Livingstone Newsletter
November Week 4
Friday 25th November
EYFS Fit Bags
At Livingstone, we strive to be a healthy and active school. We want our children to adopt healthy lifestyles, and this starts at an early age.
Reception and Nursery will start to take home Fit Bags that have been made up to increase physical activity at home.
Every Friday, three children will take these bags home and inside you will find a range of equipment and a selection of fun games to play together. These bags must be returned by Wednesday so that they are ready for Friday to go to new children.
Nursery will start using the bags in the next two weeks and Reception will start today.
Please ensure that when you return the bags, all of the equipment is back in the bag. Enjoy using the bags!
Thank you to those Nursery and Reception parents/carers who came along to the meeting on Thursday.

Dance & Gymnastic Festival

On Wednesday, some children attended the BPSS Dance and Gymnastics Festival at Hendon Leisure Centre. They showed great enthusiasm and participated well at a range of different stations. They used ribbons to learn a routine, worked in partners to model different balances/poses and took part in travelling races.

Girls Football League

Our girls' team had their first away game. This was their first game not playing at home since they started playing and there were some nerves in the air. Even with the unfamiliarity of the pitch, our girls played exceptionally well. The first half ended 2-1 to us and the girls knew that they had more to offer. The game ended 4-2 with the winning goals scored by Hattie and Arbel.
Well done to Chloe, Katerina, Geethesri, Orpita, Kaitlin Hattie, Catherine, Arbel and Lois.

This week in the Nursery we have been learning about woodland creatures.
Here, Elyas is showing his lovely picture of a badger. He knows that badgers are black and white and that they eat earthworms and beetles! Lovely picture and label, Elyas!
Melisa knows that foxes often live in the woodland too. She knows that foxes are usually red or orange in colour and that they eat a wide range of prey such as rabbits, mice or berries! Excellent picture, Melisa!
Kingfisher Nursery
Another action packed week in Kingfisher Nursery.
The children had great fun exploring day and night through animals. We also enjoyed dancing like animals in our music sessions as well as playing and drawing them and reading beautiful stories about them.

A very exciting week in Reception class! Our rocket ship went missing over the weekend, so we made some lost posters to put up around the school. On Friday morning, the rocket ship arrived back in the classroom, in the new Space Station along with a letter. The Smeds and The Smoos had flown our rocket ship to the Moon! They brought back a picture of our rocket in space, some moon rocks for weighing, and special paper for us to do drawings and label things in the classroom.
Achievement Awards!
Yasmin - for making brilliant progress in her drawing and writing skills. Well done!
Arshin - for making a fantastic lost poster for our missing rocket. You are a great artist Arshin!
Year 1
In Year 1 we have started our Science topic on the Seasons. We are observing the end of Autumn and what this means for the Great British weather! We planned an investigation to identify weather patterns over the next couple of weeks. Please continue to read with your children and make sure they also answer the comprehension questions at the back of their Read Write Inc book. In Maths we are beginning our topic on shape, so enjoy finding shapes in your house for your Maths homework!

Achievement Awards!
Academic awards this week go to Jack for his excellent work in maths, and Sami for trying hard in phonics lessons. Well done you two!
Year 2
In Maths, we are continuing learning about shapes. We named and described the properties of 3D shapes along with identifying if shapes are symmetrical.
In English, we created a story map and took part in grammar activities to help us retell the story 'Lost and Found'.
Our foundation subject for the next two weeks is Science where we are continuing to learn about different materials. We took part in two investigations to understand how materials/objects can be changed.
Grammar, spelling and punctuation- pages 12, 13, 16 and 17.
Achievement Awards!
Awards this week go to Biori for great knowledge in Science about materials and Orla for good reading comprehension this week. Well done!
Kingfisher 1

In Kingfisher 1 this week we learned about being kind and sharing through the story, 'The Selfish Crocodile.' The children did some excellent listening, retelling and writing.
Maths was all about fractions, we explored through shapes, play dough and food items. The best bit about fractions is of course when you get to eat half of something delicious!
Achievement Awards!
This week's achievement award goes to Stylianos for good concentration when making his crocodile, well done!
Year 3
This week we have started our topic of multiplication in Maths. We have looked at equal groups and using arrays to understand this concept. In English, we have been continuing to learn techniques to use in our narrative text and have planned our writing. We have been working hard to practise for our Christmas show. Please continue to encourage your children to practise their lines and songs at home.
Maths pg8 - counting in multiples pg10 ordering and comparing
English pg 18-19 statements and questions, commands and exclamations

