Livingstone Newsletter
April Week 4
70th Anniversary Tickets
Friday 26th April
Tickets for the morning and afternoon assemblies are now available in the office and tickets are on sale for the evening event. Evening tickets can be purchased online via School Money under the 'club' tab or direct from the school office.
School Council visit to RSPCA Southridge
School Council experienced a bittersweet visit to the RSPCA shelter this week to deliver the donations bought from the Cinema Night.
We were made very welcome by the staff, who showed us around the facilities and talked to us about the work that they do, rescuing and re-homing pets and other animals.
We are going to invite the RSPCA to deliver an assembly, as well as arrange another pupil visit and fundraising event.
Parent Champions Coffee Morning - 10th May in The Cabin

Please can we remind our children to walk their bikes and scooters into the school grounds. Helmets are really important for keeping our children protected. In case you didn't know, we have lockers to store them in to keep safe.
Thank you,
Mr Sudbury
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
This week Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery are still going caterpillar crazy. We have continued to learn about the life cycle of the caterpillar and watch as our own hungry caterpillars get fatter and fatter.
We have also explored some other texts by Eric Carle including, '1, 2, 3, To the Zoo' and 'From Head to Toe.' We have been counting and moving as we enjoyed these new texts.
As always we have taken the learning into the outdoor classroom and the big playground, children have been building, spraying, chalking, digging and even fruit relay racing all week.
This week we have been learning lots of new scientific words and continued watching our caterpillars grow. We think they are ready to metamorphosis!
We have also been doubling in Maths and working hard in our writing.
PC Lee was our mystery reader this week and we enjoyed listening to him reading us a story. Parents/carers, please sign up to be one of our mystery readers, the children really love the surprise!

Murat - for his painting of a beautiful butterfly.
Safiya - for great doubling in Maths.
Year 1
We are budding historians in Year 1. The children have really enjoyed finding out about Queen Elizabeth II, her reign and how we celebrated several jubilees. I’m sure they will impress you with their historical knowledge and skills if you ask them what they remember. In maths, we are focusing on repeated addition through arrays. We wrote our own warning signs for our magic buckets in English lessons and continued to focus on fluency in phonics. We listened to our Mystery Reader read fantastic books all about cake. YUM!
Well done on a great week, Year 1!

Achievement awards go to Xander and Yasmin for their brilliant team work creating a poster to show what happened at the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
Year 2
In Maths, We have just moved on from learning about length and height for our measurement topic and we have started learning about mass/weight. Children have used balancing scales to compare objects and have measured different objects by reading different weighing scales.
In English, we have used adjectives in our writing to describe scenes and characters from Claude the Magnificent. We have proofread sentences checking for errors and up- levelled sentences using a range of vocabulary.
Year 2 love art and we have showed off our creative side this week experimenting with primary and secondary colours. We have used paint as our tool to replicate different textures that we found around the school.
Maths- Pages 71 and 72. 73 is optional.
I have uploaded the soundtrack for our Spice Girls performance on to the VLE. It is under files on the Y2 class homepage section. Please practise singing at home :)
This week's awards go to Arianna. C for always doing the right thing and being a good friend and Nirvani for her positive attitude towards learning in all of our lessons.
Kingfisher 1
We have had a lovely week in Kingfisher1. In English we were reading The Bad-Tempered Ladybird. The children discussed different emotions they may feel. The children role played the story using provided props. Early years linked the story to the familiar story about ladybirds.
In Maths we learned about subtraction. The children engaged in a range of practical activities and games. Some children used the fact family.

This week's achievement award goes to Ben for working so hard with subtraction to 10.
Well done Ben!
Year 3
This week in Y3 we have become little scientists! We have really enjoyed our new science topic 'plants' and have carried out two investigations. We are looking at the conditions that plants need in order to grow and have set up an experiment with 5 groups all changing one variable for their plant. We have no light, no soil, no water, no air and lastly no warmth. We look forward to watching as the plants start to grow and seeing the differences between them.
In English, we are continuing with the book Gregory Cool and have been focusing on describing the beach setting. We have also been using fronted adverbials within our writing to develop our sentence structure. Next week, we look forward to writing our own diary entries as Gregory arriving in Tabago for the first time!
In Maths, we have just started working on measurements. We had a practical lesson weighing different items and looking at the scales going up in kg and G. We found items around the classroom and weighed them all.
Maths - pg 71 & 72
English - pg 34, 35, 36, 37
This week the awards go to Zachariah for his excellent description of the beach setting and to Liana for her continued positive attitude and work ethic towards all her lessons.
Year 4
This week we went on our history trip to Verulamium (St Albans) which was of the most important Roman cities during their rule of Britain. We had an excellent time visiting the museum and taking part in a workshop exploring Roman artefacts. In maths, we have been calculating fraction of amounts and in English we have been creating our settings by drawing and describing where the door leads the girls to.
Maths: pages 81, 82, 84 and 85
Teams times table quiz part 1 and 2

