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Livingstone Newsletter

May Week 4

Friday 26th May

Livingstone Founders and Picnic Day

The Founder's Day Family Picnic was a great success today due the sunny weather and the wonderful activities organised by Ms Fairley and Mrs Sampson around the theme of PE and Geography.

Thank you to all families who were able to come and join us on the field for a picnic lunch and ice cream. We are very grateful to Mrs Tate, Ms Newton and Mrs Barton for providing the picnic.

I would also like to thank every member of staff who contributed to the event, as they made sure that these subjects were taught to the highest standards, in a creative and engaging way.

We hope everyone had a enjoyable time and that everyone has a great half term!

Year 2 SATs

Finally, after a whole year of preparation and a multitude of tests, Year 2 have finally finished their final paper and the all the tests can be locked way forever.

This is the last year pupils in Year 2 will have to sit formal assessments and we hope that the government is not going to try to find a replacement. There is no question that standards have been raised by the tests, however given the age of the pupils, most educationalists would agree that 6 year olds would have benefitted with more time allocated to an enriched curriculum and not grammatical exercises.

Thank you to Ms Fairley, Ms Papas and Mrs Hunter for working hard throughout the year to get them to the standard. We would also like to thank all the members of staff who have worked with the pupils in Year 1, Kingfisher and EYFS and to everyone who made sure that everything was done in a supportive way. The pupils sailed through each day and were barely aware of the difference between their usual classwork and the tests.

Well done Year 2, bring on KS2!


Year 5 and 6 Trip to Paris

On Thursday, many children from Year 5 and Year 6, had a fantastic day trip in Paris!

Even though our day started in the early morning hours and finished late in the evening, the day in Paris had it all! Tube, Eurostar, Metro, a boat trip and plenty of walking.

Not only did we see the Eiffel Tower, one of the most famous Parisian landmarks, but we also had a cruise on the River Seine. We went past the Louvre, the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, le Musée d'Orsay and la Place de la Concorde. Finally, we had a stroll through the Parisian streets and visited various shops where the children had the opportunity to use their French speaking skills with the shop assistants. Some of them tried fresh baguettes, delicious pains au chocolat, croissants and ice cream.

Despite the tiredness we might feel today, this day trip will be etched in our memories for years to come!

Nursery and Kingfisher Nursery

This week in the Nursery we started our mini topic on The Sea and Sea Creatures. The children have been making beautiful porthole under water scenes which they decorated with tissue seaweed and sea creatures. They have loved looking in books this week for sea creatures of all kinds.


Reception have worked extremely hard in the first half of the summer term. We are so proud of the progress they have made in the way they communicate, their writing skills and their outcomes in phonics. Please continue with daily reading at home over the holidays to support them using the resources provided! Have a lovely half term holiday!


Achievement Awards!

The achievement award this week goes to all of Reception for a fantastic half of the term!

Year 1

Congratulations Year 1 on a fantastic first half of the summer term. We have enjoyed reading and writing. Spring poetry as well as responding to Billy's Bucket with our own fantastic imaginary buckets. We have especially enjoyed our focus on plants across the curriculum. Wednesday's Environmental Studies lessons with Mr. Sudbury have taught us how important it is for us to look after our trees for all humans and animals. Well done, Year 1 and have a wonderful break!

Achievement awards go to all of Year 1 for an excellent half of the term!

Year 2

Year 2 have had a great Summer 1 term. They have enjoyed all their subjects, in particular computing, which we finished this week. They now have a better understanding of how to use the internet safely.

We are also very proud of them for completing their SATs papers for maths and reading even though they had no idea that they were sitting tests. Well done, Year 2!

Have a well-deserved break!


The award goes to everyone this week as we are proud of each and everyone one of you :)

Kingfisher 1

This week Kingfisher 1 concluded their Eric Carle author study revisiting the texts and choosing favourites. The children acted them out in variety of creative ways, including becoming the artist and drawing their own stars and everything else.

In maths we explored volume and capacity, a fun and messy topic. The children used the correct vocabulary, compared and measured, some accurately reading the scales in millilitres. Excellent participation by all!

Achievement Awards!

This week's achievement award goes to Arthur for excellent measuring in maths, well done!

Year 3

This week in Maths, Year 3 have been learning about how to tell the time in analogue and reading Roman Numerals on a clock, and they have done this very well! We have produced some excellent work on landscapes in Art, focusing on sketching and water colours. We went to the woods to practise our techniques. In English, we have finished our letter of complaint in role as the Year 3 chairs! This was inspired by the book, 'The Day the Crayons Quit'.