Achievement Awards!
This week's achievement awards go to Dotty and Lukas for their excellent effort in learning their lines for the Christmas Show. Well done!
Year 4
This week in year 4, we have continued with our work on multiplication in Maths. In English, we have started on our new unit of work where we will be writing a news report about the battle of strength between the Iron Man and Space-Bat-Angel- Dragon. In art, we have been exploring mosaics by different artists and have created mood boards for inspiration when designing next week.
Maths: 46 to 47 - Area
SPaG: 52 to 55 - Apostrophes for possession
TTRS: 7s and recap 3s, 6s, and 9s

Achievement Awards!
This week's achievement awards go to Georgie for challenging herself in Maths, and to Elon for his fantastic Drama work.
Year 5
This week, the children have started work on fractions by calculating equivalent fractions and converting improper fractions into mixed numbers. In English, they learned about persuasive writing by analysing a video game advert and planning their own idea for an advert of their choice. In Science, they separated mixtures and learned about irreversible changes: burning, rusting, heating and mixing.
CGP Books
Maths: page 20 (factors and primes) and page 32 (equivalent fractions)
English: pages 36-37 (capitals, full stops and question marks)
Achievement Awards!
This week's awards go to Fatemah for her work on equivalent fractions and mixed numbers, and to Sina for contributing in lessons. Well done!
Year 6
We have begun fractions this week and while this can be a tricky concept as there can be many calculations to remember, we have been impressed with what the children have recalled from Year 5 which has given them a firm foundation to build upon.
In English, we have begun working towards our next piece of writing which will be a diary extract in role as one of the characters from or class book 'Cogheart'. The children have been working on show-not-tell through sentence work and drama in character.
In D&T, the plans have been composed and the coding completed ready for making their sensor controlled night light on Monday. I look forward to sharing their finished products, next week.
Maths: pages 4 and 18
English: pages 30 and 31

Achievement Awards!
This week's achievement awards go to Evie for her fraction work and being a fantastic role model and Kaitlin for her sentence work in English. Well done you two and keep up the good work!
Kingfisher 2
This week in KF2 we have been working on shape in Maths and we had great fun learning about vertical line symmetry using paint and butterflies.
In English we have started out new poetry unit. We took inspiration from the poem 'What is Pink' by Christina Rossetti to write our own poem on the theme 'Colours'.

Achievement Awards!
Congratulations to George and Arin for this weeks achievement awards!
Arin - For using the word bank to complete the sentences about Brown Bear, Brown Bear and creating an effective symmetrical butterfly using paints.
George - For his mature attitude to homework and dedication to keeping his classmates safe.
Times Tables Battle of the Bands

A huge thank you to everyone for getting into the competitive spirit and encouraging the children to help their classes in battle of the bands. These battles had the highest number of average points to date so a massive congratulations to everyone who took part.
Well done to the following children for being the most valuable players for their year groups.
Year 3 - Dotty, Stefi, Xhizela
Year 4 - Nadine, Elia, Elijah
Year 5 - Jaime, Uzair, Muhammad
Year 6 - Geethesri, Matteo, Qamarzada
Overall, our winners were ... Year 3 and Year 5! Fantastic effort from both classes.
We look forward to seeing who will win our next battle of the bands!

Tuesday 29th:
- Mixed League Football Match vs Underhill from 3:30 pm (HOME)
Wednesday 30th:
- KFN IMPACT Meeting for Parents 9:00 -10:30 am
- Netball Match vs St. Catherines from 3:30 pm (HOME)
Thursday 1st:
- Non-uniform Day - Donations of cakes and unwanted toys in good condition
Friday 2nd:
- Nursery - Year 6 Santa Visits (cost £5, please pay via School Money if you would like your child to visit)
- Christmas Fair 3 - 6 pm
Tuesday 6th:
- Nursery and Reception Christmas Songs to Parents - 2:30pm
Wednesday 7th:
- Girls Football vs St. Catherines 3:30pm (HOME)
Thursday 8th:
- Nursery and Reception Christmas Songs to Parents - 9:00am
Friday 9th:
- KS1 and Year 3 Christmas Show Dress Rehearsal - 1:30pm (for families incl. small children)
- Activity Clubs finish for Autumn 2
Tuesday 13th:
- KS1 and Year 3 Christmas Show - 1:30pm
Thursday 15th:
- KS1 and Year 3 Christmas Show - 9:00am
Friday 16th:
- End of Term - School Closes at 2pm (No Cabin Club)
School Holiday Monday 19th December 2022 - Monday 2nd January 2023
Tuesday 3rd:
- Start of Spring 1 Term - pupils return to school