Livingstone Newsletter
September Week 3
Friday 22nd September
No Nuts in School and No Sharing of Food!
On Thursday we had an incident when a child brought in a packed lunch with nuts and shared them with another pupil, causing them to have an unforeseen allergic reaction. No one was aware that the child had any form of allergy and fortunately the child was able to recover quickly. However, this leads us to remind all parents/carers not to send in nuts or nut related products. It is equally important to remind child/ren not to share their food with other pupils as other foods can potentially cause allergic reactions, which in some cases can be life-threatening.
School lunches are free to all pupils at the moment so unless your child has very restricted food requirements, they should be having school dinners as they cater for all diets, vegetarian and vegan.

Transfer to Secondary School
Please click the link below for an updated version of dates and times of the Transfer to Secondary School Open Evening Schedule 2024, with a couple of changes for schools that have yet to hold their Open Evening event.

Meet the Teacher
Thank you to all those parents who came to 'Meet the Teacher' this week. You can find a copy of your child's school curriculum handbook on the school website.
Please don't forget to respond to the Home School Agreement. A link was sent out by text.

PTA Comedy Night - Thursday 19th October 2023 @7pm

Exciting Announcement! We're hosting a comedy night fundraiser for over 18's only, featuring our host of the night, Joe Bor (Milo's Dad in Year 3) and the hilarious talents of Iain Sterling and Nathan Caton, both seasoned performers from Live at the Apollo.
Scan the QR code from the poster below or visit School Money to book your tickets. Be quick to avoid disappointment.
Join us for a night of laughter!
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
Another busy week in Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery!
Children are still settling in and learning the daily routines.
We have continued to get to know each other, learning names and finding out likes and dislikes. We have continued reading the key text 'Owl Babies', the children have enjoyed joining in and re- enacting the story with the puppets. We have been learning about ourselves looking at our faces, bodies, hands and feet. We have made the most of the outdoor classroom between downpours.
It has been a brilliant week with a new full class of Reception children! We have been learning new routines and rules, exploring new places of the school like the pond area and the library and learning each other's names.
Next week we are talking about ourselves and our family. If you are happy to, please bring in (or email) a picture of your family that your child can talk about for our 'family wall'.
Year 1
Thank you to all of the parents who came in for Meet the Teacher; it was lovely to have such a big turnout. Year 1 enjoyed learning about physical and human geography this week. We also began to look for the first signs of Autumn. If you do pass any beautiful Autumn leaves, conkers, pine cones or any other signs of Autumn, please bring them in for our display. In Maths we are focusing on counting with one to one correspondence as well as finding one more. We are learning to form our numerals correctly as well as write the numbers in words. We are well into set 2 for our Phonics lessons and are working hard on writing a sentence with a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop.
Please read for 10 minutes everyday.
Bookbags only need to be in school on Wednesdays with all of their homework (Book Bag Book, phonics book, reading diary, library book and maths book).
Have a lovely weekend!

Achievement awards this week go to Sonny for his positive behaviour for learning in all of his subjects and Bobby for his brilliant reasoning in missing number problems.
Year 2
Year 2 have been partitioning 2-digit numbers in maths focusing on tens and one. In English, we have read 'A Squash and a Squeeze'. We have been focusing on word classes such as nouns, verbs and adjectives and using these in our sentences.
We have finished learning about the Great Fire of London in History. The class have have learnt many facts and are able to recall how the fire spread so quickly and what changes were made to London. We are now starting Art learning about sculptures using clay.
Maths- read page 3 and complete pages 4, 5, and
This week's awards go to Gino for his excellent work ethic in all our lessons and Arianna C for her great partitioning and drawing dienes to help with her place value.
Kingfisher 1
This week in KF1 we have been counting with numicons and dienes. We have been finding different ways to make 10 and 20.
In English we have introduced our new story ' The shopping basket'. All children enjoyed role play activities.
We are looking forward to our shopping trip next week.

