Pupil Newsletter No.4
March Week 3
Friday 22nd March
Activity Clubs for Summer!
Clubs for the first half of the summer term will be online for booking from Monday 25th March 2024, 5:30pm.
As we are moving into the summer term, some of the clubs have changed.
Years 3 and 4 Football will be replaced with Athletics on Mondays (this will be a payable club).
Years 4, 5 and 6 Netball will be replaced with Ball and Field Games on Tuesdays (this will be a payable club).
Years 5 and 6 Football will be replaced with Athletics on Wednesdays (this will be a free club and subsidised by our PE Premium).
Neurodiversity Week by Marwa
Neurodiversity week is when we recognise how people see the world differently: autistic people, dyslexic people and more. Livingstone is celebrating this occasion by talking about it in the main hall for assembly. Neurodiversity week started on the 18th March and ends on the 24th March; it is a chance for us to realise that people with autism, dyslexia and several alternatives see the world in a variety of ways yet are still similar to us in manners contrasting to others. I hope this gave you a bit more information about neurodivergence!
By Marwa :)
PS - look at the wonderful message below from our former Kingfisher pupil Max.
Happy Ramadan!
Muhammad was a Muslim who believed in one in one god and his name is Allah, he believed in peace. He received a message from Allah and his messages were collected in the Quran (the holy book of Islam). Muhammad was born in the town of Mecca in Saudi Arabia in about 570BC. He lost his parents at a very young age and he was raised by his Grandpa and later by his uncle. He is the most important and the last prophet in Islam.
Muslims follow the teachings of the prophet Muhammad, and the holy book of the Quran. Ramadan helps us understand the needs of others as well as self discipline and control. Alot of Muslims fast between sunrise and sunset to remember how less fortunate people feel.
Happy Ramadan!
by Medina Yr5
Red Nose Day
On Friday 15th March, our school celebrated Red Nose Day. Several pupils from each year performed a joke to the class that would then be showed in assembly and the school had a treat of watching a spectacle :Jaime, Emily, Mya and Anastasia from Y6 performed a dance that they made up by themselves to the song 'Similes and Metaphors' by the Bazillions. Everyone had lots of fun. Thank you for all of your donations and they will help thousands of children across the world with their everyday lives including food, water and money for them and their families.
by Jaime yr6 :)
International Sign Language Day by Nadine
The pupils of our school have been learning about International Sign Language day.
We are so glad to have our staff member, Mrs Speed teaching us some simple British Sign Language. We learnt various gestures such as turtle, play, friendship and much more. Sign language is used for communicating with deaf people who have trouble hearing things. It is a language that uses hands, eyes, and other body parts to talk. International Sign Language day is a time where we focus on deaf people and sign language to recognise the disability and the people who've been affected by it. We give donations to help people with this deafness so that they can acquire hearing aids or even get to hear things without machinery. Hope you have a better understanding of International Sign Language day!
By Nadine :)
Science Week by Renu
Science week is a week where every year group takes part in different activities. Year 1 and 2 took part in a engineering workshop, Year 3 and 4 took part in a workshop about animals and fossils and Year 5 and 6 took part in a workshop about space. They learned more about how space stations are getting to the moon and mars and how International Space Stations work. This fun and exciting week took place from the 8th - 17th of March.
By Renu :)
Year 6 Kinder Transport Workshop
Recently, Year 6 had two visitors, Susan and Henry, to teach them about the Kinder Transport in World War 2. They got to see the War in perspective of a boy named Leo, a young Jewish child, and how he had to move around as a Kinder Transport child through Germany without his family. They looked at videos, pictures and even pieces of clothing that people who were Jewish were forced to wear. They got to see how Jewish people during that time would have live with bias laws. They learnt a lot of information and had a lot of fun throughout the activities!
Grace, Yr6! :)
Year 1 Geography Workshop
On Thursday 29th February, Year 1 had an amazing time enjoying their geography workshop. They were in the hall; someone (Charlotte) came in. They played many fun games and learned about many continents around the world. They also learned that Russia is in Europe and Asia, England is in Europe - and that Canada is in North America. They played many games and dressed up at characters: Explorers and pretended to be animals such as Zebras, Eagles, Worms and Kangaroos. The last thing they learned was about the ocean and the creatures inside it.
By Charlotte and Zainab :)
The Fire Brigade Visit Nursery and Reception
The Fire Brigade visited Livingstone Primary School and visited nursery and reception. The little children got to climb in the fire truck and have a go on the hose. Thank you to all the adults who made this happen. We hope this can reoccur next year.
Year 5 trip to Science Museum
On Monday 26th February Year 5 went to the National Science Museum and they needed to take two trains on the Underground to arrive there. When they were inside, they were walking around the area on a search for the IMAX, film projectors which display shows. Year 5 went across several exhibitions to find interesting artefacts that they were eager to see. Eventually, the class got the astounding chance to watch Beautiful Planet with 3D glasses it earned its name by showing life inside an International Space Station. After a well-deserved lunch, Year 5 explored the space and transport presentation, searched the gift shop and went home.
By Zyan and Lukas.
