina Perri as their Livingstone song and they sung with multiple other schools too and had a fantastic lunch: Pizza! Year 6, 5 and 4 had a lot of fun singing and having their meal too! Their voices were beautiful and we cannot wait for years 4 and 5 to come again! They had a blast, performed gorgeously and we're extremely proud of them.

From Grace Yr6! :)


Livingstone Football Festival

On Friday, Livingstone held a football festival and 15 schools turned up with their football teams; this was for people who have not yet been selected in their school football team. There were many teams taking part and it was very pleasurable for the players and the spectators: it was an extremely entertaining atmosphere. We are very proud of everyone's effort and we are without doubt an incredibly talented school! When this jovial festival ended, as a reward, everyone received an ice lolly.


Year 6 at Kew Gardens

On Thursday, year 6 went to Kew Gardens; they went to Cockfosters tube station at 8:00am and took a train on the underground to Hammersmith. Once they arrived, year 6 changed onto the district line to go to Kew Gardens. When we arrived, we first went to the Lilly house then we went to the Palm house, and after that we went to the Temperate house. We strolled along the top tree walk admiring the sight below of numerous different species of plants and the play area. Year 6 was captivated by the endless beauty of nature that welcomed us enticingly into the green houses. After a well-deserved lunch, yr6 ran around the playground. Before leaving, we visited the Princess of Wales(devoted to the legacy of princess Diana) glass house.

We all enjoyed the trip- it was lots of fun!!!

Brychan $

Year 2 visit the seaside by Marwa

Last Wednesday- on 10th July- Yr 2 went on a journey to the seaside with many teachers who have altruistically volunteered their time: Miss Fairly, Diane, Ms Knappit and Mrs Cavozzi since they are going to leave KS1 soon. Yr 2 left at the crack of dawn; they played in the shallows for some time and also had an ice lolly each!

They had a lot of fun and many of them want to go again. Good luck in KS2!

By Marwa :)

Father's Day Stall

On Thursday, 13th of June, was the Father's Day stall; on this day, children get to buy presents for their dad to show their gratitude and how much they care. There was a big range of presents depending on what their father likes: chocolate, sweets, badges, trophies, mugs saying 'Best Dad In The World' and so on. All of the children had fun buying things independently, especially the young ones; I am quite sure that all of their dads enjoyed the fabulous presents that their children bought them.

We hope you've had an excellent fathers day!

Elia :D

Year 1 Model Village Trip

On Monday the 8th of July, year 1 had the chance to go to Model Village! When year 1 got to school, they put on there hi-vis jackets and left at 8:55. They loved the train ride as they had a great view of the scenery; then they got off the train and strolled to the model village. When they got there, they had a quick break and they were off! They went to a pond and got to see many things: lively fishes swimming in the water and they saw models. Then they had mini ride around the place that they really enjoyed as they got to see the entire model village. After a well-deserved lunch, they talked to a guide about the toys people used to have - Y1 got to touch and use them. After that, they packed up and went back home.

They were very well behaved and everyone in Y1 loved the trip. Thank you to all the staff that have given up their time to for these deserving children.

Lukas Yr5 :)

Super Sports Day

On Monday the 1st of July, Livingstone had their sports day. Everyone played against each other in lots of different races in their colours to see who would get the trophy.

For KS1 in 4th=green in 3rd= blue, 2nd= yellows 1st red. KS2 in 4th=yellow, 3rd=green, 2nd=red, 1st=blue

The whole school competed in a sprint relay, a crazy vortex race and tug of war, parent race and much more. Over. Well done to everyone who participated for trying your best.

Thank you to Miss Fairley, Mr Thomas and Mrs Church for organising.

by Xander :)

Year 5 visit Knebworth House

On the 21st of June, Yr 5 went to Knebworth House to learn more about the Tudors and how their lifestyle was. Depending on your gender, you would each have different subjects to learn about in school. We had many amazing activities such as dressing up in Tudor attire, writing our names in old English and many more! There was one thing that made all the children think twice...there was a secret library! Henry Lyton Cobbold is the current owner of Knebworth house, he is a descendant of a Tudor monarchs friend. Their gardens are huge and it grows many different types of fruits and vegetables. How fascinating!