This week our award goes to Arthur for his brilliant phonics blending.
Well done , keep up the good work!
Year 3
This week we have really enjoyed our science lessons based on animals including humans. We have investigated the measurements of our bones and found out the names of lots of our muscles within our body. We have enjoyed activities where we have exercised our muscles to see which muscles we are using.
This week in maths we have been focusing on place value finding 1,10 and 100 more and less than other numbers. We have bene using our resources a lot to help us with this.
Last week was our first recorder lesson and we all really enjoyed it! Please don't forget our recorders every Friday for our lessons.
Homework - Maths
pages 3,4,5. Extension if you would like a challenge p6
Our first award goes to Gia Khang for helping his peers during lessons on his own accord and second award to Dexter for his excellent maths work and always putting 100% into his work.
Year 4
This week in year 4, we have been looking at representing and partitioning numbers up to 10,000 in maths. In English, we have been exploring different grammatical features that we will be using in our emotive letters next week.
In D&T have been looking at mechanical systems with a focus on levers and linkages. We've investigated and analysed existing products that including levers and linkages and created our own which the children loved!
Times tables: 6s (recap 3s)
Maths: pages 3 to 7 including question 3 on page 8

This week's achievement awards go to Eva and Edward for their brilliant collaborative work. Well done! :)
Year 5
This week in Maths, the children worked on reading, writing and partitioning 6-digit numbers. They did very well - especially with part-whole models!
In English, they practised the grammar they'll need for their fairy- tale writing next week: relative clauses, subordinating conjunctions and questions to engage the reader.
In the afternoons, they did experiments about electrical conductors and learned about the states of matter.
Maths: pages 4 - 6 (place value)
Punctuation: pages 14 - 15 (commas after fronted adverbials)

This week's awards go to Sheena for working independently and having beautiful presentation, and to Leah for her fantastic complex sentences - well done, girls!
Year 6
This week, Year 6 have been continuing to work towards their writing next week. They have been practising parenthesis, using direct speech and figurative language. We are really looking forward to reading their first piece if writing.
In Maths, the children have been revisiting the four operations before we move onto multi-step word problems and factors next week. Please encourage your child to complete some TTR practice regularly at home.
Year 6 have finished History and are now moving onto Science which is 'Living Things and their Habitats'. So far in PSHE, the children have been exploring the benefits and risks to sun exposure where they made an advert to showcase their learning, and this week the focus has about immunisations.
CGP Homework
SPaG - pages 4, 5, 6 & 7
Arithmetic - pages 6 and 7

This week's achievement awards go to Xander for his History work and his detail in answering the big question and Emily for her presentation in all her work and for always including exceptional detail in her work. Well done!
Kingfisher 2
In English, we were exploring our own emotions and that of the main character by linking them to the Zones of Regulation.
In Maths, we have been representing numbers using place value and partitioning them into tens and ones.
They learned to partition numbers flexibly, with a focus on “unbundling” the 10s.
Everyone also tried really hard in their first spelling test and they all scored well.
This week, the achievement awards go to:
George – For always having nice things to say and being an encouraging classmate!
Mario – For improved effort and independence in all his work and his agile leaping over the horse in our big apparatus session!

Having good attendance also means being on time and not being late to school. Children who arrive late can feel embarrassed, left out and miss out on important introductions to lessons.
Punctuality is an essential life skill that needs to be taught from our Nursery and Reception classes all the way to Year 6!
Mrs Barton and Mr Madle

Monday 25th:
- Pupil Voice Week
- Reception Group 2 full day. Finish 3:10pm
Wednesday 27th:
- Reception 'Meet the Teacher' meeting for parents/carers - 8:50am in classroom
Thursday 28th:
- Kingfisher 1 Shopping Trip to Sainsburys - AM (9 pupils for Topic Work)
Monday 2nd:
- INSET Day - school closed to pupils
Tuesday 10th:
- Nursery Parent Consultations 8:45 - 11:00am
- Reception Parent Consultations 1:00 - 3:00pm
- Nursery, Reception, KS1 and Years 3-5 Parent Consultations 4:00 - 6:30pm
Wednesday 11th:
- Years 1 and 2 Parent Consultations 9:00 - 11:00am
- Years 3, 4 and 5 Parent Consultations 1:00 - 3:00pm
- Mixed League Football vs Trent 3:30 pm (HOME)
Friday 13th:
- Parent Champion Coffee Morning 9am in Cabin
Monday 16th:
- Black History Week
- Activity Clubs go online for Autumn 2 Booking from 5:45pm
- Year 3
Wednesday 18th:
- Year 6 Parent Consultations 1:00 - 3:00pm
Thursday 19th:
- Year 6 Parent Consultations 3:30 - 6:30pm
Friday 20th:
- Year 4 Harvest Festival Assembly - Year 4 parents/carers welcome
- Activity Clubs finish for Autumn 1
- School finishes for Half Term - school ends normal time and Cabin club is open
HALF TERM: Monday 23rd - 27th October 2023
Pupils return to school Monday 30th October 2023
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24