Livingstone Newsletter
June Week 3
Barnet Music Festival!
Friday 21st June
On Monday night, we were treated to Livingstone Choir performing at the Barnet Music Festival at the Artsdepot. The selection of songs were really engaging, and they were performed to the highest standard, making it a truly an unforgettable experience. We were absolutely blown away by the talent on show that evening from all the Barnet Pupils performing , but Livingstone’s performance will be remembered by us for ‘A Thousand Years’.
Thank you to Mrs Margetts for preparing them brilliantly for this prestigious event. Thank you also to Mrs Stephens and Mrs Cavozzi for looking after the pupils and making sure they took to the stage looking their very best.
Reminders to Parents/Carers
Pupils must come into school wearing the correct uniform. Dark blue is not part of our uniform, leggings or brightly coloured trainers. PE kit should only be worn on Wednesdays unless you have notified by the teacher to wear it on a different day.
For reference, please look at the school website which states clearly what they should be wearing.
Please do not allow your children to wear jewellery to school and do not allow them to bring in toys, as there is always the risk that these will be lost or broken.
Children are not permitted to go on the large apparatus after school, as they are not being supervised by a member of staff so please ensure you do not allow them as they could get seriously hurt especially if they are not the right age for the climbing frames.
And finally, please can you keep the gates clear. It's great to catch-up with friends but doing this right in front of the gates can result in pupils staying outside and chatting with each other or children getting separated from the parents when entering the playground.
We know that our parents/carers are very supportive of the school, so we politely ask that you help us by following these requests.
KS1 Sports Festival
Last week, at the sports festival, children from Year 1 and Year 2 enthusiastically participated in games inspired by rugby, golf, football, tennis, and a classic game, parachute. Each child showcased their skills and teamwork in a fun and supportive environment. There was excellent participation from all the children, with everyone giving their best effort in all activities.
Athletics For All Event
Livingstone were offered the chance to attend an athletics event at Lee Valley where they took part in a range of sporting activities such as long jump, running races, vortex and more. This athletics event was made even more special as Olympic athletes such as Christine Ohuruogu, Montell Douglass (Fire who was on The Gladiators), Dwain Chambers, Abdul Bahari, Yamile Aldama, and Dalton Grant were there to help run the event, providing invaluable guidance and inspiration. The children were thrilled to meet and chat with these Olympians, making the experience even more memorable. Two lucky children were even interviewed by the BBC, adding an extra layer of excitement to the day. The event was incredibly inspiring for our young pupils and a fabulous opportunity to learn from some of the best in the sport. We are ready for the Paris Olympics 2024!
Travelling Safe to School
Our paths and roads in Barnet are not the safest at the moment to ride on. Please promote safe cycling and encourage wearing a helmet.
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
This week we continued having an exciting time learning all about farm animals! The children enjoyed a variety of activities, from creating adorable barns and corn on the cob to singing lively farm-themed songs. We read engaging stories about life on the farm and even had a special visit to Lewis of London for some delicious ice cream and fun play in the 'Moo Land'. Children pretended to be farmers, driving tractors, taking care of animals and learning about their habits. It was a week full of laughter, learning, and lots of animal fun!
Phonics sounds this week : 'r' for robot and 'j' for jam
Talking Homework:
Here are some fun questions to ask your child about their farm adventures:
- What is your favourite farm animal? Why?
- Can you make the sounds of the animals you learned about?
- What do cows give us? What about chickens?
- Did you learn any new songs or stories about the farm? Can you share one?
- What do farmers do to take care of the animals?
Encourage your child to share their favourite moments from this week and our trop and what they enjoyed the most. Happy chatting!
This week, Reception have been learning about Africa and the habitats and animals that live there. The children have been really interested in the map and flags so we have started to discuss our heritage and flags of our different countries. This week we have also started discussions about what year 1 will be like and even visited our new classroom!

Xheida - for being super speedy with red words
Eden - asking and answering brilliant questions
Year 1
Year 1 are very excited for our trip to Pickled Pepper Books on Monday 24th June. In preparation for our visit, we are reading There’s a Tiger on the Train, acting it out and reinventing the story in our writing sessions. We began guided reading sessions where the children are working on their fluency and comprehension in small groups. In Maths, we have been focusing on the days of the week and months of the year. We made a clock on Friday so that next week we can learn to tell the time to o’clock and half-past. Our afternoon lessons have been very interesting as well. We are focusing on sacred stories from the Torah and the Bible.

