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June Week 2

Friday 17th June

Sunny Weather!

We may not have sunny weather again this year, but if we do, please remember to put sun cream on your child and send them in with a sun hat.

Pupils are bringing in sunglasses but please be mindful that they can get broken when the children are actively playing.

We know the importance of Vitamin D for everyone and so we like to encourage pupils to go outside but when the weather is as hot as today we will bring them indoors.

Reminder - School uniform hats are available from the school office for £3.50!


Multiplication Tables Check

For the past two weeks, our Year 4 children have been taking part in the statutory testing of their times tables knowledge. They were calm, well-prepared and extremely quick! They should all be extremely proud of how hard they have worked to learn their times tables this year and how well they performed. A special thank you to Mr Boucon, Mrs Church and Miss Gordan for preparing and supporting the children so well. Well done Year 4!


Wake n' Shake - Friday Fitness Fun


Today we welcomed the return of our weekly Wake n' Shake sessions for some Friday morning fitness fun with Kate Orr and our PE councillors.

The session started with gentle warm up followed by some Zumba classics and a cool down as much as possible considering the hot weather.

Heart rates were raised and brains engaged ready for a day of learning.

Join us again next Friday from 8.20 am for more energising fun! All pupils, parents and carers welcome and free for all.



After our trip to Trent Park Animal Centre, lots of the children painted and collaged their favourite animal. Sienna's favourite animals were the three sheep - one mummy and two babies - and she has made her own woolly collage of the little lamb that she saw at the Centre. Lovely work, Sienna!


Wow! This is a fantastic piece of independent work from Luca! "That's planet earth where we live, that's saturn with the rings, that's the rocket, that's a blue planet, the black is space, and the circle is the moon!" Amazing! Well done, Luca!

Kingfisher Nursery

Well done, Kingfisher Nursery, for another brilliant week!

We've continued exploring animals, focusing on '1, 2, 3 to the Zoo'. We followed the counting of the animals in the book to work on counting animals and matching quantities to numbers (one-to-one correspondence).

We had a great time during our art session, creating hand-print giraffes by painting our hands and adding features to match! We also worked on where animals live, sorting animals into the jungle or the desert.



Reception had a fantastic time at the fire station today! We have loved learning about people who help us and we are continuing to learn about different people in our communities.


Achievement Awards!

For Arianna O who has made such an effort in her first week. Well done!

Year 1

Year 1 had a fantastic time at Paradise Wildlife Park on Tuesday! We loved observing and learning about all kinds of herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Our recounts were all so detailed and exciting to read as well. In Maths we have continued our work on place value to 100. In History, we have begun a new topic on past and present monarchs. We enjoyed reenacting the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II and finding out what our queen does. Well done on another wonderful week in Year 1!

Achievement Awards!

Achievement awards this week go to Orla for her excellent recount of our trip to Paradise Park and Yvette for her clear reasoning when comparing numbers.

Year 2

In Year 2 this week the children worked really hard retelling the exciting story of The Snail and the Whale. In Maths, we continued our topic of movement, turns and directions, focusing on the mathematical language left, right, clockwise, anticlockwise, full turn, half turn, quarter turn, forwards, backwards.

In Science, we continued our observations about our bean growth and we are currently investigating which plants will grow and be healthy changing the following variables: sunlight, water and temperature. The children predicted what might happen and now we need to wait before we record our results next week.

Reasoning CGP book p 45,46

Achievement Awards!

This week the achievement awards go to Leon and Xhizela for their lovely retelling of the Snail and the Whale story.

Kingfisher 1

We have been blessed with glorious sunshine this week and with excellent behaviour!

We have continued our author study on Judith Kerr, reading 'Mog the Forgetful Cat'. Mog made a personal visit and was a big hit! The children produced some brilliant writing and worked on their fine motor skills as well.

In Maths we have been working on addition, using different strategies and apparatus.

We were also very pleased to welcome back our tennis coaches to help nurture our future Wimbledon stars!

Achievement Awards!

This week's achievement award goes to Daniel for trying very hard in all his lessons this week, well done!

Year 3

Year 3 have finished geometry in Maths where we learnt about right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles and different types of lines. For the next two weeks, we will be learning how to tell the time.

In English, we have identified the features of a newspaper report as this will be our big write this term. We have read James and the Giant Peach and wrote sentences with conjunctions, reported speech and adverbs.

In the afternoons, we have continued to learn about light understanding what shadows are and how they are made. The children have modelled key words and explained concepts really well this week.

Lastly, we are very grateful to Mark who has been teaching us how to play the recorder this year. The children have really enjoyed these sessions and it has sparked a passion which is what we aspire to do with learning. Well done everyone!

CGP Books

English-pages 62 and 63.

Maths-pages 50 and 51

Achievement Awards!

This week's awards go to Zofia for her great effort in English using a range of grammar and Zyan for his excellent secure knowledge in Science.

