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September Week 3

Friday 24th September

Parent Consultations

Thank you to all the parents/carers who were able to come to the 'Meet the Teacher ' meetings. All the information from the meetings have been sent via email and are available on the school website.

There will be an opportunity to meet up with your child's teacher for Parent Consultations to discuss how they have settled into their new classes. Consultations will take place on:

Wednesday 20th October at 9:00 - 11:15 am for Year 3,4,5,6, Nightingales and KF2

Wednesday 20th October at 1:00 - 3.15 pm for Rec, Year 1, 2 and KF1

Thursday 21st October at 3.30 to 5.45 for all year groups

Invitations to make an appointment will be sent nearer the time

Class Dojos - Who are they? What are they?


Parents who have heard their children talk about 'Dojos' must be wondering what they are, especially when they are described as little monsters! 'Dojos' are virtual characters that are given to each child and are used to collect points awarded for good behaviour and good work.



This week a text was sent home reminding parents/ carers not to send nuts or nut related foods into school and I would also like to remind parents/carers that birthday cakes pose a similar risk to pupils with allergies too. Therefore we ask that they are not sent into school. Thank you for your co-operation.



If you haven't already, please ensure your child's school uniform and PE kit has their name on the inside label of each item. This makes finding any misplaced items a lot easier and helps solve which item belongs to who quicker.

Thank you!

PTA Coffee Morning and Annual General Meeting


PTA Coffee Morning and Annual GenYou are invited to join us for 'Coffee in the CABIN' at 9

am on Wednesday 29th September straight after drop- off time.

You are also invited to join us again via zoom in the evening for the PTA's Annual General Meeting. A zoom link for this will be sent to everyone nearer the time.

We look forward seeing you!eral Meeting

PTA Coffee Morning and Annual General Meeting

Thank You!


We would like to thank Mr Donald and Mr Demetriades for gifting us a giant world map. We have found the perfect place for it and Mr Sudbury will be putting it up next week.



Benjamin has helped make an amazing tent in the playground. He pegged up all the material and made a fantastic canopy. Well done, Benjamin. You are a proper camper!!


Denat has had so much fun in our home-made den in the playground. He's been sharing all his toys with others and showed that he can even mend the tent when the wind blows some of it away. Lovely play, Denat. Well done!

Kingfisher Nursery


This week Kingfisher has been just as busy as ever. The children are now much more settled and really exploring all of the items in their environment. They are also responding well to their new routines.

We have been looking at the book 'Owl Babies' this week, a favourite of pupils and staff! We have been drawing owls, counting owls, making play dough owls, singing about owls and retelling the story using puppets and pictures. We even spotted an 'owl' in our pond area.

Well done everyone for another great week!



A fantastic full week in Reception! The children are still settling nicely into different routines and learning lots about their classroom, teachers and new friends. We have been very busy in the outside area finding bugs, threading hoops on to string to make bird feeders and building dens! Inside the classroom we have been making self portraits and learning lots of names. Every child has been earning Dojos for writing their names on Dojo name labels so please also practice this at home! Great work this week Reception!

Filip for being kind, helpful and a fantastic friend!

Ruby always being a role model for effort, enthusiasm and behaviour.

Year 1

This week in maths the children have enjoyed learning to count one more and one less using games such as Bingo as well as practical and written methods.

The children continue to impress us with their phonics, reading and writing in English everyday!

In Geography we have been thinking about the question… Where do we live and what does our local area look like? As a class, we located Barnet and our school on a map as well as identifying geographical features like woods, fields, roads, lakes, rivers, and even golf courses! We then took a virtual walk around our local area identifying places we pass on our route to school such as, Sainsbury’s, Victoria Park, Barnet Leisure Centre and the houses of friends and family. We had great fun locating our own homes using the google earth map.

Next week, we will practice our map reading skills by going on a walk around our local area. In order to help us celebrate our new learning, we would appreciate a photo of your child standing outside their home. We will use this to form part of our very own class map of the local area.

This weeks achievement awards go to Biori for his excellent attitude towards learning and Dexter for his fantastic progress in phonics.

Year 2

It has been a very productive week in Year 2!

In Maths, the children have enjoyed making two-digit numbers using Diennes and comparing them using the 'greater than', 'less than' and 'equal to' symbols and mathematical language.

In English and Reading, we are continuing with our phonics lessons and children have been successfully using their phonics knowledge to spell words for their writing.

In Science, we had a very busy week experimenting with materials! We investigated changes that can happen to various materials by bending, twisting, squashing and stretching. We also investigated which materials would be more suitable to use as a shoe lace. Even though not all of us agreed on the same material, we discussed the importance of the material being strong, easy to tie and flexible.

This week's achievements awards go to:

Amelia for being a class role-model, always working to her highest standard and helping her peers.

Zak for challenging himself during our science lessons and showing great understanding of materials' properties.

Kingfisher 1

Kingfisher 1 have had a fun-filled week. Our reception pupils have had their first week of full days and have had a brilliant time.

In Maths, we worked on subtraction using concrete resources to find the difference and reading subtraction number sentences. Pupils worked together to make the frogs jump from a lily pad as we took away and counted how many frogs were left.

In English, we explored shopping and our wider-world as we read the story 'The Shopping Basket'. We discussed the different shops we might visit and what we can buy when shopping as we made our own shopping lists. We are looking forward to our local shopping trip next week!

This week's Kingfisher 1 achievement award goes to Toby for a brilliant work ethic in both Maths and English.

Year 3

Year 3 have worked hard in English to learn about different word classes. They have written sentences to include adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions linked to our class book, 'The Tin Forest.'

In Maths, we have finished our unit all about place value and the children are able to represent 3 digit numbers in different ways, partition numbers and order and compare.