By Muthara =)

Year 6 Swimming by Chloe

On the 17th of June, year 6 started going swimming at the leisure centre in Victoria park. When they first arrived, they got an introduction by the 3 swimming teachers, before needing to swim to find out which group they would be in. The 3 groups were 1 (people that didn't really know how to swim), 2 (people who were good but still needed a bit of help) and the last group, which was 3, was for people who could swim whole lengths of the pool. Year 6 needed to leave school at around 9:35-9:40 before making their way to the swimming pool. Their lessons started at 10:00 and lasted for 45 minutes. On the last day of swimming, they needed to bring a pair of pyjamas and their swimming costumes. On that day, they had a small meeting about staying safe in the water and how to keep yourself and others safe. After that, they went into the pool and had a lesson on how to save people who are in the water and are stuck or can't swim.

By Chloe Y6 :)


Year 3 visit Ally-Pally

In Year 3, the children have been learning about hills and mountains in geography. So, to boost their knowledge, they went to a hill in Alexandra palace.

Whilst at the hill, they were given clipboards and pencils so they could study and draw what they observed. Things they did was draw their surroundings, whilst admiring the landscape and taking a walk round the nearby park and the grassy hill whilst playing around and having a wonderful time.

Nadine :)

Years 5 and 6 Athletics Competition

On the 19th of June some people from year 5 and 6 were in an athletics competition. They did lots of things like long jump, relay, sprinting, and vortex. They also got to meet some Olympians (they got autographs!) but they didn't expect to meet Fire from Gladiators. At the end all of the schools took part in a relay race against each other and Livingstone got 3rd place! Many schools participated so this is a great achievement and shows that our has many talented students.

They could not have had a better time and they left with happy grins on their faces.

By Ryan


Year 6 get to Chessington

On June 14th, Y6 went to Chessington! We left around 8:00 - 8:30. When we got there, we firstly went on Dragon's Fury- it was so much fun! Soon after that, we headed into the 'World of Asia'. In there, we went on some bumper cars, the Monky Swing (which sprayed water), and the 'Cobra'. We then headed over to 'Jumangi', and the 'Tiger Rock'. For those who like something epic, Mandrill Mayhem must have been the highlight of their trip- you went upside downLast but not least, you could of either chose to go on the 'Gruffalo' or the'Vampire' depending on if you wanted something relaxing or epic. After that, we went home as the traffic was 2 hours long! Everyone had a fabulous day, and wanted to go again!

From Mya :)

Year 4 Camp Night

Year 4 camp night took place in June. It was a great experience for the Year 4s, as they got to stroke and hold pets: crocodiles, meerkats, owls and many more.The Year 4s had an amazing time and wish they could go again. For dinner they had pizza (a class favourite) and thoroughly enjoyed it.

by Renu

New Reception pupils meet Mrs Mills

Recently a group of reception children came by this week. They were all from different nursery and all going to be joining the school. All of them had a little play around till 11 o clock to know what reception was going to be like. They were going to find out who their teachers were, what their classroom was like and where it was. After they had a little tour around the school and its locations, like where to be picked up.


Ice Hockey International visits Livingstone

We were very fortunate to be visited by Great Britain Goalkeeper, Ella Howard. She spoke to all the children about her incredible ice hockey journey, sharing inspiring stories of dedication, hard work, and overcoming challenges. Ella also discussed her rigorous training regime and her aspirations to compete in the Winter Olympics in 2026, encouraging the children to pursue their dreams with passion and perseverance.



JULY 2024

Monday 22nd:

  • International Dance Day for Whole School - all Day (children need to wear PE kits to school, parents welcome to come and watch class performances on MUGA at 2:15pm)
  • Year 6 Leavers Prom 5:45pm - 8:30pm

Tuesday 23rd:

  • Year 6 Leavers Assembly 9:00am in Main Hall
  • End of Term - school finishes at 2pm (no Cabin Club)

Wednesday 24th:

  • INSET Day

School Holidays Thursday 25th July - Friday 30th August 2024


Monday 2nd:

  • INSET DAY - school closed to pupils
  • After School Activity Clubs Autumn 1 for Years 1 - 6 go online for booking (activity clubs will begin week beginning Monday 9th Sept)

Tuesday 3rd:

  • Start of Autumn Term (Years 1-6)
  • Breakfast and Cabin Open

Wednesday 4th:

  • Reception Group 1 Start Day
  • Nursery Group 1 Start Day

Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates next term.

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