Cross Country by Chloe
On Wednesday 20th, Year 4, 5 and 6 went to Cross Country - it was held in Oak Hill Park. Everyone who went did amazing and gave it their best shot. Unfortunately, for Year 6 this will be their last time competing in it for Livingstone school.
Here are what scores they got:
Year 4: Elsie - 5th, Dotty - 7th, Ryan - 13th, Stefi - 10th
Year 5: Nadine - 20th, Anastasia - 1st, Ravi 18th, Ryan - 21st
Year 6: Arbel - 3rd, Elia - 18th, Brychan - 24th, Xander - 22nd
Elia, who is in year 5, did the year 6 race as the other girl (Chloe) who was supposed to be doing the year 6 race could not do it due to a leg injury.
Well done for everyone who did and gave it 100%!
By Chloe Y6 :)
KS1 sports festival by Zainab and Muthara
On Friday, 15 March 2024, Year 1 and 2 went to Ark Academy where they completed many several tasks: cup stacking, side jumping, skipping, tossing bean bags into a hole, long jump, racing etc. They travelled by minibus which was a journey of 10-15 minutes. All the children had a wonderful time taking part in many activities and this will be an experience they will surely never forget!
Zainab and Muthara
World Book Day
On Thursday 7th March our school celebrated world book day. The day was full of action-packed activities: a book swap, KS2 pupils reading to KS1 pupils, going to school in costumes and much more. The day gives us a chance to read to younger children and creates a fun and exciting atmosphere; we get a chance to dress up as our favourite book characters. Book swap is a sufficient way of reading different things and preventing your books at home from collecting dust by swapping them with your fellow classmates. KS1 had surprise readers by different teachers to create this week much more thrilling for them.
We had an amazing week!!!
Emily yr6 :)
Dance Festival
On Wednesday 6th March, Yr6 went to the Arts Depot to perform in this years Dance Festival. They performed 'I Just Can't Wait to Be King' from Lion King the Musical. Everyone who attended the dance festival enjoyed it and we hope the parents did to. Thank you to Mrs Phelan and Diane for creating our costumes and helping us get ready, Mrs Cavozzi for the wonderful hair and to Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Breen for the spectacular makeup. Thank you for coming if you did and hope you enjoyed it!
By Mya, Y6 :)
Year 3 and Year 4 Football Festival
On Monday the 4th of March some pupils from years three and four went to a football festival. They played lots of different matches against other pupils. Mr Thomas said that they gave 100% and got better throughout the tournament. They managed to win two games and drew one game out of five matches. Well done!
By Brychan :)
Cinema Night
This spectacular event took place in the big hall of the school where the staff used a projector to show the movie which we would be watching. After the votes from every class came in, the teachers had to make the choice of what movie everyone would be spectating. In the end, they came to the conclusion that KS2 would watch Cabin Fever from Diary Of A Wimpy Kid as this was the only option that the majority of the classes had in common. As for KS1, they were watching Ice Age although no one seems to remember if it was the first or second movie. Despite the fact that the big hall hosted this jovial event, close to the steps, a little shop was being held, where many items could be bought.
by Anastasia Yr6

Years 5 and 6 Mixed Football vs Northside
A few weeks ago, the Livingstone mixed football team played against Northside primary school. The final result was 4 - 1 with Xander and Kevin scoring 2 but everyone played amazingly, so well done to Steffi, Chloe, Arbel, Xander, Sienna, Sotirio, Kevin and Brychan.
Years 5 and 6 Girls' Football vs Trent
Livingstone went up against Trent and they won! The score was 3-0 Arbel scored 2 and Elsie scored 1. Because of this win, Livingstone are in to the finals of the Jhon King Cup. In the match was Elsie, Diya, Sienna Yr6, Leah Yr6, Anastasia Yr5, Mya, Fatemah, Arbel and Cloe
by Ryan and Anastasia Yr5
Years 5 and 6 Girls' Football vs Cromer Road
Last week on Thursday, the Livingstone girls football team competed against Cromer Road in a semi-final and won 2-0. In the team was Elsie, Jaime, Anastasia Yr5, Fatemah, Sienna, Diya, Leah and Arbel who scored 2 goals. Because of this win, we are through into the finals which will be held on Tuesday next week.
By Arbel :)

MARCH 2024
Monday 25th:
- Reception and Year 1 trip to St. James Church, New Barnet - PM
- Activity Clubs for Summer 1 go online for booking at 5:30pm
Tuesday 26th:
- Girls Football Match - Whitings Hill vs Livingstone from 3:30pm
Wednesday 27th:
- Years 5/6 Tag Rugby Competition - PM
Thursday 28th:
- Year 5 Easter Assembly to whole school (Year 5 parents/ carers are invited to attend)
- End of Term - school finishes at 2pm (NO SPANISH or CABIN CLUB)
Friday 29th:
- Good Friday - school closed.
APRIL 2024
Easter Holiday - Monday 1st - Friday 12th April 2024
Monday 15th:
- Summer Term begins - pupils return to school
- Activity Clubs begin for Summer 1
Thursday 18th:
- Tag Rugby Match - Livingstone vs St. Johns N20 from 3:30pm
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates next term.