Year 4

This week, year 4 have continued to work incredibly hard learning the time. We have been converting from analogue to digital in both 12 hour and 24 hour formats. In English, we have been looking at a range of grammatical features that we will be using in our diary entry next week. In art, we have finally finished making our clay vase. The children have worked exceptional hard and have shown real skill and determination throughout the making process! Look out for the photos next week.


Maths: page 51

English: pages 42 - 43

Achievement Awards!

This week's achievement awards go to Ruby for positive and caring nature, and to Mya for her excellent work converting time from analogue to digital. Well done!

Year 5

Year 5 enjoyed their trip to the Golden Hinde on Monday: they dressed in a traditional Tudor sailor uniform, learned how they fired cannons, recapped their knowledge of Sir Francis Drake, learned how sailors navigated and looked after the ship, and learned about the barber surgeon and how he treated injuries on the ship.

In Maths this week, they've learned about coordinates and translation, and in English they've been practising the grammar needed for a balanced argument: colon lists, subordinating conjunctions and relative clauses.

The children are really enjoying our work on the Tudors. They've learned about the Spanish Armada and Elizabeth I's rivalry with Mary, Queen of Scots.

Reminder: Saturday School starts tomorrow for the children who received letters. If your child will be absent, please email Miss Breen to let her know: ebreen3.302@livingstoneprimaryschool.org

CGP Books

Maths: pages 68 - 69 (translation)

English: pages 22 - 23 (subordinating conjunctions/cohesion) and page 13 (relative pronouns)

Achievement Awards!

This week's awards go to Geethesri for trying hard in Maths with coordinates and translation, and to Zach for his effort and enthusiasm

Year 6

This week, Year 6 have made their own Math game and have enjoyed playing each others finished products. We will leave them out for KS2 to enjoy.

Auditions have taken place and roles have been allocated for our end of year show, 'Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies' so we are full-steam ahead for rehearsals.

Today, we were very fortunate as Athena brought in her telescope for the class to analyse Mrs Armstrong's blood after learning about how blood and the heart keep us alive during Science.

Swimming starts on Monday and is every day for 2 weeks. Please ensure your child has a swimming hat; boys need to have close-fitting swimwear and girls need a swimsuit as these are the requirements of the leisure centre.

A letter has been emailed about our trip to Chessington so please look out for that and please ensure your child has a bottle of water in school daily.

Achievement Awards!

This week's achievement awards go to Rashed and Joel for their teamwork and their meticulous attention to detail making their maths game.

Kingfisher 2

This week in Kingfisher 2 we have been continuing to learn about time, working on telling the time in 5 minute intervals and using the language of quarter to and quarter past.

We are getting good at drawing the hands on the clock faces and counting in 5’s!

In English, the boys were lucky enough to go on a lovely nature walk with Mrs Snell and used their senses to write observations. They then used these to write sentences which included alliteration and similes.

‘The sunflower is as bright yellow as the strong sun.’

Achievement Awards!

This week’s achievement award goes to Nathan, who has worked with complete independence at times this week.

He is also incredibly enthusiastic about our cooking sessions and extremely helpful each week as he does all the washing up for us! Thank you, Nathan!

Barnet Early Help Services

Summer fun bookings are now open at BACE!


BACE supports children and young people 5-16 who receive free school meals in the borough of Barnet. BACE provides engaging and healthy activities, with an emphasis in physical, emotional and nutritional well being. With a range of activities from sports to performing arts.

Summer holidays 25th July- 26th August .

Queries: 0208 359 3100



Diary Dates

JUNE 2022

Monday 20th:

  • Year 6 begin Swimming at New Barnet Leisure Centre - everyday for two weeks
  • Year 5 Creative Writing workshop at East Barnet School - selected pupils

Tuesday 21st:

  • Years 5 and 6 Sex Education Meeting for Parents at 9 am (This is not for all parents but only for parents who would like more information)

Thursday 23rd:

  • New Reception Class Intake Meeting for Parents at 9 am

Friday 24th:

  • Summer Fair - See letters for more info
  • No Yoga Club

Thursday 30th:

  • Year 4 Camp Night

JULY 2022

Friday 1st:

  • INSET Day - School closed to pupils

Monday 4th:

  • INSET Day - School closed to pupils

Thursday 7th:

  • Year 6 Barnet Secondary Schools transition day

Friday 8th:

  • PTA Camp Night

Tuesday 12th:

  • Sports Day AM for Nursery, Reception and KS1
  • Sports Day PM for Nursery and KS2

Thursday 14th:

  • Back up date for Sports Day

Friday 15th:

  • Activity Clubs finish for Summer Term

Monday 18th:

  • Years 4, 5 and 6 Show - Evening Performance to begin at 6:30pm

Tuesday 19th:

  • Years 4, 5 and 6 Show - Evening Performance to begin at 6:30pm

Wednesday 20th:

  • Year 6 Prom

Thursday 21st:

  • Year 6 Leavers Assembly - Year 6 Parents welcome at 9am
  • End of Term - School finishes at 2 pm
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