CGP pages:

English - pages 36 and 37 (capital letters for names and I)

Maths - pages 38 and 39 (fractions of an amount)

Times Tables Focus: We will be revising the 3x, 4x and 8x table as mixed practice including division facts.

The first achievement award this week goes to Taha for his excellent effort and independence in telling the time in Maths.

The second achievement award goes to Anwen for her beautiful landscape sketching and hard work in all lessons.

Year 4

This week in year 4, we finished learning about time in maths and in English we have been finishing our ancient Greek inspired myths which the children have all worked exceptionally hard on. In D&T, we finished designing, making and evaluating our dips. It's fair to say we have quite a few future chefs in the class, and we hope you enjoyed them as much as we did!


As you are aware, the year 4 MTC will be beginning next term. Over the break, please spend time recapping times tables by using TTRS, Teams quizzes or Hit the Button.

Brain boosters has also been handed out and an online copy will available in the year 4 chat on Teams.

We hope you all have a lovely and well-deserved break :)

Achievement Awards!

This week's achievement award goes to the whole of year 4 for their excellent culinary skills. Well done! :)

Year 5

This week, the children learned how to add and subtract decimals in Maths. In English, they did an absolutely fantastic job writing their Highwayman narratives! In the afternoons for Science, they learned about how plants reproduce and enjoyed taking cuttings of geraniums to see if we can grow a genetically- identical clone.

Yesterday, the children had a fantastic time in Paris! Their behaviour was great, and their French was even better!

New Brain Boosters homework has come home today. We encourage the children to do at least one activity. Well done to those who always put in an excellent effort and complete all the tasks!

Have a lovely half term!


This week's award goes to the whole of Year 5 for their hard work this term.

Year 6

This week, Year 6 have been designing, budgeting and advertising for their own theme park. They have used many of the skills they have acquired through their learning to design the most cost effective theme park they can. We have a few entrepreneurs in the making!

We have started Geography this week which is 'Rainforests and the Amazon'. So far, the children have been using their map skills to locate the Amazon Rainforest and gain an understanding the different types of rainforest before we look more closely at the Amazon rainforest itself.

The first week back after half-term (Tuesday 6th June) is our trip to Chessington to celebrate the children's achievements. Please ensure children are on time, have a packed lunch and water, and wear appropriate clothing. We will keep you up-to-date with our return time via text if we encounter traffic.

CGP Homework

English - pages 70 and 71

Maths - pages 54 and 55


This week's achievement awards go to Nathan for his fantastic Geography work about the different types of rainforest and Leo for always having a positive attitude and consistently working hard.

KIngfisher 2

KF2 have had a great week this week, publishing their work on retelling the story of ‘The Tunnel’ and writing a book review about it.

We completed our fractions unit by recognising and writing non- unit fractions and looking at equivalent fractions.

We were also really lucky to have enjoyed the sunshine on Founders Day, participating in the activities and picnic.

The boys who went to Paris this week, had a fabulous time and did us proud!

This week’s awards go to:

Jacob - for writing a great retelling of the story ‘The Tunnel’ using the laptop and then writing out his work with perseverance and accuracy for publishing!

Arin – for his fraction work on halves and quarters this week.

Sports News

Sports Star Club Assistants

We are incredibly happy to introduce you to our new Year 6 Sports Club Assistants! Each one of our assistants, completed an application form explaining why they want to be sports club assistants and how they will make a good sports club assistant.

They will be assisting our coaches and supporting younger pupils in the after-school activity clubs. They have all gained lots of knowledge and skills from the clubs offered at Livingstone by participating in them consistently during their time as pupils at Livingstone. We are very proud of their commitment to the clubs as well as their representation of the school in sports.

Mrs Phelan, Mr Madle, Miss Fairley and Mrs Kelly thoroughly enjoyed reading each application received and were really impressed with their mature and thoughtful responses to all the questions.

Aidan - "I have lots of experience in multi-sports and football. I have a lot of patience to teach the skills I have learnt from these clubs."

Albion - "I have a huge passion for sports. I enjoy helping others improve and doing what they love."

Catherine - "I am passionate about sports. I have good sportsmanship. I want to help the younger children achieve."

Hattie - "I will be funny, confident and happy around the children. I can show them better ways to do things and give them tips."

Jack- "I have a massive passion for Rugby. I can help improve a lot of children's passing and footwork, and most importantly the rules and teamwork."

