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Livingstone Pupil Newsletter

October Week 3

Friday 18th October

Welcome to the New Year of the Pupil Newsletter

Hello, we are the new newsletter editors. We ( Zyan and Elia) will be writing / telling you all about what happens in school along with some other Y6's and Y5's. We will be editing everything you see to ensure you get the best possible news of our school. I hope you are happy with us and we will try to inform you as much as we can about our school. Goodbye and thank you.

The Newsletter Writers

Zyan and Elia


Parent Consultations! A child's perspective!

Oh, no! Parent Consultations! Oh, what will the teachers say about us? Are we good? Bad? Or are we the best in the class? Parent consultations are when our parents come to school to listen how we have improved or went down in the past few months. It doesn't matter if we came last in an activity, or we got every single question in our arithmetic response correct - our parents will know. This is why we are so worried! Everything we do will get found out sooner or later! The parent consultations were on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th. And we (sarcastic voice) definitely will be waiting for the next parent consultations!

Elia 😊


School and PE Council Elections

Last week, we had to vote for School and PE Councillors. In the dining hall, we voted who we thought would be good for our school. The people who wanted to become a Councillor they did a presentation on why they would like to be School or PE council in class. Once they had all done their presentations, we voted who we thought would do the best job of school/PE. After a few days we received the results. We went into assembly, and we found out who won the elections. Congratulations to everyone who was nominated!

Congratulations to our elected School Councillors:

Yr 1 - Eden and Vinny

Yr 2- Benji and Yasmin

Yr 3- Jack and Rosie

Yr 4- Gia Khang and Yvette

Yr 5- Amelia and Scarlett

Yr6- Ryan and Muthara

KF1 - Sergio

KF2- Mario

Congratulations to our elected PE Councillors:

Yr 1 - Anoel and Julia

Yr 2- Kai and Naz

Yr 3- Liam and Mollie

Yr 4- Zachary and Lola

Yr 5- Skye and Dotty

Yr6- Elijah and Zainab

By Olivia and Sheena

House Captains

In Y6, a very important event has happened. The House Captain Elections! But. There's a BIG BUT...What are House Captains? Let me explain. At Livingstone, we have different houses/groups (Red, Green, Blue and Yellow). Each house has a Captain who are in charge of their team. These Captains go around every Friday to collect their team's points. The house with the most points wins! The House Captains for this year are:

Yellow - Lewis and Eren

Blue- Nadine, Sonny and Elon

Green - Ryan and Charlotte

Red- Anastasia and Leah


Black History in Nursery and Reception

In Black history month, we have all been studying famous black poets who made a change for the greater good. In Reception they have been learning about Anansi The Spider and in Nursery they have been reading the book Handa's Surprise! Each and every one of them have all loved the book and thoroughly enjoyed it too, getting engaged in questions and trying to answer them. The lovely Receptions, made spider sculptures and spiders webs that link to Anansi The Spider. Nursery loved the book so much to the point that they even roleplayed, using their puppets which will be good for their end of year show for Reception! They made healthy banana muffins because in Handa's basket bananas were one of the fruits that they had.

by Muthara ❤, Renuka and Nadine


Battle of the Bands by Holly

Here at lovely Livingstone we had a competition called Battle Of The Bands, where we went on one of our amazing online kid friendly games called Times Table Rock Stars (also known as TTRS). The competition was built into the game and it was where two classes went against each other to see how many points the classes can earn at home. You could earn points by answering questions correctly - some games you play against the clock!

At the end, all the points were added up and then one out of the two classes was crowned the champions of the game. The idea of the game is to help us remember and practice our times tables. We first get TTRS when we are in year 2. Only classes that are 1 year above another class will compete, to make it fair. Year 3 played Year 4 and year 5 played year 6. 2 or 3 people who led their class to victory will get a certificate with their name on it and go on the maths display! They were Zainab, Elia, Dotty, Stefi, Gia Khang, Ellis Holly and Phillip Year 4 won their battle and year 6 won theirs. The prize was extra golden time! God job to everyone who played.

Year 5 Start Learning the Clarinet

Last year Mrs Boldy (also known as the piano teacher) came into our yr4 classroom and showed us some songs she knew she even played the intro of Harry Potter. Everyone was amazed. After, she showed us all the notes on a clarinet in order. And there are a lot of notes but because there were so many notes she split it into 2 breathes higher and lower. The lowest one sounded like a boat horn the highest just sounded impossible.