Achievement awards this week go to Asiya and Abid for their contributions to our R.E. discussions. Well done you two!
Year 2
Miss Gordon and I have been very impressed with our time telling skills in Maths. The children have worked hard to read analogue clocks, find durations of time and identify hours in a day and minutes in a hour. In English, we have focused on writing sentences with subordinating conjunctions, proofreading sentences checking for a range of punctuation and sequencing the story 'Class Three All at Sea'.
In Geography, we identified similarities and differences between the seaside from the past to now. We also looked at maps and atlases to find and name British Isles. We have now started D.T where we explored our senses, evaluating different fruits and smoothies.
Pages 103 and 104
Page 105 is optional
This week's achievements go to Billy for being a good friend to our Kingfisher pupils and treating everyone with respect and Holly for her hard work in English using a range of grammar and punctuation.
Kingfisher 1
In Maths this week we have been learning all about subtraction and the children have been using different resources to solve subtraction calculations. Reception were learning that subtraction means getting less.
In English we have been reading Mog and the Baby. The children participated in roleplay activities and learned about road safety by taking the baby for a walk and stopping at a zebra crossing. The older children used colourful semantics to retell the story’s main events.
This week’s award goes to Leslie for correct number formation.
Well done!
Year 3
This week, Year 3 have continued looking at time in Maths, focusing on digital time. We have been reading from both digital and analogue clocks which we have enjoyed.
On Thursday, we had a wonderful trip out to Alexandra Palace for our current Geography unit on hills and mountains. We walked up to the top of the hill (in the heat!) and were amazed at the beautiful view of London. We enjoyed spending time looking at the skyline in front of us and sketching this. We had a great day out and enjoyed spending some time at the playground after an ice cream!
Maths: Time pg 101 & 102
English: pg 52 - 55

This weeks achievement awards go to Samyar for his excellent work one time in maths and for always pushing himself. The second award goes to Tiannah for always trying her hardest in all her work. Keep up the great work!
Year 4
In Maths, we have looked at identifying lines of symmetry and completing symmetrical figures. In English, we have finished writing our persuasive adverts for Rambashi's grill, and in science we have explored classifying different living things and how human activities have impacted habitats.
Maths: Shape - pages 114 and 115
Reading: Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods (Question Set 2) pages 20 and 21

This week's achievement awards go to Scarlett for her excellent persuasive writing, and to Leon for his positive attitude to learning. Well done!
Year 5
This week, the children learned about decimals and negative numbers.
In English, they wrote fantastic balanced arguments based on Pig Heart Boy in which they argued about whether the main character should have had a heart transplant.
In History, they really enjoyed learning about the Tudors - specifically about some of Elizabeth's rivalries and the Spanish Armada. They also really enjoyed our trip to Knebworth House today and showed off a lot of their knowledge.
Homework due on Weds 26th
Maths: pages 110 and 111 (decimals)
Punctuation: pages 28 and 29 (apostrophes)
This week's awards go to Georgie for always trying her best during lessons and for being focused, and to Sonny for his excellent questions and knowledge on our trip. Well done!
Year 6
Year 6 have had another busy week. They have had a great first week of swimming - the progress they have made in such a short space of time is phenomenal. On Tuesday, the children put their knowledge of the heart to the test by dissecting lamb hearts and identifying the different parts they had learnt about. The show rehearsals have begun so please make sure your child's script is in school, every day.
In the afternoons, Year 6 have started art and the topic is 'Making Memories'. They are building up to designing and making a memory box which they will bring home.
Next week, swimming continues, however, there is no swimming on Tuesday due to the whole school picture or Friday as it is an inset day.
CGP Homework
Maths - Arithmetic - pages 24 and 25
English - SPAG - pages 36 and 37
This week’s achievement awards go to Uzair for his swimming and Calvin for his dance. Well done to you both!
Kingfisher 2
This week, KF2 have been begun to write their recount about last week’s trip to Hertfordshire Zoo. They have done a great job remembering the events of the day in order and successfully used time adverbials, adjectives and conjunctions.
In Maths, the boys have used vocabulary such as o’clock, am/pm, morning, afternoon, noon and midnight whilst learning at how many minutes in an hour and how many hours in a day.
Congratulations to:
Jacob – for demonstrating a sensible attitude during the heart dissection in Science and for swimming a length with improved confidence.
Dr. Bike

Due to the success of the Dr Bikes in Barnet, particularly among parents/carers and children, these will be running again from July, see below for the following locations/dates/ times on a rotating basis each month.
The free Dr Bike sessions will be run by qualified bicycle mechanics. Members of the public can take along their bicycles to have a free, full safety check, which includes the condition of tyres, rims, gears, brake function and tyre pressure and adjustments can be made if required, all for free. Both adult and child bicycles can have the free safety check and adjustments made if necessary.
JUNE 2024
Monday 24th:
- Year 1 Trip to Pickled Pepper Book Shop
Tuesday 25th:
- Whole School Photograph for 70th Anniversary - please make sure your child has their school jumper / cardigan
- Kingfisher visiting Chickenshed Theatre
- Sports Leader Festival - PM (group of KS1 pupils participating)
- Year 3 workshop with Chickenshed - PM in school
Thursday 27th:
- Rock Guitar Assembly at 2:30pm (parents/carers of pupils having lessons welcome to watch)
Friday 28th:
- INSET Day - School Closed to Pupils
JULY 2024
Monday 1st:
- Sports Day 9 - 11am for Nursery AM, Reception, Years 1, 2 and 3 (please wear PE Kits to school)
- Sports Day 1:30 - 3pm for Nursery PM, Years 4, 5 and 6 (please wear PE Kits to school)
Wednesday 3rd:
- RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) Curriculum Meeting with Y5 and Y6 Parents/Carers 9 - 9:30am
Thursday 4th:
- Year 6 Secondary Transition Day for Barnet Schools (excl. Southgate and The Ark)
Friday 5th:
- PTA Family Camp Night
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates next term.