Livingstone School is Outstanding!
I cannot express the elation experienced by everyone involved in the school when we got to hear that we had achieved Outstanding in the Ofsted Inspection. There were tears of joy and happiness and those of you who were able to come into school on Monday, got a sense of what an achievement this was for everyone who is part of the team.
Thank you to everyone who has congratulated us, sent flowers and gifts. We have been touched and overwhelmed by the generosity and kindnesses. Such actions reflect our wonderful community of parents and carers and the contribution they have made to our success.
We hope you enjoyed reading the report as we really felt it reflected the true nature of our school.
Letter from Neil Marlow, Chief Executive and Director of Education and Learning in Barnet.
I am writing to congratulate you on the outcome of your recent graded inspection. The Ofsted framework is challenging and to achieve outstanding judgements in all areas is a truly fantastic achievement. The report was such a pleasure to read. I was delighted that the inspectors recognised that ‘right from the start of early years there is an ethos of placing no limits on pupils’ achievement’. They also highlighted that ‘inclusion is at the forefront of the school’s vision.’ I know these are things that are at the heart of your educational philosophy. I was also pleased that the inspectors acknowledged that the ‘school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development is top rate.’ I know that you and your team are enthusiastic about this and have worked hard to ensure that this area is carefully planned and promoted across the school. Finally, it was right that the inspector recognised that ‘work with the wider community and parents is extensive.’ Parents were very complimentary about the school in their surveys. Again, this is testament to the hard work and dedication of you and your team. I also want to thank you for your support to the wider Barnet school community; you have allowed secondments of senior leaders to other schools on numerous occasions and their impact has been significant. Please pass on my congratulations to all your colleagues, your governors and of course to the children too. It just leaves me to thank you for your wonderful contribution to the education of Barnet pupils.

This week's attendance was 95%.
School Lunches - Pancake Day
Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery
Another very busy week full of learning and fun! We have continued with another traditional tale, Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
The children were incredible performers; they sang new songs and enjoyed role-play using masks and puppets.
They were amazing mathematicians; they sorted bears according to size and were able to continue simple patterns using the characters of the story.
They were talented artists; they created amazing artwork of Goldilocks and the Bears using mixed media.
They were curious scientists; they explored whether hot or cold milk makes better porridge.
They were master bakers; they made delicious oat biscuits!
And they were brilliant buddies to all our new children who have recently joined Nursery, helping them settle in nicely.
Reception are still exploring other areas in the world like the Polar Regions. We have been discussing the north and south pole in particular what animals that live there. We have been observing ice and the changes that happen to it. We are still loving penguins and

Isla - for some fantastic art work this week and remembering the name of some famous artists!
Murat - for a brilliant effort in his phonics lessons this week
Year 1
Year 1 are budding scientists! We went off to the woods on a sensory hunt, heard woodpeckers pecking at the bark of the trees, felt the rough bark of the oak trees, saw the beautiful feathers of the mandarin ducks in Jack’s Lake and smelt the fresh air. In our upcoming lessons we will be classifying animals into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. We will also be learning about the similarities and differences of mammals, birds, amphibians, insects, reptiles and fish. I wonder in which group some of your pets belong?
We focused on ordering numbers within 20 this week, and used practical resources to help order the amounts from smallest to greatest or greatest to smallest. In English we wrote our own animal riddles with very tricky clues! We continue to learn our Set 2 and 3 sounds and spell these graphemes in words and more complex sentences in our phonics lessons. Please continue to read library books to your children and encourage your children to read their 2 Read Write Inc books to you for 10 minutes every day.
Achievement awards this week go to Jeshy and Isaac for their positive attitude and excellent ordering of numbers in maths this week. Well done you two!
Year 2
In Maths, we are continuing to learn methods to solve multiplication problems involving the 2, 5 and 10 times table. We have drawn arrays and we have used mental methods to recall them. We have discussed commutativity and written the repeated addition.
We wrote in role this week in English. We imagined we were Handa and we created a diary entry to recall everything that happened. The children really got in to character and portrayed her thoughts and feelings well.
The children have thoroughly enjoyed computing this week. We used iPads to aid us in our creative computing where we created pictograms, art work, stories and posters. Children can continue this at home using Purple Mash and their logins are at the back of their diaries.
Maths- pages 55 and 56. Page 57 is an extension.
This week's awards go to Ethan.B for his brilliant multiplication knowledge and Diane for her lovely ideas writing as Handa.
Kingfisher 1
In Maths this week the children have been learning to subtract using different methods.
They children used objects, pictures or ten frame.
In English we continued to explore traditional stories and the children enjoyed participating in Goldilocks role play.
We also included social concepts of not talking to strangers or going to a strangers house. "Goldilocks what were you thinking."