So in the afternoon of a Thursday Anwen, Dotty and Zak go for a 30 min clarinet lesson in the cabin. Then Ryann, Eva, Lexi and Amelia go next. Our first lesson was 3 weeks ago, that day we didn't put it all together because we needed to know how to put the mouthpiece in our mouths correctly. If you put it too far down, it makes a screeching sound just like when you blow the recorder too loud but now, we have made it so far in the last weeks. The first notes we learnt where E, D and C. These are the songs we have to do for our homework. They are called Easy, Earwig Crunch, Yes Indeed, Keep on Running and Curious Tortoise which we have to do with our teacher, but you can go further if you want. Fun fact some songs we know, and some are in a completely different language like French! Thank you, Mrs Boldy!

By Anwen


Year 4 Harvest Festival by Renu

At this time of the year, many children bring in food to help people who are not as fortunate as us and all donations are given to charity. To celebrate this Year's harvest, Y4 performed an assembly to explain what happens. This was organised by Miss Breen and Mrs Craddock. KS2 as well as KS1 performed a song each based on the harvest which we learned in our singing assembly. Harvest is a time to celebrate how fortunate we really are and giving to those who don't have the same resources as us. The food is either grown from the earth by farmers who have gave up their time to help us and their families. This is what we don't think about and should when eating. The charity Friend in Need based in East Barnet has collected our donations and will share with our local community.

Thank you to all the Livingstone families who have generously donated.

Renu :)

Year 5 Trip to the River Lee

On Tuesday 1st October, Year 5 went on a very exciting trip to River Lee. When we arrived, we were met by 2 helpers, G and Nicola. They told us what we were going to do, then gave us a clipboard. On that clipboard were sketch sheets, check lists and more. One of our favourite moments was when we went bird watching, we saw lots of eagles and crows. We even learned some important facts about the fish and wild animals living in and by the river. We all had a great time and learnt so much! Thank you everyone who arranged and took us on this wonderful trip.

By Dotty

KF2 go Bowling

I know what you are thinking from this title. Did they win? Were the other schools friendly? But most importantly, did they have a good time? I will be answering these questions and will talk you through their entire day. On Tuesday 15th October the Kingfisher children were getting ready and right before they left they had a filling lunch. After that Daniel, Mario, Andreas, Arthur and a few others got into the minibus and went to bowling in Finchley. When they arrived, Livingstone and over 20 schools played a game of bowling. When KF2 played they got a lot of strikes and spares. They tried their best, and in Livingstone Daniel was placed first and Arthur was second. All the children played amazingly well, and each person got a participation medal. After such a fun afternoon, they went back to Livingstone and had an amazing rest of their day!

By Lukas Scott


Year 1 London Trip

On Monday, a very dark and drizzly day, Year 1 went on a trip to London. On mini buses driven by Mrs Knappett and Mr Sudbury, the children ventured into London to see its famous landmarks. They saw lots of interesting things: the Marble Arch, Hyde Park Corner, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Downing Street, The Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Westminster Bridge, Tower Bridge, the Tower of London and St Paul's Cathedral. All of Year 1 were very well behaved and had an amazing time!

The children all had iPads to take pictures. We had some really interesting ones.

By Charlotte

First Netball Game Victory

Well done to the Livingstone Yr 5 and Yr 6 netball team who defeated Danegrove 8 - 2. This was the first ever game for nearly everyone in the team which makes it an even better result. The scoring was shared equally amongst the team with Lucas, Medina, Anastasia, Muthara, Albeiro, Anwen, Zyan and Elsie all finding their range. Well done!


Year 3 Stone Age Trip

In Year 3, they were learning all about the stone age, what happened and all the different periods in it. To reward year 3 for all the amazing effort and hard work they got to go to a stone age trip in Lee Valley.

When they were there, they were shown around by lovely guides. They were shown tools and different artefacts. To add even more fun, they were able to create their own fire using flint and steel and create their own stone age drawings.

I'm sure the whole class of year 3 had an amazing time and I'm sure the staff members and teachers did as well.

Nadine :)

Parent Champions Coffee Morning

On Friday, 11 October, there was a Parent Champions Coffee Morning. But for those who don't know, before I can tell you about that I need to answer this question: What is a Parent Champion? So, a Parent Champion is a parent volunteer who helps out other parents. When a parent needs advice the Parent Champion can find the information or tell them how to find it. They also facilitate (to make something possible) information sessions, like this Coffee Morning. This is where parents can go and can help each other or if they just want to have a friendly chat with other parents. Now back to the Coffee Mornings. This Coffee Morning, I actually went there to get ideas to write. For the first Coffee Morning of the year, it was quite busy and that is a good sign because it shows that the parents are interested in helping their community.