Kaitlin - "I want to help other pupils to challenge themselves. I can lead them in a nice way."

Lisa - "I want to help with sport and encourage others to be active."

Lois - "I enjoy sports and would like to support/help other children with this. The after-school clubs are brilliant, and I would like to be a good role model for the younger children at Livingstone."

Matteo - "I absolutely love sports! I would love to work with the younger children and encourage them to do sports they may not have thought about doing."

Orpita - "I am helpful and experienced as I have attended many clubs. I can help lead warmups and other activities."

Qamarzada - "I can teach the techniques of how to be a good football player and also teach them the best moves."

Each one of them will receive their Sports Club Assistant ID badges when they return to school after the half term.

Congratulations to them all!


The girls have had an extraordinary season already reaching one final where we represented Barnet at the London Youth Games and making the Barnet League Final which is due after half term. It doesn't stop there because on Tuesday, we played St. Theresa's in the John King Semi-Final. The girls were so in sync with one another and played at ease. The game ended 8-0 and we are thrilled to be in the Final against....Foulds! We will keep you updated when we have a date and we looking forward to seeing everyone there cheering the girls on.



We have had an unbelievable year of sports. The talent we have seen has been incredible and we are incredibly proud of not just the children who have represented the team but everyone who has been a dedicated member of all the clubs.

We are thrilled to have come second in our group when we attended a Tag Rugby competition hosted by Barnet Partnership of School Sport last week.

This year we have been part of many weekly fixtures and for the first time in Livingstone history and we have made three finals......the Netball league, the girls Football league and the Tag Rugby league which are both due to be played after half term.

Summer Fair 30th June - Non Uniform Days

Non Uniform Days

In order to ensure that we have a wide variety of prizes, we are asking for your donations to be guided by these suggestions.

Please feel free to donate anything that you feel could be used to fund-raise for the school as all donations are appreciated by the PTA.

Friday 9th June

Rec & Nur - Toiletries

Yr1 and Yr 2 - Alcoholic & Non-Alcoholic Beverages

Yr3 and Yr4 - Alcoholic & Non Alcoholic Beverages

Yr5 and Yr6 -Toiletries

Friday 16th June

Rec & Nur -Chocolate

Yr1 and Yr2 -Sweets

Yr3 and Yr4 - Chocolate

Yr5 and Yr6 - Sweets

Friday 23rd June

Rec & Nur -New Children’s Gifts and Toys for Tombola

Yr1 and Yr2 - New Adult Gifts and Toys for Tombola

Yr3 and Yr4 - New Children’s Gifts and Toys

Yr5 and Yr6 - New Adult Gifts and Toys for Tombola

Thursday 29th June

Rec & Nur - Toys and Cakes

Yr1 and Yr2 - Toys and Cakes

Yr3 and Yr4 - Toys and Cakes

Yr5 and Yr6 -Toys and Cakes

Thank you for your support in doing this for us, as all funds raised will be reinvested in improving the school for your child/ren

Hedgehog Street

Year 1 have been learning about Hedgehogs in their Environmental studies with Mr Sudbury during Creative Curriculum. They have been learning about how they are now considered an endangered species and how we can encourage hedgehogs in the neighbourhood. Since the start of the millennium, they have declined by over half in our countryside, and by a third in towns and cities.

Mr Sudbury and Year 1 wanted to share some tips from the British Hedgehog Preservation Society and the People's Trust for Endangered Species.


HALF TERM: Monday 29th May - Friday 2nd June 2023

JUNE 2023

Monday 5th:

  • Start of Summer 2 Term - Pupils return to school (Breakfast and Cabin Club open)
  • Activity Clubs begin for Summer 2
  • Y4 Multiplication Timetable Checks begin

Tuesday 6th:

  • Years 3 and 4 Chickenshed Workshop

Friday 9th:

  • Creative Computing Day
  • Non-uniform Day (read further down for required donations)

Monday 12th:

  • Year 1 Phonics Screening begins

Thursday 15th:

  • Years 3 and 4 Chickenshed Workshop

Friday 16th:

  • Father's Day Stall
  • Non-uniform Day (read further down for required donations)
  • Years 5 and 6 Road Safety Workshop
  • Selected KS1 Sports Festival at Burnt Oak Leisure Centre
  • Girls Football Final vs Foulds at 3:30pm (HOME)

Friday 23rd:

  • Non-uniform Day (read further down for required donations)

Thursday 29th:

  • Non-uniform Day (read further down for required donations)

Friday 30th:

  • Summer Fair (see below for non-uniform days)
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