This week's award goes to Sergio for his excellent blending of CVC and special friends words.
Well done, keep up the great work!
Year 3
What an exciting week we've had in Year 3! We started off the week from a visit from Mr. Egypt - a real Egyptologist who shared with us a wealth of amazing knowledge, artefacts and activities. In English, we have written our instructions on how to make a mummy, making sure we include technical vocabulary, imperative verbs, conjunctions and adverbs. In Maths, we have worked on the written method for multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers, which the children did brilliantly at. We've also continued our work in Science on magnets and conducted some interesting experiments about them.
Reading: Pages 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27
This week's achievement award goes to Musa for his great work in Maths this week.
The second achievement award goes to Lacey for showing great perseverance in all lessons.
Year 4
This week in Year 4, we have been multiplying and dividing two and three digit numbers by a one digit number. Despite the challenges, the children have applied themselves brilliantly and demonstrated great perseverance. In English, we have been writing, editing and publishing our diary entry as Hogarth from the Iron Man by Ted Hughes. In the afternoons, we have started our new science topic all about electricity.
TTRS: 6s
Reading: The Brilliance of Bees - page 22

This week's achievement awards go to Holly for her excellent attitude to learning, and to Edward for his brilliant work in maths. Well done!
Year 5
The children continued practising long multiplication and short division this week, including solving word problems.
In English, the children wrote their narratives based on Beowulf, focusing on a fight scene between the hero and a beast. Overall, they did a good job at creating a vivid image.
In History, they learned about how the Vikings first invaded Britain in 793AD and began conquering and settling here, eventually gaining their own land called Danelaw in 886AD. They also compared Viking, Anglo-Saxon and Maya houses.
Maths: pages 51 and 52 (multiplication and division)
Reading: pages 34, 35, 38 and 39 (question set B)
This week’s awards go to Charlotte for her hard work on her Beowulf narrative writing, and to Olivia for her resilience with division - well done, girls!
Year 6
This week, Year 6 have moved onto ratio and proportion in Maths and in English, have completed their narritive based about Rose Blanche. We have been very impressed with how the children are independently including their previous learning without any reminders.
In Science, the new topic is Light and how light enable us to see which the children have found very interesting so far.
During Creative Curriculum, Year 6 are fortunate to have 'Forest School' as one of their sessions. Due to the time of year, the children do need to have a change of footwear in school for this session.
CGP Homework
English - SPaG - pages 52 and 53
Maths - Targeted Questions - pages 36 and 37
This week's achievement awards go to Rehan for his Rose Blanche narrative, and Mya for her resilience and determination in lessons. Well done to you both!
Kingfisher 2
In Maths, the children have been focussing on developing their knowledge of various times-table facts and using their understanding of multiplication to count in multiples and divide.
In English, we have been describing characters from traditional tales, using adjectives in expanded noun phrases and writing descriptive paragraphs.
This week’s awards go to:
Jacob – for independently recalling multiplication facts and using his knowledge of the x tables to find patterns.
Mario – for completing the extra challenges this week and using his 10 x tables to answer calculations.
Our Kingfisher 2 pupils recently showcased their talent and teamwork in a boccia competition. The event was not just about competition; it was a celebration of fun and playing together. The two teams displayed coordination, collaboration and determination to gain points for their team. Both teams were very resilient throughout. There were 20 teams in total and one of our teams brought home bronze medals! We are very proud of our sports champions.
Well done to Dilan, Jacob, Calvin, Mario, George and Andreas.
Netball Fixture
Our netball team played against Christ Church Primary School yesterday. It was a high paced game with our players trying their hardest to create space and opportunities. Our team was very dominant in the game and had lots of fantastic shots. Christ Church played well to defend but our team were unstoppable with passing and shooting. The game ended with an 8-1 win to us! Well done to Bianca, Emily, Sophia, Diya, Chloe, Sienna and Josh.

Monday 29th:
- Year 4 Swimming begins at New Barnet Leisure Centre for two weeks - permission needed
- Parent/Carer Consultation booking forms will be sent out after 5:30pm
Wednesday 31st:
- Parent Rep Meeting at 9am
Thursday 1st:
- Reception and Year 6 Height and Weight Measurement
- Safer Internet Day
Friday 2nd:
- Pupil Newsletter
Monday 5th:
- Activity Clubs Spring 2 go online for booking from 5:30pm
Tuesday 6th:
- Safer Internet Day
- Nursery Parent/Carer Consultations 9 - 11am
- Reception Parent/Carer Consultations 1 - 3pm
Wednesday 7th:
- KS1 Parent/Carer Consultations 9 - 11am
- KS2 Parent/Carer Consultations 1 - 3pm
Thursday 8th:
- Years 3/4 New Age Kurling Competition (small group of pupils)
- Nursery - Year 6 Parent/Carer Consultations 3:30 - 6:30pm
Friday 9th:
- Activity Clubs finish for Spring 1 (remember to book your place on clubs for next half)
Use this link to visit our School Calendar 23/24 for further dates.