The parents can drink tea and coffee and eat cake and biscuits.

It always takes place in the cabin.

It takes place once a month.

Sometimes, a guest speaker comes to speak about specific topics.

Thank you to our wonderful Parent Champions!

by Lukas Bach

Guitar Lessons

Our school has just started its new year of GUITAR LESSONS We are very lucky to have Edward teaching us during the afternoon or after school on Thursdays. If you want to sign up you will have a full term of free lessons then, when your child finishes their first guitar assembly you will have to pay. This is a great opportunity for your child since it lets him/her learn a brand new instrument. Your child will have to choose from a variety of songs to learn before they perform to the school. This is only one of the instruments we teach here. For example, we have just started clarinet lessons for our pupils. Also, Edward is teaching Ukulele lessons. Once again, we are very lucky to have Edward here to help us unleash our potential and have fun along the way.



Mixed Football VS Trent

On Wednesday 9.10.2024, there was a Year 5/6 match between Livingstone and Trent. All the players played their very best and it was the first match Livingstone has played this academic year. For many, it was their first ever match playing for the school. Livingstone started slowly and were trying to get together and Trent took a 2 goal lead. Albeiro played masterfully in the match and then passed to Sotirio who scored a goal in the back of the net. In the second half, Sotirio scored an amazing second goal. The score ended as a 4-2 to Trent. Although it was a defeat, all the players tried their best and played their role. Well done to everyone who played. You were Awesome.

By Zainab


KS2 Cross Country

Last week, our wonderful Livingstone team participated in a cross country competition! In Cross Country You have to run around a massive field without stopping ONCE.

This requires an enormous amount of stamina and to believe that our Year 6 Student Anastasia got 1st Is Insane! The people who ran this time are: Anastasia, Oliver, Elia and Ravi were the lucky year sixes who got to represent our school. Dotty, Elsie, Ryan and Stefi were the year fives who went and smashed it! Orla, Lola and Ellis were the year fours who were the youngest year to go and participate!

Anastasia (year 6) placed 1st and is going to London Youth Games on November the 2nd!

Elia (year 6) placed 21st

Oliver (year 6) placed 15th

Ravi (year 6) placed 23rd

Elsie (year 5) placed 4th

Dotty (year 5) placed 12th

Ryan (year 5) placed 19th

Stefi (year 5) placed 18th

Orla (year 4) placed 30th

Lola (year 4) placed 12th

Ellis (year 4) placed 13th

With the overall score, Livingstone came 11th out of 16 other schools! They all ran wonderfully and tried their best and I'm sure we can all agree that each and every one of them are talented athletes with school being there to support them while they thrive!

Muthara _(*o*) _


Year 4 Swimming

Year 4 are doing swimming from the 14th of October to the 28th. They do swimming because it is important to know how to swim. They also get put into three groups when they go, one is for if they are not a confident swimmer and have not learnt how to swim. the next one is for if they know how to swim but they cannot swim in the deep end. The last group is the deep end which they will be put in if they can tread water and swim the whole length of the pool. You learn different types of swimming positions and take a short test at the end of the 2 weeks. When the swimming lessons are done they will all say that they have all improved at swimming and really enjoyed their lessons!

By Ryan





Monday 21st:

  • After School Activity Clubs Autumn 2 go online for booking at 5:30pm

Tuesday 22nd:

  • Years 2 and 3 Dance/Gymnastics Festival (small group of pupils)
  • Chatty Children Workshop, 9am (for Nursery parents who booked a place)

Friday 25th:

  • School finishes for Half Term, 3:15pm (Cabin Club open till 5:45pm)

HALF TERM - Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November 2024


Monday 4th:

  • Start of Autumn 2 Term - pupils return
  • Activity Clubs begin for Autumn 2 (please make sure you have booked for clubs)

Thursday 7th:

  • Year 2 Music Festival Rehearsal - PM
  • Netball Match - Livingstone vs Christ Church

Friday 8th:

  • Parent Champion Coffee Morning, 9am in The Cabin
  • Year 5/6 Girls Football Competiton - PM

Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates next term.

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