This week's achievement awards go to Alya for being a caring and supportive friend, and to Lexi for creating and describing an excellent setting in English. Well done!
Year 5
This week in Maths, the children learned how to translate and reflect shapes.
In English, they used language from the poem The Highwayman and metaphors to create a romantic tone for their love letters, as well as learned about conjunctions helping their work to flow.
In DT, they had a fantastic time making their bread dough and baking it. The children said the loaves they made for each other were delicious.
Homework due on Weds 1st May
Maths: pages 100 and 101 (position and direction)
Reading: pages 26 and 27 (The Coming of Raven question set 2)
This week's awards go to Nadine for her fantastic English work on metaphors, and to Eren for his work on reflection. Well done!
Year 6
It has been a busy week in Year 6. In preparation for SATs, the children are revising previous learning and topics they'd like to recap in Maths and English. They have also watched a video called 'Francis' which they are going to retell in a spooky narrative.
In Geography, the children have finished The Amazon and South America and will be moving onto Art, next week, which will be a good change of pace for them in the afternoons.
CGP Homework
Maths: Target Question Book - pages 32, 33, 34 and 35
English: Reading Comprehension - pages 56 and 57

This week's achievement awards go to Leah for her fantastic work on the plants which grow in the Amazon and to Cairo for his focus in all lessons. Well done to you both!
Kingfisher 2
This week we continued to look at the book Caterpillar Butterfly in our English sessions. We worked on matching the images in the book, using the text to describe what is happening at each stage of the caterpillars transformation and sequencing the lifecycle.
In Maths, we have been focusing on addition and subtraction by using the different methods to solve the problems involving 2 or 3 – digit numbers, comparing number sentences and calculate missing numbers.
Congratulations to..
Calvin – For trying hard to write and work at a speedier pace whilst still maintaining good presentation and neat handwriting.
Years 1 and 2 Football
Children from Years 1 and 2 were selected to represent our school in a friendly football festival. The children were so excited, and they wore the Livingstone logo proudly. They played five action-packed games and showing off their skills and enthusiasm for the game. The children ended up with two wins, two tied games, and had just one loss. Considering this was our first friendly competition style event for KS1, the children demonstrated fantastic teamwork. Well done to Benji, Ben, Filip, Ali, Alex, Liam, Daisy, Nirvani and Billy.
Tag Rugby Match
We had our second game in the Tag Rugby League against St.Johns N11 on Wednesday. The children were very prepared for this game but they had to communicate and work closely as a team to ensure the match would end in our favour. The game was evenly matched half way through, with both teams giving it their all on the field and tries being consistently scored by both teams. However, Livingstone's determination was formidable and we witnessed some brilliant runs to get a try. We were delighted to win 11-7 and a congratulations are in order for St.Johns for their great play too. We have one game left in the league. Come on, Livingstone!
Well done to Eren, Arbel, Nadine, Anastasia, Zainab, Charlotte, Chloe, Brychan and Xander.
Girls Football Final
History has been made yet again! We have had an incredible football season and to be entered in not just one but two finals is a huge accomplishment for our young players. The League Final was against Whitings Hill who have been a fantastic opponent. We knew the game would be challenging but our girls rose to the challenge. Arbel had a fantastic assist for Elsie to score which gave us a 1 nil lead at half time. Mr Thomas' pep talks are essential to lifting the girl's spirits and ensuring they believe in themselves just like we do. The girls entered the second half with a brilliant defence, denying the opposition any opportunities to score.
We are thrilled to announce that we...won! For a second year in a row, we have won two Barnet League trophies. This has never happened before at Livingstone. We are so unbelievably proud of our team for all of their efforts. Even if we didn't win, we would be cheering and celebrating just as loud. Their determination, hard work and team spirit is inspiring to all of the children at our school.
Ladies, welcome to Livingstone's hall of fame! Well done to Diya, Sienna, Leah, Arbel, Chloe, Anastasia, Anwen, Elsie, Mya and Jaime.
And, it is not over! We have a semi-final game next week as we are still in the John King Cup. Can we make it another treble?
May Camp 2024!
Non Stop Action are looking forward to May Camp 2024!
We are running Multi Sports at Moss Hall Junior School (N3 1NR) and Football and Dance at Millbrook park school (NW7 1JF)!
We will be running for 1 week in the May Half term, from Tuesday 28th May - Friday 31st May.
Bookings made before Saturday 4th May will automatically get our Early Bird discounts applied, you can also save money by booking week blocks - book from as little as £27.50 for a day, or £109 for a week!
Head to our website to book now: https://

APRIL 2024
Monday 29th:
- Year 6 Practice SAT's Week
MAY 2024
Wednesday 1st:
- Tag Rugby Match - Livingstone vs Trent 3:30pm
Thursday 2nd:
- Girls Football Semi-final Match - Livingstone vs St. Johns N20 , 3:30pm
Friday 3rd:
- Class Photo Day
- Year 1 Trip to the Woods - PM
- Year 5 Secondary Transfer Meeting for Parents/Carers 3:00-3:20pm
Monday 6th:
- Bank Holiday - school closed
Tuesday 7th:
- Reception Trip to Lee Valley Farm - Cost £9, please give permission and make payment via School Money
Wednesday 8th:
- Mixed League Football Match - Livingstone vs Sacred Heart
Friday 10th:
- KS2 Athletics Competition at Copthall, Stone X Stadium
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates next term.