We are very lucky in Year 3 because every Friday we will be learning how to play the recorder! It is fair to say that it is a loud Friday afternoon but everyone is very enthusiastic and eager to play and learn this musical instrument.

This week's awards go to Anastasia for always trying her best in all of our lessons and Abdullah for his great attitude and behaviour for learning in the classroom.

Year 4

Year 4 have had an excellent week. In Maths, we have been reading, writing, ordering and comparing 4-digit numbers. In English, the children have worked hard on their diary entries ensuring they included all the grammatical features they had learnt.

In Science, we have continued to learn all about sound. This week we investigated the relationship between volume and pitch. Today we set up a practical investigation into the sound proofing ability of different materials using a decibel meter. Pictures pending :)

Well done, Year 4!


This week's achievements goes to Arbel and Anastasia for using an excellent range adventurous vocabulary in their writing. Well done!


This week in Nightingales the children have worked really hard to use different methods in order to add. Also they have been doing lots of counting and times tables practise.

In English they spent the week independently writing their autobiographies and made these into books.

This week's award goes to Rehan for excellent independent use of addition methods. Well done Rehan!

Year 6

Year 6 have had a fantastic week! They have demonstrated their secure knowledge in addition and subtraction and have written some brilliant figurative language in preparation for their long write next week.

We have also begun Science this week and have set up our first experiment to learn about the conditions which enable mould to grow! They are very excited to watch the progression over the next week!

Last week, we were lucky enough to have some first aid training. The children really impressed us with their knowledge on how to deal with an emergency situation and learnt how to give CPR!

Well done on a great week, Year 6!

This week's achievement awards go to Freddie for his purposeful language, setting an eerie scene for his long write next week, and Jake for his great classification work in Science. Well done!

Year 5

Yesterday, Year 5 ventured to Lee Valley Park, where we had a rivers and lakes discovery day related to our geography topic on rivers. The children could identify parts of a river (like a confluence and meander); investigated flow water rates; did detailed river sketches; and saw how land is used around the River Lea. They did Livingstone proud by showing off their knowledge and behaving impeccably - although a few pencils accidentally ended up in the river!

In Maths this week, we've been reading, writing, ordering and comparing 6-digit numbers, and in English the children have worked hard on their alternative fairy-tales. They drafted, edited and published them. For their first piece of extended writing in Year 5, they tried hard to include everything they needed to, like complex sentences and relative clauses.

On Friday last week, the children took part in a first aid workshop where they learnt how to safely deliver basic first aid. They learned about what to do if someone is choking, has a burn or wound, and how to put someone in the recovery position and perform CPR. The children enjoyed the session and showed a good understanding of how to help others - we may even have some future paramedics in our midst!

This week's awards go to Maggie for always trying her best in Maths and English, to Zach for showing good character in his alternative fairy-tale, and to Qamarzada, who is a natural leader when playing football. Well done, you three!

Kingfisher 2

This week, Kingfisher 2 have continued to use the book 'Meerkat Mail' as a stimulus for their work. They have been focusing on using past tense, adjectives and looking at the key organisational and language features of postcards. Judging by the photos, Sunny has been a very busy Meerkat!!

In Maths, we continued the topic 'Place Value' and have been counting, ordering and comparing large numbers.

Swimming, for those who go, was a very successful trip and at George's frequent request, the children enjoyed making 'Pizza Muffins' today!

Thank you to those parents that were able to attend the 'Meet the Teacher' on Tuesday, it was great to see you!

This week's award goes to Nathan for his achievements in swimming and his overall attitude to school and learning. He has been good fun to be around and has really made an effort to ensure that the staff working with him are happy!

Well done Nathan, its been a great week!

Secondary Transfer


Library News

Our Year 6 children have been enjoying a wide variety of publications during their Library time.



We will not be renewing our Mathletics licence this year. Children who already have logins can continue to use these until November, then they will become inactive. Reception children will not be receiving logins for this period. There are lots of other Maths games available on our school VLE, Education City and Times Tables Rock Stars. You could also encourage your child to use the BBC resources, Topmarks games or Mathsisfun.

Diary Dates

September 2021

  • Monday 27th:

KF1 Shopping Trip to the Local Sainsburys

  • Wednesday 29th:

PTA Coffee Morning - 9 am. Please join us in the Cabin.

PTA Annual General Meeting - 6.30 pm via Zoom (link to follow)

  • Thursday 30th:

School Council Elections

  • October 2021

Friday 1st:

INSET DAY - School Closed

  • Monday 4th:

Yr 2 Great Fire of London Workshop

  • Tuesday 5th:

Yr 6 Shakespeare Workshop - cost £7.00 (please pay via School Money)

  • Monday 11th:

Black History Month

Yr 5 begin Swimming at New Barnet Leisure Centre - every morning for two weeks

  • Tuesday 12th:

Kingfisher 20th Birthday Celebrations

  • Monday 18th:

Activity clubs for Autumn 2 go online for booking via School Money

  • Tuesday 19th

Spooky Adventure Returns (Times to be confirmed)

  • Wednesday 20th:

Parent Consultations for Years 3, 4, 5, 6, Nightingales and KF2 - 9.00 - 11.15 AM

Parent Consultations for Reception, Years 1, 2 and KF1 - 1.00 - 3.15 PM

  • Thursday 21st:

Parent Consultations for all classes - 3.30 - 5.45 PM

  • Friday 22nd:

Activity clubs finish for half term

School finishes for Half Term at 3.15 pm

Half Term - Monday 25th to Friday 29th October 2021

November 2021

  • Monday 1st:

Autumn 2 term begins - pupils return to school

Activity clubs begin for Autumn 2

More dates will follow...

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