June Week 4
Friday 26th June
Dear Parents / Carers,
Next week all the pupils who have requested a ‘return to school’ place will be back at school, which is a positive end to the school year.
There is a lot of information that needs to go home about the end of the year and the start of the new academic year, so please keep an eye on your emails and text messages, so nothing is missed.
The teachers will be in school for the final week, so the last Home Learning Grids will be created for the WB 6th July. Reading is going to be even more important this Summer, so please use our online resources and visit the Barnet libraries website. There will be no grid sent on the WB 13th July, however a final grid will be sent home for the summer holiday, which will suggest activities to help with transferring to the next year group. This work will not be marked and pupils will not receive feedback online. We are also asking that laptops be returned in the week beginning the 13th July. Subject to government funding and match funding it may be possible for families eligible for PPG to get financial assistance to purchase a chrome book for home learning. More information to follow.
Reports will be emailed to all parents/carers on Friday 10th July, though parents/carers can request a paper copy for the following week if they wish. A staffing letter will be attached to this email and we will post the ‘Meet the Teacher’ videos on the VLE. Parents/carers wishing to have an end of year consultation will be offered a time and will be contacted by the class teacher by telephone in the final week when they are not in class.
Year 6 books and Reception profile books will be sent home or will be made available for collection. Pupils who are moving year groups will have books sent home, however some will be given to the next class teacher to help with transition. These books will be returned later in the Autumn term.
Both Reception and Year 6 will be preparing for a virtual graduation/prom to take place on 8th July. Films of these events will be recorded and made available to the parents/carers. More details of these events will come directly from the class teachers.
The school will be closed for the school holiday. Any parent requiring child care should contact the school office and we will happily forward your enquiry to Non-Stop Action who provide PE services for us and are running a Summer School at Moss Hall –other providers are available!
Finally, subject to DFE information, Livingstone may be re-opened for a short period before the start of the year for a catch-up class for the new year 6. We wait to hear more before the end of term but are confident that we will be able to manage catch up for the other year groups during term time.
Stay safe,
Giovanna Phelan
When Year 5 were asked to create a book trailer
When Year 5 were asked to create a book trailer. Nikhil chose the amazing Alex Rider written by Anthony Horowitz.
You can see it for yourself on Twitter by following us @LivingstoneEN4 or click on the link:
and then you will know why Anthony Horowitz himself responded….